Endlessly - Jasper hale [1]✔️

By kylieecloudd

43K 1K 56

In which Jasper hale takes a leap of faith, the same one he's been trying to do for 2 years Or She's the bes... More

Extended summary
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2.4K 68 7
By kylieecloudd

Chapter 6

THE NEXT DAY WHEN THERE WAS A KNOCK ON THE FRONT DOOR OF HAZELS HOUSE WHICH HIGHLY confused her. She had messaged Bella telling her she wouldn't make it to school so it couldn't be her

Her uncle has a key so it wasn't him either, especially since he was away on a trip

She sighed and got up off the sofa in the living room and made her way to the door

"Jasper!" she smiled happily, she moved forward bringing him into a hug quickly before she pulled away
"I missed civilisation"

"You're not missing much. It's been less than a day" she shrugged in reply having felt bored by herself

"Not that I don't like you being here, what are you doing here?"

"I'm keeping you company today"

"Jasper" Hazel sighed. She didn't want to burden him with her troubles
"Just because I said i was alone doesn't mean that you have to stay here with me" he stepped forward and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. She smiled in bliss, feeling content with the way his lips felt on her skin

Though she had to try and get rid of the thoughts that blurred the line of friends with him

"I want to. I want to make sure you're okay" she opened the door wider for him and he walked inside the house, making their way to the living room

"But what about school?"

"It's one day. Rosalie will be here tomorrow whilst I go to school though"

"She doesn't have to"

"She offered" he stated with a smile that got Hazel tilting her head. She wouldn't think Rosalie would be one to offer but she didn't mind

"She offered?"

"Yeah, she likes you. She wants to make sure you're okay too" Hazel was taken back, she knew rosalie was civil with her but she didn't know she liked her. Hazel got up and went to the kitchen and Jasper followed behind

"I'm going to make a Toastie, do you want one?"

"I ate before I got here. But what's a toastie?" The lie slipped from jaspers tongue easily having many excuses for times like these but he hated to say it to her. He didn't want to have to lie to her ever and that's what he was doing

"It's what I eat almost every day when I get home from school. I put, bread, butter and ham inside and then put it in the toastie maker. It's so good!" Hazel squealed happily. She started to assemble it and then pressed it down firmly in the sand which toaster which lit up a red colour
"Now we wait"


"Can you just stay for 5 more minutes?" Hazel questioned tiredly as she laid her head on jaspers shoulder. They had put on a short movie because the light wasn't good for her eyes when she was recovering from a concussion

"Five more minutes" he mumbled in defeat which made her smile

"Five more minutes" she repeated quietly as her eyes started to shut. Jasper could feel how tired she was so he decided to send her more just so she could fall asleep easier wanting her sleep to be as peaceful as possible

When he realised that his powers were actually working on her this time he frowned. Why hasn't it worked before?

Once she was out he gently lifted her head and put it on a pillow. He then picked up a blanket from the couch and placed it over her body before he left


HAZEL CREPT UP TO HER DOOR THE NEXT DAY AS SHE TRIED TO SNEAK OUT. She was hoping she would get to school early and then tell Rosalie that she was there because she didn't want to stay at home again

The door opened with a creak and she stepped out of her house and turned to lock the door

"What are you going?" Hazel gasped, turning around in shock only to see Rosalie stood there with her arms around her chest

"What are you doing here?" She asked back

"I knew you would do something like this so I came here earlier, rightfully so. Now what are you doing?" Hazel sighed

"I feel fine rose. Honest" Rosalie's face straightened out

"How? You have a concussion?"

"Yeah but i feel fine. I think I should be allowed to go to school"

"Fine. I'll compromise. You stay home today and tomorrow you can go school"

"But tomorrow's Saturday"


"Rose" it came out in an almost whine
"Pleaseeee" she shook her head and placed her hands on hazels shoulders and directed her back in the house


Rosalie went home that day around 6pm and immediately walked into the living room where everyone is and face planted on the couch. For a vampire that couldn't get tired, she was exhausted

"How is she Rosalie?" Jasper questioned wanting to know how his mate was

"Completely healed for one"

"Completely?" Carlisle questioned

"Yep. She tried to sneak off like Alice said but I stopped her and then we just hung out for the day"

Esme: "What did you do?"

"We played watched movies, did each other nails, played just dance. 50 rounds. And she won each one" rose huffed which made everyone chuckle
"I'm never playing that with her again"


THE SAME DREAM REPLAYED IN HER MIND ONCE AGAIN. IT HAPPENED REGULARLY but she would never be used to it. This time she ended up waking up at 1am and had to stay awake until it was time to get ready for school which was easy since she couldn't bring herself to close her eyes

"Hazel you're alright" Bella sighed in relief as she parked in front of her house. She got out of the car and quickly brought her into a hug
"Edward said it was bad so Jasper drove you to the hospital, I'm so glad you're okay. I was worried"

"I'm alright" Hazel chucked. Bella smiled and looked over her, her eyebrows now furrowing in worry

"Are you okay? You look like you haven't got any sleep"

"I'm okay. Just couldn't sleep, that's all"

"Come, let's go to school"


By the time they got to the school the coffee Hazel had started to drink was taking affect so she felt much better. They both got out of the car and stood around talking for a while before they got on the bus for the trip

"Look at you huh? You're alive" Mike smiled doing an Frankenstein impression. Bella softly laughed whilst Hazel rolled her eyes

Hazel: "False alarm I guess"

"I'm glad you're okay Keller" Hazel smiled in appreciation and then he turned to Bella
"I wanted to ask you, if, you know, it's like a month away, but...." Mike chuckled nervously
"Do you want to go to prom with me? So what do you think?" Bella zoned back into the conversation forgetting that Mike was talking entirely

"About what?"

"Do you want to go? To prom? With me?"

"Oh, I. Prom? Dancing? Not such a good idea for me. Uh, I have something that weekend anyway. I'm going to Jacksonville that weekend"

"You can't go another weekend?"

"Non-refundable ticket" Mike looked bummed down and Hazel felt bad for her friend so she decided to speak up

"Hey Mike. I heard Jessica would love to go to prom with you" his face lit up slightly

"Really?" He turned to Jessica who saw him and waved and a smile spread across his face

"Yes. But you can't tell her I told you" he nodded and did a motion, zipping his lips

"Yo, yo, yo. Hey, we gotta go. We gotta go. Green is what? Good. Let's go" they all made their way onto the bus and Bella and Hazel got separated so she couldn't sit by her friends which left an empty seat beside her

"Do you mind if I sit?" She looked up to Jasper and smiled motioning for him to sit in the vacant seat

"It's all yours"

"Are you feeling better?" He questioned once he was comfortable

"Much better. I don't know why, usually concussions take up to 3 weeks to heal but I feel totally fine. My cut too, that's gone" Jasper looked to where it was previously just to see a small scar there

"Im glad you're feeling better"

"Thank you Jas"


Jasper had gone to speak to Alice, Michael and Edward about how it's highly unlikely Hazel knows what she is and she went over to Tyler who she was then walking with

"Egg shells, carrot tops. Compost is cool. Now, I am going to make a steaming cup of compost tea" Tyler took both cups out of the teachers hands and walked off with it, with Hazel

"How much?" He questioned and she already knew what he was saying

"Whoever drinks the most gets $10" they shook hands and nodded before clinching there cups

"3..2..1" they both started drinking, Hazel not tasting it as she just continued to down it. The classmates walked around them watching, the Cullens included and at the scene the teacher walked over

"DONT DRINK IT" it was kind of too late since she had already drunk half but Tyler gaged and gave up, barely drinking any and at his defeat she laughed forgetting there was drink in her mouth. The remaining compost tea that was in her mouth went all over Tyler's shirt making them both laugh of

"YOU DRANK IT?!" The teacher shouted which they just laughed louder at him. Tyler reached in his pocket and handed her $10 which she smiled at though she couldn't get the taste out of her mouth

"You really are something" Jasper said coming beside her. She was currently drinking water to get the taste out

"Remind me to never do that again" she groaned

"Noted" he said smiling. She returned it and kept her water bottle at her side and Jessica ran up to her exited

"Hazel! Guess who just asked me to prom?"


"How did you know?!" She squealed before turning to Jasper who was standing with her. Jessica was too exited to even notice his presence but now that she saw him she raised her eyebrows at Hazel before smirking and walking off

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