Dear My Stalker • Haruchiyo S...

By nana-mania

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[ COMPLETE ✅ ] ♛┈⛧┈••┈⛧┈♛♛┈⛧┈••┈⛧┈♛♛┈⛧┈••┈⛧┈♛ Dear My Stalker, I hope this letter finds you doing well. I kno... More

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9.7K 537 271
By nana-mania

In the wardroom,

Second Person's POV

"Alright. I think it's time for me to leave. Can't stay here until he wakes up... He will be all angry if he sees me." Takeomi exclaimed sadly. As much as he wanted to wait until Haruchiyo wakes up, he couldn't. He didn't want to ruin his younger brother's day.

"Okay—" you were about to see Takeomi off but your eyes landed on a paper bag in your hand first. You gasped in horror. "Oh, shit." you cussed under your breath as your eyes fixed on something. Takeomi stopped talking then looked at you confusedly. "What's wrong, (Y/n)?"

You instantly stared at him in panic. "I ate the whole bag of steamed buns while talking to you!" You cried out , feeling mad at yourself for not holding back your urge. "Now none is left for Haru to eat!"

"Just go and buy more from the hospital cafeteria—"

"That's the problem. The ones I bought were the last ones left! God, I'm the worst girlfriend ever!"

You crouched down on the floor and hugged your knees. Burying your face in your knees, you kept whining in anxiousness. 'What if Haru wakes up hungry later? What if he hates me for not leaving any steamed bun for him? Worse, he may leave me for doing this horrible thing to him! I don't want that to happen!!'

"Take-nii, what should I do?" You cried at your future brother-in-law. Takeomi smiled reassuringly and gripped your shoulders. He guided you to stand up back on your feet. "You should buy cheesecake from this one cafe for Haru."

"Which cafe? What's the name?" You were eager to know. This cafe would be your one and only savior. "Cozy Corner. Their cheesecake has been his all-time favourite. The cafe is around this area. You can reach there quickly by taxi."

"I see. Thank you, Take-nii!" You happily surprised Takeomi with a quick bear hug before letting him go. "So I will take my leave now! See you later—"

"Oh, wait. Give me your phone."

"Huh? Okay.."

You didn't disobey and compliantly handed over your phone. Takeomi began typing something on the screen quietly which piqued your interest. What was he doing actually?

"There you go. I saved my contact information. Call me if you need anything." Takeomi gave back the phone to you-- its rightful owner. "Ah, also. Here is some money for you." He even generously gave you some cash.

"No, Take-nii. I can't take your money." You were reluctant. You didn't want to trouble Takeomi. "Think of this as an allowance for yourself." He was yet to give up to convince you to have the money to yourself.

So in the end, you took the money from his hand. "Thank you. Take care of Haru while I'm not around." Bowing down to the older man, you then excused yourself and left the wardroom.

Takeomi couldn't make it in time to give his answer. Although he was reluctant to stay in the wardroom much longer, he remained in the room anyway as a way to show his respect to you. ' She won't take that long. I can stay here for another few minutes.. Hopefully, Haru doesn't wake up until (Y/n) comes back.'

In the city,
Cozy Corner...

(Y/n)'s POV

I eyed the various cakes presented before me with amazement. The cakes were beautifully decorated. Even I was tempted to taste one of their cakes.

I should buy one for myself, Take-nii and most importantly, Haru!

I chose one slice of cheese cake, another slice of (f/cake) and one last slice of dark chocolate mousse cake. The last one was for Take-nii. Thanked to him, I knew about this place and could buy Haru's favourite cake.

I thought Haru hates cheese. Maybe cheese cake from this cafe is exceptional.

After setting three small plates of some slices of cake of three different flavors in my tray, I brought the tray to the packaging counter to pack up the cakes. When the packaging session was completed, I soon made my way to the cashier counter to make payment.

There was a man in suit, his black hair looking slick and shiny. He was looking for something in his pocket. He was taking his sweet time to find whatever he was searching for.

I don't have time all day for this. I can't wait for hours. It won't be that long until Haru regains consciousness.

Ugh, I can't wait anymore!

"Shoot, I don't have my wallet. I'm sorry for the troubles I caused. I will return the cakes back—"

Without saying a word, I placed down my cake packaging and gave the cashier two 10,000 yen bills. I smiled at her. "I will pay for this gentleman's cakes as well. Please keep the change."

The black-haired man was caught off guard by my offer. When the cashier took the bills, I picked up back my cakes packaging and hastily left the cafe. I didn't bother to spare a glance at the man since I was in hurry.

Back at the hospital...

Third Person's POV

Haruchiyo's eyelashes fluttered before he parted open his eyes. He was confused to see an unfamiliar room. "(Y/n)...?" He uttered his lover's name in bewilderment. He wanted to meet (Y/n).

Haruchiyo tilted his head to to his left side. His heart dropped upon seeing the last person he wished to see after waking up from his sleep.

"Haru? You are awake—"

"The fuck are you doing here?!"

The drowsiness vanished the moment the pinkette saw Takeomi. He seated up himself on the bed, his eyes hard with distaste. Takeomi averted his gaze. He didn't dare to look at his younger brother in the eyes.

"...I was just visiting you."

"For what? I ain't dying. Even if I die, I don't want you near my fucking dead body."

"(Y/n) asked me—"

"What did you say?"

Haruchiyo's voice darkened with malice the instant Takeomi mentioned (Y/n)'s name. His blood boiled knowing that Takeomi crossed the line and interacted with the vice president's significant other.

"I told you to stay away from MY WOMAN!"

"I know, Haru... I don't mean to break that promise. I swear, we met by coincidence."

"Coincidence, my ass! That's just an excuse. You better fucking leave NOW."

Haruchiyo was completely pissed off with Takeomi's presence around him. There was nothing the older Akashi could do to defy the younger Akashi's order.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you. I was only worried about you. I didn't mean any harm."

"I don't need your worry or sympathy. Just fucking leave!"

Haruchiyo was getting irritated as time ticked away. Takeomi hung his head low and tore off his gaze from his younger brother. He silently walked toward the door.

"Just for your information... I was planning to leave just now. But I stayed longer to look after you since (Y/n) asked me to. I didn't have the heart to turn down her request. She was extremely worried of you." Takeomi was looking somewhere else as he spoke. "(Y/n) really loves you. She is a good girl. I hope you both remain happy together. Treasure that girl, Haru."

Once Takeomi finished talking, he left the wardroom. Haruchiyo was finally alone. He was scrunching the bedsheet firmly, his teeth gritting. "Fuck yeah, I'm gonna treasure her. Don't need to remind me."

Back to (Y/n)...

(Y/n)'s POV

I paid the taxi fare to the driver and thanked him for driving me to the hospital. When the taxi disappeared from my sight, I began walking toward the entrance.

"Wait a minute, Miss."

A familiar man's voice halted my track. In perplexity, I turned to look at the man who was standing behind me. I couldn't recognize who he was. "Are you talking to me?" I asked, still baffled by his sudden presence. He nodded his head, affirming with my words.

"Yes. I...was at Cozy Corner earlier."

"Oh! You were that guy who forgot his wallet!"

When the realization hit me, the confusion washed away in an instant. I didn't recognize his face since I didn't even see his face earlier. He smiled in relief before handing me over some money. I stared at the money awkwardly.

"You went all the way out to pay for my cakes. Thank you."

"You are welcome but I'm not accepting any form of repayment."


"Nope. No. Nuh-uh. If you want to repay the money, then I'm leaving."

I refused the money he planned to give to me. He retracted his hand and stayed quiet, looking anxious. Now that I took a good look of his face, why I had a feeling that this man appeared familiar to me?

Have I seen him somewhere before?

"Think of it as my gift for you, okay?" I smiled genuinely at the jet black-haired man. Somehow, he was astonished to see me smiling. Was my smile hideous or something?

It took a while for the man to regain his composure. He finally flashed a sweet smile for you. "Thank you again." He paused before speaking up again, "But do you mind if we go out on lunch..or something? Just to get to know my savior here much better."

"Savior? You are exaggerating it, Sir." I chuckled at his joke. The man chuckled as well. "Perhaps. But no doubt you are a kind person. I still like to repay you in any way... Like you said, think of it as a gift."

The man slid his hand in his shirt pocket and pulled out his business card. He handed it over to me. "Call me if you change your mind. I'm up for dinner anytime, Miss."

I read the details written on the card. And the instant I noticed the name and the job, my stomach churned.

Naoto Tachibana.

Detective of Metropolitan Police Department



I looked back at the man before me and scanned his face. My heart beat faster in anxiousness after realizing it was really Naoto. That Naoto Tachibana.

Shit. Shit. SHIT!



"May I have your name, Miss?"

"Oh, um— I don't have business card, I'm sorry.."

"It's alright. Just give me a call when you are ready. But I need to know your name to confirm it's you."


I can't tell him my real name or he will recognize me!

"It's Emma!" I used the first name that popped up in my mind. Tachibana smiled in satisfaction. "Alright, Emma. Don't forget to give a call, okay? I have to take my leave now."

Excusing himself, Tachibana then bid his farewell and walked back to his car. I watched as his figure slowly vanished from my sight. The moment he was gone, I squatted down on the floor. I hugged my legs and buried my face in my knees.


For years, I ran away from him. Now, we run into each other again.

What's fate planning for me now?!

For the first time in forever, Naoto plays a big role in my fanfic!

Be prepared, he is gonna appear more frequently in the future <3

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