šŸŒƒ Eruleum's King

By army_girl3

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After defeating Lilith and escaping Edom, the TMI gang finally returns to their common lifes in New York, rea... More

ā€¢ Prologue ā€¢ Metallic kingdom ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 1 ā€¢ Red Code ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 2 ā€¢ Bat out of hell ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 3 ā€¢ Butterflies ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 4 ā€¢ Autumn leafs ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 5 ā€¢ Ten ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 6 ā€¢ Music box ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 7 ā€¢ Hidden lovers ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 8 ā€¢ Bonds ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 9 ā€¢ Gate to love ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 10 ā€¢ Sharp edges ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 11 ā€¢ Crystal hearts ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 12 ā€¢ New Paragraph ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 13 ā€¢ Before the storm ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 14 ā€¢ Under the moonlight ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 15 ā€¢ Faerie Tale
ā€¢ Chapter 16 ā€¢ Partners in crime
ā€¢ Chapter 18 ā€¢ Race against time ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 19 ā€¢ Bronze gate ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 20 ā€¢ Silver gate ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 21 ā€¢ Golden gate ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 22 ā€¢ Until we meet again ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 23 ā€¢ Love shots ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 24 ā€¢ Boarding ticket ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 25 ā€¢ Burnt memories ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 26 ā€¢ Twin moonlights ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 27 ā€¢ Eruleum's King ā€¢
Chapter 28 ā€¢ Bird hunting ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 29 ā€¢ Unfair fairness ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 30 ā€¢ Memento Mori ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 31 ā€¢ Riddle ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 32 ā€¢ Eerie reality ā€¢
ā€¢ Chapter 33 ā€¢ Abyss ā€¢
Chapter 34 ā€¢ Hope and uncertainty
Chapter 35 ā€¢ The Shadowhunters Academy
Chapter 36 ā€¢ A matter of pride ā€¢
Chapter 37 ā€¢ That rune ā€¢
Chapter 38 ā€¢ Him ā€¢
Chapter 39 ā€¢ Silent Promise ā€¢
Chapter 40 ā€¢ Timeless ā€¢
Epilogue ā€¢ Burning love ā€¢
ā€¢ Author's note ā€¢

ā€¢ Chapter 17 ā€¢ Hide and seek ā€¢

63 4 0
By army_girl3

They had information about the connection between Lilith an Amereth, they new they had little time to plan their journey, however, they had no idea why Harry's Pentagram still ached as if it was burning.
Of course, the least thing the boy wanted was to be a burden for the team.
His magic and his runes seemed to work less than before and without those things, he would be useless.
Nevertheless, his determination to find a solution was stronger and as soon as the following morning arrived, he went to the place where answers could be found if you knew where to look.

Once, Magnus specified that Taki's was the perfect place if you wanted to find Shadowhunters or every kind of Downwolder.
Simon added that the best way to avoid conflict in that place, was keeping a low profile.
However, risks were necessary from time to time, that was something he learnt from Matt.

-Good morning. Green tea, please.

The faerie attending in the bar couldn't hide her disgusted and confused expression, since the clients, regardless ir being early in the morning, usually asked for alcohol not tea.
Harry kept staring at her with a kind and sweet smile until the green-skined faerie went to prepare his tea.

In the meantime, with curious puppy eyes, the boy watched his surroundings, the multiple wooden tables and strange objects hanging on the walls as a way of decoration.
A wide variety of Downwolders occupied the tables, chatted, ate and drunk.
Some of them argued and other laughed, making Harry wonder about their conversations, making him love even more the diversity of the Downworld, the variety that hid in New York.
Shadowhunters could be detected in the crowd, playing cards with some warlocks.
He might be so naive for wanting to join their chats, for thinking that it was always so peaceful between Downworlders and Shadowhunters.

-Green tea.

The faerie placed the white cup with the greenish liquid on the bar and left the boy alone before he could thank her.
Nevertheless, he took a sip from the cup, feeling the hot tea warming his body, almost traspassing his gloves.
The reassuring sensation helped him think about which quenstions he could ask and to who.
It would be too much saying that he was Edom's King, and that the kingdom was calling for him through the pentagram.


At the sound of that name, Harry's thoughts instantly vanished and his eyes looked around, in search of his brother, but he only saw next to him a short girl, dark-skinned and with curly hair.
Her brown eyes watched his curiously, slightly tilting her head.
For a moment, Harry believed that Magnus was there, but then, he understood what was going on.

-Oh... I'm not Magnus, I'm his twin. -And he said that with a smile full of proudness, the most honest of all.

And that was the moment when Maia noticed those differences: no cat eyes, no glittery make-up, no spiky hair or fancy clothes.
Magnus had a twin? She could have never imagined such thing.
Luckily, he was wearing a jacket, if not, his runes would have been even more shocking for her.

-Wow... I thought that one Magnus was enough... -She chuckled, slightly shaking her head. Of course he wasn't Magnus, the warlock would have asked for a cocktail, not a tea. -I'm Maia, I met your brother and his friends a while ago. Where were you hiding?

Even if she didn't know him, Maia seemed quite friendly and that was more than enough for Harry, who grinned.
His shyness would never prevent him from making new friends.

-I've been busy, but now I'm staying in New York.

Maia was about to ask another question, until a warewolf smashed another one against a table, completely cracking it.
Some of the clients paid no attention, since they must be used to that, others, yelled and cheer them in order to encourage the fight.

-Give me a second.

And not even a second later, Maia was already there with those warewolfs. Arms crossed and a fierce stare decorating her face.

-Hey! Stop that. Now! This is not a circus.

By her firm voice tone and the look in her eyes, Harry could easily notice that she was a warewolf as well, and most importantly, the alpha. Those warewolfs obeyed without hesitation, lowering their heads.
Maybe that issue would take her sometime, so Harry grabbed his tea with the intention of going to a table and wait there for her.
However, he accidentally bumped into a pair of warlocks, one of them red-skinned with yellow eyes and the other one having tentacles instead of hands.

-Be careful, boy. -The one with yellow eyes frowned, terrifying and sharp teeth showing.

-I'm sorry, I...

Harry, clearly guilty, tried to apologize, but the warlock with tentacles, took his tea cup and threw it against the wall.
The green liquid stained it as the thousand pieces of the cup fell to the floor as snowflakes.

-Next time... -And one of the tentacles took Harry by his shirt. The smell of alcohol pretty obvious and the half warlock, found it difficult to stay calm. The dark side of the Downworld wasn't that pleasant. -You...

-Enough, my octopus friend.

That voice wasn't hard to recognize, as soon as Harry saw him, his eyes shone and his lips curves into a smile.
Luckily, drunk warlocks were pretty common in that place, so Jace just took Harry's wrist and dragged him away of them without effort.
Both warlock's yelled something hard to understand and that they would probably forget soon.

-Jace! -The boy, still smiling, looked at his saviour, full of admiration. -I'm so glad that you're here, I don't know what happened, I...

-Slow down. -Jace stopped holding his wrist and sighed. -What were you thinking about? This place is not the best one for making friends. -Deep inside, the blond one knew it was useless to say something like that to someone so fond on people.

-And why are you here? -Curious, Harry tilted his head. Every fear vanished just by having his friend there.

-I usually come. -Simply said the Shadowhunter. For eerie that it might sound, he also enjoyed a good meal outside the Institute.

Their conversation didn't last much, since Maia approached them once again.

-Jace, hi. This must be the day of unexpected visits. -Maia placed her hands on her hips, grinned.

-Seems like that. -Jace patted her arm and then, sat on a stool, Harry did the same, next to him. The blond one had the terrifying feeling that the half Shadowhunter would never leave his side. -How's the wolvie life going?

-Not bad, but those dogs piss me off sometimes. -She chuckled, painting with her head at some warewolfs. -Is Luke doing alright? I haven't heard from him in a while.

-He is, he adapted well. -Jane's golden eyes were focused on the meny, before watching Harry. -Hungry? Come on, choose something, I feel generous. 

Harry's eyes gleamed and with a bright smile, he approached Jace to look at the menu as well. He loved food, he couldn't reject the offer. Even the smallest way of showing affection meant the world to him.
Jace had to admit that he was too fond on that boy.

-Oh, and you're not going to invite me? -Maia raised her eyebrows.

-I don't feel that generous.

Both shared mischievous smiles. Even if the rest thought that Jace hated everyone, Harry could see in him a kind boy and a good soul that cared more than he showed.

In fact, having breakfast together felt quite nice and entertaining.
The half warlock enjoyed Maia's and Jace's company so much that he even forgot about the pentagram and the mission they were about to face.
Being surrounded by his loved onces was a true medicine.

The best part, however, was knowing more about Jace, about his fondness towards cold tomato soup, mangos and fear for ducks. Under those thick layers of sassiness and strong attitude, lied a loyal and caring boy.

He even accompanied Harry back to the institue, not being awkward at all, just talking about random topics as he would do with the rest of the gang.

-Thank you for helping me before.

-You've already thanked me, it's okay. -The blond boy cared little if people thanked him or not. He just did what he considered right. -But you're a warlock and a Shadowhunter, you could have easily kicked their asses.

-Not my thing. -Shyly laughing, Harry rubbed his nape. From Jace's point of view, it was a waste of power. -Besides, my abilities are not the best now... Well, actually they never work properly. I would like to be more useful during patrols or...

-Come on, shut up. -Jace rolled his eyes. -Everyone of us has different abilities and something to aport to the team. You don't need to prove anything by getting yourself in trouble. -His golden eyes seriously stared at the brown ones. -I won't tell Matt, I'll keep my heroic action as a secret.

-There's no need, I'll tell him myself, we have no secrets. -With the biggest grin, and completely sure of his words, Harry unexpectedly hugged Jace. -Thank you, again.

Despite being so common for Harry to give hugs, Jace still couldn't get used to, so he just patted his back and separated a bit. Luckily, they finally arrived the Institue, where Harry went directly to look for Matt.

The hazel-eyed boy was with Isabelle in the common room, both with Simon, who peacefully played the guitar. A soft melody smoothly pouring from it.
It must be true that music tamed beasts, since Ten could also be found there, lying on the floor, her long silver Jair spilling everywhere, and Isabelle seemed comfortable with it.
Robert and Maryse still had no idea that the faerie was back at the Institute, but music seemed to vanish every concern by keeping them in a bubble.

Harry watched from the door frame; Izzy's raven appearance, Ten as a white pidgeon, both fierce, capable of burning like fire, and now calm, Isabelle's eyes gleamed as she admired Simon's focused eyes, the way his fingers easily played with guitar strings.

Matt kept his gorgeous eyes on his phone, but his righ leg slowly moved, following the rhythm of the music.

An idea popped into Harry's mind and soon, he had his phone in hand, his fingers quickly sending a short, but catchy message.

"One half of me is yours, the other half yours. Mine own, I would say."

He didn't wait, he just smirked, full of satisfaction and looked at Matt once again before leaving.

Soon, the notification caught Matt's attention and caused his to raise one eyebrow. He needed no name, he knew who sent that message and that was enough for him to get out of the common room. More important things needed to be done.
His heart was being helplessly dragged to his lover's, and how could he dare reject it?

-But if mine, then yours, and so all yours. 

That was the first thing that came out of Matt's lips as soon as he found Harry in his room.

The half warlock couldn't hide his smile, red cheeks.
Before Matt, he wasn't able to leave a book in the middle of a chapter, now, he was already closing it, as his bright eyes stared the other ones.
Butterflies danced as their souls found each other connected once again.

That quote, from Shakespeare, was one that Harry read for his boyfriend, and he still remembered it, even if he wasn't into books.

-Come here...

The half warlock extended his hand as if he was being pulled my a string, the Shadowhunter obeyed, reaching the bed soon.
There, he took his boyfriend's hand and sat next to him, his lips curved into a smile.

-Would you read with me?

-The only tempting part of that offer is you, but alright.

Both of them chuckled and it took Matt a second to rest his back against the heaboard, then, Harry sat in front of him, between his legs, his back against the hazel-eyed boy's chest.
Afterwards, he took the book and Matt, wrapped his arms around his neck from behind, while kissing his nape.
Shivers went down Harry's spine, his skin tingled as he let his body be embraced by Matt's strong arms, by his warmth.
The excitement and reassurance provoked by their closeness would never be different.

-What are you reading? -When you loved someone, you wanted to know about their interests. Or at least that was what Matt read on that book about love before throwing it on the deepest part of his wardrove.
From his point of view, laugh was pretty intuitive, you just knew what to do to make that person happy. As an expert in love, he didn't have a doubt.

-Oscar Wilde. Magnus reccomended it.

-Is that guy more interesting that me?

Matt raised his eyebrows, and Harry bursted into laughter, his head on Matt's shoulder while tenderly rubbing his cheek against it.

-Of course not. -He kissed Matt's cheek before starting reading in silence.
The hazel-eyed boy would always be his favourite chapter.

The room became quiet, peaceful, while Matt kept hugging the other boy.
From time to time, he looked at the book, but his eyes were mostly focused on Harry, on every changing expression when reading each line.

-You know? I was thinking about something... -It was almost a sin to interrumpt, but Harry cared little and left the book on his lap, his attention already on the other boy, as his hands caressed his strong and runed arms.

Matthew's mind fascinated Harry, he always got to explore a different part of it and could never get bored.

-What is it? -Asked the half warlock, making himself a bit more comfortable between his arms.
It took the Shadowhunter a moment to softly kiss his forehead, the kind of tender kiss that showed endless affection and care.

-After all this finishes, after we kick Amereth's ass, we could go away from here... We could get our own apartment wherever we want...  -His voice sounded dreamy, his arms embraced the other boy tighter as he kissed his head over and over again.
He seeked for freedom, for a life with Harry, and he was determined to fight for it, to achieve it as soon as they could.

Harry's eyes widened, his heart pounded hard against his chest as he watched Matt, still puzzled.
The hazel-eyed boy seemed not nervous at all, as if he was sure of what his boyfriend would reply.

-Are you talking about living together?  -He was sure of what he heard, but he wanted Matt's lips to pronounce those words again. He had the same effect on him as poetry.

-Yes. -Without any doubt, the hazel eyed boy took his chin, their eyes meeting. -Live is too short, well, at least for me... And I don't know if I have many years left, but I want to expend the rest of them together. -He showed a crocked smile, touched Harry's nose with his. -Come on, babe, risk it... This is not the craziest thing you've done.

Even if it was, Harry would still sacrifice everything for his boy.
No spell had the power love held.

-Love is like a war; easy to start, but hard to end and you never know where it might take you...

And how right was Oscar Wilde.
The sun lovers gave to their lips the pleasure to encounter each other, to find the pleasant taste of them as their bodies embraced each other, just like their souls.
Smiles against his lips, soft and warm caresses, them against destiny.


Waking up late wasn't Alec's style, but maybe it was worth it, since the first thing his eyes encountered was Magnus' cinnamon-like skin bathed by the sun, his smoky make-up still perfect, the necklace caressing his chest.

Often, the archer wondered if his arrow had been really capable to reach Magnus' heart, and he amazed himself when realizing it really did.

He got used to that feeling inside his chest, to those butterflies in his stomach and the endless nights and days with the thought of Magnus dancing in his mind.
Alec might not be the best at expressing how full of love his heart was, but he tried hard.

In fact, why not surprise Magnus?
It was hard taking into account he was a warlock, but still, Alec's eyes glittered at the thought of Magnus smiling due to him.

Not even a second passed and he was already in the kitchen, where he silently thanked his mother for the cooking classes.
He wasn't an expert, and for sure better waffles existed, but Magnus' expression when entering the kitchen was priceless.

The warlock was just wearing his red silky robe, which showed his bare torso, and that was even more breathtaking for Alec. His boyfriend never failed to amaze him. However, Magnus' thoughts were exactly the same ones.
Having his pretty boy there, illuminated by the morning sun, with messy black hair and his grey tracksuit, was probably one of the best views.
That moment felt so homly and heartwarming that Magnus had to take a moment to appreciate it, to fix his cat eyes on the blue ones and make sure that everything was real.

-Good morning. -Finally said, as he elegantly walked inside the kitchen. -Breakfast looks delicious.

-Really? I tried my best. I...

By the time Alec turned around, Magnus' lips were already on his, as one hand grabbed the grey shirt and the other his hand. How cute and naive his Shadowhunter was. Of course breakfast was great, but not as much as that stunning warrior.

Quite puzzled, Alec surprised himself by findind the way to instantly follow the warlock's rhytm.

They interlaced his fingers,  the cold metal from the rings shivering Alec's skin as his free hand rested on Magnus' lower back, pulling him closer. 

Soon, Magnus' body touched the counter behind him, where he leaned, as the Shadowhunter placed his hand on it to stabilize himself. At the same time, he caressed Magnus's neck, his cheek, tilted his head to deepen the kiss as Magnus traced his arms, grabbed his strong shoulders and playfully bit his lower lip. 
The temperature of their bodies raised, their hearts fought for getting out of their chests, but the y refused to part, they wanted that intensity to grow.

Maybe, they could stay a bit longer than expected.


-Are you sure that you really want to do this? It's going to be quite awkward...

-It's okay, dear. If Maryse changed as much as you say, then there should be no problem.

That was precisely the issue, that Alec still found hard to believe that Maryse was willing to accept Magnus.
The blue-eyed boy was considering the idea of taking Magnus' hand and enter the portal to the apartment once again.
Nevertheless, this one closed and they had no option but enter the Institute.

At least, it was a calm afternoon and as Jace told him through their messages, Ten's arrival was still a secret for their parents. That would gave them time to plan how to tell them about their next reckless adventure.

Maryse  was already waiting at the hall and as soon as Magnus and Alec arrived, she approached them.

-Thank you for coming. -Maryse's eyes were on Magnus, not judging, but open to let the warlock surprise her. If both of her sons had fallen for him, there must be something more than catchy, right? -I suppose you want some payment after reinforcing the wards, right?

-Oh, do not worry. I was already paid. 

Shamelessly looking at his boyfriend sideways, the warlock showed a mischievous grin before caressing his chin and then coming closer to one of the walls. He cared little if Maryse was able to read between lines, he had no intention of hiding how lucky he felt for having been paid with Alec's existance.

Alec's eyes widened and his cheeks turned red, as he caughed, trying to avoid Maryse's confused gaze.

Nevertheless, she gave little importance to it and let Magnus do his work, as she sat down on a chair nearby. Alec noticed her exausted expression, the bags under her eyes. 

-Everything alright? -Alec leaned on the table next to her, arms crossed as he watched Magnus and his blue sparks creating hypnotyzing waves on the walls. 

The first time the warlock came to do that, Alec watched him due to his lack of trust, now, his eyes could just reflect fondness, admiration.

-Yes... Your father returned to Idris for some work stuff and... I'm in charge of all of this, I just need to organize myself.

Maryse Lightwood was a hardworking woman, stubborn, never too drained for keep going and obviously, she couldn't expect Alec to believe her words.

-Something else is going on... And it's okay if you don't want to tell me, but solve it before it is to hard to carry.

It wasn't rare for Alec to give advice, actually, those words came out naturally. He was used to hide things, to let them oprime his chest, and he didn't want that for the rest. He might not be able to ease the burden, but he wanted to assure his mother that he would be there. They were adults, Shadowhunters. Things needed no softening.

The maturity Alec spoke with, his calm, his wisdom despite being so young, came directly from years of tsking the role of the protector. This time, Maryse wouldn't let her son worry.

-Tell Magnus to come whenever he wants to, alright? I have to leave now.

With a smile, quite hard to fake, Maryse caressed Alec's face, squeezed his shoulder and left. Years pretending to be someone completely different had the capacity to turn your true colors black and white. 

-And your mother? 

When Magnus finished his work and saw that Maryse wasn't there, he felt curious, but mostly concerned due to Alec's expression.

-She left... Something is bothering her. I should talk to my siblings... 

-If you want to go and...

-No. -Interrupted Alec. -We have to go with the rest, Eruleum's issue can't wait.

He still was a leader and even if it was hard for him to admit, he considered that Eruleum's issue had to be addressed first. If they didn't stop Amereth, Maryse would have bigger problems than her thoughts.


The first step was never the easiest one, and even less when it was going to faerie without the Court knowing, something practically impossible. 

-Let's wait for Harry. Clary looked at the rest, with the hope that Harry appeared soon. He had offered hiself to go to the library for books that may help. -Sure he will bring something useful.

-You let him go alone to the library? -Magnus raised his eyebrows, as he watched his nail polish. -Biscuit, he's not going to come back.

It wouldn't be rare that those tempting covers and engaging stories trapped him, Magnus knew his twin better than anyone, knew the power books had over emotions, and his brother's heart was too opened to them.

-I'll go for him.

Needless to say it was Matt the one who spoke and stood up to leave the common room. 
Everyone took a moment to speak between them, to share possibe ideas. 
Clary's head rested on Jace's chest while he protectively hugged her, Isabelle kept his hand on Simon's and Alec kissed Magnus' forehead in a tender way before approaching his Parabatai.

Ten watched them from the floor, the music box on her lap, as a source of comfort.

-Why everyone seeks for love? -Her silver eyes scanned the room as if she could see the cloud of love the lovers left. He theought that war, that threatens had the power to destroy feelings and tear appart souls, she learned that to love is to destroy, and to be loved to be destroyed. 

She definitely knew little about the power that love could hold, despite being a double edged sword.

-We all seek for something. -The faerie wasn't expecting an answer, and Magnus wasn't xpecting a question, but  since he was leaning on the wall next to her, he decided it was a good time to give his priceless advice. -But love likes playing hide and seek, that's why we look for it so desperately.

He, better than anyone, was conscious of that game and now that his love was right in front of him, in the form of a moon figure with blue eyes, he would never let it go.

Ten wasn't much of an overthinker, but there was something in the way that Magnus spoke that forced her to stop for a second, to look at her box. It was the only thing she had been looking for, but her treasure wasn't really that one, her hide and seek game was far from over.


Harry had to make a great effort to scape from the claws of books, and it was even hardest to select just a couple of them.

When he got out of the library, he rushed to the common room, yet, before arriving, he bumped into someone. '

He had taken off his gloved during his research and his bare hand touched the other one for avoiding the person from falling down.

Such deep surrow, such eagerness to be free, such hidden love hit him so strong that the boy was even more shocked when his eyes saw Maryse Lightwood.
His heart seemed to ache as hers did.

-Sorry, my bad...

Instantly, Maryse got rid of his hand and took the books from the floor, which she gave Harry back.

The woman was agitated, her breath quite heavy and her and shaky, not to mention her wet lashes that tried to cover those red eyes.

-Maryse... -Harry's concerned look was still fixed on her, as he approached. -Can I help you with something? 

Even if he hadn't talked much with the woman, she was his boyfriend's mother, and she was suffering in a way that no one deserved. 

The half warlock wasn't pretending to be kind, he truly cared.

-No, it's okay... 

That boy had a gaze hard to avoid, he always found a way to found the eyes he wanted to look at, and it felt as if he had the capacity of looking into every soul without effort.

-No, you're not... -He didn't want to force the situation, but what else could he do? It was in his nature to unconditionally take care of others.

-I said it's fine. It's not your problem to solve.

It might not be an excuse to be so hard on Harry despite all the pressure she was under, but Maryse wasn't able to think straight.

-I'm sorry...

And Harry really meant it. Maybe not everyone found reassuring letting other help, so the boy decided it was better to leave, to let Maryse face her demons on her own.
Hurting a pure soul made you instantly regret it and she wasn't an exception. 

-By the angel.. Muttered, her chest even heavier than before. -Harry!

As fast as she could, she tried to follow the same corridor than Harry, but he was nowhere to be seen.

The woman was about to return to her office when she saw Matt and Harry at the end of the opposite corridor, his son having an arm around the other boy as they entered the common room.

Stubborn like her children, she headed to the place, but stopped as soon as she recognized a cacophony of voices. 
Quietly, careful like every Shadowhunter, she stayed in the Shadows of the corridor, staying close to the half-opened door. She was hiding, seeking for answers.

"Seelie Court"



"Bronce Gate"


Every word seemed distorted, just like their voices.
Maryse had to cover her mouth, dig her nails on her palm and close his eyes for avoiding those overwhelming feelings from consuming her.
Minutes before she felt lose, but now, completely useless, terrified. Fear paralyzed her, her mind projected horrid scenarios and she couldn't scape them. 
Robert was not there to aid her, yet, being honest, he would not have done it even if he was.

That one person came to her mind and was the thing that gave her the capacity to move, to desperetly ran and expose her body to the cold rain and breeze from the exterior. 

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