
By ggukiekrush

48.6K 1.6K 488

"If obsession were a person, it'd be you." A street racer by evening, and a high-school student by day, 17 ye... More

p r o l o g u e
1 | volition
2 | effervescent
3 | reverist
4 | besotten
6 | aphonic
7 | ostentatious
8 | floruit
9 | zealotic
10 | druthers
11 | scrofolous
12 | letch
13 | reticent
14 | subtlety
15 | solace
16 | frore
17 | expedient
18 | imprimatur
19 | frolic
20 | aspartame
21 | belaud
22 | intrepid
23 | satiate
24 | consecrate
25 | impetus
26 | petulant
27 | nimiety
28 | disesteem
29 | relish
30 | contrapposto
31 | inebriate
32 | dithering
33 | palliate

5 | aberrant

1.5K 58 14
By ggukiekrush

◢◤◢◤◢◤ Circuit 05 ◢◤◢◤◢◤

"Please let me know if you have any additional questions about our meetings or your lessons," I said after I had explained to her everything she needed to know.

We agreed to meet for two hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays, or longer if necessary. I was also supposed to report back to the Headmaster about her progress to ensure that my teaching methods were effective. As a result, my recommendation letter and her credit requirements would be determined by how well we both performed as a pair.

She hasn't said anything to me so far. I was surprised by how quiet she had gotten compared to other times we'd interacted. I'm not sure if I should be happy that she's stopped throwing herself at me and making me uneasy with her forthright behavior.

The tip of a ballpoint pen is buried deep into her cheek as she thinks. With an arm resting on the table across from me, Ola sighs and stares at me dreamily.

"Theo Lauder..."

The mere sound of my name coming out of her mouth causes me to fidget.

"What a lovely name for such an attractive face."

I could feel a lump forming in my throat. I move forth to gather my belongings and stuff them into my bag, which was sitting next to me on the chair. I didn't want to admit it, but I was hoping she would distance herself from me because I was always nervous around her.

It's ridiculous.

I don't even know this girl except for her name and the fact that she is a transferee from Chicago, yet I'm letting her have this much impact on me.

Everything else about her is a mystery to me. A puzzle that I don't want to solve. I was only here for one thing; that was to graduate and attend my dream school in New York.

Everything that is not in the picture will stay out of the picture.

I need to focus more than ever.

"Okay, if you don't have any other questions for me, I will be going now," I said as I pushed myself out of my seat.

Her gaze followed my abrupt movements, and she stands up, holding her leather jacket and a bag over her shoulder. "Let's go to lunch together," she beams and displays her pearly whites at me.

My heart thumps again and I have to swallow a lump down my throat. "I can't, I have practice," I informed her, hoping for her to lose interest. But the flash in her eyes says otherwise.

"Ouuu, I love an athlete. What sport do you play?" Her voice becomes louder and I have to shush her when we are still in the library. She apologizes and continues to trail behind me as I'm exiting with my bag and books in hand.

A frown forms on my lips once I see a message pop up on my smartwatch. I rush to the elevator at the end of the hallway.

"Wait, Theo." The inquisitive girl reaches for my forearm, causing me to stop and turn around. "How do I contact you?" She waves her phone in my face.

"That's not necessary," I stare at it and back at her. "I'm in the library every day, so just come at the scheduled time and day," I explained. "Or not. You don't have to if you decide you no longer require my help. I'll find someone else to tutor."

She is silent for a moment as if she is rethinking something. I hope she does, and that the Headmaster assigns me to another student, preferably one who doesn't stare at me strangely all the time.

"I don't have to?" She finally speaks. I nod, despite the fact that I desperately needed this as well. Maybe even more than her. "Why would you want me to not show up?" Her tone conveyed something that her words did not.

"You're misunderstanding," I shook my head.

"I'm not stupid, Theo. I can comprehend basic English vocabulary, even though it's limited - well that's not the point," she stops herself.

Her dark, doe eyes burn holes in my face as she tilts her head to the side and licks her bottom lip. "You don't mind if I come in every day, right?"

I have to keep my eyes from lingering lower than they need to.

"I think I need an extra hand on my Math homework," she whispered with a tone I could not discern.

My forehead crumpled. "Is that necessary—"

"Think about it," she cuts me sharply, the corner of her rosy lips lifting. "The more we see each other, the faster we get it over with. It's a win-win."

"That wouldn't matter," I contemplate, my mind coming up with reasons why we shouldn't have to extend our deal. "The agreement is for one semester, that's what the Headmaster said—"

"I know what he said," she stated. I'd only just met her, but I could tell she was stubborn. Something about the way she carried herself told me she wasn't one to give up easily. "Look, I'll talk to him about it, okay?"

I remained silent as I walked toward the elevator. It was difficult to think rationally with her standing so close.

Something is wrong with me today.

I finally breathe a sigh of relief when I don't hear footsteps behind me. My chest relaxes from the erratic rising and falling, and my shoulders slump against the elevator wall. I press on the second floor and it doesn't take long for me to get there. I check my reflection in the mirror before leaving.

I didn't think I could sweat this much without doing anything. It usually happens during a strenuous workout.

"You sure you're an athlete?"

A voice causes my heart to drop and someone comes up from behind the wall. Frustration paints my face as I act like I haven't noticed her presence.

I thought I lost her.

How did she even get here so fast?

"The stairs," she mumbled, leaning against the wall as though she could hear the thoughts running in my mind. I hope she didn't, though.

When I don't answer, she continues and pushes herself off the cold cement. "I'm still unfamiliar with the campus, maybe you'd want to show me around or something."

I come to a stop in front of my locker and finally set my eyes on her. "Look, Ela —"

"Ola," she corrected, looking at me with an offended expression. I immediately closed my mouth. I'm an idiot! It was not my intention, I'm the worst when it comes to names.

"Is that all, Ola?"

Starting my day with the sexiest human being I'd ever seen made me forget how much I despised mornings. I can't remember the last time I thought a boy was 'sexy,' except when I was obsessed with Zayn Malik from One Direction and could not stop drooling over his long hair. I swear I had his photo on my lock screen until Mom got suspicious, mistaking him for a secret boyfriend. I wish!

That was a little eight years ago. I'm over my fangirl phase and have completely moved on to better things. Better things meant fantasizing about the boy in front of me, who was already staring at me with the most innocent eyes.

I would have been offended that he didn't remember my name if he hadn't been wearing that deep frown and sexy, bushy taut brows.

But I ultimately knew I couldn't stay mad for more than a second.

"Don't worry," I flashed him a reassuring smile. "My name is unique so it can be tricky for some people," I said with a smirk across my lips. "You can call me beautiful if that's easier to remember."

I could see the gears in his head turning as he thought of a response.

"I... I don't think that's a good idea," he stammered. I found it cute when he suddenly got shy and tried his best to look elsewhere.

I was used to seeing guys who saw themselves like they were above everyone else. Little boys who couldn't take no for an answer. Even though I'm doing exactly just that to him.

"P-please excuse me. I need to go," Theo mumbled as he frantically looked down at his feet. "I need to get to practice."

My brain sparked with ideas.

"Can I watch?" I blurt out. "I promise I won't bother you. I'll just stay and watch. You won't even notice my presence."

He shuts his locker with a thud and causes me to flinch my eyes when he stares back at me coldly. If eyes could kill, I'd be in a motherfuckin' coffin. I felt like wetting my skirt, but not the innocent kind.

Whew! What the hell am I thinking? It used to be all about what I wanted to eat for the next meal and cars, but now it's tainted with images of him between my legs, in the back of my car, devouring me like he would a midnight snack.

I maintain a neutral expression and do not allow myself to be distracted. "Are you single?" I asked what I had been meaning to ask the first time I laid eyes on him. I popped another piece of bubblegum in my mouth as I waited for his response.

Theo stops in his track in the middle of an empty hallway. He slowly turned his head and met my playful eyes. My cheeky smile falters when he finally opens his mouth. "I wouldn't even look at you if I were a lesbian."

With an amused scoff and a cocky smirk, I push out the pinch in my chest and regain my momentum. "Eh, try again. I've heard that one before."

Theo's jaw ticks with irritation and his gaze harden with clear irritation. I noticed he wasn't very good at hiding his emotions. I could see right through without having to dig deeper.

Finally, he mutters, "I have a girlfriend."

Andddd... there goes my hopes shredding to pieces. I can't believe I thought someone as good-looking as Theo would even be single at some point in their life.

I honestly wouldn't know how to act if I looked like that. I could be like those heartbreakers who walk by with their every move followed by feasting eyes. It made me wonder if his girlfriend was one of his many admirers.

Was she also a cheerleader like in those movies? I'd have no chance if she had long, blonde hair that blew in the wind like sand. I'm certain mine had split ends and waning red dye from my early middle-school impulses.

Shit. I shouldn't be feeling insecure about a girl I haven't even seen. What if Theo is just saying it to get rid of me? Right. That must be it. I tried to convince myself.

After a brief pause, I straightened in my spot. "Oh, well, would you look at that!" I exclaimed before flashing him a wink. "I swing both ways."

"Look I don't know what you're trying to achieve here, but I am not into—"

Before he could finish his sentence, the bell rang and students began to file out of their classrooms for lunch.

Theo breaks into a flustered state and rushes out of there with a timid 'I'll see you when I see you,' which honestly made me feel giddy.

"What's her name!?"

"What are you smiling so hard for?" Kade's voice interrupts my thoughts.

I momentarily pause from stabbing the greasy pizza slice and cast a glance across the table. There were only three of us, and I looked around the crowded cafeteria and didn't see Theo anywhere. I thought he was just trying to get rid of me by saying he had practice, but I guess not.

Russell sits silently next to Kade while I sat alone on the other side of the table. I was so engrossed in my own thoughts that I didn't notice the strange looks of the other students in the cafeteria.

"Just thinking..." I mumbled, pushing a piece of broccoli off my plate.

"About?" Kade crunched on an apple.


"Things like?"

I let out something that has been on my mind since earlier. "You're close with Theo, right?" I questioned and he nodded with a hum, popping three chicken nuggets in his mouth.

"Yup. We've been best friends since the start of high school, right Ruru?" He turned to Russell with a proud grin on his face.

Russell's expression when both our attention turned to him was beyond amusing. He looked at Kade with displeasure in his light brown eyes and I had to bite my lip to stop myself from laughing at how annoyed he looked.

I bit the straw of my empty juice box.

"I told you to stop calling me that you Chatterbox," Russell muttered with a scowl on his face. His hair fell over his monolid eyes that I found very pretty.

I bit on the straw of my empty juice box.

"That shit stays between us."

I leaned back in my seat, finding the whole interaction more than entertaining. It was funny how Russell's mood went from zero to a hundred in less than ten seconds. I've never related more to a person.

"You call him Ruru?" I mumbled. "That's kinda cute."

"I know right!" Kade agrees with much enthusiasm.

"I would think you two were a couple," I nodded my head with a laugh, my shoulders shaking in the process.

"Cute? Are you serious?" Russell muttered, his face morphing in disgust. "Out of all my little sister's exes, he is the least good looking."

"Hey! That's not true," Kade argues, pouting his lips as a child would. Unable to hold back myself, I erupt in laughter.

"Okay, guys, seriously. I'm curious..."

Their bickering dies down after hearing the seriousness of my voice. I sat up straight and tapped my nails on the table.

"Is Theo seeing anyone?" I finally asked and watch as Kade's face lightens. He flashes me a knowing smirk.

And as usual, Russell does not react but is the first one to speak. "Why are you asking?" he asks. Kade wriggled in his seat, hands up to his chin, and waited for my answer.

"I knew you were into him! I could see it."

I instantly shushed him with a hand over his mouth. "Gee, thanks Captain Obvious," sarcasm coats my tongue. Kade tries to yank my palm as his voice muffled.

Russell sits back on his chair before clearing his throat. "You're into Theo?" He asked, lowly.

I switched my gaze in his direction, the same sheepish grin never leaving my lips. "I guess so. Yeah, you could say that. I think he's cute."

"And so does half of the school." Kade snorts as he reaches to pat my back in a comforting manner. My gaze falters. "What does that even mean?" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest with a sour look on my face. "What, you think I don't have a chance?"

"Oh, no. It's not like that," Kade responded with a shake of his head.

I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Yeah, right," I replied. "So... is he seeing anyone or not?" I said as I bit my inner cheek. Theo might have said he had a girlfriend already, but I wanted to dig up more to see if it was anything serious.

Relationships in high school were hit or miss and usually back at my old school, they never lasted long enough for others. At least not for me or my friends.

Kade doesn't say anything for a while and looks over at Russell, who seems unbothered enough to scroll through his phone right across from me. His legs are spread and his long fingers stretch around the device.

I find it so attractive.

Veins and muscles are my biggest weakness in a guy, and my mind keeps returning to the image of Theo looking incredibly sexy and irresistible with his innocent face between pages and doing absolutely nothing out of the ordinary.

How I want him buried in something else...

The obscene thoughts that flooded my mind caused me to clench my thighs and cross one leg over the other beneath the cafeteria table. Fuck. I've never been so smitten by a fucking boy. Not even a live action on Pornhub made my panties soaking wet and my body to crave sex from someone else as much as this.

And what my body wants, my body gets. Even if it means seducing Theo Lauder into submission.

"As far as we know, it has been a while since Theo found someone," said Kade. Russell hums and nods as he listens to our conversation. "Are you saying I should go for it? I mean, no one's gonna come and jump me when I walk through the halls, right?" I said jokingly, but meaning every word. The last thing I want to do is come after another girl's man and end up as a sidepiece.

If I can't be the only one in my significant other's life then I'd rather be alone.

I've seen it happen too many times in my previous school. Girls didn't mind getting into fights and getting their hands dirty because of some bum ass dude who didn't even care if there were two or three of them. Boys are never blamed for being man whores, but society has no problem shaming girls for something that is not our fault.

"Will that be a problem for you?" Russell lifted his brows at me. "There's no saying when it comes to Theo. That's if you're willing to go that far," he said with a challenging tone. "Can you fight?"

I scoffed, rolling my eyes at his question. "Mhm, it depends..." I hum as I raise my fingers to inspect it. They were longer this time, coffin-shaped with a metallic spiral design since I was no longer racing and getting them dirty with oil. "Will he pay for my nails right after?"

what are your thoughts about the story so far?
I can't wait to introduce the other characters in the next chapter :)

Don't forget to vote 🫶🏼


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