xmoonlight_dahyunx Γ‘ltal

7.3K 154 327

Third Kpop imagines book. I write male idols in this. I take requests so if you have any please leave in comm... TΓΆbb

Welcome- Requests
πŸ’– Juhaknyeon- The Boyz πŸ’–
πŸ’œ Sungjun- BLANK2Y πŸ’œ
πŸ’™ Jinyoung- GOT7 πŸ’™
❀️ Minho- SHINee ❀️
🧑 Suil- LUMINOUS 🧑
πŸ’› Jihoon- Treasure πŸ’›
πŸ’— Taerae- Tempest πŸ’—
🀎 Jewon- NINE.i 🀎
πŸ–€ Jaechan- DKZ πŸ–€
🀍 Jin- BTS 🀍
πŸ’œ Eddy- RoaD-B πŸ’œ
πŸ’™ Iden- Megamax πŸ’™
❀️ Jay- iKON ❀️
🧑 Khael- MIRAE 🧑
πŸ’› Chan- TO1 πŸ’›
πŸ’š Xiumin- EXO πŸ’š
πŸ’— Naoki- OCTPATH πŸ’—
🀎 Kanghyun- ONEWE 🀎
πŸ–€ Dann- Kingdom πŸ–€
🀍 Sunghyuk- TAN 🀍
πŸ’– Sunyoul- UP10TION πŸ’–
πŸ’œ Kai- EXO πŸ’œ
πŸ’™ Jackson- GOT7 πŸ’™
❀️ Minho- SHINee ❀️
🧑 Keigo- JO1 🧑
πŸ’› Jihoon- Wanna One/ Soloist πŸ’›
πŸ’š Baekseung- EPEX πŸ’š
πŸ’— Junseok- ATBO πŸ’—
🀎 Youngjae- GOT7 🀎
πŸ–€ Johnny- NCT πŸ–€
🀍 I.M- Monsta X 🀍
πŸ’– Kyuhyun- Super Junior πŸ’–
πŸ’œ Seunghwan- ATBO πŸ’œ
πŸ’™ Eunjun- AIMERS πŸ’™
❀️ Winnie- NINE.i ❀️
🧑 Hwon- Kingdom 🧑
πŸ’› Wooyoung- AIMERS πŸ’›
πŸ’š Yeojeong- TO1 πŸ’š
πŸ’— Kyuhyun- Super Junior πŸ’—
🀎 Eunho- NTX 🀎
πŸ–€ Harua- &TEAM πŸ–€
🀍 Hyeop- DRIPPIN 🀍
πŸ’– Hanbin- TEMPEST πŸ’–
πŸ’œ Seowon- NINE.i πŸ’œ
πŸ’™ Hamin- TRCNG/ BXB πŸ’™
❀️ Yungyu- 8TURN ❀️
🧑 Yunmin- THE7 🧑
πŸ’› Imchan- 24K πŸ’›
πŸ’š Jeonggeun- HAWW πŸ’š
πŸ’— Hongseok- Pentagon πŸ’—
🀎 Havit- TRENDZ 🀎
πŸ–€ Dongjun- GHOST9 πŸ–€
🀍 Yujun- Xikers 🀍
πŸ’– Vari- NINE.i πŸ’–
πŸ’œ Thanatorn - The Wind πŸ’œ
πŸ’™ Dohyon- LUN8 πŸ’™
❀️ Key- SHINee ❀️
🧑 Jinsik- Xikers 🧑
πŸ’› Yorch- POW πŸ’›
πŸ’š Brian- AMPERS&ONE πŸ’š
πŸ’— Kyuhyun- Super Junior πŸ’—
🀎 Zhang Hao- ZeroBaseOne 🀎
πŸ–€ Eunseop- LUN8 πŸ–€
🀍 Seungeon- EVNNE 🀍
πŸ’– Gyuvin- ZeroBaseOne πŸ’–
πŸ’œ Hanjin- TWS πŸ’œ

πŸ’– Hyunjin- Stray Kids πŸ’–

291 3 6
xmoonlight_dahyunx Γ‘ltal

This imagine was requested by Jas_mind

I am an exchange student who has come from India to South Korea for a university semester to study. It's really hard being away from my family and I get homesick. I used to hate going away for one night to stay with family now I'm in another country where I don't speak the language. It's been 6 weeks since I've been in Korea and I'm starting to settle in a bit more then I did at the start but I'm still missing my family and friends back home am awful lot. I do FaceTime them though and keep in touch that way. A week when I got here I met a guy called Hwang Hyunjin. He is famous. He's a Kpop idol, a celebrity who is a member of group Stray Kids. I met him when I got lost around town and he gave me directions then we bumped into each other in a store and got talking. I didn't know he was famous until the third time I met him. He didn't let it slip at first as he said he didn't want me to think different of him for being a celebrity but I said I wouldn't. We have got to know each other pretty well. At first Hyunjin was a bit cold to me at first when we met but I didn't know he was an idol so it was hard to figure him out. He and I are now friends now and still getting to know each other. He is helping me get over my homesickness even though it's still there. I'm still in Korea for a couple more months so we are bound to get even closer. In evenings I am usually studying in my dorm or relaxing for the evening. Hyunjin is busy too. Often he is. I don't talk to my dorm mate as she doesn't speak much English. She isn't in tonight so I've got some peace and quiet. As I was working I hear a knock on the door. I sigh and get up and open it. It was Hyunjin. "Hyunjin" I say. "Hey. What you up to?" he said. "Studying" I reply. "Oh I won't stay long. I'll be gone soon. Just came by if you wanted to go out for dinner tonight" Hyunjin asks. "Well I'm kinda in the middle of something important. Otherwise I would and I've eaten too. Thank you" I reply. "No problem. I'll leave you to it. See you soon" he smiles. I smile. I thought it was cute that Hyunjin stopped by and asked if I wanted to go out but it just wasn't a good time. I would if I wasn't studying

A few days later and I am meeting Hyunjin fof some dinner. It's a good time to meet since we are both free and not busy with our lives. It feels like we a date we are going on as he asked me in a different way. He said "will you go out for dinner with me?" which seemed like he was asking me on a date but he might not be. We are friends and we haven't known each other that long. Hyunjin said as an idol, he's not really allowed to date if he gets caught. Hyunjin has paid for transport me which is sweet. We only arranged this yesterday. So I'm getting ready now and leaving when the cab is coming. I didn't know what to wear as I don't know if it's a date or just going out for dinner as friends. Whichever is fine. I go for a plaid skirt and a top which doesn't look too dressy. I waited outside for the cab to arrive to take me to the restaurant. Soon I arrive and Hyunjin told me he was waiting inside for me. I found him at the table he was sat at. "Hello" he said. "Hi" I smile. "How are you?" he asks. "Good" I smile. For a second there was an awkward silence between us as we look at the menus. "So do you know what you want yet, Y/ N?" Hyunjin asks. "Yeah pretty much. You?" I reply. "Yeah same" he said. So we order our food and then talk a bit. "Nice that you could come out with me tonight. Eat and hangout together" he said. "Hyunjin, I'm confused" I say. "Why are you confused? What is there to be confused about?" he replies. "This whole thing" I reply. "What? Us going out for dinner" Hyunjin said. "Yes. Is it a date or just friends?" I ask. He hesitates for a second and then replies "Well kinda both, Y/ N. Not going to lie". "So you're trying to say you like me in that way. I thought you said it's risky to date with you being who you are" I say. "Well I didn't say it would be risky. I would just have to be careful especially since you're a foreigner" Hyunjin replies. "Well we won't date then so you don't risk your career. Hyunjin, we actually barely know each other" I say. "I know we haven't known each other long, Y/ N but I've grown to really like you in such a short time" he said. "Yeah" I smile. "Well it kinda is a date I suppose even though we are friends" he said. "Sure" I reply. Hyunjin and I had a nice meal tonight. Just as friends for now but you never know. I actually didn't say I liked him back in that way. Maybe I should've now. Maybe next time

I only have one month left before I go back home to India. I really don't want to as Hyunjin and I have got to know each other really well and I don't want to leave him behind. We have grown closer a lot lately and are developing feelings for each other. I don't want to leave Hyunjin behind so I'm making the most of this last month left with him. Definitely going to make the most of my time with Hyunjin as I might never see him again. I know he's a busy man but he tries to make time for me when he can. I know it mustn't be easy being a celebrity and people always in your face all the time. It's not for me. Hyunjin is amazing at what he does. I've seen him in action a few times and he is great at his career. Hyunjin and I are seeing each other today after our schedules wrapped up for the day. We don't know what we are doing. We will see when we meet. Could be anything from eating to playing games. We will see what we feel like. Hyunjin is coming to my dorm later on this evening and we will see what the plan is. I had to take a shower as my hair needed washing and I needed a shower. Hyunjin will be coming a little later when he's ready he'll let me know. I was tiding my dorm while I waited for him to arrive. About 45 minutes later, there was a knock on the door of my dorm and it was Hyunjin of course. "Hey, friend" he said. "Hi, friend" I say. "Can I come into your dorm?" Hyunjin asks. "No go away" I laugh. "I know you're kidding, Y/ N. You're so funny" Hyunjin laughs giving me a hug. "So what should we do?" I ask. "Anything I don't mind. Order something here or go somewhere to eat" he replies. "How about we order something here so you don't get bombarded by crazy fans" I say. "Good idea. Happens to me all the time" Hyunjin said. We decided to keep it simple and order pizza to my dorm and eat together there. It's nice just to see Hyunjin and hangout with him. Like I said might as well make the most my last month in Korea. The pizza comes and we tuck in as soon as it arrives. "So delicious. Can I eat it all?" Hyunjin asks. "In your dreams" I laugh. Hyunjin laughs back. There was an awkward silence between us. "Y/ N" he said. "Yes" I smile. "I really don't want you to go. I want you to stay here forever" Hyunjin said. "I know. I really do too. Trust me" I reply. "Y/ N, not gonna lie. I have a little confession" he said. "Sure confess" I reply. "I really really like you, Y/ N. I might even be falling in love with you" Hyunjin said. "Yeah I really like you too, Hyunjin. You're a really nice guy and handsome too. I can't help but like you" I reply. "Thank you. I wanna do this" he said. All of a sudden Hyunjin leans in and kisses my lips and I kiss him back and I enjoyed it. I told him I would think about staying in Korea if we got even closer. I just don't want to leave yet

A month later and I decided not to go back to India as Hyunjin asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes so I decided to stay in Korea as we've fallen in love with each other and I didn't want to leave him. He asked me to be his girlfriend just a couple of days before I was due to go back in India. Now I am still in Korea. My family back home are sad to see me stay in Korea and not come back but they understand that I have met someone and I'm happy with him. They will have to meet Hyunjin one day. They will like him a lot I think. I will probably go to visit my family in India one day soon when I can pay for a flight. I do miss my family a lot back home. I still get homesick. Hyunjin and I are keeping our relationship a secret as much as we can as he is not really meant to be dating with him being an idol. We are just being careful anyhow. We were out for dinner earlier this evening in an quieter part of town but now we have gone back to my place. Well it's a hotel I'm staying in till I find somewhere since I am not studying anymore. I do have a job to pay. Hyunjin paid for my hotel and it's quite luxurious. Might end up living here. We are laid on the bed and we both could fall asleep. "Y/ N, I'm so glad you stayed. Couldn't imagine my life without you know" Hyunjin said. "Me too. We found love" I smile. "But not in a hopeless place" he laughs. I laugh back. He makes me happy does Hyunjin. Very happy and now that we found love and are happily together. That's all that matters to us

A/ N: yayyyyy it's just let me tag you finally Jas_mind i enjoyed writing this imagine. It was cute and sweet. Hyunjin is one of those fine men who you fall for and can't help but love. Trust me I've been in his trap before. He was my first SKZ bias, joint second now. Jeongin is my bias but love them all. Yeah this imagine was a good one

OlvasΓ‘s folytatΓ‘sa

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