Endlessly - Jasper hale [1]✔️

By kylieecloudd

42.9K 1K 56

In which Jasper hale takes a leap of faith, the same one he's been trying to do for 2 years Or She's the bes... More

Extended summary
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2K 49 0
By kylieecloudd

Chapter 9

"SO WHAT IS THE BOOK FOR?" HAZEL ASKED AS THEY WALKED OUT OF THE BOOKSTORE. Bella had successful found what she was looking for and they were now making their way back to meet with Angela and Jessica

"It's just some tribe stories, that's all. But hey. That dress you had on it looked really good on you" her mind went over to Jasper and if she thought he would like how the dress looked on her

"Thank you Bella" Hazel went to walk the way they came too but Bella stopped her

"Come i know a shortcut" Hazel shrugged and followed her along for a while but she noticed that they seemed to not be going anywhere

"Are you sure you know the way?"

"Yeah, it's just up here" they started to walk through an alley but spotted 2 men in front of it, they turned to look at the girls. They started walking the other way but they continued to follow behind the girls

"I saw you at the dress store"

"Hey, where you running to?" They continued to walk but more men showed up from in front of them and started closing in

"There they are" Hazel held onto Bella's arm who then looked to her

"Bella, you have to run when I say"

"What? No-" Bella protested immediately but Hazel wasn't having any of it

"Bella. Run and get help" Hazel was faster so it would've been wise if she was the one that rang but there was no way she was going to leave Bella

"Okay" she whispered quietly

"What's up?"

"It's my girl"

"How are you guys going?"

"Look who we just found" they tried to turn around but we're blocked off

"Hey, hey, woah woah woah. Where you going?" The men started to get closer and Hazel quickly punched a guy on the face and sent him to the floor

"Run Bella!" She ran through the now empty part where the man dropped and a guy went to go get her but he was stopped

"Let her go. We have this one" they continued to advance on her. When one got to close she kneed him in his stomach and punched him and he dropped to the floor

"Ooh, I like the ones that fight" she turned to the next one and grabbed his hood before brining it down and kneeing his mouth. She then elbowed his back which sent him to the ground

She felt someone grab her from hehind and she turned and punched him twice but was dragged off of him by others.

"Get off me!" She groaned trying to get out of his hold. The guy just rolled his eyes and trailed his hand up her body, his hand going underneath her t-shirt to her bra. Tears fell down her cheeks as she sobbed but none of them paid any mind

"Stop! Please!" Another guy moved forward and grabbed her thighs to stop her moving around and trailed his hand higher

Hazel couldn't hear the screeching of tyres through her cries until they let go of her. She looked up through her blurry eyes to see an outline off Jasper getting out of the car.

When Jasper got there, he could barely even think straight. He had felt what they they did and hazel's at the same time so he was beyond pissed. He got out of the car and saw 3 of the men on the floor unconscious and another 3 surrounding her

"Move away from her. Now" he was barely keeping his cool and he knew he wouldn't be able to keep it up for longer, but thankfully they all rushed away. He moved over to Hazel who had her knees to her chest as she cried

"Hey, Darlin it's me" she looked up slowly

"Jas?" She questioned between sobs

"I'm going to help you in the car, is that alright?" she nodded and he didn't waste any time and picked her up, moving her to the passenger seat

Once he was in the car as well he sped off, his anger coming back as he thought about what just happened but hearing her cries in her ear kept him on track

"I should go back there and rip their heads off" Hazel shook her head, though that's what In the ideal world should happen she knew it wasn't right.

"No. No. Please don't leave me" his eyes softened at what shes requesting
"Can you take me home?" She whispered, her cries calming down

"Of course"

"Wait- Bella?"

"Edward found her. She's safe" she let out a sigh of relief at jaspers words

"I know what you are Jasper, my uncle told me" he didn't know what that meant or how her uncle knew anything but he continued to drive to her place anyways


"What happened?" Jack asked angrily to Jasper as he opened the door to see his niece in his arms, she was still crying but she had calmed down slightly

"I found her like this, she took a short cut back from port Angeles, there was some guys there. She fought three off them off, they were unconscious when I found them but there was still other ones she couldn't" her uncles face significantly darkened at the idea of what might've happened but he was significantly grateful for the presence of Jasper

"I'm alright" Hazel sniffled. Jasper placed her on a chair on the sofa in the living room

"Thank you for helping her Jasper, she's lucky to have you. And your family, she speaks about you guys a lot"

"She- she said you know about us"

"I do. I'm sure you've had some suspicions about what she is as well" Jasper nodded glancing to the girl
"She didn't know anything till last night. But I told her our heritage. we're what you call ΥΠΕΡΑΣΠΙΣΤΗΣ"

"Defenders" Jasper whispered realising and jack nodded

"Me and Hazel are the last 2 alive" his phone buzzed in his pocket and he sighed
"There's been another death in forks, Seattle. Chief swan knows about my 'animal' experience. Though not the truth. And he's asking me for help. Do you mind keeping her company?"

"Of course" Jasper nodded. He couldn't bare to leave her alone anyways

"Thank you. I would be happy to explain everything to your parents and family in the next few days"

"Whenever you're free" jack walked over and picked up his coat before he exited the house. Jasper sat beside Hazel who immediately melted into his embrace. He felt familiar and more like home which is exactly what she needed right now

"You know about me, yet you choose to be so close to me" she took his hand in hers and nodded

"You're the same person to me Jas. that will never change"


"How did you know where I was?" Hazel asked. She had taken a shower and was currently laying in her bed beside Jasper who was making her feel better just by his mere presence

"I... I feel protective over you"

"You we're following me?" Hazel chuckled which made Jasper laugh quietly

"I was just keeping a distance but then, then I felt what those lowlifes were feeling and-"

"You felt what they were feeling?" She asked softly, sitting up slightly so she could see his face
"What do you mean?"

"Sometimes, if a human has a big enough trait, when they're turned it carries out as a vampire. I have the abilities of an empath"

"Oh, so you can control emotions"

"Right, though they don't work on you"

"Well why is that?"

"We didn't know before but now i know that you're a defender, that's why. Following the rules of the defenders it means there's a wall in your mind, a mental one and only you can control when it comes down, unless you're asleep. You'll need practice to do that"

"You seem to know more about this than me" Hazel laughed quietly 

"I've studied them before just thinking they were a myth of some sorts but the information now comes in handy. No one ever thought that they were real. Like the tooth fairy or Santa Claus"

"So you drink animal blood right? Is that enough?" He shook his head

"It's like a human living on tofu, that's why most vampires stick to human blood. Why have something just for sustainability but not for pleasure?"

"And what about today, why wasn't you in school today? Do you burn in the sun?" he didn't mind her questions knowing that it was keeping her mind of the other events that happened that day

"We don't burn, no. But you'll see one time" she sighed and placed her head back on his chest

"Hey, I didn't get to thank you for saving me"

"You don't have to-"

"I do" she interrupted
"You was there for me when I needed you. And I'm always going to be thankful for that"

"I'll be there for you whenever you want Hazel. Just call me whenever you need me. I'll be there" There was a loud ringing and Jasper reached down to his pocket

"Alice?... yes..... okay" he hung up and turned to Hazel

"Your uncle saw Edward and Carlisle at the sheriffs station. He told them what you guys where and that he knew about us. Carlisle invited you both over tomorrow to speak some more. Is that alright?" She nodded

"Will you be there?" he pressed his lips against her hairline

"Of course" he mumbled against her skin

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