
By ggukiekrush

48.6K 1.6K 488

"If obsession were a person, it'd be you." A street racer by evening, and a high-school student by day, 17 ye... More

p r o l o g u e
1 | volition
2 | effervescent
3 | reverist
4 | besotten
5 | aberrant
7 | ostentatious
8 | floruit
9 | zealotic
10 | druthers
11 | scrofolous
12 | letch
13 | reticent
14 | subtlety
15 | solace
16 | frore
17 | expedient
18 | imprimatur
19 | frolic
20 | aspartame
21 | belaud
22 | intrepid
23 | satiate
24 | consecrate
25 | impetus
26 | petulant
27 | nimiety
28 | disesteem
29 | relish
30 | contrapposto
31 | inebriate
32 | dithering
33 | palliate

6 | aphonic

1.6K 47 14
By ggukiekrush

◢◤◢◤◢◤ Circuit 06 ◢◤◢◤◢◤

Hearing Grandma's voice from the bottom of the stairs calling me to dinner, I get out of my bed and grab a brown hoodie that covers my braless tank top underneath.

I had just arrived from school a few hours ago and before I was interrupted, I was lazily laying on my bed scrolling through social media and looking through the profile of my new friends I met in class.

Honestly, I had no problem getting along with my classmates as they seemed approachable and welcoming.

So far, people have been very friendly toward me. It's not like what I saw in the movies where the new girls gets bullied by the rich, popular kids. The people in Whitehaven didn't care about those trivial things.

I close the door to my bedroom, pull down my pajama shorts, and skip down the stairs with my hair still a little moist from my shower earlier. Call me dirty, but instead of getting up early in the morning, I preferred to take a shower the night before. Having wavy hair also meant spending more time getting it to look cute and healthy. I must prepare my hair the night before because, aside from my skincare routine, it takes up most of my time.  I could only imagine how much difficult it is for other girls to tame their hair.

When I reach the dining room, Mom, Grandma and Ricardo are already seated at the long table as they chatted shortly. It's hard not to notice Ricardo when his hat takes up all of my attention.

My lips stretched in a wide grin as I approached the chair next to Mom, the one across from Grandma. All the other seats were empty and I thought about why the table was so huge when there were only two of them before Mom and I arrived here.

The housemaids haven't ever joined us for dinner since we've been here, I noted.

I wonder if they have their own quarters where they gathered and had all to themselves. By the scale of this home, though, it wouldn't shock me.

"Hi, Dear. We were just talking about you," Grandma greeted me as soon as my ass touched the frigid chair.

Seeing that they already had food on their plates, I dumped rice and beans on mine and a bowl of Salmorejo soup, which I believed Grandma had made for the evening.

"What were you guys talking about me?"

The first to reply is Ricardo. He brought a spoon to feed Grandma and remarked, "I was just telling them how enthusiastic you were about your first day of school." Mom quickly stopped me from laughing at the scene in front of me by nipping my bare foot under the table.

I guess chivalry isn't entirely dead...

"Right, about that," Grandma cut in, an apology written across her face as she looked at me. "I'm sorry, Dear. I know I promised I would take you to school but something came up this morning. I had to leave early and I didn't want to wake you up so early to say goodbye."

I swallowed the food in my mouth and gave her a reassuring smile. "No, it's okay. Ricardo made sure I was alright." I wanted to add, "And he let me drive his very expensive car," but I refrained because I knew my mother would lose her mind.

Ricardo gave me a suspicious glance as he hastily cleared his throat. He was pleading with me in silence not to mention it, which made me want to laugh.

"...Right, Ricardo?"  I said while wearing an innocent expression. He clears his throat. "It was a wonderful day spent."

"I agree... does this mean that you'll be taking me there every day?" I asked, knowing that was not possible due to his busy schedule. He has an entire hospital to manage, really doubt he'll agree to drive me. I just wanted to lighten the mood. The moment I focused on Mom, I realized she had been silent. "I'm just kidding. I think Mom wouldn't mind taking a morning walk, right, Mom?"

Mom briefly puts down her fork to wipe her mouth with a fresh cloth.

"Oh, certainly, Adriana, I believe that's not a horrible idea." Grandma rang out with a smile plastered on her face. Her eyes glossed under the fluorescent lights. "There's a park nearby and they have an exercise program in the morning. You should try it out and see if you like it."

My heart practically leaped at the idea of Mom finally being active again. She enjoyed cooking and knitting in her spare time, before the divorce. Now, she rarely left her room and was always dressed in her favorite robe. I'm concerned that she isn't looking after herself. She should be going out with her friends and getting her nails done.

She hadn't made an effort to meet new people since Dad had left, and it didn't matter to me because all I wanted was for her to be happy. I'm not a mother, but it's not hard to figure out that she was holding back because she was worried about how I would feel and react.

I hope mothers think of themselves and never lose sight of who they were before becoming mothers.

Mom paused to answer. "I think you can manage to go to school and come home on your own, Olaria," she said with a hushed tone. "I never had to do that back home. Why now?"

As I stared blankly at the fresh-picked flowers bottled in the vase as a centerpiece, my dark eyes had begun to glaze.

She was right. It was usually Dad, but if he couldn't make it, I was forced to stay at school longer and participate in after-school activities until he got off work late in the afternoon.

It was because I would be the only student left that I developed good relationships with my teachers and security guards. Our house was twenty minutes from Oak Elementary, and the school couldn't fund school buses. Mom and Dad shared a car, and Mom took the car from dawn to morning, leaving it to Dad in the afternoons. I don't know how they managed to do it. But they did.

A clearing of a throat cuts through all the tension in the air. "I don't mind dropping you off to school in the morning, but with how hectic it's been getting with my schedules and meetings lately, I'm afraid I'd have my driver take you instead," Ricardo explained. "Roman is the same age as you, Ola. I think you would get along fine."

He also has his own driver? I assumed it was just Grandma because she couldn't drive. Plus Ricardo's driver is my age? I was trying to think and act appropriately, but the last few weeks have been frustrating for me, and I haven't gotten any signals from Theo. I'm not even sure if he thought I was attractive.

I'm overthinking this. I really shouldn't be. California is teeming with good-looking men and women... I'm confident I'll find someone for the summer before returning to Chicago and focusing on my racing career.

Dinner lasts a little longer, filled with small talk and getting to know each other. Grandma had to excuse herself because she had too much to eat, and Ricardo soon followed with a glass of water in his hand. His expression showed how worried he was about her. It warmed my heart to know that he loved her and never failed to show it. Ricardo also mentioned that he had a granddaughter who was only a year younger than me. He said we'd get along because we were both spirited and passionate.

The dragging of Mom's chair draws my attention away from the stairs where Grandma and Ricardo had ascended. She makes her way to the sink. "I'm going to bed early; could you please call Violetta?" She mumbled as she washed her hands beneath the waterfall. She dries them and pours herself a glass of wine.

"But you haven't finished your food," I pointed out as I pushed another piece of meat down my throat. I was on my third slice of pork chop and about to get another, but I can't help but worry about the amount of food Mom had.

Salmorejo was her favorite, but I hadn't seen her touch her bowl once.

"I'm already full," she said simply, with a small smile that didn't reach her eyes. My fingers tightened around the fork, and I nodded in return.

"Okay, good night."

"Don't stay up too late on your phone. You've got school tomorrow."

"I won't."

"No, not like that." A deep voice rumbles in my ear as I am about to draw a curved line on my graph paper. I come to a halt and jerk my left hand away. "It says here that Y is a natural number." His words pass through one ear and out the other.

"...X is greater than 20, and Y is a natural number. So which quadrant is it?"

I pressed my lips together, focusing on what was in front of me rather than the intoxicating scent of the boy sitting beside me. I felt Theo's gaze on the side of my face and reminded myself for the nth time that I shouldn't be self-conscious about my side profile.

I didn't have the most pointed nose and my lips weren't the poutiest, but no matter what anyone said, I thought my beauty was unrivaled. Even when I felt like shit most of the time, I loved my face, my brown skin, and my body.

Can he see my pores?

I was pulled out of my reverie when Theo cleared his throat again. He was expecting a response from me, which he knew I didn't have.  We'd already gone over the same problem three times, and the time I had with him was running out. Great, nearly an hour of 'studying' had gone to waste, and my plans to learn more about Theo was falling through.

He was a tough nut to crack. He barely spoke to me unless it was to tell me to keep going, solve a problem, or explain how I got my answer. I couldn't have answered a single question correctly without his help. Except for the long division, which required the use of a calculator.

The way he rubbed his brow and tired eyes told me he was getting frustrated with each passing second.  I was beginning to feel bad about having him as a tutor because I knew I lacked his patience. But no matter what I tried or how hard I pushed my brain to understand these alien symbols, I just couldn't grasp it the way he wanted me to.

I, too, was getting frustrated with myself. Instead of looking clueless, I should be impressing him. This did not require a genius to solve, but my attention span was that of a child.

Dropping my head on the desk, I cried out dramatically, "I'm sorry, I feel like my head is going to burst."

Theo's chest rises and falls as he drops a hand to scribble on my paper. "It's the first quadrant," he mumbles. My shoulders drop and I slowly nodded my head as though I understood why he was right and I was wrong.

I straightened my posture and moved the stray hair out of my face. "Right, the first quadrant..." I said unsurely, my head tilting by habit.

"Here," Theo grabs my wrist, sending shivers down my spine. This is the first time our skins have come into contact, and it was made even more special by the fact that he was the one who initiated it. A smirk forms on my glossed lips, and when he realizes what he's done, he lets go of my hand and frantically distances himself from me, as if touching me charred his skin. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that—" he avoided eye contact and leaned away from me.

I bit my lower lip at how cute he looked flustered and embarrassed about something so small. Knowing how much I affected him boosted my ego. I didn't mind at all. If I had my way, I'd have him touch me in places his innocent mind wouldn't even consider. I'd have him in ways unimaginable.

I was impatient, but I was willing to wait for him. I would have him in his own will, begging for me.

It would all be worth it in the end.

"Don't be embarrassed," I said, crossing my legs and turning to face him. My hands wanted to touch him and trace the taut muscles on his back that were perfectly displayed just for me.

Theo's legs were bouncing as he dug out something from his bag, pulling out a textbook I'd never seen before.

"I-I saw this in a bookstore and thought it would help you learn the basics..." He drops it on the table with a soft thud instead of handing it to me.

Unfortunately, we weren't the only ones in the school library today, and other students were seated near our table in the same corner where we first sat.

I simply stared at it, feeling the endless flutters in my stomach. "You thought of me?" This was my only concern out of everything he said.

Theo looks at me for a second before brushing me off and pulling out a ruler from nowhere. "Let's pick up where we left off," he said, straightening up and pointing to the drawing. "Can you tell me where the third quadrant is?"

I squinted at him, but he was only interested in the paper. I uncross my arms and sigh in frustration.  Is he challenging me?

I point confidently to the upper left corner. When I don't hear him say anything for a while, I begin to celebrate with a triumphant grin.

Then he sighs heavily and mutters, "Didn't you learn this in middle school?"

My face sinks and I glare at him, offended. "Of course," I scoffed. "I still remember getting awards."

I don't think he cares.

"What kind of awards?" Oh, he does care.

I flashed him a proud smile.

"Extracurricular Awards, Achievement Award, Reading Rockstar, Perfect attendance throughout 6th, 7th, and 8th—"

"Are you serious?"

I looked at him with furrowed brows. "I— yeah? I'm not laughing..."

Theo shook his head slowly and readjusted the round glasses perfectly sitting atop the bridge of his sculpted nose.

God, I could look at him forever.

When he buries his face in his hands, his voice becomes muffled as he says, "I can't, Ola." My lips instantly dragged as I looked up at him. His hair was strewn over his eyes and I've never seen him get so worked up about something.

I have no idea why he's suddenly acting this way. Nonetheless, it was entertaining.

"Uh...did I say something wrong?" I choked out an awkward response. I was about to pat his back with my hands when Theo suddenly stood from his chair and started to collect his belongings, leaving me confused.

"Hey, is everything fine?" I was on the edge of my seat as I watched him stuff things into his bag. He doesn't say anything and rushes past tables and chairs, leaving me frozen in place. How was I supposed to understand him when my brain was barely functioning and these Algebra equations were making it worse?

I pouted as I rested my head on the table's surface, not caring if my makeup rubbed off on the wood. I don't think he even noticed I was only wearing light coverage concealer and a new mascara I could barely afford.

Who knew I'd walk into Target and leave with holes in my pockets over three things?

Fuck. Why are guys so hard to understand?!

One minute they're giving you butterflies, and the next they're leaving you high and dry like the Saharan desert.

Scanning the paper in my hand, I come to a halt in front of a classroom with the door already closed. I was beginning to wonder if the Headmaster's addition of an extra elective class to my schedule was already too much for me. Not to mention that this was a Speech class, so speaking in front of the class would be the primary focus.

That was the least of my worries because I had a big mouth. I just don't think that this would be any help to me. This extra class would require me to stay an additional hour, and I would rather be at home in my bed than here of all places.

That quickly changed when I stood in front of the entire class with a small smirk on my lips as Miss Silva introduced me to the other students who seemed to prefer to be anywhere but here.

My eyes were solely on Theo Lauder, who sat in the front with his head down. Of course, he was in the front row. He'd probably go insane if he was anywhere near the back, where the teacher would care enough if students heard her.

I expected this class to be filled with introverts and anti-social kids, but I was wrong when a feminine voice sounded from the back. "Miss Silva, she can sit next to me," the girl looked almost ethereal with her slightly bleached hair framing her small round face. She had skin that made her glow even more with the sun coming from the windows.

Wow...she's gorgeous. If I wasn't too occupied with the boy in front of me, who still didn't meet my enticing gaze, I wouldn't think twice about the stunning girl waiting for me in the back.

"Perfect, Miss Sainz, welcome to Speech class. You may proceed to your new seat," the polite teacher said, practically rushing me to the back, most likely because I took up most of her class time.

As I walked through the rows, I made sure to graze Theo's forearm with the side of my bare thigh, causing him to panic and finally look up from his notes to check if anyone saw.

I dropped my bag on my desk and turned to the pretty girl, casting her a smile. She pops a bubblegum in her mouth and whispers, "I love your jacket. I'm Jade, by the way, Jade Miller. Also known as jadetherealer on Instagram." She held out a hand and I took it in mine with a soft giggle.

"Thanks," I replied. "I'm Ola. Lala is also fine with me," my gaze automatically moved to the front, where I could no longer see Theo's face. But I wasn't complaining because it gave me a better view of his well-defined back muscles and neck, as well as his long legs stretched out beneath the small desk.

He was too tall to fit comfortably and it also made me wonder if he would fit inside m-

"We should be friends," Jade said quietly as Miss Silva began to explain something to the class. I shifted my gaze from the front to her.

"I thought we were already friends," I said. Jade chuckled and moved discreetly to hand me her phone. I look back to see Miss Silva looking at a book before quickly taking it and saving her phone number.

"Woah, you're famous," I gaped at the number of Instagram followers she had. Twenty thousand... "Are you a model or something?" I wouldn't be surprised if she was, given her perfectly portioned figure. The girl was tall, probably around 5'7 while I was two inches shorter, though my legs make up for it.

"Nah, I just know people. And people love to keep up with other people's lives," she said, taking her phone back and squeezing it around the band of her skirt. I couldn't believe how similar we were, because I, too, hid my phone in my bra.

On a typical day, I was a B cup size, but with the right push-up bra, I was able to fit more while also accentuating my breast to a full C. I could even stuff a few more candies if I wanted. Having access to a push-up bra was both a blessing and a curse. A curse because I couldn't wear it any longer without getting uncomfortable, and a blessing because my breast looked good in the mirror.

Truthfully, I prefer going without it.

"Join me for lunch and I'll introduce you to my good friend," Jade offered, flashing her pearly whites at me. "We can all hang out and go shopping together."

"Are you sure?"

"Skye will love you."

Jade's kind words make me eager to meet her. By the sound of it, I think I'll like her as well. "I can't wait."

double update to thank you guys for 500+ reads
Thank you so much!
It means a lot to a small author like me <3


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