Ascending Towards the Sun

By ShonuaSDK

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After being reborn Hua Ying was granted his wish, not remembering Lan Zhan, for thirteen years he remained aw... More

Chapter One Ascension
Chapter Two Once again pulled in
Chapter Four The Dancing fairy
Chapter Five Cloud Recesses
Chapter Six The demonic Arm
Chapter Seven Xinglu Ridge
Chapter Eight The Demonic Legs
Chapter Nine The story of Xiao XingChen
Chapter Ten The Demonic torso
Chapter 11 The truth comes to Light
Chapter Twelve Coffin City
Chapter thirteen Mannequin home
Chapter Fourteen Xue yang's Betrayal
Chapter Fifteen The true Form of the Demon Ghost Supreme
Chapter Sixteen Parting of Ways
Chapter Seventeen The headless corpse
Chapter Eighteen Secrets revealed
Chapter Nineteen Memories of MingJue
Chapter 20 Death of Mo Xuanyu
Chapter Twenty-One This Promise I Make
Chapter Twenty-Two A Chance to say Goodbye
Chapter Twenty-Three The truth at Lotus Pier
Chapter Twenty-Four A part of me is within you
Chapter Twenty-Five Guanyin Temple
Chapter Twenty-Six The unexpected twist in the truth
Hi there, Just another Notice

Chapter Three Back at Dafan Mountain

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By ShonuaSDK

Mother, why didn't we stay? Asked Mo Xuanyu

There is a person I do not wish to meet said Hua Ying as the memories came flooding back, he remembered before that bastard chose to seal himself when he saw him tonight on the roof saving his disciples, he remembered all the pain afterwards, no he did not what to meet that man ever, Hua Ying rubbed his chest as he thought, his head throbbing with pain as the memories came flooding back.

This was one of the people who had fought with him before, so he should retreat quickly. He was in a hurry to find a mount, as he passed a courtyard and saw a big millstone inside. A donkey was tied to the handle, chewing on its mouth. When it saw him run over rashly, it seemed like it was surprised, and eyed him sideways as if it was a real person. Hua Ying made eye contact with him for one second, and was immediately touched by the minuscule amount of contempt in its eyes.

Little one, do you want to escape with me? Instead of pushing and carrying a heavy load you get to see the world and when we reach home you get to be free said Hua Ying to the donkey.

The donkey eyeing Hua Ying then laid it's face on Hua Ying chest, then let's go my friend as he unbound the donkey and placed Mo Xuanyu on top and led them out. As dawn came over the horizon.

Only a few days passed, he named the donkey little apple as it seemed to love apples, they bought food and other things such as a sleeping mat and got terrified when his father showed up after he told them what had happened through the array.

Calm yourself, little demon, I won't force you. You did right by fleeing said Hua Cheng

Daddy, this is Mo Xuanyu, A-Yu this is my father one of the ghost kings crimson rain sought flower and the one in white is my mother heavenly emperor Tai Zi Danxia said Hua Ying introducing them.

Don't you mean empress? Asked Mo Xuanyu

Laughing no, no, my mother is male, all male but beautiful said Hua Ying smiling

Then how did you? How were you....

Conceived? A spiritual egg that they both created with the help from my grandmother the phoenix queen and my great uncles, the four pillars of heaven, he said Hua Ying smiling

Oh... Mo Xuanyu blushed beet red as he bowed and introduced himself.

Is this the child? You said he was fifteen A-Ying said Xie Lian

Mommy, he looks fifteen I only found out the next morning after I spoke to father, he is twenty-seven. Pouted Hua Ying and he is a child in our eyes considering our age.

True, true. What are you going to do? Asked Hua Cheng

I want to make it to PiQu village and have uncle Wang Fang look at him then use a shortening distance array and go to Yuandao and hand him over to Mei Nianqing to start his training, but after what happened. If I am lucky my path won't be swayed said Hua Ying as his wraith butterflies started getting agitated again.

Be calm A-Ying said Xie Lian

How can I be calm! YOU KNOW WHAT HE DID!!! TIME AND TIME AGAIN I GET HURT, I SUFFER! I am the one that cries, every time said Hua Ying, as Mo Xuanyu came and held him tight like a child does a mother.

You remember asked Xie Lian surprised

I wanted to forget said Hua Ying as tears formed in his eyes, I needed to forget but now... how can I? The tea does not work on a demon, and I am a mortal within an immortal's body, nothing will work... I cannot escape...

We can take him, then you come home said Hua Cheng seeing his son's distress

A-Yu won't survive, he is too weak, he is not me when I was five Father. The time it takes to get to your shrine will be enough to at least build a stronger core and he will have enough strength as well and not just bones said Hua Ying

Ok but we will be watching if you somehow if you make it there go visit your father Qing, he misses you Said Xie Lian as he hugged the both of them calming Hua Ying down even more.

Then Hua Cheng threw his dice, stay in communication said Hua Cheng tapping the side of his head.

Father as soon as I can, I will come home and explain, they must just not interfere again said Hua Ying

Oh, here A-Yu is going to need this as Hua Cheng threw "one soul" and left with Xie Lian

So, you, your father and mother....

Yes, in the most horrendous words, we are cut sleeves said Hua Ying as he looked down at his wooden training stick that could change into any handed blade, Hua Ying couldn't help but to think of his sword. The sword was probably collected by the leader of a prominent clan and would have hanged on a wall as a trophy that they could show other people.

Then the man that you were running from... the one at Mo Village asked Mo Xuanyu

He is the soulmate my heart, body and soul had chosen said Hua Ying, here, this is 'one soul', when you have a stronger core, I will teach you how to use it, as he handed it to Mo Xuanyu, we are going to meditate every night and every morning to build up your core, alright and he smiled.

Mn said Mo Xuanyu giving him a grin.

Changing to his male form Hua Ying felt safe once again.

Why change? Asked Mo Xuanyu

After what happened in the village, why not said Hua Ying

I understand said Mo Xuanyu

The next day, the road reached a vast farmland of some village. Under the scorching sun, there was a large pagoda tree and thick, green grass underneath it. Beside the tree, there was an old well, with a barrel and a dipper on the side, placed there by the farmers for any passersby to quench their thirst. The donkey ran over there, and nothing could make it leave. Hua Ying hopped down and slapped its honored buttocks, you're definitely destined for wealth, said Hua Ying as little apple nuzzled him for a pet, Mo Xuanyu went to fetch water for them as Hua Ying sat and leaned against little apple's leg and petted him

While they fooled around aimlessly, a group of people approached from within the fields. The people carried handmade bamboo baskets, and wore cotton clothes and straw sandals, emitting the rustic airs of rural villagers. In the group, there was a young girl with a round face that could be considered delicate. Possibly because of walking for too long under the sun, they also wanted to come over to rest by the shade and have some water. However, seeing that there was a wild donkey tied to the tree a man dressed in black and a lunatic with female's makeup and they were reluctant to go over.

Hua Ying had always thought of himself as one who was courteous towards women, so he moved over, emptying some space. After realizing that both he and Mo Xuanyu was harmless, the people were finally at ease to come over. All of them were drenched in sweat and had ruddy cheeks; some were fanning themselves and some fetching water. The girl sat by the well and smiled at Hua Ying, as if she knew that he purposely moved away.

One of the people held a compass in his hand. He looked into the distance, and then lowered his head questioningly, we're already at the foot of Dafan Mountain, so why hasn't the pointer started moving yet?

The designs and pointer on the compass looked strange, indicating that it wasn't a normal compass. It wasn't one that showed the North, South, East, and West, but one that showed the directions malicious creatures, also known as a "Compass of Evil." Hua Ying realized that this was probably a poor cultivation clan from the countryside. Aside from highbrow, affluent clans, there were also smaller clans like this, who closed their doors and cultivated on their own. Hua Ying thought that they might have left their village to either find a clan whom they were distant relatives to, or to go night-hunting.

Your compass might be broken; I'll get you a new one later. Dafan Mountain is less than ten miles ahead of us, which means that we cannot rest for too long. We have struggled through the whole journey, and if we relax now and fall behind, with other people beating us to it, it wouldn't have been worth it. Said a middle-aged man who was clearly the leader

As expected, it was a night-hunt. This is Hua Ying's specialty area. However, during the days of travelling, he destroyed a few graves, but only found small ghosts. He happened to need a ghost soldier to do evil for him and decided to go to Rice Mountain to try his luck. If he found a good one, he'd capture it and put it to use. After the group of people finished resting, they prepared to move on. Before they left, the round-faced girl took a small, partly ripened apple out of her basket and handed it to him, here you go. She said as she smiled

Hua Ying extended his hand to receive it, grinning broadly, but the donkey also opened its mouth and bit at it. Giving the rest of the apple to 'Little apple' he petted him once again then got on with Mo Xuanyu and little apple took off without stopping, they arrived at Dafan before dark. Upon arriving at the foot of the mountain, he finally realized that the "fan" wasn't the one he thought it was. It got its name because, looking from far away, the mountain looked like a kind, chubby buddha. There was a small town below the mountain, named Buddha's Feet.

I know this place said Hua Ying more to himself.

How? Asked Mo Xuanyu

I do not know; you see when I ascended, I myself sealed mostly all my memories so being back here is like reliving a dream and nightmare said Hua Ying

The man at the village? Asked Mo Xuanyu

He was someone I studied with long ago, someone I fell in love with, I thought he loved me in return, but he chose a different path to mine and broke my heart and we were at opposites, he could never take me for what I was said Hua Ying

I'm sorry, when I get stronger, I will challenge him and pay back all the hurt that he has caused you said Mo Xuanyu

The past is the past A-Yu, no need to be so aggressive, I don't want to be near him and is I am lucky I will never see him again said Hua Ying

Looking back ahead Hua Ying saw the number of cultivators who gathered here were far more than what he had expected. Everything was a jumble, with people from different sects and clans walking down the streets, all in uniforms of different colors, almost blinding to the eye. For some reason, all of them wore distressed expressions.

In the center of the long street, a group of cultivators gathered, talking in serious tones. It seemed as if their opinions differed greatly. Even from afar, Hua Ying could hear them talking. In the beginning, everything was fine, but they suddenly became agitated.

I think that there are no soul-consuming beasts or spirits in the area at all. It's clear that none of the Compasses of Evil showed anything.

If there isn't, then how did the seven people lose their souls? They couldn't have all attained the same disease, could they? I, for one, haven't heard of this disease at all!

Even if the Compass of Evil is not showing anything, does it mean that there's nothing in the area? It can only point out an approximate direction, without any specifics, so it shouldn't be fully trusted. Maybe there's something here that can interfere with the pointer's direction.

Do you remember who created the Compass of Evil? I've never heard of anything that can interfere with its pointer's direction.

What do you mean? Are you implying anything with that tone of yours? Of course, I know that Wei Ying created the Compass of Evil. But it's not as if his creations are flawless. Aren't we allowed the option of doubt, at least?

I never said that you can't doubt it, much less his creations are flawless, so why accuse me?

And so, their argument had turned to another direction. Hua Ying passed them on his donkey, giggling and laughing. He didn't expect that, after so many years had passed, he was still alive in the cultivators' conversations. This was the so-called much ado about Wei. If there was ever a poll to find out whose popularity was the most lasting in the cultivation world, the winner would be no other than Wei WuXian.

The Compasses of Evil in use today was the first version that he made, and were, indeed, not specific enough. He was in the middle of making improvements when his "den" was destroyed, so he had to put everyone through the inconvenience of using the imprecise version one. Yet he had one that was fully functional even that wasn't pointing to anything.

Hua Ying reined in the rope and hopped off the little apple's back. He took out an apple and he ate a few bites from the other side of the apple, and then gave the rest to little apple, pondering upon how he came down to the point of sharing an apple with a donkey, when, suddenly, someone bumped into his back. He turned around to see a girl. Although she bumped into him, she didn't acknowledge him at all. Her eyes were dull, and she had a smile on her face, staring into the distance without blinking. Hua Ying followed her gaze and saw the dense mountaintop of Dafan Mountain. All of a sudden, the girl started dancing in front of him without saying anything. The dance was wild, with her arms flinging about savagely. Hua Ying was watching the performance with keen pleasure when a woman ran over, lifting her dress slightly.

A-Yan, let's go back, let's go back! She cried as she hugged the girl.

A-Yan brushed her off with force, her smile still unfaded, creating a terrifying sort of affection, and continued to dance. The woman had to chase her down the street, sobbing while running.

How awful. A-Yan from Blacksmith Zheng's family has escaped again. Said the street vendor

It must be horrible for her mom. A-Yan, A-Yan's husband, and her father... All of them were...

On Dafan Mountain, there was a burial ground. Most of the ancestors of the townspeople from Buddha's Feet were buried here and, sometimes, unidentifiable corpses would also receive a spot and a wooden plaque here. A few months ago, in a dark and stormy night, the wind and the rain caused a piece of land on Dafan Mountain to slide and collapse, which happened to be the burial ground. Many older graves were destroyed, and a few coffins were exposed to the air and struck by lightning, causing both the corpses and the coffins to be charred black. The townspeople of Buddha's Feet were extremely uneasy. After a few rounds of prayers, they rebuilt the burial ground again, assuming that everything would be just fine. However, ever since then, people in the town started to lose their souls. The first one was a sluggard. He was a poor wretch, loafing about and doing no work at all. Because he loved to hike on the mountain and catch birds, he happened to be stuck in the mountain during the night of the landslide. He was frightened to death, but, luckily, he was safe. The peculiar thing was that, after a few days, he suddenly married someone. His wedding was quite large, and he said that he wanted to be charitable from now on and settle down. On the night of the wedding, he was completely drunken, having never woken up ever since he lay on the bed. The bride didn't receive an answer as she called him. Only when she pushed him over did she realize that the groom had dreary eyes and a cold body. Aside from being able to breathe, he was no different from a dead person. After a few days of lying on the bed, not eating or drinking anything, he was finally buried. Unfortunately, the bride had become a widow shortly after she married. The second one was A-Yan, from Blacksmith Zheng's family. The young girl had just received an engagement when her future husband was killed by a wolf on the second day, while he was hunting in the mountains. After she got the news, she also became like the sluggard. Luckily, after some time, her soul-losing disease was cured on its own. However, after this, she went crazy, cheerfully dancing to other people when she was outside. The third one was A-Yan's father, Blacksmith Zheng. Until now, this had happened to seven people.

Hua Ying considered the situation, then opened and array.

Father, that stone demon goddess, we sealed her right?

Yes, your mother and I have why do you ask?

I am here where it all began and there are people having their souls taken again.

A-Ying be careful, if this is true then she has gotten stronger and that means someone has tampered with the barrier. Please tell me you're in your male form.

Yes, daddy I am in my male form and if that is the case, I am going to have to destroy her once and for all and return the souls to the living and the dead are to be reborn

You know how much that takes from you.

Should I just leave them to rot then?

I would never ask the sun goddess to do such a thing, just be careful you will be weak once it is done

I will daddy, thank you.

Closing the array and sighing deep, A-Yu I now know why this place is familiar to me said Hua Ying I was born in this valley and the soul sucker, I have met her too, do you want to see?

Yes, please said Mo Xuanyu with his eyes shining.

To go up the mountain, one had to hike up trail that started in the town. Hua Ying led little apple and walked up the hill slowly. After a while, a few people walked down with ominous expressions on their faces. Some of them had scars on their faces, and they were talking all at once. With the darkening sky, they all jumped as they saw a person who looked like he was going to kill everything, approaching them. After cursing, they walked around him quickly. Hua Ying turned his head around and thought, maybe they were frustrated because it was a strong prey? He didn't think too much about it, as he climbed behind Mo Xuanyu and slapped the donkey's buttocks, making it jog faster up the mountain.

If it was darker, then one would need a torch to move freely about in the mountain's forest. Luckily for Hua Ying he had his wraith butterflies as they walked for a while, but they didn't meet many cultivators. Hua Ying was quite surprised, is it possible that half of the clans who came were in Buddha's Feet arguing and talking empty words, while the other half could only come back defeated, like the group of people who just passed by?

Suddenly, cries for help came from in front of him.

Is anyone there?

Help us!

Both male and female voices could be heard, and all sounded panicked, probably not faked. Cries for help from desolate mountains were usually the works of evil creatures, to lure ignorant people into traps. He directed little apple towards the direction of the voices but couldn't find anything around him. As he looked upward, instead of spirits or monsters, it was the rural clan that he met by the field earlier on, hanged on the trees by a huge, golden web. The middle-aged man was originally patrolling and scouting in the forest with a few others. However, rather than meeting the prey that they had hoped for, they stepped into a net trap, probably set up by some wealthy clan, which was why they were hanging on the trees, complaining and calling for help. After seeing that someone approached, they immediately brightened up, but the hope faded as they saw that it was a lunatic, and a dark man came. Although the threads of the deity-binding net were thin, the material was fine in quality, making them difficult to break.

I am not going to be able to break this without a sword, sorry black hand said Hua Ying as he looked at the excited ribbon.

A boy wearing a light-colored robe emerged from within the dark forest. The boy had a vermilion mark in between his eyebrows, his features delicate yet sharp. He was quite young, around the same age as Lan Sizhui, still in his adolescence. He carried a bamboo canister of feathered arrows and a luminous sword on his back, holding a longbow in his hand. The embroidery on his clothes were extremely delicate, forming a magnificent white peony in front of his chest. The golden threads glistened against the dark nighttime shades surrounding him. This must have been a young master studying in the Lanling Jin Sect, since the sect was the only one with a white peony as the clan pattern, using the king of all flowers to suggest that they were the king of all cultivators.

The young master already had an arrow on his bow, and was preparing to shoot it, when he realized that the deity-binding nets only caught humans. After an initial moment of disappointment.

I find you idiots every single time. There are more than four hundred deity-binding nets in the mountain, but you guys have already broken ten or so, and I haven't even seen the prey yet! Said the boy annoyed

After a few days of travelling slowly and listening to the intriguing conversations at Buddha's Feet, Hua Ying gathered a lot of information about the changes to the cultivation world. As the final winner of the hundred-year-long cultivational disruption, the LanlingJin Sect was the head of all clans and sects, its leader was even referred to as the "commander" of all cultivators. This being weird since his uncle Shi Wudu made sure their treasury was cleaned out long ago.

Please, Young Master, do us a small favor and let us down. Asked the middle-aged man

You guys should just stay here, in case you mess around and get in my way again! I'll let you down after I catch the spirit-consuming beast, that is, if I still remember you. Sneered the boy and turned around

So, it's you. Said the boy as he glared at Mo Xuanyu

A-Yu do you know this yelp? asked Hua Ying

Yes, his name is Jin Ling replied Mo Xuanyu as he put his head down to hide his face.

A-Yu is your father perhaps Jin Guangshan? Asked Hua Ying

Yes! How did you know? Asked Mo Xuanyu

Just a lucky guess said Hua Ying as his face darkened

Get out of here! It's disgusting just looking at you, you damn gay! Said an annoyed Jin Ling

What an attitude! I suppose that you didn't have a mother to teach you? Sneered Hua Ying as Mo Xuanyu paled

What... Did you say? Growled Jin Ling as he unsheathed the sword on his back

Hua Ying looked lazily at the boy took a leaf whispered an incantation and the boy's movements were already fast, but Hua Ying being who he is, was much faster doing a somersault over Jin Ling he slapped the leaf on Jin Ling, suddenly felt his torso become numb, his back weakening, and he unwillingly collapsed onto the ground, with his sword also falling to the side with a clunk. He couldn't get up no matter how hard he tried, as if a mountain was on top of him. On his back, there was a ghost who had died from gluttony, crushing him to the point that he couldn't even breathe. Although the ghost was weak, it was completely capable of dealing with brats like this one.

Don't worry, the gluttony ghost won't eat you, he is one of my prisoners said Hua Ying as he picked up the sword and threw it towards the deity- binding nets and split them in half. I really wish that these nets were never made they are such a pain in my arse.

The family fell to the ground in an awkward way, but they sprinted off without saying anything. The round-faced girl seemed as if she wanted to thank him, but she was pulled away by an elder, who was scared that Young Master Jin would hate them even more.

WHO ARE YOU?! taking the wrong path! Watch out for your life! Do you know who came today? Roared Jin Ling

If you knew who I was you wouldn't be saying that and so what? I am not scared of any mortal sneered Hua Ying

If you don't let me, go this instant, I'm going tell my uncle, and you're going wait for your death! Yelled Jin Ling

Why is it your uncle, not your dad? Who's your uncle, again? Asked Hua Ying

I am his uncle. Do you have any last words? Said a voice behind him that was bitter and cold, Hua Ying smirked, even after all these years he would never forget that voice

A violet-clothed youth approached in confident steps, his robe flowing smoothly and his hand pressing on the hilt of his sword. A silver bell hung by his waist, although it made no sound as he walked. The young man had thin brows and almond eyes. His features were handsome in a sharp way, and his eyes held a composed vigor, with a slight intention of attack, appearing to be two bolts of lightning as he stared. He stood ten steps away from Hua Ying, his expression resembling a honed arrow on the bow, ready to be released at any moment. Even his posture emitted an air of arrogance and overconfidence.

Jin Ling, why did you linger for so long? Do you really need me to come and pick you up? Look at what a terrible situation you're in right now and get up! Said Jiang Cheng frowning

Hua Ying walked back to Mo Xuanyu and little apple as Jiang Cheng saw the leaf on his nephew and cut it away.

I'm going break your legs! Roared Jin Ling and he turned towards Hua Ying indifferent posture

Break his legs? Haven't I told you? If you see this sort of evil and crooked practice, kill the cultivator and feed him to your dogs! Sneered Jiang Cheng

Looks like you haven't killed enough innocent people that you want to try me. Trust me you won't land a single blow even if you try laughed Hua Ying

Jin Ling attack at once and Hua Ying laughed as he danced out of the boy's way, suddenly, the blue glare of a sword slashed out like lightning. It collided with Jin Ling's sword glare, breaking the powerful sword's golden rays in an instant.

Stopping short of placing another talisman on the boy he turned around the first thing he saw was a long slender blade, crystalline and translucent, as if it was made of ice. Its name was Bichen. The blade turned, and the clank of the sword being inserted back inside the scabbard as the two stared at each other.

And I was wondering who it was. So, it is you, Second Young Master Lan. Sneered Jiang Cheng

The man in the mourning clothes he had an aura of smooth moonlight, Wangji was carried on his back, walked up to Hua Ying and stared and Hua Ying broke eye contact and walked back to Mo Xuanyu and little apple.

Hua Ying sneaked a peak he looked at the man that he had once loved, hell he still loved. The man wore a forehead ribbon with cloud patterns. His skin was fair, features both refined and elegant, as if he was a piece of polished jade. The color of his eyes was especially light, like they were made of honeyed brown almost golden, causing his gaze to be overly distant. His expression held the traces of frost and snow, stern to the degree of being stiff, there wasn't a single speck of dust or wrinkled spot on him, from his head to his feet. It was impossible to find any fault with his appearance.

Under his breath Hua Ying whispered, still the same old cold expression and rigid posture i remember, truly worthy of still being called the Ice prince. Mo Xuanyu snickered not realizing that Lan Zhan heard everything Hua Ying said

Lan Zhan was silent, staring straight ahead, standing motionlessly in front of Jiang Cheng. second master Lan, you sure live up to your reputation of 'being wherever the chaos is'. So, you had time to come to this remote area today? Said Jiang Cheng

Lan Jingyi spoke straightforwardly, Isn't Sect Leader Jiang here as well?

Tsk, do you really think that you should butt in when your seniors are conversing? The Gusu Lan Sect has always been known for its respectful conduct. Is this really how it teaches its disciples? Sneered Jiang Cheng

Lan Zhan seemed as if he didn't want to engage in conversation, throwing Lan SiZhui a look. The latter understood and told the juniors to speak among themselves.

Afterward, Lan Sizhui turned towards Jin Ling, Young Master Jin, night-hunts have always been fair competitions amongst the different clans and sects. However, to set up nets all over Dafan Mountain is clearly hindering the cultivators, causing them to fall into the traps. Is this or is this not against the rules of night-hunting? Asked Lan Sizhui

What can I do? It was their own fault for stepping into the traps. I'll solve everything after I finish capturing the prey. Sneered Jin Ling

Lan Zhan frowned. Jin Ling was about to speak again, but he suddenly realized that, shockingly, he could neither open his mouth nor make any sounds. Seeing that Jin Ling's upper and lower lips became inseparable, as if they were glued together, anger appeared on Jiang Cheng's face.

You, with the Lan surname! What do you mean by this? It's not your turn to discipline Jin Ling yet, so release the spell, now! Shouted Jiang Cheng

Hua Ying started laughing as he tried to get on little apple

Sect Leader Jiang, there is no need for anger. As long as he does not break the spell forcefully, it would release on its own, after thirty minutes. Said Lan Sizhui trying to defuse the situation

Sect Leader! Cried one of the Jiang disciples However, after seeing Lan Zhan's presence, he hesitated. Jiang Cheng spoke satirically, Talk. Is there more bad news?

Not long ago, a blue sword flew over and destroyed the deity-binding nets that you had set up. Said the disciple weakly

Jiang Cheng glanced at Lan Zhan harshly, his displeasure plastered all over his face, how many were broken?

All of them the disciple replied

That's more than four hundred! Said Jiang Cheng seething with anger. Although four hundred deity-binding nets were a whopping price, it wasn't too much for the Yunmeng Jiang Sect. Nonetheless, losing the nets were a small matter, but losing face was not. With Lan Zhan's actions, Jiang Cheng felt a whirlpool of anger at the bottom of his heart, rising higher by every second. He narrowed his eyes, his left hand casually stroking the ring on his right hand's index finger.

If second master Lan wants to punish you, so just let him do it for this one time. It's not easy for him, either, to discipline juniors from other clans. Sneered Jiang Cheng. Why are you still standing there? Waiting for the prey to come and throw itself onto your sword? If, today, you don't catch the creature hunting Dafan Mountain, don't come to me ever again!

Jin Ling threw Hua Ying a tough look who was being held up by Mo Xuanyu because he was still laughing, but was too scared to look at Lan Zhan, the person who had silenced him. He put his sword back into its scabbard, saluted the two seniors, and retreated with the bow in his hand.

Sect Leader Jiang, the GusuLan Sect will return the exact number of spirit-binding nets that had been destroyed. Said Lan Sizhui

No need. Said Jiang Cheng. He chose the opposite direction and walked down calmly. The man who had come from the forest followed behind him, pulling a long face because he knew that it'd be impossible to escape a lecture when he returned.

How could the Sect Leader Jiang act like this? Asked Lan Jingyi. Only afterward, did he remember the Lan Clan's rule of not talking behind others backs. He looked meekly at Lan Zhan and shut his mouth.

Sect Leader Jiang has always been this way Laughed Hua Ying, since he has lost face to you senior, he is even more displeased.

Young Master Mo, we meet again. Who is with you? Asked Lan Sizhui smiling

Hua Ying smiled Mo Xuanyu as he held Hua Ying tightly 

Do your tasks. Commanded Lan Zhan as he turned towards Hua Ying and looked at him

The juniors finally remembered the reason behind why they came to Dafan Mountain. They gathered their thoughts and respectfully waited for further instructions.

Do what you can. Don't force anything. Lan Zhan said, Still looking at Hua Ying then he nodded towards Hua Ying and turned and walked towards the way Jiang Cheng went.

You know A-Yu, I suddenly remembered why I fell in love with the ice prince in the first place said Hua Ying and he turned little apple and continued up the mountain, *sigh* I so do not want to be here now, but this is a matter of the ghosts and gods, and I cannot leave until the task is done.

Mother, what is wrong? Asked Mo Xuanyu

That boy Jin Ling, he is my Shijie's son, and his father was killed by my own brother who I turned into a savage corpse replied Hua Ying.

I'm sorry replied Mo Xuanyu

It isn't your fault. Let's get this done so we can go home smiled Hua Ying

Hua Ying dug in his sleeve and pulled the pipa from his sleeve; would you like me to play asked Hua Ying

Mother knows how to play said Mo Xuanyu with gleaming eyes

Remember I can even kill with a single note laughed Hua Ying then got on little apple and started playing the lullaby his phoenix mother sang when he was a babe, unknown to either of them as they made their way that Lan Zhan had stopped when he heard their conversation and went closer as soon as the song was played, it was the same song that played when Hua Ying was at Cloud Recesses the night he had missed home.

"Wei Ying is it really you?" 

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[First place winner Eunoia Awards WangXian category July 2021] After being apart for years, Lan Zhan and Wei Ying are reunited, finally starting thei...