Wizards: Tales Of Arcadia

By PhoenixSweet

4.5K 87 190

(I will admit in full that this is very self indulgent.) Douxie always had people in his life. Archie, Merlin... More

Singing Lessons
Notes of Discomfort
No More Magic
Band Practice
A/N Character design
Christmas Break
Let Me Have A Little Mistletoe
Bad Influence
Fear Can Make You Stronger... Albeit Unintentionally
An Indoor Snowstorm- Really Jack?
A Baby-What?
You're Familiar To Me
Detention's Never Been So Fun
Distractions Make Life Easier
Extra Bitter Coffee Changes A Person, As Does Getting Possessed By A Witch
It's My Birthday.... Again?
Battle At The Bonfire
Merlin's Tomb
The Lies We Tell
A Mind Divided
Where's Waldo/Jim/Angel?
Eternal Night
The End Begins
Season 2: Meet The Akkiridians
Who Is In Control?
The Exorcism Of Angelia Sweet
Sorry, but this has to happen
The Things We Do To Pass The Time
If I Had A Nickel...
Learning A Lot Of Things
A Thousand Years
How Many Times Is The World Gonna End?
A Christmas Story (NOT CANNON!!)
If I Surrender
Safe And Sound
A/N Reader's Choice
It's Out!

Boys/Girls Night

77 1 6
By PhoenixSweet

(Inspired by samrobac on Tumblr.)

"I'm not a soolian, Zadra," Krel told her as he readied his bag to head to Steve's house. How he was talked into that, he had no idea. "I have my serrator and my communicator and my phone. Douxie will be there and so will Toby."

"To be absolutely clear, this is the actual overnight sleeping ritual and not some rescue of a confessed traitor, correct?" Zadra asked as Krel walked to the door. Varvatos growled at her but continued watching his game shows. Krel rolled his eyes.

"Yes, Zadra. You can follow us if you want to be absolutely sure. Speaking of us- hurry up Aja!"

"Krel, give me a secton!" The girl yelled back from her room, earning an annoyed groan.

"We're going to be late!"

"One secton!"

"It's already been two sectons!"

"Be patient little brother!"

"Ay ay ay..."

. . .

"I can't believe you talked me into this," Douxie said as he tried his best to sneak a cookie off the pan as Angel started getting some of the sodas and other snacks set up for her 'girls night'. She immediately shut it down by smacking his hand.

"Stop it, this isn't the Camelot kitchens," she scolded lightly before continuing on with her set up.

"No, the chefs always let me have stuff," Douxie muttered so low that Angel didn't hear him.

"It was likely only because you looked like you needed it desperately," Archie commented from his perch above on the fridge. Douxie only glared a moment before turning back to Angel.

"We need a break," she said simply, finishing up her neat and perfect arrangement. It took Douxie a second to realize she was answering his earlier question. "After the Eternal Night, the Akkiridian armada almost invading Earth, and my possession- we just need a break from things magical and alien."

Douxie hesitated for a moment before sighing and just hugging her. She returned it, surprised but grateful for it as she buried her head into the crook of his neck with a contented sigh.

He knew she was right. The last few weeks had been hard on them both, so a night not using magic much or talking about possible invasion sounded nice. He really wasn't sure about it being at Steve's house.

Douxie forgot about that little fact for a moment as Angel pulled away enough to look into her eyes. Her smile was soft, relaxed, and just plain relieved. He brushed some of her hair out of her face, his hand lingering on her face.

He didn't even realize that he pulled her in, but she didn't protest when their lips met. It was a slow-moving thing, so tender. Angel's hands had already moved to his chest and ended up clenching her fists in his shirt.

A minute later they pulled away, much to the gratitude of the animals in the room. Angel chuckled at the annoyed chirping of Flapjack and Douxie glared at the mutterings of Archie.

. . .

Steve had everything ready for the night. Snacks, a good movie list with both horror and action, blankets and pillows, all that he could think of. Eli and Aja had ganged up on him to invite more than just his Creepslaying partner to the sleepover. Eli said he wanted to hang out with Toby and Krel more and Aja asked about him inviting Douxie so they could have a girl's night themselves.

Steve hated that he was still afraid of Angel. She was right about it being over a month ago and she hadn't even attacked him. Still, though it was the bad coffee talking, the maliciousness in her voice still sent shivers down his spine.

"Steve, your buddies are here!" Coach Lawrence called to him from down the hall. "And pizza is already ordered."

"Nice!" Steve called as he poked his out of his door to see the group came down the hall. "Thanks, Da- uh, Coach!" Toby snickered, earning a smack on the back of his head from Steve.

. . .

"Angel, you really didn't need to go all out like this," Darci said as she entered the small apartment. Multi-colored fairy lights (non-magical) were strewn about, giving the place a soft glow. The TV was on a home screen of sorts showing icons for Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, etc. That, alone with the homemade cookies and the snack set up...

"Maybe," Angel said. "But I still want this to be just a fun relaxing night."

"These cookies are delicious!" Aja exclaimed as she quickly scarfed one down. Then another. And another.

"Hey, save some for me!" Mary yelled, snatching one from the girl's hand.

"There's enough for each of us to get a few," Angel said, quelling the fight before it started. "And save y'all's appetite. I ordered us some pizza. One Hawaiian-" Darci and Mary gagged, "and one supreme. Plus, breadsticks."

"I can live with that," Darci shrugged, and Mary agreed as she took a few selfies.

"Question," Aja chimed, moving onto some Doritos. "What makes a pizza Hawaiian?"

"Uh, I actually don't know," Darci admitted. Angel was about to say that she'd look it up, but Mary beat her too it.

"Apparently, it's named that because two brothers liked the canned pineapples that they used for it," she told them.

"That's... Weird."

"Yeah," Angel agreed as the doorbell rang, and she ran to it.

. . .

"Oh! Douxie lost, again!" Steve jested as the racing game they were playing declared him the winner. Douxie just rolled his eyes and passed the controller off to Eli. "Even with the rematch, you are no match for the Palchuck!"

"Though, you did cheat the first time," Krel added, looking up from what he was tinkering with for only a moment catching the annoyed glance from Steve.

"Did not."

"Yeah, you did, man," Toby said, looking up from his seventh phone with a smirk. "You literally pushed him down before the start of the race." Steve muttered something in annoyance but quickly turned back to the game.

"What are you working on Krel?" Douxie asked as he scooted over to get a closer look. He revealed that it was his serrator.

"This is Aja's serrator," Krel answered. "She asked me to upgrade it."

"So, what does she have to defend herself? Other than her combat skills."

"I was under the impression that your home was protected with spells of some kind."

"Well, yes, it is-"

"Pizza's here!" Coach Lawrence called, Steve and Eli pausing the game and the two got up immediately to run into the kitchen, Toby rolled off the bed and ran as well, Krel put the serrator down and left Douxie to follow at a leisurely pace.

. . .

"Mary, you are not doing my makeup again," Angel insisted while Mary took out her bag and began setting up her makeup things. "Detention was the exception."

"This isn't for you, it's for me," she said as she started applying some foundation. Angel scoffed and rolled her eyes. Darci and Aja were looking around her room out of curiosity.

"Why? You gonna sneak out to go meet up with some guy? I told you before I'm not covering for you."

"Na, I'm just doing it for fun. I know you don't get it, but I like looking- what are you doing?" As Mary had been talking, Angel had turned upside down on the couch.

"I'm bored."

"Then use some of your weirdo powers to make this place not boring."

"Ow!" Angel exclaimed as she fell down. She struggled for a moment before finding herself sitting on the floor and very, very casually leaning on the couch.

"What do- do you mean by that?"

"I'm not as dumb as you think I am."

"I never-"

"And you aren't as slick as you think. That and I overheard Toby telling Darci about you and Douxie."

"And you didn't post about it?"

"No," Mary sighed as she began applying mascara. "One, I didn't have any pics or even a video-" Angel rolled her eyes and scoffed, thinking she was just that was waiting for the opportunity. "Two; you're my friend." Angel froze, eyes wide.

In Angel's bedroom, Aja was looking through the closet at the clothes in there, asking questions when she came across a shirt that had a person on it that she didn't know. So did practically all of her T-shirts hanging up.

"I knew Angel had a ton of books, but I didn't expect this," Darci muttered as she looked around at the books scattered about. There was only one shelf that didn't have any, instead replaced with pictures of their cat, bird, herself and Douxie, of some people she didn't know, and a stuffed red cardinal that looked like her pet bird. She made to pick it up only to be pecked on her hand. Ok, so that's the real bird, she thought to herself.

"What's that?" Aja asked, pointing to something on the top shelf. When Darci moved to the spot next to her as the bird flew off into the living room, she saw an urn with a phoenix on it and the name Viola Tenner. It said born Oct. 31, 1963, Died July 5th, 2007.

"It's an urn," Darci answered solemnly.

"What is that?"

"Well, some people want their family members to be cremated, turned to ash, instead of burying them. I think I know who this is."

"Who is it?"

"Angel's mom. She told me that she died the summer she turned 18." Toby had also already mentioned how Angel and Douxie were wizards and older than they each looked, so the timeline wasn't a big surprise to her anymore, though she had been confused at first when Angel had first told her. It seemed to be a touchy subject, so Darci had never pushed.

"She lost her mother?" Aja seemed upset at the thought of that, like she knew how that felt and yet feared it as well. Darci would have pushed, as far as Aja was comfortable with, but Mary and Angel called them into the living room, surprisingly getting along.

. . .

The night had fallen into a rhythm of just talking, playing videogames, and just having fun together. Krel had long since relaxed enough to put up his project and started playing the board game that Coach Lawrence had suggested: Monopoly.

"This is surprisingly fun," Krel said as he rolled the dice and got six. Unfortunately landing on on a space that had him needing to pay Douxie rent that he didn't have money for, landing him in jail. "Kleb."

"You were saying?" Douxie chuckled as he took a bite of pizza, earning an elbow to the ribs. Toby laughed as he landed on an unclaimed spot that Eli had wanted for awhile, causing the boy to glare at him.

"Sorry Eli, but ya snooze ya lose," Toby said as he added his piece. "You should really stop stockpiling your money and take a chance."

"How can I when you guys keep buying out all the good ones?" Eli complained, crossing his arms.

"Stop being a buttsnack, Pepperjack," Steve said as he rolled to move, now having to pay Toby for the spot he just bought. "Oh, come on!"

"Yes!" Toby laughed. The game went on for a few more minutes, a few more petty arguments happening even with Douxie, as he was the banker, before anything changed.

The lights in the room started flickering and the room for some reason felt warm. A breeze blew through Douxie's hair.

"Uh, do you have fan in here?" Toby asked as his hair started blowing in the wind that was seemingly making its way around the room. The lights finally shut off making Steve's answer a scream. Eli had shouted himself and latched onto Steve's arm. Toby had latched onto Krel for only a second before being shoved off.

"Nobody needs to panic," Douxie said, slight fear in his voice leaking out. He created a light over his bracelet. "It's likely just a power outage."

"In just this room?" Eli asked as he pointed to the door, the light from the hall spilling out.

"A blown fuse maybe?" Krel suggested. "I hear that happens in houses all the ti-!" The hall light immediately went out, followed by footsteps that stopped right in front of the door. Douxie's eyes narrowed as he shined the light at the door and the footsteps left.

Something flashed though they were unable to tell what color it was. Not a second later, banging began on the window. Krel yelled as he jumped, Douxie turned his light towards the window and stopped the assault. Something rustled outside, but the wind inside picked up, and a book flew past his head. Steve screamed.

. . .

Aja had easily been able to talk her way into the house and garage, stating that she had left something on Steve's Vespa. And since Coach Lawrence trusted her, she went on her own. Fairly quickly she found the fuse box which was thankfully labeled so she knew exactly the one to pull.

"Coach Lawrence, your orderliness is finally not a pain in the lower postier," Aja muttered to herself as she began quickly flipping the switch back and forth. Then, after a long moment, she fully switched it off. Hearing the screams, knowing that they weren't in danger and that she caused it, it was hard to not laugh.

. . .

"Why do we have to be the ones out here?" Mary asked as she walked across the yard. It was hard enough just getting over the fence. "What if we get caught?"

"We won't get caught, Mare," Darci assured her as they hid below the window and waited for their cue as the lights flickered. "And we're out here because we can get inside without raising suspicion."

"Do you have a fan in here?" Toby's muffled voice came from inside. Darci smirked and prepared to jump up and start banging on the window. The light going out and the screams let the two know that it was about time. Angel let her magic flash and the two jumped up and began hitting the window. A light whipped over to them, so they had to duck away.

Unfortunately, Coach Lawrence had decided to see what was going on outside at the same moment Mary and Darci fell in front of the back door.

. . .

Angel was glad that she now knew how to teleport without making a flash. She just had to make herself invisible first. And since Jack had long since taught her how to manipulate the wind and though she wasn't as skilled as he was, it was perfect for this situation.

First the lights flickered, stopping their game of Monopoly. Probably for the best, considering that they had been fighting for the past few minutes.

Then, she sent a small breeze to circle around the guys.

"Uh, do you have a fan in here?" Toby asked nervously. Just after the lights went out. They screamed and Angel heard the distinct sound of someone getting shoved.

"Nobody needs to panic," Douxie said, making a light with his magic. "It's likely just a power outage."

"In just this room?" Eli asked, pointing towards the door where the hall light was still on.

"A blown fuse maybe? I hear that happens every now and then," Krel suggested. The light went out just then, causing them to scream again. Angel doubted that the footsteps were Aja. They were too heavy and casual. If she had to guess, Coach Lawrence was just in the right place at the right time.

Angel let her magic create a flash of light, quickly so they couldn't tell the color of it (and took a quick picture). Immediately after, Mary and Darci began hitting the window. Steve screamed again as Douxie shone his light at the window, causing the girls to duck out of view.

Angel kept them from investigating by throwing a couple books around. They all screamed and she could no longer help herself, finally letting out a laugh. Immediately, Douxie recognized the sound and whipped the light over to her. She decided that they'd had enough and let herself become visible with a smirk.

"Hi boys," she said saluting them. Steve whimpered again, but everyone else was annoyed and glared. Except Douxie, who simply gave her an exasperated sigh and smile.

"Uh, thanks again Mr Coach Lawrence!" Aja's muffled voice came from outside, along with three pairs of running footsteps.

"Is that-?" Krel started but Angel interrupted.

"My cue. Buh bye!" With a flash of pink light, she was gone.

. . .

"That was so very lively!" Aja laughed as Angel (Flapjack on her shoulder) and Mary arrived in a pink flash of light, milkshakes in hand. After running for a couple blocks to make sure Coach Lawrence hadn't been following them, Angel had suggested they get milkshakes at the Cafe. She teleported Darci and Aja back to her house while she and Mary got them. "I wish to do it again!"

"Maybe later Ajh: I just can't believe you two are getting along so well," Darci said as Mary handed her and Aja the milkshakes. Angel had already sat down and was opening her straw and blowing the paper at Darci. The girl immediately retaliated by doing the same. Aja insisted that she try and actually hit Mary. Mary, against her better judgement, tried to retaliate as well. Unfortunately, her straw didn't allow her to.

Aja, Angel, and Darci laughed causing Mary to chuckle as well. The whole thing had distracted Darci from the fact that they were all getting along pretty well. Somehow, the conversation left how scared the boys were and how funny it was to hear them scream like that when they knew they were the cause, to Mama Skull.

Specifically two remaining members trying to convince Angel to join it.

"Come on, Ange," Darci insisted. "We need a vocalist now that Claire is gone."

"And you've got the best voice in town," Mary said, then added, "that we know of here, anyway." Darci elbowed her while Angel just glared from her spot on the floor.

"That is so very lovely of you to say," she deadpanned before sighing. Aja noticed that she was feeling down and nervous, but she was also very curious.

"You know, I'd like to hear you sing sometime," Aja said. Even Flapjack chirped his agreement with her from his perch on the counter, eating his crackers. Angel rolled her eyes, but she smiled softly.

"Fine, fine," she muttered as Mary and Darci's eyes lit up. "On one condition; Claire gets her spot back the minute she comes back if she wishes."

The two agreed very quickly and set up a day soon to start writing songs and set up gigs. With that, the talk turned to Douxie and his band, and in turn their dating lives.

Angel elaborated on a couple of the people she dated and how most time she was more into girls than anything. When Mary pushed about how she was dating Douxie right now, Angel again retaliated with her being bi and she wasn't going to stop being bi when dating a guy.

Darci quickly intervened with practiced ease, shutting down the possibility of an argument with her own story. When the conversation turned to Steve and Aja, the three girls had some stories of him that made her both grimace and laugh out loud, having her milkshake come out of her nose.

"But he's definitely changed," Darci said seriously.

"For the better," Angel added. "You and Eli are good influences."

"Don't forget Krel," Mary added, making everyone turn to her in surprise. Mary didn't notice, playing with her straw and the bottom part of her cup, something she'd never done in the past. "He's a good guy too."

"Since when do you know my brothers name?"

"Uh, since never. Who's Kevin anyway?" Mary was blushing. She never did that, not for something like this; not even when she talked about Tight Jeans Hank. The three others gave each other a quick glance so they were all on the same page before pushing further.

. . .

"Those girls are so going to get it," Steve muttered angrily. When Coach and Eli gave him a stern look, he rolled his eyes and softened his look. "But, obviously, in a non-violent and legal way."

The group had moved to the living room and the dining table that overlooked it. Douxie was laying on the couch, half asleep. Toby and Krel were on the floor in front of the coffee table, the former already going through many ideas for it.

"Maybe it was for the best," Eli offered. "We weren't really having any fun with Monopoly."

"Speak for yourself, buttsnack."

"How did my sister even get into the house to mess with the fuses anyway?" Krel asked, ignoring the two and making Coach Lawrence rub the back of his neck nervously.

"Well, she came by saying that she left something on Steve's Vespa, so I let her in to get it," Coach answered. Krel rolled his eyes. Suddenly, a snort from the couch made everyone jump and stop talking. Coach Lawrence's expression softened before ushering the boys back to the bedroom, saying that as it was nearly midnight, they needed to get to sleep.

They protested slightly, but after Coach shushed them and hurriedly ushered them down the hall, they resigned to sleep. At least, as far as Coach Lawrence knew.

He left the room after making sure that the boys were going to sleep, instead going to grab a blanket for the boy on his couch. Douxie had opted for a T-shirt without his hoodie, trying to relax and do something different.

Coach Lawrence covered the overworked boy up. He'd seen the guy at the cafe and bookstore nearly back-to-back. He could let him crash on the couch for awhile. Maybe even leave a note next to him saying that he could go to the guest room bed if he woke up. That sounded right.

Meanwhile, in Steve's room, no one was even attempting sleep.

. . .

Douxie's jacket smelled just like him. Angel had woken before everyone else, just staring out the floor to ceiling window as she lay on the floor. She could have gone to Douxie's bed but that might have raised questions and accusations, specifically from Mary, that she didn't want to answer.

Mary and Darci had taken her bed and Aja had taken the couch. Angel didn't mind sleeping on the floor; in fact she found it kinda comfortable. However, she could never tell whether that was from the times she fell asleep on a hard bed or floor waiting for her mother to get home from work at night. Either way, for a few days it was fine to do.

The day was bright already, even at eight in the morning. It was already almost halfway through the summer but she was already waiting for winter. Maybe she could talk Jack into making it snow a little longer next time.

Archie walked over to her and snuggled under her arm since Douxie wasn't home and Coach Lawrence was allergic to cats. Flapjack had chirp like snores from the back of the couch. This was the kind of break she needed. Hopefully, after the Monopoly fight and their scare, he got to have some fun.

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