Monster High: A New Start (Ma...

By Morning_Blankets

103K 3.5K 1.7K

Y/N Van Helsing is the adopted nephew to the world famous monster hunter Vincent Van Helsing. However, neithe... More

A Spooky Start
First Day Freights
New Ghoul
Strange Situations
Dastardly Discoveries
Bad Gets Worse
Creepy Crybrary
Freightful Friends
Dreadful Director
Insidious Interviews
Spine-Chilling Sabotage
Silver Scream
Freight or Fight
Hunting Humans
Hiding in Horror
Phantom Phone Syndrome
Soulful Search
Moody Mooncycle
Monster Mash
Ragged Regrets
Boo-tiful Music
Terror On The Tracks
Abominable Adventure
New Goreleans
Soul-Searching Steamboat
Melodramatic Memories
Vampire's Heart
Boo Bros
Possible Ghoulfriend
Sweet Screams
Boogie Nights
Bloody Revelations
Wicked Winter Break Begins
The Grimm Baking Show
The Unlives of Helsing
Familiar Families
Chilling Christmas
Nefarious New Year
Immoral Integrity
Enduring Evil
The End or A Start?

Here Comes Cupid

7.7K 215 251
By Morning_Blankets

Going to school during the night has officially messed up your entire sleep schedule.

You yawned as you opened your locker. It has been a full week since you joined Monster High and, despite being the only human in the entire school, you were doing pretty well.

Granted, it was a bit weird being the only human in a school full of monsters.

You grabbed what you needed and slipped them into your messager bag. It was an old leather one that had previously belonged to your uncle. The same uncle who was famous for fighting, and slaying, wild monsters.

You didn't know how well that would sit with everyone if they found out. Thankfully, Ms. Bloodgood informed the staff to avoid using your last name as to not worry the other students.

At least until they were comfortable with you. It would be better than telling everyone that you were Y/N Helsing.

But, still, all you knew about school was just what you had read in magazines. You wanted to get along with everyone the best you could rather than risk throwing away the only shot of normalcy that you had.

Which was why you sat next to Draculaura during math class.

Draculaura: Vampires are so misunderstood. Look, I love Seven Tween, but come on. Not all of us drink know. Have you seen the movie? I'm "Team Over It".

You had no idea what she was talking about. Monster pop culture is different from Human pop culture, after all. You never even heard of this movie she was talking about.

You didn't even mind, truth be told. You were just glad that you were making friends.

Might as well make the most out of all of this.

You and Draculaura walked out of literature arts.

Y/N: Why do dead languages sound like coughing?

Draculaura: I know. Mr. Ringers is all "repeat after me. Grag grag grag."

You laughed at her joke. However, a sudden announcement sounded through the halls.

Ms. Bloodgood: Attention, students. Please make your way to the vamplatheater for a special announcement.

You raised a brow. She didn't mention anything to you. You began to wonder what could be so important.
Everyone made their way to the theater to hear this special announcement. You ended up sitting next to Draculaura and the others.

Y/N: I wonder what this is all about.

???: Yes. What is all this business?

You turned around to find a girl sitting behind you next to Deuce. You had never seen her before.

Y/N: Uh, I don't think we've met. I'm Y/N.

The girl smiled.

???: I am Abbey. I have heard of you before.

Abbey? She looked a bit familiar. You watched her for a moment before you looked down at your missing finger.

Y/N: Have we met before....

Decue: Hey, man. As long as we get to miss some class, I'm cool.

Specta: My soooources tell me that it's gooooing toooo be epic.

She flew ahead while you watched. You looked down at yourself and began to wonder if you would turn into a ghost if you died.

Ms. Bloodgood: Thank you, students, for coming.

You all looked up on the stage where Ms. Bloodgood was. Her head sat in the podium while her body stood there with her hands folded.

Ms. Bloodgood: Now, I will try and make this as quick as possible. As some of you may have heard, you have a human classmate.

A spotlight was suddenly shined on you. You lifted a hand to try and block out the light, but everyone was now looking at you. You shyly smiled and waved.

Ms. Bloodgood: Please, come to the stage, Y/N.

You didn't want to, but you also had no place to refuse. You stood up and made your way onto the stage. You stood next to Ms. Bloodgood who smiled.

Ms. Bloodgood: In addition to being your peer, Y/N here will also be acting as the school's monitor. This means he will be available to assist you all with any dangers you may have to face.

You just nodded along.

Student: But, he's a human! How can he protect us?!

Ms. Bloodgood: Do not underestimate your fellow student. For you see, his has a legacy and background in dealing with dangers. His full name is Y/N Helsing.

The crowd immediately broke into gasps and mumbles. You just stood there with wide eyes, shocked that she just told the entire school that you were related to Van Helsing.

Your eyes traveled to the group you were previously with. They looked just as surpised as everyone else.

Ms. Bloodgood: Settle down! Settle down. I assure you, Mr. Helsing has no intention in fighting with any of you. He is here for your safety.

She turned to you.

Ms. Bloodgood: Anything you would like to add?

All eyes fell on you. You looked around for a few seconds before you cleared your throat.

Y/N: Uh, well, you see....

You looked to Ms. Bloodgood. You then sighed.

Y/N: If you need help, I'll be around, I guess.

This wasn't going to end well, was it?
You sat at your usual table with everyone else. They were silently eating their food.

They've been a bit weird since the assembly. You understood why, of course, so you figured you could maybe say something and help put their worries at ease.

Y/N: Uh, so....sorry for not telling you guys who I was earlier. I just didn't want you all to....get scared?

Clawdeen: Scared? No. Worried? Absolutely.

Frankie: Yeah. I mean, everyone knows your uncle. But there are still some people out there who think your uncle haunts any monster.

You figured that'd be the case. Most people knew your uncle haunted only the dangerous, wild monsters. Not just any random monster. And monsters hired him as well. He was a bir of a celebrity among the monster community, but they were right.

Draculaura: Plus your uncle and my father have a...history.

Deuce: Did they use to date or something?

Y/N/Draculaura: No.

You both then looked at each other. You then turned back to them.

Y/N/Draculaura: Maybe.

Cleo: Regardless of that, everyone might be wary of you.

You sighed. You rested your head on your fists before Ghoula moaned something.

Frankie: Is it that time already?

Y/N: Time for what?

Ghoulia: Meh bur luh.

Y/N: "Cupid's Love Advice"? What's that?

Draculaura pulled out a her phone and set it in the middle of the table. It was a live show of something. Like a radio show.

Cleo: Cupid is only the best person to give out love advice. Her show is totes out of this world.

You raised a brow and looked at the phone.

???: Hello, Monster High. Welcome back to the show.

You looked around to see everyone listening in on their own devices. You suddenly had an idea.

You stood up and grabbed your bag.

Lagoona: Where are you going?

Y/N: Just to the, uh, bathroom. Be right back.

You quickly dipped out which left everyone confused.
You walked through the halls, trying to figure out where the broadcast was coming from. You had messages Ms. Bloodgood, and she told you that you could find Cupid in the Dungeons.

This was where most of the extra classes were. Still, you didn't know that an entire studio was down here.

You finally came to a stop when you found a large pink door at the end of the hallway. Above it was a sign which had a microphone in a shape of a heart.

You walked over to it and peeked inside.

???: Well, caller, I suggest you don't buy her anything at all. Instead, find something more personal. Something that comes from your own heart. Remind her why she fell in love with you to begin with.

Sitting at a sound board, speaking into the mic, was a girl.

You entered the room and closed the door behind you.

???: That's all for today, dear listeners. Though I may leave you now, just know that love is eternal. See you all tomorrow. This is Cupid, signing off.

The light turned off and the show came to an end. The girl pulled her headphones off and instead spun her chair around, setting her eyes on you.

???: Well, well. If it isn't the human student himself. I've been meaning to meet you eventually, Y/N. You may call me Cupid.

You offered a friendly smile in return.

Y/N: Lovely to meet you as well, Cupid. I don't suppose you have time to talk?

Cupid simply smiled.

Cupid: Of course. Would you like some tea?

You sat down on the open seat while Cupid made a second cup for you. You gladly accepted it.

Cupid: What seems to be the problem?

You shrugged.

Y/N: Well, everyone knows who I am now. Not that in of itself is the problem. I just want to know if you have any advice to make people feel comfortable with coming to me if they need help.

Cupid: Because you think that they may fear you due to your heritage?

Y/N: Yeah. I guess.

Cupid nodded as you took a drink. The tea was delightful.

Cupid: Well, I do believe that once they start seeing you help, they will come to understand that you are here for good reasons.

So you just needed to prove yourself. That should be easy enough. You should be able to help people who needed it. After all, you've been through the wringer before.

Y/N: Alright. I can do that.

Cupid: I'm sure you can. As a matter of fact, you can start with me.

You looked at her oddly.

Cupid: You see, I can give advice all I want. And I am quite good at it. I have a 100% success rate when it comes to my advice.

Y/N: That's...really good.

Cupid: Yes, it is, but my life helping others with their relationships will forever leave me without one of my own.

You narrowed your eyes.

Y/N: I'm afraid I don't follow.

Cupid giggled.

Cupid: Right. I should stop beating around the bush.

She folded her hands on her lap with a smile.

Cupid: I would like to go on a date. Experience what those I help do. Just to see what it's like.

Your cheeks heated up when you realized what she meant. She wanted to have a date with you. You were a bit uneasy by this idea.

Not because you thought she was a bad person. You didn't even know her. And she was quite pretty.

But, you've never been on a date before.

Y/N: Well, uh, Cupid, I am, honestly, flattered by this.....

Cupid: Would you like to go on a date with me? We'll pull out all the stops.

Y/N: Right, but, uh, I've never really....been on a.....d-date before. So....

Cupid: Even better!

How was that better?

Cupid: I can show you how a date can go, you can show me what it's like to be in love for a day, I can show you how to woo a girl, and you can get everyone to trust you. It's a win-win-win-win!

Oh. That is better.

Y/N: So, I take you on a date, and everyone will trust me better?

Cupid: Of course. At least, your approval rating will go up. So, what do you say?

She leaned forward.

Cupid: Will you go on a date with me?

You blushed again. However, you cleared your throat and collected yourself long enough to give her an answer.

Y/N: Yeah. Sounds like fun.

Cupid smiled sweetly.

Looks like you have yourself a date.
You closed your locker, finally done with yet another day of school. You were honestly starting to wonder why you even bothered attending. None of these classes taught you anything that you could apply in the real world.

Then again, you did find yourself coming up with new ideas for gadgets and plans of attack. Pretty good ones, too.

Your uncle would be.....proud?

You didn't actually know what made him proud. You just sort of....winged it half the time. He seemed to like you, so there was that, at least.

You turned to leave, nearly bumping into Deuce who was just about to get your attention.

Deuce: Whoa! Easy there, dude.

Y/N: Uh, sorry. I didn't see you there.

Deuce: No worries, man. You okay? You seem a bit distracted.

You shrugged. Honestly, you felt fine. But, you did have some lingering doubts in the back of your mind. Worries that you couldn't quite express outloud.

Deuce: Nah, man. You aren't doing good. Come on. Time for a bro day.

You raised a brow.

Y/N: A bro day?

Deuce: Yup. Just you and me. The bros.

You and Decue were bros?


You had a friend?!

Deuce watched as you eyes seemingly began to twinkle as you took his hand.

Y/N: Friend.

Deuce: Yeah. Friend. Come on, dude. I know just the place to go.
The Mall. A place where teenagers gathered and hung out. You had actually never been to one before.

Well, while it was open. There was this one monster who managed to get into one and you had to chase it out and, it was a whole thing. So much damage. No shopping.

But you were here now!

With a friend!

Deuce: You seriously never been to a mall before? How have you lived the most interesting life and the lamest?

Y/N: Blame my uncle. Not a whole lot of time to go to the mall when you're trying to wrestle a Thunderbird.

Deuce: You've done that? Sick. People pay money for that kind of action.

Y/N: Well, I was the one getting paid.

Deuce suddenly stopped walking. You stopped as well and watched as he swem to run through his thoughts.

Deuce: Wait, do you get paid as much as your uncle?

You gave a so-so hand gesture.

Y/N: Sometimes. Regardless, I do get paid well.

Deuce: Woah. So you're, like, loaded.

You gave another so-so hand gesture.

Y/N: I usually spend my money on gear or food. I really like food.

You smiled at the thought of food. The tender steaks. The well seasoned tacos. Freshly chopped onion on a cheeseburger. The smell of tomatoes on a homemade bowl of spaghetti. The crunch of a piece of fried chicken. The juices of an apple.

Deuce watched as you began to drool over the thought of delicious foods. Then your stomach growled. You both looked down at it.

Y/N: Crap. I made myself hungry again.

Deuce smiled and threw an arm around you. He then lead you to the food court.

Deuce: Then come with me, my man. I'll get this one.
Deuce and his snakes watched in amazement and horror as you finished off your 12th plate of food. You added it to the ever growing pile of dishes before you grabbed another piece of chicken.

Deuce: Are you sure you're a human? You eat like a monster.

You tore a bite off of the drumstick and shrugged.

Y/N: I work out all the time. And my metabolism is super fast.

You then took another bite. Deuce just shook his head with a smile and leaned back in his seat. The sight wasn't too odd to everyone around you, a troll was literally eating a whole cooked cow a few tables away, but they also didn't really know you were a human.

It was kinda nice to be able to do something like this without fear of some fight breaking out. While humans still feared monsters, monster also had their own problems when it came to humans.

It wasn't a one way road. Heck, it hardly ever was.

Deuce: Dude, you know what you need?

Y/N: A girlfriend?

Deuce: Yeah, actually.

You sat up.

Y/N: Seriously? I was just joking.

Deuce: No, no, no. Dude, you totally got to get a girl. Or guy, I don't judge. But the fact is, you got to get someone.

You raised a brow.

Y/N: Uh, I don't know about that....

Deuce: Don't get all shy. I know you and Cupid have that date this weekend.

You sat up with wide eyes.

Y/N: W-What? H-How?

Deuce: Word gets around.

You didn't know about that. Did word really get out like that? You didn't even know.

Deuce: You know what? I think if you changed your style a bit, you could really make Cupid blush, my guy.

Y/N: I don't think that you understand my and Cupid's relation....

Deuce: I know just the place to go.
You weren't entirely sure you knew anything about fashion. Your clothes were made with practically in mind. To run through jungles or to leap from building to building.

You didn't ever really question if they looked good. It was never a concern.

But now that you stood there, wearing the clothes that Deuce picked out for you, you realized you had been dressing up like a grandpa. And not even a cool grandpa. A lame one that yelled out slurs cause "he was raised in a different time".

Deuce: So? What do you think?

You looked at yourself in the mirror, pretty impressed.

You wore a pair of leather boots, that much stayed the same, with a pair of dark jeans with a hole in the right knee. You also wore a very loose white shirt that was probably a size too big. Over it was a F/C button up that was left open so it looked a bit like a coat.

To top the look off, you wore your necklace, which was usually tucked into your shirt, and a bracelet on your left wrist.

Y/N: Not bad. I actually like it.

You turned a bit to get a better look in the mirror. You smiled at the result.

Deuce: Hey, man. You know what they say. Look good, feel good.

He wasn't wrong. You could see yourself wearing this more often. It was loose and comfortable while being stylish. You could really move in it. You liked it a lot.

Deuce: We're missing one more thing.

Y/N: What's that?
Y/N: I don't like this.

Deuce sat next to you as the tattoo artist got his needles ready. Not for a tattoo, but for a piercing.

He was paying for you to get a earring piercing.

Deuce: It only hurts for a split second. Trust me, it's not that bad. Besides, don't you usually get attacked by wild monsters?

Y/N: That doesn't mean I like the pain.

Deuce just chuckled. The tattooist finished her prep work and got to work with piercing your right ear. She placed the needle to your ear and you gripped the seat on instinct.

Tattooist: Going in.

Y/N: Ah.
You turned your head again, making the earing jangle again. You laughed, satisfied by the fact that it looked good and that it really didn't hurt as bad as you thought it would be.

It was a small knife shaped earing that hung from your earlobe.

Deuce: Looks good. You know who'll really get a kick out of this?

You shrugged.

Deuce: Frankie, dude! She loves her earrings.

You thought about it. He was right. Frankie did have those skull earrings that were pretty synonymous with her. You found yourself getting a bit giddy at the idea of a girl complimenting you.

Deuce: So, how 'bout it?

You looked at him oddly.

Y/N: "How 'bout" what?

Deuce: You feeling better? You've been smiling since we left the mall.

You realized that you actually were feeling a lot better. You didn't once think about your outcast status while you were hanging out with Deuce. You actually enjoyed yourself so much that you actually didn't even think about the fact that he's a monster and you're a human.

Kinda like your date with Cupid. It just felt so natural and so easy. Maybe you're just a natural at this "hanging out with friends" thing.

Deuce: Well, the sun's about to rise, so I think I'm gonna head out. School tonight and whatever.

Y/N: Oh yeah. School.

You and Deuce both shivered. You then turned to each each other with a smile. You did a low five, turned into a fist bump, to an explosion with your fingers.

Deuce: See you at school, dude.

Y/N: Yeah, you too.

Deuce headed down one way, and you headed down the other. As you walked, you turned your head sharply to make your earring swing again.

Y/N: Heh. Nice.

It was a good day, today. Or, goodnight, tonight.

Whatever. You know what mean.
You looked at yourself in the mirror for a moment. You were relieved that it was now the weekend so you could be active during the day, but you were still a bit nervous.

You had your first ever date today.

Bloodgood: You look good.

You turned around to see Ms. Bloodgood standing in your doorway. The room she had given you was quote a comfortable one. Though, you did notice that it was still a bir bare seeing as she was hardly ever home.

Didn't stop you from decorating a bit.

You were wearing a black jacket over a F/C shirt. Your hair was styled a bit and you were dressed more casually than usual.

You looked down at yourself and smiled nervously.

Y/N: Uh, thanks.

Bloodgood: You'll be out late, yes?

You were about to answer, but you stopped yourself. Would it be considered late if it was the day? What is late to her?

Y/N: I, uh, should be home around 2 or so?

Bloodgood: I see. Well, in that case, I will have news for you when you return. Until then, have fun on your date. Be respectful.

You nodded.

Y/N: Yes, ma'am. Will do.

Now, to get to your date.

You stood in front of the plaza Cupid told you about. It was a really nice day out and you could tell that the weather would be perfect. And there wasn't a whole lot of people out and about either.

You checked the time on your phone, but you quickly found someone approaching you.

Cupid: Sorry. Did you late long?

You looked at Cupid to see that she was dressed nicely as well. Though, she looked like she could pass as a human.

Y/N: No. Not at all. You look nice.

Cupid: Thank you. You look nice as well. Glad you got that part right without me having to tell you. You'd be surpised how often guys just show up looking sloppy.

You tilted your head.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Cupid: Well, it's really simple. If someone shows up on a date and they look like they didn't put in any effort on their appearance, their date may feel like they weren't worth the effort.

You thought about it. You figured it would make sense. Someone could feel a bit underwhelmed if someone showed up to a date looking like a slob.

Cupid: You ready to go?

You nodded.

Y/N: Course. How about some food first? No point in doing anything with an empty stomach.

Cupid smiled as she clapped her hands together.

Cupid: Another point to you for taking food into consideration. Let's go eat.
You ended up at a small restaurant that was off the main road. Looking around, you saw mostly humans here. There was a monster here and there, but not many.

Cupid: So, Y/N, tell me about yourself. What brought you to Monster High?

Y/N: Well, my uncle. He thought it would be good for me if I went to school with people "my age".

Cupid: I see.

Y/N: What about you? Your name is Cupid, and you give love advice, so are you the same Cupid who's the daughter to Eros?

Cupid laughed.

Cupid: I'm surpised you figured that out so quickly. But, there's a bit of a common mistake that you made. I'm Eros' adopted daughter.

This was news to you. You always figured his daughter was his biological daughter, not adopted.

Y/N: Oh. Sorry.

Cupid: It's alright. I love him like he's my real father anyway.

Y/N: Well, that's all that really counts, right?

Cupid nodded.

Cupid: And what about you? You speak about your uncle, but where are your parents?

You shyly rubbed your wrist. Cupid noticed your shift in emotion and quickly regretted her question.

Cupid: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up bad memories.

You shook your head.

Y/N: No, it's alright. Actually, all I have are good memories. dad passed away before I was born. He was sick.

Cupid: And your mother?

You stayed silent for a moment.

Y/N: She was murdered by a monster.

Cupid was surprised by this.

Y/N: Ironic, really. Her biggest dream was a world where humans and monsters could co-exist without hate or fear.

Cupid: Do you believe in such a world?

You looked at Cupid. You opened your mouth, but stopped. She waited for your answer, but it never came.

You slowly closed your mouth and really thought about it.

Y/N: Honestly, I don't know. Would it be wonderful? Yes. Absolutely. But, hate will always exist. So will anger and fear. They will never dissapear. But I do think that the world has the ability get better.

Cupid smiled.

Cupid: That's a very honest answer.

Y/N: No point in trying to lie about it.

Cupid: Not even to impress me?

You shook your head.

Y/N: Wouldn't be sincere. I doubt someone wants to be lied to on a date, right?

Cupid: Depends on the lie. But, you're right. I appreciate your honesty.

You smiled.
Cupid: I've been dying to watch this movie. I heard it's good.

You and Cupid stood in line at the movie theater to catch the next showing for "Broken Hearts". Some romance she had suggested.

You didn't particularly care what kind of movie it was. You enjoyed all kinds of movies.

Cupid: I'm surpised you're okay watching it.

You just shrugged.

Y/N: It's a date. What better movie than a romance? Besides, you seem like you really want to watch it.

Cupid: Yet another point for considering what your date wants rather than just doing what you want.

You smirked as you looked down at her.

Y/N: Yeah, about that. Do these points count for anything?

Cupid: Keep being a gentleman and we'll see.

Like that, it was your turn in line. You and Cupid approached the ticket booth where a teen around your age was working.

Boy: How can I help you?

Y/N: Two for "Broken Hearts" please.

The boy took your money and handed you the tickets. However, when he did, he eyed Cupid. He didn't say anything, however, so you let it go.

Instead you and Cupid just headed inside. The smell of freshly popped popcorn and other food filled your nose immediately. People who had just watched a movie were talking about their thoughts while others talked about their excitement.

It was quite a nice vibe.

Y/N: You want anything to snack on?

Cupid: I should be asking you. You paid for the tickets so I'll get the snacks.

You agreed to her offer. You both decided to get a large order of popcorn and drinks. Cupid also got a chocolate bar for herself.

Y/N: You like chocolate?

Cupid: It's my favorite. What about you?

You nodded.

Y/N: I try to avoid sweets just for health reasons, but I like chocolate sometimes.

Cupid: What health reasons?

Y/N: Uh, my life. I like to stay fit since, you know, doing what I do requires me to be in good shape. And if I'm not then....I could die.

You awkwardly shrugged. Cupid found herself staring at your body. You did look like you were in good shape.

Cupid: Yeah, I guess I can't argue with that. But spoiling yourself once and a while can't be that bad, could it?

You shook your head.

Y/N: Not at all. We should get to our seats.
Cupid: What a cute movie.

Cupid and you walked beside each other down the street. The movie was enjoyable and no one bothered you. However, you couldn't help but notice a few looks your way.

Was it because you're a human with a monster?

Cupid: So, what do you want to do now? Surely you have something in mind.

You shook your head. You honestly didn't have any plans for yourself. This whole date plan so far came from a magazine Frankie lent you.

Y/N: Honestly, I'm enjoying myself just by being with you. This is really fun.

Cupid smiled at your answer. It didn't sound cheesy and it seemed like you meant it honestly.

Cupid: Well, in that case, I can say that I feel the same. Thank you for being such a good date.

You smiled.

Y/N: Thank you for asking me on a date. I honestly didn't know what to expect. I was really nervous, to be honest.

Cupid: It's okay to be nervous. Everyone gets nervous. But, you did amazing. You figured out things that I would enjoy and went with it. Of course, dates shouldn't be one sided all the time.

Y/N: Right. A relationship is a two way street.

Cupid nodded.

Cupid: For dates, you should try your best to learn more about your date. Stuff like their interests and such. It'll help you in the long run.

You mentally took note of her advice. It was pretty good advice.

So, if you wanted to impress a girl or get on her good side, you should pay attention to what they enjoy. Made sense.

Cupid: Well, we can call it here, if you'd like. I know it's getting late.

You looked up into the sky. It was midday. Noon barely.

Y/N: Right. Are you okay with going home? I could walk you if you....

Cupid: I'll be okay. Thank you for the offer. I had a great time with you. Thank you for agreeing to do this.

Y/N: Of course! I had fun.

Cupid then tapped her chin with a devious smirk.

Cupid: Though, you asked me a question earlier. About why I kept giving you points. I suppose I can give you your answer now.

Before you could question it, Cupid reached up on her tippy toes and planted a sweet kiss on your cheek. She giggled to herself while you were blushing like a fool.

Cupid: Well, I'll see you at school. Stay safe, okay?

You smiled, a bit lovestruck.

Y/N: Yeah. You to.

Not bad for your very first date, huh?
You entered the Bloodgood house after a short walk back. You were ready to call it a day and get some sleep, but you instead found Bloodgood waiting for you.

Bloodgood: Oh, Y/N. Welcome back. How was your date?

You smiled.

Y/N: I got a kiss on the cheek.

Bloodgood: Oh! So it went well, I assume?

You nodded.

Bloodgood: Well, I'm glad. But, now that you're home, I do have something I should tell you. Starting today, we will have another person staying with us.

Another person? Was it a student like you?

Bloodgood: I believe you've already met, actually.

Abbey: We have.

You looked over to the stairs to see the girl from the assembly walking down towards you. You were surpised to see her here, but you weren't upset.

Abbey: Hello again, Y/N.

Y/N: Hey. So, I guess we're living together now?

Bloodgood: I'm sure I don't need to tell you this, but be sure to respect each other. I'm sure you two will get along well enough, of course.

You didn't see why you wouldn't. And neither did Abbey.

After all, Bloodgood was right. You two had already met. But, it was long before the assembly.

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