The Veiled Lass

By HaleyMarie7

1.2M 55.8K 3.1K

To wear the veil meant life, to remove it meant death. To love is to be scorned, To scorn is to love. More

The Future of The Veiled Lass.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen Part 1
Chapter Nineteen Part 2
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four

Chapter Sixteen

25.9K 1.4K 107
By HaleyMarie7

"Like I did"

Those three words had Breac's hand tightening dangerously on Mae's throat and beginning to slide her up the wall.

Mae's eyes went large as the filled with undiluted fear.She began scratching at Breac's

hands and face desperately as her air supply was effectively shut off.

"Yee did that to her?! Did yee order her lashing to?!"He demanded loudly

Mae only struggled more in his deadly grip; that was all the answer he needed.

"Yee did!"

Breac snarled and dug his nails into her pale neck.Then suddenly they weren't alone in the armory. Two sets of strong hands dragged him from the ailing lass, for a few moments Breac refused to release his grasp on her neck and dragged her along with him. One of the hands that dragged him pried his fingers from Mae's neck and she fell to the ground in a limp gasping heap.

Breac watched angrily as his youngest brother Balfour quickly ran to her side to tend to her.He turned to look at the other man that had pulled him away.


"What were yee thinking?" Ennis questioned.His eyes flitted from Breac to Mae in a flurry; assessing the situation.

"She hurt Elspet"

"Who in the hell is Elspet ?"This time it was Balfour who spoke as he cradled Mae in his arms.She curled into him as she gasped and dry heaved for breath.

"Just get away from the damned witch Balfour"Breac snarled the order to his brother.

"She is just a lass Breac I know yee don't fancy their affection but yee can't strangle them much less a visiting Laird's daughter"Balfour scolded as he rubbed Mae's back trying to soothe her hiccuping breath.

"The damned lass not only "gave me her affections" she snuck into my room and then ordered a nearly deadly lashing and rape of the lass I do fancy" Breac corrected his brother harshly on Mae's conduct.

Balfour's boyish features marred with a frown and confusion.He searched his brothers dark eyes and found they burned with rage and truth.He quickly dislodged himself from Mae and moved to his brothers side.

"Do yee know what happens to those who order the death and or rape of an innocent?"Balfour questioned as he looked upon Mae with a sickened look in his light green eyes.

"Sh-e-e was not a-n innocent and I-am a lady-I can order the death or whoring o-f an-y of m-y servan-ts"Mae stuttered with a determined look in her face.

"I don't know how your grotesque lands work M'lady but here in the highlands whether yee be a laird or a servant yee get the same rights and if yee violate one's right yee are hung the next day"Ennis chucked as he noticed the way his statement caused Mae to begin to shudder in fright.

"I am Lady Ma-e of the Douglas clan yee cannot hang me"

"Thats where you're wrong in the Highlands whether a lady or whore your body rots in the gallows all the same."

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