Isekais Don't Exist, You're J...

By NeoStarReset

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Tighnari X Fem!Reader PLEASE NOTE: This story is for MATURE audiences and will tackle complex materials such... More

1. Walking Fossils
3. Wrath of a Fox
4. A Wish for More Time
5. What Are The Odds?
6. Here Lies The Lonely One
7: Easy Target
8. Last Daze
9. Misfortune of the Fortunate
10. Sunset Eye
11. Scatter
12: Not On Your Schedule

2. Rulemaker of the Rainforest

515 37 4
By NeoStarReset

"Are you okay?"

Tighnari's voice snaps you out of your spiraling thoughts, your expression shifting back to something relaxed like a rubber band when you lift your gaze up to him. He's staring at you, taking in the placement of your features and studying your face.

"Yeah, I'm good. Why?" You ask, trying not to look as miserable as you feel.

"Your sweating is excessive and you're out of breath."

You can't help the embarrassment that floods your face, eyebrows knitting together immediately at his perceptiveness. Still, you can probably save face before he asks why you look like you're embarrassed.

"I'm not exactly what you would call an active the city where I'm from, the most exercise I ever do is walk to the bus stop," you say, noting his ear flick when you mention the bus. Of course he wouldn't know what that is. Your gaze drops as you consider a succinct explanation. "A bus is a method of transportation. It's long and it can carry about...thirty people? Sometimes more depending on size or if it has two floors. It stops around the city on a schedule so you can get off or get on the bus when you need to. The only issue is that it's time consuming thanks to all the stops."

When you look back up at him, his expression has transformed into a look of awe and interest. He looks like he has questions, opening his mouth until a wave of nausea rolls over you. Tighnari obviously catches this on your face, because he steadies you by grabbing hold of your bicep. Or maybe he noticed from the way you're about to pitch over to the side?

"You're about to fall over. If you ate anything inside the forest, you're going to have to tell me right now," he says, a stern tone laced with his words once again.

"I haven't eaten anything," you say, although you don't realize the double edge of this sword when his expression deepens more.

"You haven't eaten anything at all? Did you ever leave the cave? If you did, you didn't pass by any places with dying plants, right?" He's awfully worried for being a person that's just met you.

"No, I didn't leave the cave at all. Really, I'm fine. I had some crackers before I ended up here, so-" Your stomach takes the opportunity to grumble just as you say that, but it's low enough that you don't think he can hear it. Unfortunately, you're once again reminded that his ears aren't for show.

"You haven't eaten since yesterday...with a stomach that growls like that? It's possible it could have been more than that. How sure are you that you were only asleep for a full night? Your appearance here is already questionable, but we have no idea the amount of time between when you disappeared from your world and ended up in ours, do we?" Tighnari points out to your dismay, looking around and smiling when he catches sight of a tree with orange hanging fruits a few yards away on a hill.

"You're taking all of this pretty well, you know...has something like this happened to you before?" You ask, pulling his attention away momentarily from his discovery to regard you.

"Of course not. This is strange for me too. I'm just prioritizing getting you to safety before I start bombarding you with inquiries of the like. You don't look so good, so what's the use of panicking or stressing out in front of you when you're counting on me to lead you to safety? I've had to handle many crises here as a forest watcher. If I don't look concerned, it's only because I've had enough experience to temper my reactions."

"Right..." you answer with uncertainty, feeling somewhat discouraged by his response even as he presses a hand to your shoulder blades to urge you along towards the tree with him. Whether you can get back to your world or not, is that even something you would want? And what if you're unable to stay here? What if you go back and have to deal with that empty room again? With all those waiting bills you definitely don't have enough money to pay for this month?

Your throat suddenly feels dry.

"That expression again? Don't worry so much, let me be the one to deal with that. For now, a fruit from that tree should hold you over for a short while," he says with a lighthearted smile, obviously trying to cheer you up. It's a miracle he's still trying after he got upset with you before.

Once you reach the tree, he plucks a few of the hanging fruits, eyeing them and tossing a few bad ones aside before handing you one.

"Eat that," he practically orders despite the smile on his face. "And don't eat anything else I don't tell you to. Agreed?"

You nod and take the offered fruit, giving it a curious once over and eventually deciding you've never seen a fruit like this before. Still, a forest watcher handed it to you with his seal of approval, so there's no harm in trying it, right?

Hey, remember? If it does something awful, that's a good thing. And if you eat more of it, the faster it will be, right?

Another growl from your stomach breaks your thought process, prompting you to take a bite of the fruit under his watchful gaze. It almost makes it a little hard to eat when he's staring at you like that...but for the sake of silencing your belly and maybe the rest of your body, you attempt to disregard it. Just when you think the fruit is unfortunately safe, Tighnari hums in frustration.

"Sorry, please wait a little before taking another bite. Something just occurred to me and I'd rather we take things slowly to be safe."

Maybe you should be a little more concerned about his change in tune as he moves to take the fruit from you, but instead you start to feel a seed of dread and hope sprouting in your chest. If you just ate something bad, hopefully it doesn't hurt.

"You're not used to anything here, so I don't know what kind of a reaction you'd have to even the foods that are safe-" Tighnari starts, your brain registering his words and taking action by putting your body on autopilot.

You back away from his reaching hand, holding the fruit close to your chest and taking another bite against his wiser sentiments. As soon as you do, his ears perk to their full height and his eyes widen.

"What are you doing? Don't do that! Look, let's just wait fifteen minutes to make sure- please stop eating that," he tries to command, advancing on you to remove the fruit from your grasp by force.

You take a few more steps back and rush to bite into the fruit as much as possible, turning away to run from him when he speeds up. Too bad for you, he's not out of shape like you are- nor is he unlucky enough to nearly slip from the rain slicken grass like you do. He catches up just in time, grabbing the back of your clothes to pull you up before you land face first in the rain soaked ground.

The fruit you're still digging into when he pulls you on your feet is swiftly confiscated, leaving your hand a sticky mess where you had a death grip on the potentially dangerous treat.

"Did none of what I said register in your brain?" Tighnari asks, not even the slightest bit out of breath. In contrast, your heart is ready to jump out of your rib cage and your lungs are working double-time to satisfy the needs of your body. Although he's irritated, you just shrug and lick the nectar off your fingers.

"I'm hungry," you answer. "And you said 'eat that', so I did. I don't see what I did wrong."

"Yeah! And then I said please wait to eat more. That overrules my earlier statement," Tighnari stresses, looking on distastefully as you proceed to lick your hands clean. "Uncouth."

Once you have finished your oh so uncouth  display, you turn away to wipe your hand on a nice fat leaf to the side, silencing your uptight companion from presenting any more comments. Judging from his expression when you look back at him, you can easily guess he doesn't like you very much.

"I feel better," you say after a few minutes, though it comes out a lot less enthused than it should.

"...For now," he remarks, though he surprises you when he takes a seat under the shelter tree and reclines against it, making himself comfortable until he notices you're still standing in the rain. "Well, sit down. We don't want to be walking and have you fall into the ravine because you have an adverse reaction and pass out."

He's got a valid point, but...the drop from the top of the ravine is attractive. Why not just keep moving?

"Who cares, we don't need to stop. Let's just keep going," you try to counter, his ears flicking and his tail swishing around at your insistence. When his eyes drag up to yours, you can tell he's reached his limit. You almost regret trying to say otherwise to his directions. In his eyes, he's trying to get you to safety in one piece.

He's not at fault for having no idea how little you care about your own well-being.

"Oh! So you're in charge? You do know how to traverse the forest then? You know what's best for you? Alright, don't let me get in your way then, boss. I'll meet you at Gandarva Ville," he says in such thickly coated sweet sarcasm that you can't help the guilt that's begun to eat away at you.

And yet, instead of apologizing and begging for his mood to return to what it once was, you don't have it in you to fight him. You don't even have it in you to passively sit down and listen. Half of it is your pride stopping you, but the other half tells you that you deserve this treatment for being unreasonable in his eyes. It's not like you can just open your mouth and tell him you want to die, the reaction to that would be the same as your last therapist's was.

Tighnari definitely strikes you as the type of person that would go out of his way to stop you from doing that. He may have a short fuse regarding stubborn and unreasonable people like yourself, but you can't imagine him being a bad guy.

So you absolutely can't tell him the truth.

"See you," you answer instead, voice dropping to something much quieter. He doesn't look up at you from where he's sat down, ignoring you. Still, you know better than to think he's going to stay there forever. For all his talk, he's still a forest ranger. Sure, that doesn't mean he can't be corrupt, but he's already proven himself to be willing to help despite the vexation you bring him.

If you had to guess, now that you're heading off on your own, he's probably going to follow behind you at a distance to make sure nothing dangerous happens.

If something tries to attack me, he'll be right there to make me eat my words, won't he? At least I know where to go. He said earlier we had to follow the ravine South, so I know I'm walking southbound right now. Along this path, I'll run into Gandharva Ville no matter what.

If I get there before he does, that'll be a pretty funny way of proving to him I have some capabilities- as slim of a chance that is...not that proving my capabilities was the point. At the very least I have plenty of experience camping at national parks, though I can't imagine the rules would be the same when this is a rain forest.

You sigh once you're able to turn around and see that he's too far to spot. He's probably already gotten up from where he sat down, not that you're able to confirm it even when you squirm.

Still, your solace gives you much needed comfort as you pull the blanket closer. With how many turns your emotions took talking to Tighnari, you're already exhausted socializing. You wish you could just curl up under the covers in bed again, scrolling haplessly on your phone...

Oh, right, I still have my phone. I don't think they have charging outlets here, but maybe there's still a way to power my device. I just need to cross my fingers that they have some type of electricity here.

You pull your wet backpack around and unzip it to fish your phone out, wincing at the droplets that cover the front. So much for trying to keep it dry.

Once it's unlocked, you scan the battery life, nodding in satisfaction at the solid ninety-three percent battery. You did fall asleep with it plugged in, so you'd be surprised if it was any lower than that. A quick wipe of the rear lens camera, you take to testing its photo capabilities and feel a small wave of satisfaction when a picture of the rainy path ahead is saved to your gallery.

If I see anything weird, I could ask Tighnari with photo evidence. Maybe he'll even be fascinated by this like he was with my explanation of the bus.

Just as you think that, another thought occurs to you, making you scroll through your gallery and clean the images up in albums as you walk. You must look ridiculous if he's watching you, walking along without looking where you're going and intermittently moving to wipe rainwater off the screen of your phone.

"Ow." Fate proves you a fool, making you grunt when you lightly bump your forehead against a low hanging tree branch. Your first reaction as you rub the area is to look around, making sure you at least can't see him.

He definitely saw that, didn't he?

Pretending otherwise offers little comfort from the heat you feel taking place across your face. Still, you duck under it to keep walking and tinkering with your phone.

In your photo gallery, there are mostly saved internet memes with little value- making you delete almost every single one you find. Even if you were to show Tighnari, he likely wouldn't understand the humor. Hell, you hardly understand the humor of memes sometimes, and you're the one that ends up laughing at them. Very little of your recent pictures are actual camera shots of your life- only slightly increasing in quantity the further back you go in the log.

After passing about a hundred photos of Galleta, all of which make your heart ache with nostalgia, you reach several photos taken of a clear night sky, a nebulous belt of stars that quickly strikes that feeling of awe in you.

When was the last time you even looked up at the sky...? Had you gone so far under that not even the stars could offer you comfort anymore?

Eventually you find photos of the city. Shots from the tourist areas of San Francisco back when you were showing some out of state family members.

Even photos of the Golden Gate Bridge in all its glory are saved in your device, its reflection glittering across the bay under the light of sunset. You even have photos of the street cars and buses alike, some of the buses with that accordion type of bend to extend them even longer. That one definitely holds more than forty people.

And then you scroll to a gallery of pictures...with your friends. Or rather, people that were your friends. You hadn't seen these people in the photos in ages, to the point you almost forgot they existed. Yet here their faces were immortalized, smiling brightly beside you in a cafe near the piers on a cloudy morning.

Everyone has their laptops and textbooks thrown across a large table in one photo, signaling this to be one of your many study groups you used to join your friends in. Although they had different majors than yours, nothing could really beat the comfort of being around one another to write up papers and bounce off ideas. It must be winter, since you're all completely covered up.

Your heart clenches tightly and you quickly dismiss your plans, turning off your phone and putting it away to relax your expression. Last thing you want is Tighnari showing himself early just because he thinks you're distressed.

"Thinks", huh? You are distressed.


You wipe your eyes, but it doesn't help with all the rain still falling around you. Maybe it's a good thing it's raining though, even if it almost did result in several crocodiles having you for breakfast.

When you look up again, it's because movement out of the corner of your eye has caught your attention. Sadly, it's just one thing after another for you.

You have to wonder why all these options of escape seem to involve things with sharp teeth...

Saliva leaks from the maw of a large hungry feline, its green hued eyes staring as if sizing you up for attack. Although you're caught off guard and definitely nervous about giving it the wrong impression, you square your shoulders and stare at it- watching for any sudden movements. You've never actually encountered a wild cat before, but you remember what your friend used to tell you if you ever ran into a mountain lion.

Not even fifteen minutes in and I'm already a damsel in distress. I can't say I'm surprised.

"Nice kitty..." you murmur under your breath, slowly backing away from it even as it starts a careful advance in your direction. It's not moving fast either, hesitating as it eyes you. You've never even seen a wild cat like this one, its two long hairs behind its head giving the feline's familiar appearance a strange edge. "Tighnari, if you're there, I'm sorry I didn't listen. Now would be a really, really good time to help though."

The only answer you receive is the cat's rising growl as it suddenly lurches forward, large forelimbs snatching forward at you and kicking up rain water so you jump back. It's not close enough to actually catch you, but that move has closed the space more than you would like. If you back away too fast, it's going to take it as an attempt to run.

"Tighnari," you say a little louder, hoping he hears.

"'Please, Tighnari'," you hear his correction from directly above you, making you finally look away from the cat to find him. You expect to see him looking down at you despite the situation, but to your surprise he's holding his bow up. There's an arrow already knocked and pulled back to shoot at the cat, the point at the end taking on an viridescent tone that quickly maximizes just before he releases his arrow.

He doesn't actually hit the cat, but the arrow makes contact with the wet grass right at its feet.

It leaps back when three green lights erupt from the shot upon impact, all the glowing swirls of green immediately homing in on the cat. It lets out a guttural yowl of objection as all three hit it, making it scramble about wildly for a moment. Once it finally finds some stability, it turns away and races back into the thicket, kicking up water and dirt that makes you shield your face as some bits hit you.

You're still staring at the stray arrow stuck to the ground when Tighnari steps down from the tree above, splashing the rain soaked grass and casually waltzing over to retrieve his arrow from where he shot it. As he plucks it from the soil, you wonder if you're welcome to approach him at all.

"You know, as dense as I thought you to be, I'm glad to be proven wrong... somewhat ," Tighnari starts, his back still to you as he holds the arrow on its side to examine it. His ear twitches, shaking off water as you wait to hear what he says. "You had everything right, except for the way you were making eye contact with the tiger and inviting it to challenge you. I understand that you're eager to move quickly, but it's dangerous when you forget to respect the forest. The fauna are aggressive. They, including some poisonous flora, could result in death for those that aren't careful. If you drink from just any water source you happen upon, you could find yourself at the Bimarstan faster than you could say 'help'."

After he's decided the arrow is still viable for another few shots, he tucks it back into his quiver and turns to face you, a stern look on his face.

"From this point on, please listen to me when I give you instructions. Even if it may seem contradictory or if I have a change of heart. Can I count on you?" He asks, hands on his hips as you take in the return of his patience.


"...Why do you care so much about what happens to me? What makes you think I'm worth all this trouble?" You ask, gently toeing the line of what might come off as alarming. You're honestly curious- about the green light from his arrow, about the forest he lives in, and about...just him in general.

Tighnari cocks his head to the side, visibly frowning like he can't believe you're asking such a thing.

"Why do I need a reason to want to help people? You're not the brightest, but you don't seem to be such a bad person. You're like a rishboland tiger cub that's run into an electro slime for the first time," he laughs, his analogy going right over your head when you give it some thought. Still, it's kind of nice seeing him ease up for a moment. It's a nice break from seeing his stern expression all the time.

"Even if I'm not a bad person, I'm definitely not worth the time," you speak up, surprising yourself. In normal circumstances, you wouldn't want to rain on anyone's parade. And yet, you can't stop yourself from saying it.

His eyebrows knit together, but he still doesn't look concerned. Good, he doesn't know then. What he doesn't know can't hurt him.

"Everyone and anyone that walks into the Avidya forest is guaranteed to be treated fairly regardless of their circumstance, and promised guidance to traverse safely past the dangers if they so ask for assistance. Even people from other worlds," he clearly states, holding a hand up to his chest in a mock salute. "Forest watcher's honor."

You blink owlishly at him, trying not to smile at his matter-of-fact stance and his...well, corny words.

"...Even after I ignored your concerns and made you angry?"

"Oh, sure. Loads of people have pissed me off, but you won't see me abandoning them to their fate. Besides, if I did that, they'd be having their funerals much earlier than planned," Tighnari answers with ease, pulling at his hair to wring water out again.

Heart of gold. I definitely don't deserve the same treatment, not when I'm probably going to act erratically either way.

"Hey so, it's definitely been more than long enough. How do you feel now?" He asks.

"How do you feel now that you've found a job? I assume retail isn't exactly what you were expecting after graduation, was it? Hey, at least when we go there, you can hook us up with discount prices, am I right? Don't look so down, you did everything by the book, the lab will definitely call you back. They're probably reading over your resume as we speak!"

A weird strangled noise comes out of your throat at the familiar words, making you turn away and hide your face from Tighnari as you try to suppress the emotional fountain that's trying to force its way out of you.

Tighnari says your name, concerned as you force the sob that wants to rip out of your mouth down. Once you have it more or less under control, you take a deep breath, white-knuckling the blanket around you.

"I'm fine! Sorry, I'm okay. No allergic reactions, I'm just...homesick! I'm homesick," you say, counting the seconds that pass by as you inhale and exhale like your therapist once showed you how. To his credit, he stays quiet the entire time, waiting. "I'm okay..."

You feel his hand rest over your shoulder after some time has passed in the rain. It makes you nervous to turn around, but convince yourself to after a few more breaths.

"Labored breathing..." Tighnari says more to himself than you, leaning in closer than he probably needs to just so he can examine your face. Although your first instinct is to lean away, you force yourself to stand still so he can get it over with quickly. Being so close, you realize just how pretty his forest eyes are. "But you seem to be fine."

He takes your hand and before you know it, he's putting that familiar sweet fruit from before in your hand and casting you that infectious smile that borders on somewhat smug.

"If you run with it, I won't take it from you this time. I promise," he says, resulting in a sharp exhale of amusement out of you despite yourself. Now that you have the fruit though, the good mood tempts you to take a bite even against the uselessness of such an action.

There it is again, the flip-flop of emotions talking to him. I'm already getting tired...but I can't lie and say it isn't nice.

"Let's get moving again. We're almost at the...the, um..." Tighnari's words trail off as he shakes his head lightly, rain water flying off the ends of his hair and ears as he seems to lose his track of mind. His ears have started to flick back against his head quickly as he blinks in rapid succession, enough to make you worry for a change.


He reaches up and touches his ears and head, opening his mouth to speak...and letting a garbled mess of words come out instead. You don't even know what he was trying to say, his mouth snapping shut when he's unable to get anything coherent out.

"You're scaring me, are you okay?" You ask, eyeing his scowl as he stares at the ground, at you, and then at the deep forest over his shoulder.

Next thing you know, he's completely pitching over.

"Oh my god! Hey...! Tighnari!" You shout, dropping both your blanket and the fruit as you catch him under his arms. You steady his fall just before his body completely collapses. It's a little awkward when his ears smack like a wet towel against your face, but you help him to a slow descent until he's seated on the ground safely with you as a support. Looking at him, you realize he's gone out like a light. What happened? He was fine just before, there were literally no signs of any discomfort or...or whatever weirdness this is! "Tighnari, wake up!"

You push at his shoulders to get a reaction. Although his body moves, it's only under your applied pressure- not because he's shifting of his own volition. Your stomach flips as you turn your head every which way, hoping to find a person that can help. To your dismay, there's not a soul in sight but you and your forest watcher companion.

"Fuck...!" You curse under your breath.

It takes a little while before you eventually hear something. It's distant and makes your head perk up to see through the forest line. It's...not a normal sound. It sounds like a deep pulsing noise, tinted with high pitched ringing that comes and goes at a set rhythmic pace. It's so low that you aren't sure if you can hear it, and the higher pitch is so high it gives you a headache the louder it gets.

Your first reaction is to cover your ears, but you're startled to see that it doesn't block out the sound whatsoever. It almost sounds like it's coming from inside your head, and it's starting to hurt.

Your eyes start to blink rapidly, up until your hands find their way up to them. When they close for a moment, you try to hold them shut. They're still twitching under your hold as you try to say Tighnari's name again. Your tongue won't obey you, twitching and turning in odd positions when you attempt to say it.

What's happening?! Did we inhale something bad? Is it something from the forest? Wouldn't Tighnari have known though? What...

Dizziness and nausea have you swaying, until you're unable to keep Tighnari upright. His body flops to the side as you shift to regain your own balance, the world spinning around you like mad. Are you sick? Dying?

It's okay...everything will be okay. Just relax into it...

Your skipping breaths are sudden like hiccups, but you work with what you have to lay down on the ground...

And wait.

Your focus is drifting away.

The sound of the rain is moving in the opposite direction.

Even the way the wet grass feels under your hand and cheek is becoming less noticeable.

Everything feels far away...

━━━━━ |🌺| ━━━━━

You wake up with a start, pushing up from your mattress and inhaling the stagnant air of your dark room. Although you recognize where you are, your still reaction is to look down and kick aside the old sheets, pushing the wrappers of trash and dirty laundry away.

"Tighnari?" You say out loud, turning every which way until reality starts to settle around you. You're alone as can see your room to every corner and Tighnari isn't here.

A lingering headache makes you reach up and press a palm to your forehead, taking off water from your forehead. It's fresh, but you're not sweating. How are your forehead and shoulders wet if it was just a dream? Did it really happen then?

The smell of peach body wash, a staple scent from your toiletry supplies, clues you in on the contrary, leaving you to lower your hand and wipe at the droplets still across your collar. You don't remember taking a shower...not with how depressed you've been. It's been hard enough just getting up to eat or use the toilet.

Was it all a dream...? My bag. Where's my bag?

You find it under a few strewn t-shirts, swatting them aside in a rush to pull up your bag and dig into your things. As you rest it on your lap, you already hate that it feels dry. It makes it all the more plausible that everything that happened in the Avidya forest was conjured up by your lonely mind.

And somehow, the fact your potential forest friend might not exist at all devastates you even more than the fact you're back in your room again.

You pull out your phone, your pill bottle, some empty fruit leather wrappers, and finally a familiar notebook that has zero water damage. The pages are crisp and straight, no sign of warping whatsoever.

It takes you a while before you finally come to terms with it being a dream. You can still smell the rain of the forest, the scent of the unfamiliar fruit you were can still picture the greenery and hear Tighnari's voice.

Maybe you're going crazy now.

You hole up in your room on days off, you work on autopilot when you get to your workplace, and you do all your shopping without stepping foot outside. Your dream was probably conjured up by all those isekai manhwas you've been mindlessly binging.

What time is it?

You look to find your phone in your bag, pulling it out and tapping a few options after confirming it to be five seventeen. Opening up your alarms, you discover you slept through all of them and recline yourself back on the mattress with little effort. You'll have to call work and apologize for being so late. They're already two hours in by now, and although you could ask to work just for the six remaining hours, this is by far the least desirable option to take.

Not after waking up to see the bland color of your walls again. Nothing like the extravagantly colorful and green rainforest.

You're a little surprised by just how upset you are when you start to punch in the numbers to your supervisor, only to fall short midway and sit up abruptly. With a growl of objection, you hurl your phone as hard as you can against a wall. It cracks as the phone connects, satisfying you for a brief second and leaving you in silence after your release of anger.


You can see it from where you are, having bounced off close to your feet. You cracked the screen generously with that throw.

"Goddamn it..." you exhale under your breath, hands pressed against your face to calm the rush of abject dismay. Your head is spinning, not because you feel sick, but because of the flurry of emotions. The emotions while you were in your made up land of Sumeru were dizzying, yes, but they weren't completely negative. Talking to Tighnari was...

What a miserable way to torture me...

You lift your head, taking a few deep breaths and giving your phone another look. It's gone to sleep again after inactivity. All of a sudden, you don't quite feel like calling in to explain your absence. It will hit your wallet since you have already used up your sick days, but...going in today would probably torture you even more.

It was a dream, a very pretty and wonderful dream. You met a fantastic person conjured up by your mind entirely, and if you could...maybe you'd choose to stay there if it were an option. Dying is almost like falling asleep if you do it the right way, isn't it?

You'll just have to figure out the best way to go. Maybe you'll find your way to Gandharva Ville on your own and surprise Bunny Boy by making it that far alone.

Just thinking that almost has you laughing, if only because your thought process is so absurd. Sumeru and the Avidya forest don't exist...but you can pretend it does for a little while, right?

...He would definitely hate for you to call him "Bunny Boy". If you ever have a dream like that again, you need to be sure to use it.

At that, you push your bag aside and close your eyes, forcing yourself to get comfortable and go back to sleep. The more you sleep the better your chances, right?


~ Fin ~

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