Boku no red dragon emperor


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Izuku Yagi wasn't born with a quirk and was bullied, attacked, harassed and more for the factor which he coul... Еще

Chapter 1: Izuku Yagis origins
Chapter 2: Partners !!
Chapter 3: Training to be the best
Chapter 4: Entrance exam
Chapter 5: Trouble on my first day
Chapter 6: Putting the bully in his place
Chapter 7: USJ terror
Chapter 8: USJ Terror part 2
Chapter 9: USJ Terror 3
Dear readers this is my Reset

Chapter 7: New day and family troubles

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no one knew what to say they were frozen in place after that previous attack something that left them speechless happened Izukus gauntlet evolved and erupted with power firing a dragon shot of pure draconic energy devouring Bakugos blast and sending him flying out the building into another.

Iida: *cough**cough* Yagi? Yagi!!

He screamed when he heard coughing and walked to it to see Mina leaning against a wall

Iida: Mina! Are you alright ?!

He ran to her and helped her stand up"Mina you aren't hurt are you ?" he asked worried

Mina: No i'm fine but where's Midori

Iida: I'm not sure, Yagi, Yagi!!

He called after a bit the smoke cleared and the first thing they saw was the area where Bakugo was once standing had been turned to ruble destroyed to the paint that the metal in the roof was coming down onto the floor.

They narrowed their eyes seeing a figure appearing as the smoke dispersed and when it finally went their eyes widened to see Izuku standing in the same position he was in when he fired the blast earlier but with smoke coming off his clothes that were torn and covered in dirt. Izuku stumbled forward before falling down to the ground not moving a single inch.

Iida: Yagi!!!

They ran over to Izuku to see that he was still breathing but only barely 

Mina: Oh no Midori !!

Iida: All Might help us !! ALL MIGHT HELP US !!!

All Might immediately dashed in and was shocked by the state of Izuku.

All Might thoughts: I wanted to find out how Izuku gained his powers but I didn't want this forgive me my boy 

Picking Izuku up slowly he dashed away


Izuku blinked once, twice and then three times full opening his eyes he saw himself underneath an unfamiliar roof " w-where am I?" he asked himself .

Ddraig: We're in the UA infirmary partner

Izuku: Ddraig?...What happened ?

Ddraig: You took on the full force of Bakugos blast and evolved the boosted gear I guess that zapped away all your stamina 

Izuku: I guess *sigh* 

Izuku sat up feeling his body ache " argh damnit " he took a deep breathe trying to relax himself.

Ddraig: Are you alright partner ?

Izuku: y-yeah I am but I can't help but wonder what happened to Bakugo that orange electricity that surrounded him when he attacked us...His quirk can't do that do you think it was that mans quirk  

Ddraig: Indeed the quirk of your scum farther passed on to an unfit user

Recovery girl: oh you awake deary 

Izuku turned his head to the right to see Recovery girl enter the room 

Izuku: Y-yeah thanks for taking care of me recovery 

Recovery: Oh it's fine sweetie that's my job after all but you should be more care you did get seriously injured when you took that other boys attack that's why i'd like you to come back to my office tomorrow so I can heal you up but for now head back to your class

Izuku: right thanks Recovery

He bowed and left the room

with Izuku:

Izuku made it to his class and took a deep breath preparing himself for what was to come.

Izuku: well here goes

Ddraig: good luck partner 

Izuku opened the door and walked in only to be crowded by his classmates as soon as he opened the door

??: Yagi you were so cool and manly out there! I'm Ejiro Kirishima by the way

??: Dude you were so awesome out there! I'm Hanta Sero

??: It's nice to meet you, I'm Tsuyu Asui, I hope we can be friends kero.

??: Mon Amie I am-

Mina: Are you okay Midori nothing hurts does it !?

She asked grabbing his arm

??: Hi I'm Mineta what do you like most butts or boobs?

Izuku was being overwhelmed while his entire class introduced themeselves to him. The door on the other side of the room opened to reveal Uraraka and Kaminari walking in with a stack of paper "Hey after this why don't we grab something to eat, what do you like?" Kaminari asked her

Uraraka: heh sorry but I- Huh Dekiru!

 Uraraka ran to Izuku and hugged him tight" I was so worried don't you ever do that again" alongside Uraraka came Iida in a hurry checking Izuku out for any wounds.

Iida: Yagi !!! How are you feeling, does it hurt anywhere !!?

Iida was checking Izukus body to see if he was okay which thankfully he wasn't despite the aching feeling around his body.

Feeling that he worried Mina,Uraraka and Iida alot Izuku looked down upset with himself.

Izuku: i-i'm sorry for worrying you guys please forgive me

Bowing his head Izuku expected them to be angry at him bust instead they smiled at him.

Iida: Don't worry about it Yagi we're just glad you're safe 

Uraraka: yeah but seriously don't ever do that again 

Izuku smiled when he felt Mina tug on his sleeve" it's not polite to ignore a girl Midori "Izuku blushed and apologised to Mina when he noticed something " hey where's Bakugo and Izumi?" he asked them.

Ojiro: Oh they left the class a few minutes before you woke up

Izuku: ah I see

Ddraig: You aren't going to go after those two are you ?

Izuku smiled" no way " Ddraig smiled back proud of his partners growth


On the next day, Izuku had come to school but he had a heck of a day yesterday living at his home became harder than ever especially with his sister and the Bakugos it was like he would never catch a break.

But now he was facing his greatest enemy yet.







The news 

Women: Hey can you tell us what it's like to work so closely with All Might? Woah you're handsome what's your name?

She asked flirtatiously

Izuku: Sorry but I'm gonna be late

Ddraig: Wow this women should be arrested hitting on someone younger than her 

Izuku agreed with him as he moved past them and walked into the school building this time they crowded Uraraka

??: Are you one of All Mights students, tell us what's the symbol of peace like in person

Uraraka: umm what's he like? Well...uh..he's super muscly yeah!

this time it was Iidas turn

women: how is he fairing as a teacher? What are you learning ?!

Iida: his leadership and wisdom remind me daily that I'm learning at one of the most prestigious educational institutions of course he's the personification of heroism that one would expect but he's also not afraid to show his students a more humorous side it's truly a unique opportunity to be under the direct tutelage of the pro we all admire.

Iida continued on boring the reporters before he left and Aizawa took his place.

women: please sir can you get All Might for us? Also, you look like a mess what's your deal?

Aizawa: All Might's not on campus today now get out of here you've disturbed my students enough already

Aizawa walked away into the school as the reporters complained about their crappy responses


she shouted as the other reports shouted and protested

Man 1: I've seen that guy before but where

Women: I don't know but he seems too scruffy to be a teacher

Aizawa thoughts: How does All Might ever get anything done with this riff-raff

Women: all right if you won't bring All Might out I'll get him myself

She said walking in



The alarm on the top of the gate beeped red twice before slamming down nearly squashing the woman but she jumped back and fell on her ass in fear


Man 2: don't you know about the school's defences this gate is the UA barrier

Women: defences it practically killed me

Man 2: yeah well it's designed to stop anyone who doesn't have a student Id or teacher pass from entering the school guess it works

women: ugh

Man 2: there are sensors like this all over the place

Women: keeping the public out like this, this school thinks it's untouchable! The least they can do is grant me one interview

All the reports agreed with her complaining as well pissed off

"The news that, that man was a teacher at UA spread like wildfire the nation was shocked completely by this turn of events everyone heard of him becoming a teacher and I mean everyone"

Timeskip in class

Aizawa: decent work on yesterday's combat training you guys I saw the video feeds and went over each of your team results Bakugo you're talented so don't you sulk like a child after your victory okay and if you do something like that again I'll make sure you never become a hero got it

Katsuki: *groan* yeah whatever

Aizawa: and Yagi you did well I'm proud of you but next time don't throw yourself into danger like that. Try to find a better way so you don't get hurt other than that great work keep striving to improve

Izuku nodded with a smile" yes sir "

Ddraig: I like him 

Aizawa: good alright now let's get down to business your first task will decide your future

Everyone froze in fear" is it another quirk assessment test" they all wondered

Aizawa: you all need to pick a class representative

Everyone's thoughts: Oh so just your normal school things

They thought in relief

Kirishima: Pick me guys I'll be the best rep


Mina: NO NO ME ME !!!

Toru: I'm the perfect choice

Izumi: OH PICK ME !!!

Kaminari: I'll be the rep

Jiro: you're gonna need me

Mineta: If you choose me i'll make the girls skirts 10 cms shorter!!


"To any other school a class rep would just deal with regular school stuff but in UA it helps our reputation grow to prove we have what it takes to be leaders and that will do a lot in the hero business"

Ddraig: They're all so loud

Iida: SILENCE EVERYONE PLEASE THE CLASS REPRESENTATIVE's RESPONSIBILITY IS TO LEAD OTHERS IT'S SOMETHING EVERYONE CAN DO. They must first have the respect of every student in the classroom therefore the most logical way to make this decision is democratically. We will hold an election to choose our leader

he said with his hand raised the highest

Everyone's thoughts: it's pretty obvious you want us to vote for you

Kaminari: Is this the best idea

Asui: we've only known each other a few days how will we know who to vote for

Kirishima: and won't most people vote for themselves

Iida: most will but that's why this is the best way to vote right sir

Aizawa: do what you want but don't interrupt my nap

He said falling to the ground in his sleeping back

Iida: thank you for your trust

After a couple of minutes of voting Izuku won with 9 Votes for the position of class president and Momo as a deputy with 2 Votes but right now we find our incredible hero in the lunch hall with Iida and Uraraka

Iida: I must say Yagi you will make a great class president 

Uraraka happily ate her rice while nodding

Uraraka: so anyway, tell us Dekiru since you are the new class president how do you feel?

Izuku: Honoured and slightly overwhelmed I'm just scared I might not be good enough but I've been meaning to ask did you vote for me Iida

Iida nodded

Iida: Among all the other students you and Yaoyarozu were the only choices I thought were right for the position

Izuku: Why though?

Iida: you alone showed the most care for our classmates out of everyone you even protected me and Mina at the risk of your own life so I knew no one better than you to become the class president

Uraraka: that's right

Izuku smiled at his friends and Ddraig who couldn't help but chuckle enjoying the sight of his partner figure being complimented for the incredible person he is

Mina: Hey I voted for you too you meanie

She pouted cutely coming to the table holding a tray of food.

Izuku: Mina! 

Mina: *giggle* Hey there Midori do you mind me and my friend here sitting with you guys 

Toru: Hi guys!  You don't mind us sitting here do you ?

Izuku: Oh hi Toru and not at all what about you guys ? 

He asked Iida and Uraraka

Iida: not at all

Uraraka shook her head " great !" Mina cheered sitting beside Izuku while Toru sat next to Uraraka

Mina: Oh by the way Midori why does Bakugou call you Deku all the time.

Izuku: It is an Insult for me when I was Quirkless why do you ask ?

Iida:That's still shameful behaviour unfit for a student of UA it's unforgivable!

Uraraka: Well it's a good thing we changed that to Dekiru right ! 

She asked happily to Izuku who nodded before feeling his arm being nudged and turned his head to face Mina.

Mina: Yeah but you like my nickname better don't you Midori~

She said the last name in a cheeky tone making him blush bright red but also making Uraraka pull his other arm.

Uraraka: Hey he likes mine better !

Mina: No mine 

Uraraka: No mine !

Uraraka/Mina: Who's do you like better Midori/Dekiru !?

Suddenly bell Rang and every student began running away in the Cafeteria panicking.

Izuku: Oh thank God

Ddraig: Talk about the perfect timing

Toru: What's going on!?

Iida: Is this a villain attack !?

Izuku grabbed a student who was running past him and questioned him " hey what's happening?" he questioned him " it's the security alarm it never goes off!" Izuku let him go running and was then dragged away by the crowd .

" ow"

" help"

Izuku found himself slammed against the window of the hall everyone was running through stomping on each other, shoving and hitting each other when he noticed that it wasn't a villain attack it was the media breaking into the school.

Izuku thoughts: Damn I have to get out of here but what can I do !?

Turning his head slightly he spotted Yaoyarozu in the same situation as him" that's it !" he shouted with an idea.

Izuku: Yaoyarozu!!! 

The girl turned her head to face Izuku " Y-Yagi?" she replied facing him " I-I have an idea b-but I need your help can you make something that will allow everyone to hear me ?" he asked as she nodded.

Yaoyarozu: Yeah just give me a few seconds...

Yaoyarozu lifted up her shirt revealing her belly as a light shined from it and created a microphone"and done "

She handed the blushing Izuku a microphone. Izuku took it and placed it next to his mouth " thanks Yaoyarozu...HEY EVERYONE STOP FREAKING OUT THERE IS NO VILLAIN ATTACK IT'S JUST THE PRESS. LOOK AT WHAT YOU'RE DOING RUNNING AWAY LIKE COWARDS WE'RE TRAINING TO BE HEROES SO START ACTING LIKE IT" After he shouted that everyone stopped freaking out and began helping each other before leaving .

Izuku: *sigh* well that took alot out of me

Ddraig: Yes but you managed to break them all out of their state of fear well done partner

Izuku: Thanks Ddraig 

He said before heading over to his classroom.


Izuku was swarmed by his classmates after getting to class

Kirishima: Midoribro, I can't believe you did that!! It was so manly!!

Kaminari: Yeah man!! If it wasn't for you we would have been squash like bugs!!

"Yeah, thanks a lot Midori!You were really tough out there tiger~" Mina said close to his face with a flirty tone as Izuku blushed a bit and asked her to back up a little"um M-Mina could you please back up a little, you're kinda close... Close"

Uraraka pouted at Mina who was giggling while making fun of Izuku

Meanwhile in Kuoh:

Issei: So have you guys found anything about where Ddraig could be I bet my partner is just desperately missing me 

Rias: I'm sure he is Issei but we need to be patient it's bad enough Kokabiel broke out of his prison 

Akeno: Yeah he could strike at any time and we won't have the red dragon emperors power to deal with it me need to stay vigilant 

Kiba: I'm sure we'll find Ddraig soon we just need more time Issei 

Xenovia nodded and looked out the window" I wonder how did the red dragon emperor leave Issei and how strong did they have to be to take him away"

Back with Izuku:

Izuku walked towards the door to his home and took a moment before placing his hand on the door nob.

Izuku: *sigh* here we go again 

Ddraig: Now, now partner maybe it won't be so bad 

Izuku: let's hope you're right partner 

Izuku turned the door nob and opened the door walking inside to see his Inko cooking, Toshinori sitting on the kitchen table reading his newspaper and Izumi next to the Bakugos on the couch.Katsuki being the first to notice he entered the house.

Katsuki: Oh look who walked in hi Deku 

Inko: Oh welcome home sweetie you hungry ?

Izuku: No

He continued on his way to his room when he felt a hand roughly grab his wrist turning his head he saw it was Toshinori.

Izuku: Can I help you ?

He asked nervously disliking the feeling of Toshinoris hand gripping his wrist.

Toshinori: Son we've been wondering how is it you got your quirk ?

Izuku: Ah just by chance I guess please let me go 

Izuku pulled his hand out of Toshinoris grasp and quickly walked away before All Might stood infront of him a result of Toshinori buffing up.

All Might: I wasn't asking you, you  will tell us now Izuku !

All Might had a glare on his face one that was threatening and scared Izuku a little.

Izuku: Please just let me through 

Inko: I think it's best we know Izuku this is for your own good after all sweetie 

Inko walked over to Toshinoris side while Izumi stood behind Izuku next to Bakugo

Izumi: you know Deku you should tell us where you got your quirk from after all a quirkless loser like you doesn't just get a quirk as strong as the one you currently have 

Izuku thoughts: What do I do ? Ddraig help me please 

Toshinori: Tell us now !

He raised his voice at Izuku before grabbing him by his collar and raising him up into the air  

Izuku: Let me go 

Toshinori: Tell me !

Izuku: Let go of me !

Toshinori : I Told you to-

Izuku: LET GO!!!

Suddenly Izukus aura burst out with crimson and purple energies overlapping each other sending Toshinori flying into the wall behind him.

When the aura dispersed it revealed Izukus boosted gear equiped but the air around it was so heated that it became blurry. The group around him looked at Izuku in shock but it didn't last long as he ran out the house as fast as he could.

Izuku thoughts: Damnit, damnit, DAMMIT !!!

He shouted to himself running away with tears in his eyes.

Ddraig: Izuku let's calm down okay i'm always here with you remember that

Izuku: Ddraig I-

Ddraig: I know but right now we need you to relax come let's head to the beach 

Izuku: okay*sniff*

Ddraig thoughts: Damn you Yagi family I swear i'll make you pay for this ...

To be continued...

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