Another World Group Pet: Ther...

By J-R-B2200

86.5K 1.2K 42 By: The Unchangeable Time Category: Science Fiction Space 191,000 words |... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21-30
Chapter 31-40
chapter 41-50
chapter 51-60
chapter 61-70
chapter 71-80
chapter 81-90
chapter 91-100
chapter 101-110
chapter 111-120
chapter 121-130
chapter 131-140
chapter 151-160
chapter 161-170
chapter 171-180
chapter 181-190
chapter 191-195
Last Chapter

chapter 141-150

655 4 0
By J-R-B2200

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set up
dark night
  Chapter 141 141
  The four cars that Yoshiki followed in their convoy also entered the factory area. This place is now unowned, so naturally they can't drive people away.

  But now the situation is special, and everyone is not at ease when unidentified people stay in one place.

  After they had disposed of the corpse, Song Tianyao had almost chatted with the group of people over there.

  This clothing factory is not big, the first floor is full of goods, the second floor is the workshop, and the third floor is the office area and warehouse.

  To be honest, everyone wants an office area with some privacy.

  But by the time they have disposed of the body and come back, the good spot will have been occupied long ago.

  There was no way, a few people finally decided to place it in the workshop, and together they pushed the machine to one place, vacating a large space.

  Wang Xinyu took out the tent from the space and distributed the bamboo mat to everyone.

  Because there has been no rain for several months in a row, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Naturally, it will not feel cold at night, but it will feel very hot.

  The result is that almost no one wants a tent.

  If others don't want her out of her control, she will definitely be on top.

  Just thinking that I might not be able to sleep in the space at night, I was a little worried.

  Everyone sleeps in the same space, and a thin tent won't do much at night. If they fall asleep in the space and people outside call them, it's easy to see that they're not there.

  While cooking, Wang Xinyu was worried that such a hot person would sleep in a tent, not to die of heat.

  To be honest, since the end of the world, she doesn't seem to have suffered in life. Most of them sleep in the space. The temperature in the space is just right, not cold or hot, let alone eating. You will lose yourself.

  Wang Xinyu glanced at the tent that was about to be set up again, and then looked at the one who was setting up the tent, and couldn't take her eyes away.

  Why is he so charming
  Serious men are the most handsome.

  The sweat-wet hair sticked into a tuft, and placed it on the gold-wire glasses, leaving a shadow, making the originally deep eyes appear even more unfathomable.

  On such a hot day, he was still wearing long clothes and trousers, and the buttons of his white shirt were neatly buttoned, giving him an inexplicable sense of abstinence.

  A drop of sweat dripped from his forehead and hit the bridge of his tall nose. Another drop slipped across his face and sank into his temples .   His
  delicate facial features
  suddenly turned his head slightly.
The child, who seemed to have done something bad, hurriedly turned his eyes away after being startled.

  When I looked at the dishes in the pot, I found that it was mushy.

  Wang Xinyu hurriedly turned off the fire, and looking at it again, it was really impossible to save her appearance.

  She glanced around, quickly shoveled it into the trash can, and looked around again, no one seemed to notice her, and she was relieved.

  Then she took out another dish nonchalantly and continued to cook.

  She thought she was doing it flawlessly, but she didn't know that he had already seen a series of her actions, secretly laughing, how could she be so cute.

  After dinner, it was getting late, Wang Xinyu looked at the sky outside the window, it seemed that the moonlight was not visible today, the originally bright moonlight was covered with a veil, hazy.

  She couldn't help frowning, feeling a little uneasy in her heart, but she couldn't say what was wrong.

  "What are you looking at?" Zhao Xixun came over and looked out the window. There was a little light in the far place, especially in this quiet late night.

  "There is Lancheng. I heard that there is a small base, we can go see it tomorrow." Zhao Xixun thought that she saw it there and explained it.

  "Small base?" Wang Xinyu was a little curious after hearing this.

  "Yeah." Zhao Xixun hummed softly, and then suddenly remembered something and smiled, "Lancheng has the largest jade trading market in the province. When the time comes, I will show you around."

  Sure enough, this was what Wang Xinyu was interested in, her crystal clear eyes instantly lit up by three points, and it was even more colorful because of the added joy.

  "Really, thank you bro."

  Zhao Xixun squinted his eyes with a smile, and his heart beat three times faster.

  "Just be happy." He squeezed her palm lightly.

  The two are in a relationship, but they always try to come over to be disgusting.

  "Sister Xiaoyu."

  As soon as Wang Xinyu heard it, she knew that Song Tianyao was here, because he was the only one here who called her that.

  She said several times and asked him to change his name, but even if he didn't change it, she was speechless.

  Zhao Xixun was originally unhappy, but when he saw her frowning with a look of disgust, he was cured in an instant.

  "Sister Xiaoyu." Song Tianyao had come to her, looking at her, his eyes were shining brightly, it seemed that she was the only one in his eyes.

  Zhao Xixun's deep eyes gradually darkened, if he pointed out, "It's getting late, Xiaoyu and I are going to sleep, what's the matter with you?"

  Song Tianyao's bright and clear eyes gradually dimmed after listening to his words. , looked at him reluctantly and said, "Xixun, I have something to do with sister Xiaoyu." The

  implication is, can you leave?
  However, how could Zhao Xixun take advantage of his will, the little girl belongs to him, and he left to let them talk after being kicked by a donkey in his head. He could not give each other a chance.

  "Is something wrong? Say it." Zhao Xixun's face was attentive, making Song Tianyao unable to say what he wanted to say, and he choked hard.

  He was very tangled between his brows and eyes. Originally there was a trace of guilt towards him, but now he has gone for most of it.

  After all, he is a mentally strong person. Soon, he adjusted his state and smiled at the two of them, "Xiaoyu is a girl after all, and it is always inconvenient to sleep with a large group of you guys. There is an office on the third floor. I've cleaned it up. Xiaoyu, go and live."

  He looked at them with openness and sincerity in his eyes.

  Wang Xinyu was actually very strange, she didn't understand what went wrong.

  After several encounters with Song Tianyao, she was not blind, so she naturally saw the difference between him and her.

  But why?

  She doesn't think she has any charm, big enough to attract the big male protagonist to look at her with admiration.

  (Wang Xinyu is a little understated here. Wasn't Zhao Xixun, a high-quality man like Zhao Xixun also subdued by her? The big hero. What's impossible, he's not just a man!)
  She turned back and forth in her heart, but on her face Not obvious, he refused him generously and decently, "No need, I'll just stay with everyone. During the outing, everything is simple, others can live, so can I."

  Song Tianyao saw that she refused without hesitation , and thought about it. advise.

  Just listened to Wang Xinyu's slight pointing, "Besides, I guess someone left the room for you specially. They have a heart, you gave it to me, have you considered their feelings?

  " At that time, she looked past him and looked behind him.

  "The girls are all for you, how can you bear to trample on their feelings like this?"

  Wang Xinyu's faint voice heard in his ears, and successfully made his face darken.

  (End of this chapter)

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set up
dark night
  Chapter 142 Chapter 142 Mutation
  To talk about the room, Wang Xinyu can get a glimpse of it by just guessing.

  Looking at the two women with resentful faces, it was really confirmed.

  She didn't want to be so sharp at first, she just wanted to stay away from him, not to touch, and to be safe.

  However, for some unknown reason, he had to come together, so she could only be more ruthless.

  The big male protagonist and the small cannon fodder really have nothing to talk about.

  Song Tianyao's expression was deep and his eyes were like ink.

  Wang Xinyu looked at but secretly relieved, right, this is the male lead, and every time someone smiled so brightly at her, it really made her tremble.

  Wang Xinyu sighed slightly and said with a smile, "You should go back."

  Zhao Xixun gave her a deep look, and then said as usual, "Since little sister Xiaoyu doesn't want to leave her relatives, then forget it, next time I will give it earlier. You have arranged the room, and today is a delay after all."

  Wang Xinyu raised her eyebrows slightly, she really didn't expect that he still had the ability to talk to himself and smooth things out by himself.

  "Then you rest, good night."

  After he finished speaking, he no longer stopped, turned around and planned to leave, but saw Zhao Zihan and Qin Shan standing not far away looking at him.

  A flash of disgust flashed across his eyes quickly, but his face remained calm, and he walked over calmly. He didn't stop when he passed them, only leaving a sentence.

  "Why did you come here? It's late at night . It's   better not to walk around
  . Go to bed early. It's not safe to go out."   In the end, she could only give Wang Xinyu a stern look, then trotted to follow Song Tianyao's footsteps and left.   Wang Xinyu was speechless. Why did they stare at her? It was really a problem.

  "Those two people have a hole in their minds, you don't care about them."

  Zhao Xixun suddenly answered, which shocked Wang Xinyu. Only then did she know that the words she had just whispered in her heart were spoken by Tulu, and he still swears?

  I really didn't expect him to be so down-to-earth.

  Wang Xinyu's heart warmed, and the bad mood she had just offended also dissipated a lot.

  "I'm fine, let's go to sleep." She winked at him, of course she just meant sleep when she said sleep.

  When the two returned to the tent, Wang Xinyu left a message and Liu Shan walked into the space, "I'll go ahead and boil water to wash up, and I'll change you later."

  This was the best way she thought of, one by one, and one person left. Take the wind outside.

  In fact, you can also wash in the RV, but it is definitely not as comfortable as the space.

  However, neither Wang Xinyu nor Zhao Xixun likes to feel wronged. Within the limits of her ability, she will definitely make her life more comfortable.

  The hotter the weather, the more you need to take a hot bath, especially for girls, don't be greedy for a moment, and end up hurting yourself.

  In this way, after the two changed and washed, Wang Xinyu proposed that she would go to sleep in the space in the first half of the night to let him take care of the wind, and then change it in the second half of the night.

  Hearing this, Zhao Xixun just smiled dotingly and said, "You don't need to change, you can sleep peacefully inside."

  Wang Xinyu frowned with joy and made up her mind that she must come and replace him in the middle of the night.

  If he treats her well, she should treat him well too.

  It wasn't until the middle of the night that she suddenly came out.

  When the two were pushing back, Wang Xinyu suddenly felt, "It's so cold"

  , and the temperature dropped sharply.

  "Oh, why is it so cold?"

  Everyone woke up from the cold, and hurried to find clothes to wear. However, their luggage was in the car. At this time, they naturally thought of Wang Xinyu, a space power user.

  "Xiaoyu, get some clothes and come out, we are about to freeze to death."

  Wang Xinyu is really lucky to have come out by herself, otherwise, she would really have to wear it.

  "Come on." Wang Xinyu hastily wrapped a quilt and threw it to Zhao Xixun, "Wrap up first, I'll help them find clothes first."

  There are too many things in Wang Xinyu's space, but the approximate location is still known, so move out first Two boxes of down jackets, then jackets, cotton shirts and trousers, fleece and thicker trousers, and finally cotton boots, everything.

  After everyone distributed it, everyone had a share, and they changed it immediately, and it suddenly warmed up.

  After getting dressed, they would have the mind to check the situation outside.

  I don't know if I don't see it, I'm shocked when I see it.

  This is the time to put on clothes, and the window is already white, and countless snow like cotton wool is constantly falling.

  "Everyone, come and see, what a big snow."

  Everyone was stunned when they saw the scene in front of them.

  "It's a vision again, is there any virus in this snow?" Someone suddenly grunted.

  This unpretentious sentence made everyone panic.

  "What should we do? Then can we go out?"

  "Do you dare to go out? Someone has to test it."

  "With such heavy snow, there will definitely be snow tomorrow, and the road will not be easy to walk. Also, no Bury our car?"

  "Yes, Guofeng is still in the car? What should I do? Go out and ask him to come in." Wang Chengjun was about to go out and call for someone.

  There were people left in the RV, and Zhao Lang was sleeping in the car on Wang Xinyu's side.

  Seeing Wang Chengjun go out in a hurry, Wang Xinyu hurriedly stopped him, "Third uncle, don't be impulsive, the situation outside is still unclear, you should wait for a while."

  "Oh, what is the situation, there are still people in the car, so Call them out first." Wang Chengjun turned around in a hurry.

  Seeing this, Wang Xinyu immediately took out protective clothing and an umbrella, and handed it to him, "If you want to go out, you must protect yourself first. Put it on quickly."

  Wang Chengjun did not refuse this time, but put on his clothes immediately, without any shirk.

  Wang Xinyu also wore a suit herself.

  Seeing this, Zhao Xixun also ordered a set to replace.

  He knew he couldn't stop her, he could only support her.

  "Hello, do you still have thick clothes here? Can you share a few for us, please."

  Wang Xinyu was interrupted by someone coming.

  She was in a hurry to look outside, intending to refuse, and saw them standing there wrapped in a pile of rags, nondescript and shivering.

  These rags should be semi-finished clothes that are not ready.

  "You stay and find clothes for them first. My third uncle and I will go and have a look. Don't worry, it's alright." Zhao Xixun made a straightforward decision.

  Wang Xinyu could only nod, "Then be careful, help me take care of my third uncle."

  "Understood, don't worry." Zhao Xixun nodded and followed Wang Chengjun's footsteps.

  Wang Xinyu watched them go out, and then she looked at the bunch of men, women, and children.

  Yes, there are still children, so she was so unbearable just now.

  These were the people in the four cars that followed them in.

  Wang Xinyu first found clothes suitable for children, but fortunately, she has all the space, so let the adults put them on the children first, and then continue to help the adults find them.

  (End of this chapter)

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set up
dark night
  Chapter 143 143 Snow
  Wang Xinyu got them clothes and learned about their specific situation.

  There are four families in the four cars, and they plan to go to Kyoto together to go to their relatives.

  After all, Kyoto is a metropolis, and the living conditions are expected to be better. Let them migrate from south to north, and I don’t know if it is worth it.

  At present, their faces are really not very good.

  "Sister Xiaoyu."

  At this time, Song Tianyao and the others also came downstairs. Seeing Wang Xinyu and others dressed neatly and warmly, their eyes flashed slightly, and the expressions on their faces were somewhat intriguing.

  The four family members saw Song Tianyao as if they had seen a savior, and hurriedly stepped forward to ask about the situation, "Captain Song, what should we do now? It's snowing outside.

  " Not much, if you're stuck here and can't go out looking for food, you're bound to be hungry.

  Now I can only look at Song Tianyao with hope, knowing that he is the boss of this team, thinking that no matter what, I have to pick him up well and get through this difficult time.

  Song Tianyao looked at the heavy snow outside, and his face sank.

  Leng Qun was even more frowning, and the road only reached the third day. At this time, they encountered heavy snow. When the snow stopped, I wonder if they would still be willing to go to Kyoto.

  Wang Xinyu didn't listen to them, she wanted to go out and have a look.

  As soon as they went downstairs to the door, they saw Wang Chengjun and the others coming back with a thick layer of snow.

  It also includes two people from the Sirius team and the Leng Qun supernatural team.

  Their faces were stiff from the cold, and they rushed in with one breath, wearing only the down jacket that Zhao Xixun had just brought to them, and a protective suit.

  Wang Xinyu immediately handed the other warm clothes prepared to Zhao Lang and Wang Guofeng, "Quick, hurry up and wear more, don't freeze."

  As for the others, that's none of her business. They have their own team, and they have been given a down jacket and protective clothing by humanitarianism. That's alright.

  The most important thing is that there is a team, so she doesn't take advantage of her, so what can I do if I rely on her in the future.

  "I'm going to put the car away." Wang Xinyu put on her hat and walked out.

  "Wait, I'm with you." Zhao Xixun hurriedly passed her and walked ahead, "I'll go ahead to clear the way for you." I

  really need to clear the way, just after a while, the footprints they walked on when they came back were snowed again. It was covered, and the eyes were white. He followed the road he just walked, and the snow covered his calf with one foot.

  Zhao Xixun held her hand and walked forward with difficulty step by step.

  At this time, Song Tianyao and the others also came to the door. Seeing the two people walking in front, they followed without hesitation.

  "Brother Tianyao, wait, there is a protective suit here, you can put it on before going out." Qin Shan saw the protective suit that Wang Guofeng took off. .

  Anyway, if you think everyone else wears it, you will be at a loss if you don't wear it.

  Song Tianyao just glanced at it and refused without hesitation, "I don't need it." The

  male protagonist is worthy of being a male protagonist, and he is really confident.

  Qin Shan stomped her feet angrily when she saw Song Tianyao rushing into the heavy snow.

  Zhao Zihan couldn't help frowning while watching, but he didn't gloat over Qin Shan's misfortune, "In fact, it's good to wear protective clothing, even if you don't need to block the virus, it's good to block the wind and snow." The

  two have a rare unity of opinion. , no rivalry.

  Wang Xinyu quickly followed Zhao Xixun to the place where the car was parked. At this time, the car was already covered with a thick layer of snow.

  She didn't care too much, and directly put her and Wang's RVs into the space.

  He was hesitating whether to put other people's cars in, when he caught sight of Song Tianyao out of the corner of his eye.

  Well, don't think about it now.

  Song Tianyao stood not far away, looking at Wang Xinyu's eyes with a dark and deep light.

  Wang Xinyu always felt that the way he looked at her was a little strange and didn't like it.

  Zhao Xixun seemed to see her uneasiness, squeezed her hand lightly, and led her back, walking by Song Tianyao without stopping, leaving only one sentence, "Go quickly, if you delay any longer, the car will be full. It was buried."

  Wang Xinyu just walked with her head buried in it and didn't say a word, but she could feel that the other party's eyes were on her all the time.

  Song Tianyao looked at the two who left side by side, feeling very uncomfortable.

  Why? In her dream, she liked him, and she gave him one.
  Song Tianyao thought about how neatly she put away the RV just now, and he was a little surprised. Did
  Wang Xinyu and Zhao Xixun come back to the factory and heard a lot of inquiries.

  Because the snow is so heavy, the visibility is less than five meters, and now it is impossible to see things in the distance.

  Zhao Zihan saw that Zhao Xixun and Wang Xinyu were back, and her eyes were full of disappointment, so she quickly asked about Song Tianyao's situation, "Brother, have you seen Brother Tianyao? Why hasn't he come back?"

  She was actually a little afraid of Zhao Xixun, but Song Tianyao The fear of her surpassed her fear of him, which was sincere.

  Zhao Xixun has almost no feelings for this cousin, just a stranger he knows, but he still answered her question, "I saw him when I came back, and I should be back soon."

  Zhao Zihan heard this To answer, she could only smirk and say, "Is that so."

  Qin Shan was very dissatisfied, and didn't dare to get angry with Zhao Xixun, but said viciously to Wang Xinyu, "When will it be soon, why don't you wait for him? Come back together."

  Wang Xinyu was not used to her, and looked at her like a lunatic, "Your brother Tianyao is not an ignorant child, you don't trust him, why don't you follow him out by yourself, it is best to tie it on a trousers belt. Yes, it's not your turn to teach us how to do things."

  "Let's go, we are in the same space as some people with bad views, and the air quality is bad." Wang Xinyu took Zhao Xixun and left, for this brainless woman , It's annoying to say a word to her.

  "Hey, what are you talking about? Brother Tianyao is the base chief of our Tianfu base. His safety is related to the entire base. If something happens to him, you can afford it." Qin Shan shouted behind them angrily.

  But Wang Xinyu would only sneer, what, but a base chief, do you still think he is the head of state? Everyone has to protect him.

  Qin Shan saw that they kept walking, and they had already gone up the stairs and turned around, so she gave a cold snort.

  Because of the weather, and because of Song Tianyao and Qin Shan, she was in a bad mood.

  He came upstairs gloomily and saw that they had already lit the fire, but the factory space was too large and there was still not much heating.

  what to do if I am sad?
  When you see the fire, what do you think of?
  Wang Xinyu first thought of eating, so she took out three chickens directly from the space, "I can't sleep now anyway, let's eat roast chicken."

  (End of this chapter)

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set up
dark night
  Chapter 144 144 When chicken eaters
  encounter danger, they will always have a gathering mentality, like to get together, keep each other warm, and rely on each other.

  As for the four families who were originally placed on the first floor, perhaps because Wang Xinyu gave them clothes here, they thought they were good people, so they took the initiative to lean over.

  A small space was also cleared not far from them, and several families also made a fire and sat around to keep warm. From time to time, they had to look at Wang Xinyu and the others.

  Seeing that they actually roasted chicken, I was immediately agitated.

  Chicken, how long has it been since they ate?
  They actually get three at a time, can you not make people jealous?
  Wang Xinyu didn't care so much, she was so blocked in her heart that she urgently needed food to clear her up.

  In fact, there is also a generator in the oven in her space, and it can be used out of it, but she still wants to eat the most primitive roast chicken, so she roasts it on the fire.

  I found a few bamboo branches that were originally used for vegetable stands and came out for use.

  This chicken should have been better marinated with seasoning.

  It was too late now, so I took an empty basin and added oyster sauce, soy sauce, salt, sugar, black pepper, green onion, and ginger.

  Put in the chicken, spread the sauce evenly on the chicken with your hands, and finally pour some into the chicken belly, then use a toothpick to seal the chicken belly firmly.

  The chicken is skewered with bamboo sticks, wrapped in a layer of tin foil, placed on the fire, and grilled.

  She also didn't know whether the chicken made from this way was delicious, and it probably wouldn't be too unpalatable.

  It didn't take long for the smell of barbecue to hit me.

  When Song Tianyao came over, he saw the scene of their roasting chicken and smelled the aroma of the chicken. If it weren't for his strong self-control, it is estimated that he would not be able to hold back his saliva.

  The facial features of the superhuman are much more sensitive than ordinary people, and Wang Xinyu has heard several stomach growls.

  "Sister Xiaoyu, you're roasting chicken."

  Of course, she also heard footsteps coming, and she really didn't want to care, so they called her.

  She didn't lift her head, she was roasting the chicken by herself.

  Because someone has already answered the call for her.

  Zhao Xixun raised his eyebrows slightly and said indifferently, "Is there something wrong?"

  No one likes that their woman is coveted by other men, and they come to harass him from time to time, especially this man is on a par with him in all aspects.

  There was substantial displeasure in his eyes.

  Song Tianyao's heart trembled slightly, but he thought about the freedom of love and marriage.

  He has the qualifications to pursue, and she has the right to choose again, so why not work hard.

  So, he met Zhao Xixun's gaze and said without fear, "I'll come over to discuss with you, what should I do next?"

  "What should I do?" Zhao Xixun sneered, "What's there to discuss, now there are so many outside In the heavy snow, you must not go out, you can only wait until the snow stops. During this period, besides taking care of yourself, what else can you do?"

  Zhao Xixun opened his mouth without any scruples. The second time he hooked up with Wang Xinyu, he was also annoyed.

  The most important thing is that his behavior has made Wang Xinyu feel uncomfortable, which is absolutely not allowed by him.

  Song Tianyao was choked by him, but he actually came here to find a reason to get along with Wang Xinyu again.

  Now, this reason seems so pale, it really makes his face dull.

  And there are a bunch of strangers listening next to him, which is not good for the image of the leader of his base.

  Although he was full of inner activities, he didn't show much on his face, and still smiled, "Xixun is right, then do as you said."

  "Sister Xiaoyu, the roasted chicken is really fragrant, and I'm a little hungry too. Yes." He looked at Wang Xinyu and smiled leisurely, "I don't have a whole chicken here, but there are quite a few vegetables and mutton skewers."

  He slowly cast the bait and waited for the fish to take the bait.

  It's a pity that the fish has roast chicken, and it's already cooked. She carefully pulled out the bamboo branches, and the fragrance that followed was mouth-watering.

  Put on disposable gloves, peel off the tin foil, grab two chicken legs and pull them, the whole chicken is divided into pieces, and the seasoning soup in the stomach falls on the tin foil.

  She simply divided the chicken and began to share the food.

  A chicken leg was dipped in the tinfoil soup again and handed to Wang Chengjun.

  "I'm not hungry, you can eat." It must be a lie to say that you are not hungry, even if you are not hungry, you will be hungry by the fragrance.

  It's just that the elders always want to let the children eat good things first.

  Wang Xinyu pouted and said coquettishly, "Third uncle, everyone has it. Enough is enough. Hurry up and take it. My hands are sore."

  Wang Chengjun saw her holding up the chicken leg persistently. I'm hungry, just eat this one, and the others don't need to be distributed to me."

  Wang Xinyu smiled and didn't answer, gave the second drumstick to Liu Yong, and of course took it after pushing it a few times.

  She did not divide the remaining two chicken wings and chicken bones. She only greeted, "You can take it yourself, and I will divide the second one."

  Then, she pushed this one over a little, and put the second chicken. Take it and start splitting.

  She was focused on her work, and it seemed that she really didn't hear what Song Tianyao said, which made Song Tianyao stand there in an extremely embarrassing manner, unable to advance or retreat.

  It's still Wang Chengjun who can't stand it anymore. After all, the Song family has a head and face, and Song Tianyao is not an outsider. Besides, he doesn't think it's a bad thing for different excellent men to pursue his niece. Good.

  "Tianyao, come and sit, Xiaoyu is really delicious. Come, try your sister Xiaoyu's craftsmanship, and comment."

  Song Tianyao was instantly full of blood and spirited, "Okay."

  Without hesitation, he stuck in a seat and sat down. The first chicken had already been divided, and he quietly watched Wang Xinyu and the second chicken.

  Wang Xinyu lowered her head, and the corners of her lips couldn't help but curl up, a little unhappy and helpless.

  The strength in his hands became stronger, and then, the soup splashed all over the place, and unfortunately, it splashed Song Tianyao's face.   "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Wang Xinyu apologized

  very sincerely, but couldn't hide the smile in her eyes, took out a pack of napkins and threw it to him, "Quickly wipe it."

He raised his hand to signal her inconvenience. She had to tear the chicken legs with both hands, so of course she didn't have any hands to help him wipe it, so he had to do it himself.

  Song Tianyao had just been splashed, and he was indeed a little unhappy. Anyone who encountered this situation would not be happy unless there was a problem with his brain.

  However, when he saw the smirk in her eyes, all the grievances seemed to be over.

  "It's alright, the soup is delicious, and sister Xiaoyu's craftsmanship is awesome." While wiping the soup on his face, he praised her craftsmanship with sincerity.

  Wang Xinyu suddenly felt dull and tasteless, forget it, hurry up and eat **.

  She quickened her speed to divide the chicken, and then unceremoniously took a drumstick and gnawed it.

  Mmm, it smells so good!

  (End of this chapter)

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  Chapter 145 145 Trapped
  Song Tianyao shamelessly stayed here.

  The delicious roast chicken in his mouth often praises Wang Xinyu's virtuousness and ability, making Wang Xinyu want to roll his eyes.

  The roast chicken was really fragrant, and it also pushed the capabilities of the four families who were in the same space with them to the limit.

  Especially children, how much self-control can she have, "Mom, I'm hungry." The

  woman hugged the child and gently patted his back to Anduin, while looking at her man with helpless eyes.

  The man finally gritted his teeth, Xie Xie Dandan got up and walked towards Wang Xinyu and the others.

  "Hello, my child is hungry, can you give me some food." The man was originally an elite, the leader of a listed company, and has always played a role in commanding others.

  But since the end of the world, everything has subverted the previous cognition, but it is the first time to ask others for charity.

  Therefore, when he said this, he seemed very blunt.

  At this time, the scene was a little silent for a while.

  Wang Xinyu looked at the side, a group of people stared at it, there were thirteen people, big and small, this was the first day, the current situation outside was unknown, and they had no food.

  Wang Xinyu sighed softly, and silently handed him the last piece of chicken wing attached to the foil.

  The food still has to be given, but how to give it is also a problem. I am afraid that she is kind, but she encounters an insatiable white-eyed wolf.

  Or, "Did you not bring food when you went out?"

  Wang Xinyu looked at him suspiciously.

  The man felt stressed, his mouth was dry, and he hurriedly explained, "Our food is left in the car."

  "Why didn't you go to get it just now?"

  Just as Wang Xinyu finished speaking, she heard Song Tianyao say, "Is there any food in your car? I put your car in the space, I'll let it out, you can take it."

  He just went out to collect the car and took theirs The car was also taken in.

  "Really, that's great." The family immediately became happy and stood up and waited.

  The space here is too small, Song Tianyao can only take out one by one.

  It took me a while to take out all the belongings I needed.

  A few smiles finally appeared on the faces of the family members.

  They are not shameless people, and they will never trouble others if they can be self-reliant. But if there is really no way, in order to survive, it is estimated that anything can be done.

  This is human nature.

  Wang Xinyu watched all this silently, and her heart was relieved a little. She didn't have to be a villain, which made her a lot happier.

  Three chickens are not much, and each person did not eat a few bites.

  At this time, the two girls who had not seen Song Tianyao for a long time came back, and they really persevered.

  Song Tianyao reluctantly left, regretting again in his heart, he shouldn't be soft-hearted and let the two women follow, it's too much of a hindrance.

  He wanted everyone to stay in one place, but unfortunately the conditions didn't allow it.

  When I was full, I went to the window to look outside, and it was still going down.

  "Go to sleep, it's useless to be anxious." Zhao Xixun patted her on the shoulder, then hugged her back.

  The weather is too cold, it is best not to fall asleep.

  The wisdom of the crowd is infinite.

  This is a garment factory, and most of them are fabrics.

  Several people moved a lot and spread it on the ground with a thick layer.

  The tents that were previously disliked are starting to gain popularity again.

  Putting the tent on the pile of fabrics, Wang Xinyu gave each person a sleeping bag and a tent for two quilts.

  It can be said that this is already armed to the teeth.

  Look at the group of people next to them, their conditions can make people jealous.

  Wang Xinyu didn't go into the room to sleep again, for fear that something unexpected might happen.

  Many people didn't sleep soundly that night. After all, it was impossible not to worry about such a big incident.

  Wang Xinyu slept quite sweetly. The reason was that there was a big heater beside her.

  In the winter, when the bed is warm, sleeping is a pleasure, and it is no problem to lie down for a day.

  If it's cold in the bed, it's better not to sleep, it's simply suffering.

  Nine times out of ten, this woman's physique is cool, and Wang Xinyu can't escape this law.

  The sudden cold did not give people time to adapt.

  Lying in the sleeping bag, I only felt cold and shivering.

  In a daze, she heard what Zhao Xixun said in her ear, and then she was pulled into his arms by him.

  Wang Xinyu didn't resist. These days, she still trusts him.

  In the early morning, the voices outside became louder and louder, and Wang Xinyu was awakened.

  The eyelashes fluttered open, and the eyes were clear and gentle eyes of a man.

  In an instant, she was awake, and immediately she could clearly feel how ambiguous the two of them were leaning against each other.

  Suddenly, a burst of heat hit her face, and she deceived herself and closed her eyes again.

  "Huh." A muffled laugh came from above his head.

  Wang Xinyu's eyelashes trembled again, she was so embarrassed that she gritted her teeth and raised her hand to beat his chest, but she didn't want to touch his warm skin, so she quickly retracted her hand, shrank her head, and wanted to hide in. Never come out again.

  It's a pity that Zhao Xixun can make her wish?
  "Get up? Do you want to sleep for a while?" He gave two choices. To be honest, she didn't want to choose either.

  She definitely won't be able to fall asleep if she sleeps a little longer. Her heart is not that big yet, and she is not willing to get up. After all, it's really warm inside the bed and it's really cold outside.

  "Oh my God, this snow!" The exclamation from outside never stopped.

  "What should I do? It's still going down. I remember that there should be a guard room there. Why is it gone? How thick is the snow?


  The chatter outside made Wang Xinyu unable to sleep, and she also wanted to go see it.

  "Go into the space and get dressed. It's warm inside, but it's too cold outside." Zhao Xixun gently rubbed the top of her hair with his chin and explained gently.

  As soon as Wang Xinyu heard it, she rushed into the space, leaving Zhao Xixun, who wanted to explain a few more words, with a helpless expression.

  When Wang Xinyu was dressed and came out, Zhao Xixun had already taken care of herself, and had also packed up the bedding in the tent.

  As soon as the two got out of the tent, they were immediately surrounded by Wang Guohua and others, and they came to the window.

  Seeing the scene in front of me with my own eyes was far more shocking than what I had just heard.

  When you see it, there is a vast expanse of white, and the low house has disappeared.

  Although the snow is not as big as midnight, it still has no tendency to stop. If it continues like this, this situation is too worrying.

  "Brother, when the snow stops, let's go home." Wang Xinyu felt anxious when she thought of her mother at home.

  She couldn't get through the phone at home yesterday, and today she encountered this kind of ghost weather, and she really worried about her family.

  Zhao Xixun smiled slightly, nodded in agreement without asking anything, "Okay!"

  (End of this chapter)

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  Chapter 146 Chapter 146
  It can be said that Zhao Xixun is obedient to her.

  Wang Xinyu smiled, and the melancholy just now dissipated a lot.

  "Xiaoyu, you want to go back?" Wang Chengjun was a little hesitant when he heard her words, and he brought it out in his tone.

  Wang Xinyu hurriedly persuaded, "Yeah, Uncle San, you can go back with us too. You

  can go to Kyoto anytime, and you are not in a hurry.

  Now we have lost contact with our family, and it is snowing outside again. It's not easy to see.

  Grandpa and aunt must be worried about us."

  Wang Chengjun didn't answer, he pondered slightly, hesitantly said, "This, it's not very good, I promised others."

  Several men in the Wang family, Xu is because he was born in a medical family, he is particularly obsessed with integrity.

  Wang Xinyu just smiled and said, "We didn't talk about it, we just left later."

  "I'm really worried about my home, it's snowing so much, I don't know what's going on at home." At this moment, she couldn't help but look Some were worried and worried.

  "What? You want to go back? How can this be done?" Leng Qun didn't expect what he was worried about to happen, and was immediately excited. "We've already agreed, and we'll be waiting for you at the Kyoto base."

  Wang Xinyu waited He turned around and saw Leng Qun and Song Tianyao coming together.

  Zhao Xixun stood in front of Wang Xinyu and said, "It's not like we're not going, we'll go after the snow disaster here is resolved."

  "That's not good, if the snow disaster can't be resolved, shall we wait?" Stop, we must take them to the Kyoto base.

  Seeing that he was so aggressive, Wang Xinyu didn't say anything here, for fear that he would be more emotional.

  Treating someone who is already angry and continuing to refute him will only further intensify the conflict.

  And let him calm down.

  Sure enough, no one paid any attention to him. He talked to himself for a while, and finally came to his senses and gradually calmed down.

  At this time, more people gathered around, looking at the overwhelming snow outside, their hearts were very heavy.

  And there are not a few people who want to go home.

  "I also want to go back. Kyoto is too far away, and we encounter such heavy snow. How can we get there?"

  "I'm worried about my family. My house lives on the first floor. According to the thickness of the snow, the first floor can be buried. We have to go back and have a look."

  "Yes, there is no signal on the mobile phone, otherwise we can ask about the situation at home, and we won't be so worried."

  Everyone talked a lot, and finally agreed that there were more people who went back the same way. And more and more, people who were hesitant at first followed suit.

  Wang Xinyu hid in the crowd and smiled silently.

  Leng Qun saw that everyone was going to go back, and there was only anxiety in his heart. He and everyone were definitely defeated. He could only look at Song Tianyao. The two of them had a deal. "Mr. Song Ji, what do you say?"

  Leng Qun He looked at Song Tianyao faintly, waiting for his reply, the depression in his eyes did not hide.

  Song Tianyao was speechless for a moment, and it took a moment to arrive, "Go back and keep walking, and wait until the snow outside stops. If the snow goes on like this, I guess we will be trapped here. Such thick snow needs to be melted. Time, the car must not be opened, and it will be buried in the snow when walking. How do you go?"

  He chose to change the subject, and everyone turned their minds to how to walk.

  Song Tianyao quietly winked at Leng Qun, and the two walked upstairs one after the other.

  Wang Xinyu saw it, touched Zhao Xixun's arm slightly, and pouted in the direction they left.

  "Got it." Zhao Xixun immediately used his mental ability to eavesdrop on the conversation between the two.

  As soon as Leng Qun went upstairs, he immediately asked angrily, "Why didn't you dissuade them just now, what should I do if you have to leave?"

  Song Tianyao said in a hurry, "Look at the situation, it's useless for anyone to persuade them. Your mood is yours. We must also understand that there are many of them, and it is really impossible to fight them head-on, let’s think of other ways.”

  After listening to his analysis, Leng Qun did not show his face, but there was no other way, he could only stare at Song Tianyao and threaten , "No matter what, I must go back to Kyoto this time. Since you agreed to my conditions, you must abide by them, otherwise"

  he didn't say anything, but seeing his face darkened and his words threatening, there was nothing he could do. , can only promise first.

  The two said something more, but it didn't involve their dealings.

  Zhao Xixun listened, and his mental power was quietly withdrawn.

  Back in the living room, Zhao Xixun told Wang Xinyu everything they said.

  Although I haven't heard any substantive transactions, I can roughly guess some.

  The two looked at each other, and they knew it in their hearts.

  It was snowing non-stop outside, and I would get dizzy if I watched too much. Such a large group of people are also idle when they are idle, and a few people began to look for entertainment.

  The snow didn't stop until the early morning of the next day. At this time, the snow outside had not reached the second floor window.

  Wang Xinyu was woken up by a chattering voice again.

  With the experience of waking up in his arms yesterday, this time, she seemed to be more used to it.

  His face was not red, his heart was not beating, he entered the space to put on his clothes, and he did not say hello.

  It can be seen that if you have thick skin, it is very useful to train several times.

  "Everyone, come and see, the snow has stopped."

  "What should I do? I can't walk after it stops?" "It's   cloudy

  again today, I don't know if it will fall."


  When I slept last night, many people's brains worked all night, and strange ideas began to appear.

  "The car can't work, so let's take a plane."

  "Nervous, there is no plane here, how can we take it?"

  "Make it yourself."

  "What? "

  Hey, grandson."

  "You are looking for a fight." The

  two of them fought, but there was no result, and everyone just listened to it as a joke.

  But Wang Xinyu really thinks it is feasible.

  You can't walk on land, and there are no rivers or seas here, even small rivers, so you can only walk to the sky.

  "Hey, tell me, how should this plane be built?" Wang Xinyu came over and asked with a smile.

  That person was a member of the power user team hired by Leng Qun, named Zhang Shengli, and immediately became interested when he heard that she was interested.

  Wang Xinyu is also well-known at the Tianfu Base. She can answer the beauties. The young man is full of energy and begins to explain without hesitation.

  Some professional knowledge, Wang Xinyu did not understand very well, but it did not prevent her from listening carefully, and then many people also joined the discussion.

  The more Wang Xinyu listened, the more feasible it became, because she felt that the young man was very confident, and it was just a simple flying machine, nothing was impossible.

  "Okay, what do you need specifically, tell me and see if I can get it all for you."

  (End of this chapter)

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  Chapter 147 147 Noisy

  Wang Xinyu After the apocalypse, a lot of things are piled up in the space. She doesn't know if she can prepare them all, but she has to give it a try.

  Moreover, she thought that even if she couldn't make it, it would be fine. She could also try hot dead balls and the like. Anyway, she was idle if she was idle.

  Their discussions were so heated that they soon drew everyone over.

  Wang Xinyu found a lot of materials according to Sun Shengli's request, yes, but in the end there was still a lot missing.

  "You people's brains were kicked by donkeys, so you actually want to build a plane? Are you crazy?" Qin Shan couldn't help sneering after listening to it for a while.

  Everyone was stunned for a moment, and the scene was quiet for a while.

  Although many people are not optimistic about them, they will not curse people like this.

  Qin Shan is already scolding others by pointing their noses, it's really fierce.

  Wang Xinyu, who was scolded for being brainless, didn't really expect to succeed. She really just tried it out of interest. She knew that there was a high probability that she couldn't make it.

  "Just like you, you want to build a plane with a pile of scrap metal. It's a fool's dream.

  Even if you really build it, we won't be able to ride it. Who would use their own lives to be guinea pigs for you.

  And With so many of us, one plane can sit down? Shouldn’t you just get a small one and run by yourself?

  Besides, there is no runway here, how can you fly? Hmph, it’s crazy.

  You guys are still following What is she thinking?"

  Qin Shan became more and more excited as she spoke, although her words were unpleasant, she did point out a lot of problems.

  Wang Xinyu was scolded speechless, and for the first time felt that she was acting impulsive.

  Even if she is interested in what Sun Shengli said, she shouldn't choose to do the experiment at this time, and this is likely to be a time-consuming project, she had taken it for granted before.

  Seeing that Wang Xinyu was scolded with a low expression, Zhao Xixun felt dissatisfied, and said with a straight face, "Shut up, we want to cultivate, it's none of your business. You have a good way to travel, just go by yourself.

  Before, we just It’s just the same way to go to Kyoto. Now, we’re not going to Kyoto anymore, you can go if you want.”

  Zhao Xixun naturally wanted to protect his own woman after being scolded. Although he was not optimistic about her sudden whimsy, he still felt that she wanted to do it. Do whatever you want, it's not someone else's turn to point fingers.

  But his last few words were for Song Tianyao and Leng Qun.

  There have been disputes over whether to stay or not before, but now he just expressed his position again.

  Song Tianyao's heart tightened when he heard this, and he clenched his fists.

  "What do you mean? Do you want to go back on your words? What you've said is actually going back?" Qin Shan snorted and clapped her hands, full of sarcasm.

  The window paper was pierced, and everyone faced the issue of leaving and staying again, and the scene became quiet.

  Leng Qun thought about it for a long time when he went back yesterday, and knew that he was too impulsive that day.

  Neither Zhao Xixun nor Wang Xinyu is someone he can use coercion, he really made a big mistake yesterday.

  After thinking about it all night, I finally understood that if I want them to change their minds and go to Kyoto, we can only rely on playing the emotional card of the Wang family.

  "Professor Wang, what do you say? I have already passed the news that you went to the Kyoto base to communicate with you, and the research institute there is looking forward to your visit day and night." Leng Qun said with an embarrassed expression, "You want to go back, Now the traffic is inconvenient, and I don’t know how much time it will take to go back and forth.

  What’s more, there will definitely be emergencies when I go out. If we retreat every time we encounter difficulties, what else can we do.”

  As soon as Leng Qun's last sentence came out, Wang Chengjun's face changed immediately. He was hesitant to reply, but now there is no need to hesitate at all.

  As a researcher, you must always maintain a persevering, rigorous and serious attitude towards your work, and as a child of a medical family, you are not allowed to be selfish.

  He turned around and said to Wang Xinyu, "I won't go back, follow them to Kyoto, go back and take care of your third aunt for me."

  Wang Xinyu knew it was not good when she heard Leng Qun's words. If Wang Chengjun didn't go back, she would also It is impossible to go back. This time I came out to protect a few people. If I leave at this time, it is really a deserter.

  "What did the third uncle say? Of course I won't leave if you don't leave, and nothing will happen at home. Grandpa and uncle are all here." Wang Xinyu just slapped herself, and wanted to cry.

  Song Tianyao was instantly overjoyed. He didn't expect that the things he worried about yesterday would be easily resolved today.

  "Humph" Qin Shan was dissatisfied, and snorted coldly, "You have to leave for a while, and you have to stay for a while, you think this is your home, so casual."

  "Hey, are you still excited?" Wang Xinyu She had been ignoring her just now, but she was still aggressive, which made Wang Xinyu's already aggrieved mood ignited, "Whether I leave or stay is my family's business. , but also with your consent?"

  Wang Xinyu stood up abruptly, and glared at Qin Shan without giving in.

  Qin Shan was not to be outdone and said, "Am I right? Isn't it you who is capricious? You are so hypocritical, why are you here, go back and be your eldest lady."

  "I am hypocritical? Ha" Wang Xinyu disdain He glanced at her, put his hands on his chest, and looked mockingly, "Who is hypocritical in this team, everyone has eyes to see, but it's not that you can say black and become red when you open your mouth and close your mouth.

  " Not giving up, Song Tianyao frowned again.

  Seeing that Qin Shan was about to speak, he hurriedly stopped and said, "Okay, you can say a few words less."

  Qin Shan was not happy now, she felt aggrieved in her heart, and said angrily, "Brother Tianyao, why should you let me talk less? Say, why didn't you tell her."

  Song Tianyao only felt his head and frowned, and his tone became heavier, "Okay, don't say it anymore. Now we should think about how to travel, instead of arguing about these trivial things."

  Qin Shan was reprimanded, Immediately felt wronged, with tears in his eyes, he looked at Song Tianyao pitifully.

  When the two looked at each other, they only saw his ruthless and stern expression.

  Qin Shan's mentality collapsed, she turned around and ran away crying.

  Song Tianyao reluctantly looked at her back, and a shadow flashed in his eyes.

  Wang Xinyu also found it boring, kicked the parts on the ground, and said to Sun Shengli, "I'll take these first, and when we get back to the base, we will prepare the things and then study them, okay?"

  Sun Shengli didn't feel wronged, but gladly He accepted, "Okay, you can call me anytime."

  He was a scientific research student before the end of the world, and he liked to study these things since he was a child.

  (End of this chapter)

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  Chapter 148 148
  The snow outside the trip has stopped, and everyone has decided to go to Kyoto, then, they really have to find a way to go.

  The snow was so thick that it was impossible to melt away in a while.

  In the end, everyone decided to walk while driving. The big deal is to slow down and walk a little bit.

  The door on the first floor was blocked by heavy snow and could not be opened at all, so we could only go through the window on the second floor.

  Song Tianyao came to the window, and as the window was opened, a cold wind rushed toward the face, and everyone couldn't help shivering.

  And Zhao Xixun also reacted quickly to stand in front of Wang Xinyu.

  Even if I didn't face the cold wind, I could feel the sudden drop in the indoor temperature.

  Wang Xinyu took out another cotton scarf and sent one to each person. Putting on the hat on the down jacket and the scarf around it, I finally felt better.

  Song Tianyao stood by the window, glanced at the apparently deep snow, and threw an empty cargo box out of the space.

  The cargo box slammed into the snow and the whole thing sank.

  Song Tianyao's eyes flickered slightly, he jumped down without hesitation, and stood firmly on the cargo box, and the cargo box was slightly crushed again with his weight.

  He breathed a sigh of relief and threw another cargo box from the space.

  He jumped to the second box and threw the third one, but he also had limited space, and threw ten boxes in a row. As the last one was used up, he stood on the box Couldn't help thinking.

  Wang Xinyu and Zhao Xixun walked at the back, looking at the row of cargo boxes, and couldn't help muttering, "This is not a solution, is it possible that they can be spread all the way to the Kyoto base?"

  Although she said so, she Or simply put the first cargo box into the space after walking through the cargo box.

  There is no problem with 20 or 30 people standing on one cargo box. There are a total of 50 people here, so in the end, the remaining two cargo boxes are full of people.

  Zhao Xixun came to Song Tianyao's place under the protection of Wang Xinyu, and threw the cargo box without saying anything.

  Song Tianyao's eyes flashed with excitement.

  In this way, the two continued to walk for a long time.

  At noon, everyone ate a little on the box.

  Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Wang Xinyu was embarrassed to do something special, the place was so big and inconvenient, so she ate a cookie.

  In the afternoon, they speeded up, and in this way, they could walk a lot in one day.

  "Hey, help, help? Hey. Come and help us."

  There were no high-rise buildings around on the road they walked before, so they didn't meet anyone, or they didn't make a sound when they saw them.

  Everyone looked in the direction of the sound of calling for help. There was a second-floor building in a place that was not far away, but it was not near. The second-floor window of the building, the two waved their hands and called for help.

  "What should I do?" Wang Xinyu planned not to be stubborn in the future.

  She waited for everyone to make a decision, and then put the cargo box on her way.

  "There's still a long way to go there, don't waste time."

  "No, someone is calling for help, why should you go over there and see."

  Everyone disagreed, and after arguing for a few words, they felt bored and simply said, "Captain, you Decide."

  Song Tianyao looked at Wang Xinyu and Zhao Xixun.

  The two shook their heads indifferently, obviously not wanting to take matters into their own hands.

  Song Tianyao finally looked at his watch and said, "It's getting late, let's go ahead, I don't know how long it will take to get a suitable room for everyone to rest. So, let's go and have a look."

  After he finished speaking, he looked at Wang Xinyu, Wang Xinyu He nodded noncommittally, then diverted to the second-story building.

  About half an hour later, they finally came to the small building and saw the people trapped in the house.

  Inside was a young couple, and Song Tianyao stepped forward to talk.

  The two were also trapped inside for a few days. There was no food at home. They wanted to go out to find food. Looking at the whiteness outside, they didn't know what to do for a while, and then they saw them calling for help.

  "Can the door on the first floor be opened? We have a shovel to help dig it open." Wang Xinyu suggested.

  Since I want to stay overnight, I have to express myself.

  "No, the door is pushed outwards, and it's covered by snow outside, so it can't be pushed at all." The man shook his head, regretting it.

  "Then do you know the exact location?" Wang Xinyu asked again.

  "I know." The man was a little excited, went back to the room and took a hanger over, stuck his head out of the window, and touched it at the spot.

  "Oh, it's a little short, just move the hanger one centimeter to the side." The man commanded Song Tianyao as a matter of course.

  Song Tianyao figured out the specific location and looked at Wang Xinyu, "The shovel."

  "Huh? Do you have it in your space?" Wang Xinyu complained unwillingly, but she still took out three shovels from the space and handed them to the three laborers, and then She ordered, "Remember to return it to me when you're done."

  She still has a large area waiting to be taken care of. These farm tools are tools for work and should not be thrown away.

  Song Tianyao watched her take out three of them, and the corners of her lips moved involuntarily. She wanted to say something, but she swallowed it when she saw so many people around.

  But the light in his eyes flickered again and again.

  The shovel, or three, even carried dirt.

  He remembered the scene in the dream, and seemed to be more sure of something.

  Several men joined forces, and soon a place at the door was cleared.

  The young couple happily opened the door and welcomed everyone in. When they saw Wang Xinyu, their eyes lit up like big light bulbs.

  Space, this woman is actually a space power, there must be food in that space.

  "Little sister, little sister" The man looked at Wang Xinyu and swallowed with hope, they had not eaten for a day.

  "Hey, what do you want to do?" His wretched expression of kidnapping and selling a little girl was really scary, and Wang Xinyu couldn't help leaning on Zhao Xixun's side.

  "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid." The woman of the young couple immediately squeezed over with a loving aunt smile, and then pushed the man who

  was standing in front of her, "Go aside." He stabilized his body on the ground, with an aggrieved expression on his face, and looked at the woman eagerly, like an abandoned puppy.

  "Hey, you're just ugly, but you're actually quite nice, don't be afraid." The woman glared at him, then smiled at Wang Xinyu, hesitated for a while, and then said cheekily, "We've all been hungry all day, The little sister is beautiful and kind, can you give us a bite to eat?" The

  woman looked carefree, but Wang Xinyu still saw a touch of sourness in the woman's eyes.

  Wang Xinyu looked at them and smiled, "Okay."

  She quickly took out two packets of cookies and handed them to her.

  "You guys eat Dian Dian first, we're going to spend the night here, okay?"

  (End of this chapter)

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dark night
  Chapter 149 Chapter 149
  The little couple who took the biscuits in a dorm room couldn't be polite, so they hurriedly unpacked and ate them

  . We live in one room, and there are two vacant rooms, so we can’t accommodate a few people.” The

  house is a two-story bungalow, and the first floor is only a hundred flats.

  "It doesn't matter, we can just lay the floor." Wang Xinyu smiled and asked again, "By the way, why are you the only family here?"

  Everyone heard that they could stay, and they were already looking for a place. Qin Shan took the lead and went there. They rushed upstairs, followed by Zhao Zihan, the two of them were definitely going to grab a room.

  "Hu Jin, don't hurry up and look at it, you don't have the eyesight to see it at all." The woman hurriedly shouted to the man when she saw someone rushing up.

  Upstairs, the door to their room was still open. Although there was nothing particularly valuable at home, for them who had nothing, breaking a home was worth a lot.

  "Oh, I understand." Hu Jin made a salute gesture and chased after him with a cookie in his mouth.

  After thinking about it, the woman hurriedly ran to the entrance of the corridor and shouted, "Hu Jin, leave a good one for my sister."

  "Ah? Where did you come from."

  "It's the little beauty who just gave you cookies, you Did you forget it so soon?"

  "Oh, I see."

  "Hey, that's my sister-in-law's room, you two live next door."

  "Why, come first, we need this one."

  "By the way. What? Since this is my home, I am in charge of my site. If you are more verbose, let me go out."

  "You, hum!" The

  ordinary bungalow has almost no sound insulation effect, and the sound from the upstairs is clearly transmitted to the downstairs.

  Wang Xinyu looked at the young couple and thought they were very interesting, and her impression of them was much better.

  "Thank you." Wang Xinyu thanked.

  The woman waved her hand and said nonchalantly, "What's the matter, I have to thank you, without you, we would both starve to death."

  Wang Xinyu smiled noncommittally.

  Just now, she briefly glanced at this home, it was indeed a little small, so many people couldn't open tents.

  "Third Uncle, you all go to the room on the second floor to sleep, everyone squeezes together."

  Wang's family and Sun Yong are both gentlemen, and they really can't do anything to fight.

  Everyone else was looking for a place to sleep, but they stood there motionless, apparently trying to get everyone else to settle down.

  They also heard the words of the young couple just now. Seeing that the first floor was crowded, there was no room at all, so they did not refuse, "Okay, let's go up and have a look."

  "My name is Hu Ling, what do you call a girl? Huh?" Hu Ling took them upstairs and introduced himself.

  "Wang Xinyu, hello."

  In addition to the three rooms on the second floor, there is also a living room.

  The living room is now crowded with people.

  The room Hu Ling reserved for them was twenty square meters, and it was no problem for nine people to squeeze in.

  Wang Xinyu was very satisfied, and took out the tents, sleeping bags, quilts and other items in the space, "You guys pack up, I'll cook dinner."

  "Okay." Wang Guohua and others took the things and erected them neatly.

  Wang Xinyu turned to Hu Ling and said with a smile, "Sister Ling, let me borrow it from the kitchen."

  Seeing that she took out so many supplies, Hu Ling said that she wanted to cook, and said excitedly, "Okay, I'll take you

  there." I can help you out, hehe. I'm very capable." Hu Ling smiled embarrassedly and said his wishes.

  "Yes, the fish that my daughter-in-law cooks is the best in the world." Hu Jin came to their side for some reason, and smashed his mouth as he spoke.

  Wang Xinyu smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll invite you to dinner."

  "Really, ouch, sister-in-law, you are such a good person." Hu Jin immediately exclaimed in surprise.

  Hu Ling also quickly agreed, "That's not true, my girl is really kind."

  Wang Xinyu was a little embarrassed by their compliments, "I'm not as good as you think, you can make us a large group. When people come in for the night, it can be seen that they are kind-hearted."

  Several people quickly came to the first floor, pushed open a small wooden door behind the stairs, and walked in.

  "It's here, what is the girl going to cook? I'm a water-type ability, and I can help you wash the vegetables." Hu Ling is not a shameless person. She is now like this, and she can't do anything about it. Life is forced.

  Hu Jin followed closely and said, "There is no gas at home, so I can only use the soil stove. I am a fire-type ability person, so I can help you burn the fire.

  " When the dishes to be made today came out, he smiled, "Then I'll trouble Sister Ling."

  "You're welcome, you're welcome" Hu Ling looked at the dishes on the ground and was a little surprised.

  A processed duck, a pack of fresh bamboo shoots, four tomatoes, four eggs, a handful of lettuce, two green peppers, a small piece of processed shredded pork, a bitter gourd, and a pack of frozen hairtail.

  There are meat and vegetables, and Hu Ling and Hu Jin's eyes are straight.

  "Sister, are you still short of people? We'll be your bodyguard, babysitter." Hu Ling's mind moved, and she blurted out, and then, the more she thought about it, the more moved her heart became.

  "Sister Ling is joking." Wang Xinyu smiled, not taking it seriously.

  "I'm serious, where are you going? Let's go with us." Hu Ling thought about the situation after the end of the world, the more he thought about it, the more he thought it was okay, "Hu Jin, what do you think?"

  Hu Jin didn't even think about it . Said, "You decide, I'll do whatever you want me to do."

  "Sister, how is it? Can you?" Hu Ling looked at her expectantly, and said, "Don't worry, we have hands, feet and supernatural abilities. In addition to protecting you, we will try our best to find and fight mutant beasts and collect supplies. Anyway, we can do anything."

  Wang Xinyu was silent and asked, "How old are your abilities? Why are you here?"

  Seeing that she was a little loose, Hu Ling immediately reported her life experience.

  It turned out that the two of them were orphans. They grew up in an orphanage, and their surname was also the surname of the mother of the orphanage director.

  When they grew up, the two went with the flow and formed a small family.

  After working hard for five years, I couldn't afford a house in the city. Later, they felt that working for others would never succeed, so they chose to start their own business. They contracted a large field and river pond here, planted Dapeng vegetables, raised shrimps and crabs, and did what to make money.

  In fact, there are other farmers' houses here, but unfortunately they are all small houses, which have been flooded by heavy snow.

  Their two-story bungalows were built by themselves, and they ushered in the end of the world within a few months of construction.

  Their husband and wife had awakened their supernatural abilities from the very beginning, and now they have both reached the third rank.

  They have no relatives, and the two do not know where they are going or where they can go. After cleaning up this large area of ​​mutant plant mutant beasts, they still live here.

  However, this place is a bit far from the city, so they went out to collect food when they ran out of food, and it was like this for half a year.

  (End of this chapter)

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set up
dark night
  Chapter 150 150
  Hu Ling is so frank. After she met Wang Xinyu today, a woman's sixth sense realized that she could trust her and follow her, and they would have a way out.

  When I saw what she took out just now, I was more certain. Look at what's in other people's spaces, duck, fish, meat and vegetables.

  Hehe, it's been a long time since they had a good meal. Look at what others have brought out. It's so hearty.

  What does this show, it shows that this group of people has strength.

  "Small fire." Wang Xinyu instructed Hu Jin, who was burning the fire, to turn the fish a little, then cover the pot and simmer for a while.

  After doing all this, Hu Ling's story is almost finished.

  She thought about it and said, "We came from the Tianfu base, we are going to the Kyoto base to do some errands, and we will return to the Tianfu base in the future.

  It's definitely no problem with you, but I don't think it's necessary to go back and forth.

  Otherwise, I will give you enough food, you can go to the Tianfu base by yourself, my family is still a bit powerful in the Tianfu base, I will write you a letter, you will bring it there, and my family will definitely arrange for you."

  "This" Hu Ling was a little hesitant, she still wanted to follow her, but she felt that her arrangement was also very reasonable, and she couldn't make up her mind for a while.

  Wang Xinyu didn't rush her, but comforted her, "You can discuss it, we'll leave tomorrow."

  "Okay, thank you." Hu Ling was more determined to follow her after receiving her kindness.

  The two have a good sense of each other, and chat is also very speculative, and gradually have a feeling of seeing each other late.

  In the evening, Hu Ling and Hu Jin ate the food made by her sister and wanted to cry happily.

  The next morning, the main force intends to leave and continue to set off.

  Hu Ling and Hu Jin also made a decision, "Sister, I will listen to you and wait for you at the Tianfu Base."

  Wang Xinyu had a smile on her face, her eyebrows were curved, and her eyes were bright like stars, "Okay, that's great."

  As she spoke, Wang Xinyu took out a stack of letters and a bunch of food.

  Looking at her preparations, Hu Ling knew in her heart that she guessed correctly, and smiled, "I will definitely complete the task."

  During the chat yesterday, Wang Xinyu also raised concerns about her family. Hu Ling and Hu Jin discussed it and did it. made the right decision.

  Although they are now following Wang Xinyu, they can eat delicious food every day, but they are not rewarded without merit. They grew up in an orphanage, and it is not for nothing.

  Being sincere is the best way to get along.

  "Thank you!" Wang Xinyu sincerely thanked them.

  Overnight, the snow didn't look much changed.

  Walking out of the door, Wang Xinyu couldn't help closing her eyes.

  The sun was shining brightly outside, shooting on the white snow, and the reflected light was a bit dazzling.

  "Hey, such a thick snow, I don't know when it will be finished." Wang Xinyu melancholy followed at the end.

  Zhao Xixun glanced at the sky and said with some regret, "A week later, a month faster."

  "It's been so long." Wang Xinyu sighed again, but she was helpless.

  The group continued to move forward by leaning on the cargo box. They also saw some people along the way. They were shoveling snow and driving forward. It was not easy to drive a road. No matter how tired you are, you can only do it and work hard.

  When Wang Xinyu sees it, she will secretly leave some food behind, if she can help a little bit.

  I don't know how many people can't get through this heavy snow.

  As the sun came out, the weather gradually warmed up.

  The snow melted so fast that on the fourth day, it was possible to drive, but the road was still very slippery and slipped into a ditch accidentally.

  Fortunately, Zhao Lang's driving skills are good.

  "Brother, it seems that we haven't encountered mutant beasts in the past few days, right?" Wang Xinyu said suddenly while looking at the scenery outside the window.

  Zhao Xixun pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and there was also a hint of deep thought in his eyes. After a while, he said, "The snow is so heavy, maybe they are afraid of the cold, so they should hide it. It's alright now, the snow has melted, probably" The

  words haven't been said yet. After that, with a loud noise, their car suddenly rolled over to the right.

  Wang Xinyu held her head and was tightly guarded by Zhao Xixun.

  The car slid along the side of the road for 100 meters before it came to a stop.

  There was constant noise outside, but Wang Xinyu, Zhao Xixun and Zhao Lang did not delay and immediately climbed out.

  Wang Xinyu was startled by the scene in front of her. A giant centipede slowly crawled out of the ground. As soon as its feet were lifted, their car was overturned.

  The car was not safe, and everyone ran out one after another.

  "How can it be so big?" Someone exclaimed, standing on the ground after coming out, looking up at the mutant centipede, feeling so small.

  It's not that they haven't encountered a mutant centipede before, but this time, it's obviously bigger than before, and it's much bigger.

  "Don't worry, everyone attack." Song Tianyao looked at this mutant beast with vigilant eyes, and he couldn't help thinking.

  Everyone consciously protected the elderly and children behind.

  A variety of abilities are thrown at the mutant centipede.

  And the injured mutant centipede naturally has a bad temper, waving its long legs chaotically, wherever it goes, its destructive power is fifteen.

  Wang Chengjun was kicked out because he couldn't dodge.

  "Uncle San." Seeing him lying on the ground, Wang Xinyu hurried forward.

  The legs of the mutant centipede are numerous and strong, and a few will always be affected by one foot.

  The crowd was at a disadvantage for a while.

  The difference in body size is really too big, and the attack of the power of the crowd does not seem to have much effect on it.

  Wang Xinyu came to Wang Chengjun's side while dodging. At this time, Wang Guofeng had already picked up his fallen old father with a dark face and ran away.

  Wang Xinyu followed behind, paying attention to the back, and seeing a big foot stretched out again, she took out the eyebrow knife without saying a word, and jumped, the eyebrow knife in her hand went towards her thigh.

  "Yeah!" With her roar, the brow sharp knife was blocked back.

  She was also thrown out by inertia. At this time, she was still thinking, why? The eyebrow knife is useless, how hard is that thigh?

  Wang Xinyu's body fell vertically, and she was about to fall to the ground in front of her eyes. A pair of big hands caught her firmly, and she was embraced by Zhao Xixun.

  "Are you alright? Are you injured? Where does it hurt?" Zhao Xixun asked worriedly. Seeing that she didn't answer, he groped with both hands on her body, groping here, pinching there.
  "What are you doing?" Wang Xinyu grabbed him The messed up big hand shyly said, "Where are you touching?"

  "Are you okay?" Zhao Xixun was just worried about her, not wanting to eat her tofu. Seeing that she didn't seem to be wrong, he calmed down.

  Suddenly, he hugged her and said in fear, "You are so worried about me, why are you so careless?"

  "I'm fine." Wang Xinyu felt his worry, reached out and patted his back to comfort him.

  (End of this chapter)

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