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316K 3.1K 1K

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MINI SERIES. : โœจ๏ธ
๐Ž๐‹๐ˆ๐•๐„๐‘. : 001

แดกสœแด‡ษด แด›สœแด‡ส แด„สœแด‡แด€แด›. : โœ”๏ธ

4.2K 44 35

OLI : He told you, and had a break down as you yelled at him and started throwing random shit at him.

"WHAT DID I DO?!" You cried.

"DID I NOT LOVE YOU ENOUGH?! HUH! IS THAT IT?! OR WAS I JUST NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR OLIVER FUCKIN' MOY?!" You yelled and screamed. You loved this man with everything you had. You gave him love and gifts, everything you had. Bought him Boba, and gave him hugs, an unlimited amount of kisses and cuddles. You loved him with all your heart and soul and yet he cheats?

He stayed silent. Then it hit you. "Oh.. I know why.." You laughed historically then smirked out of anger. "Is she hot?"

He cried and looked down not responding. "Oh I bet she's perfect for you. Big ass, big tits, and no brain."

You smiled, laughing at him as he couldn't bare to look at you.

You walked out of the room as the guys ran to see what was going on. "Da fuck was all that!?" Regie yelled.

"Whats goin on up here?" Kane stated.

You chuckled holding your backpack your hand.

"Ask the big, bad man whore."

Sebastian raised his eyebrow. "Who?"

"Your brother." And then you walked out and cried in your car for hours.

SEB: He would deny it. Did he really cheat though? Yes, but he just couldn't admit to it. He tried, he really did.

He'd get ready to send the text but he could never seem to press send. He loved you, that's all he knew. And he really, really didn't want to mess up what you had.

But he as soon as he let that girl in his room.. he couldn't stop. You found out, in the worst way, seeing it for yourself.

REGIE: He just came out and said it.

"I've been meaning to say this for a while." He took in a deep breath. "I've been cheating on you, and I want to break up."

Your heart sank into your toes. "Oh.. okay."

Is all you said till your heart, eyes, and mind couldn't take it anymore so you ran out of the NSB household and dashed to your car. He ran after you and even stood infront of your car. You pressed the gas and he jumped out of the way just in time. You drove to your apartment, leaving him crying on the hot concrete.

DARREN: He was dumb enough to get caught in the act. He'd been practicing a big speech and everything about how he'd cheated and didn't feel the same as he used to. But being Darren he thought visibly would be better.

He got a girl and put her on the bed and started. He knew you were due to be home any minute so he put on his best show. He thought you'd get mad or not care since you'd been distant from him too.

Instead, you wake din silently from a horrible day at work when you heard her moans.. you wake dinto the room silently and cried. You put your hand over your mouth and took a photo.

Here was your proof.

You silently walked out of his room and walked downstairs having a mental breakdown. Darren was so caught up in his hoe that he hadnt even noticed you.

Sebastian saw and took you to his room since it wasn't near Darren's and he let you cry and then you showed him the picture. He grabbed all the guys and showed them and they marched their way up to his room and began yelling and screaming, plus throughing his plushies at him. But Regie stayed behind to comfort you as you cried your heart out.

RYAN: He had been distant. Too distant. You went through his phone and saw texts and photos.

That's why he isn't with me now.. he's found someone else.

You immediately packed your bags and walked out of his room.

Speak of the devil. Ryan was standing right outside of the door. "We're done." He looked down sadly, as if to cry. But you were too upset to cry.

"I know.." With that, you left never to look back.

Until you ended up dating Sebastian-

JUSTIN: You both had. He had cheated so you cheated right back. You both told each other in complete confidence and ended up separating for the best. You both cried and you both were sad but.. after a while you two were just fine being.. just friends.

KANE: Um.. ma'am/sir, it's Kane fuckin Ratan.. that's not in the books. So go on to the next chapter cuz he would never >:(

Fight me, Kane COULD not, ik the other members prob wouldn't but I just can't imagine Kane cheating.. like my brain can't imagine it- I've tried but it took like a whole week to write this cuz I couldn't think of Kane's

luv, authory poo

Continua llegint

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