The Juniors - The Villains of...

By indroves

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The Juniors are a group of villains who look surprisingly like a family. One day, the aftermath of a mission... More

ONE / "It All Started When..."
TWO / "We Should Settle Then..."
THREE / "Friends... Friendly?"
FOUR / "Student of the Semester"
FIVE / "KUWTSuperVillains"
SIX / "Rulebook"
SEVEN / "Window Shopping"
EIGHT / "Thicc as Thieves"
NINE / "Fingers in Action"
TEN / "Perspectives, Take Two"
ELEVEN / "Dr. Coloss- Er, Colossacon!"
TWELVE / "Puck, Stick... Pucker Up"
THIRTEEN / "Kind of Like a Cavity"
FIFTEEN / "13, 1, 4, 4, 5, 14, 19"
SIXTEEN / "Totally Not Pointless"
SEVENTEEN / "...Is Bliss "
EIGHTEEN / "Family Reunion"
NINETEEN / "Crossed Wrists"
TWENTY / "New iPhone Update Be Like"
T. ONE / "Solving for X"
T. TWO / "x=5"
T. TWO / "um um um"
T. THREE / "Saturday"
T. FOUR / "Wake Me Up When Saturday Ends"
T. FIVE / "The Villains Of Valley View"
T. SIX / "revelations"
T. SEVEN / "What it's come to"
Guys ignore that

FOURTEEN / "Missing Piece"

252 11 5
By indroves


"IT'S too hot for ice cream," North complained evenly.

We were walking through one of those terribly vibrant Texas parks. There were ice cream trucks and a food vendor. I would scarf down a hotdog, but my hockey team would make fun of me for it. Not that I'd care.

"That's the point of ice cream," I told her.

"I'm hungry, let's just gooo," Jepito whined.

I rolled my eyes and reached up to ruffle his short hair. It doesn't have the same effect as when he's thirteen, sadly.

"No, what I mean is it'd just melt. And trust me, you don't want to deal with a sticky chin and fingers," the girl went on.

I stared ahead. It was super bright out, but thankfully my white visor blocked the sunlight. "So I'm supposed to suffer and pretend that sinks don't exist," I stated.

It was pretty cool being around North, though. I had to admit. Maybe she really only tolerated Josie, and I was the end goal all along. I can live with that.

"Fine. Go get your chilly milk. I'm taking a seat."

We stopped at a bench without another word so North could be lazy and sit down. Alright, she isn't being that lazy. We've been outside for two hours now on our walk. She needed to disperse her energy somewhere, so what better way than ensuring the cycle of energy? Not created or destroyed, all that shit about conversion.

Seemed like it helped yesterday and the other day. Now there weren't many streaks at all. She was looking way better and way healthier. Obviously I only care since she's part of the group, and once Renee has grown out of the position, North'll be working for me.

I sighed and looked down at North while she chilled on the bench. He arms were crossed and she sat with her legs crossed. "Alright, Sandy, you can grab the ice cream. I'm gonna stay here."

Jepito looked from North to me. His mouth closed to the side, and he pointed finger guns before walking away.

I huffed out a breath before plopping onto the bench behind North. Glancing at her, I could see how she looked ahead with a wrinkle in her eyebrows.

"Why didn't you go with him?" she asked out of the blue.

"Because there's no shade over there," I answered matter-of-factly. At least here we were under a big tree.

We fell into a silence which was fine with me. I pulled out my phone to check if there were any new messages. I mean, I had two hundred unread iMessages, but that's not what I meant at all.

I slightly turned my phone away from North so she couldn't see the screen, though she didn't look to be focused on it anyway. I think she might be staring into the sun actually.

I haven't gotten a message from him in three weeks. Not since I changed the send code to bring the messages to my phone instead of the communication device Renee holds onto.

The phone almost jumps out of my hand when it starts to suddenly vibrate. A bright gray light shone onto my face, causing me to look away momentarily and then at North. She looked skeptical to say the least.

"It's a feature from the update. Happens when messages come in," I said quickly, hoping that she'd believe me.

In reality, North never lifted her head from the back of the park bench. She only continued to sit up and regarded me with a slight, disinterested nod, and went back to closing her eyes.

It's a good thing she wasn't listening because that little "message" on my phone was from the big man himself; Onyx.

Renee, get the Juniors ready.
Your new mission is confirmed.
Surge and Havoc are in Valley View.

My hands fumbled with the phone after reading that. With wide eyes, I immediately closed the application and shut off my phone.

Surge and Havoc? In the same place again? And here?

But the message. It was meant for Renee. Onyx shouldn't still be thinking about her. I'm the best villain in this group. She fucking sucks at running this team.

There's no fucking way she's finding out about this.



I could not have found a worse way to spend my afternoon. But here I was; surrounded by idiots in yellow hats who were going to be diagnosed with cheek or gum cancer in ten years tops due to their inability to stop smiling.

I smile to flirt or when something's funny. These Sunshine Club idiots do it for no reason at all. Life isn't that great! Why are you smiling?!

My intrusive thoughts were making it hard to cut along the lines of the printouts for the posters. Pretty soon I was going to use these scissors on either myself or Hartley.

"How ya..."

I heard the voice and promptly ignored it, figuring Hartley wasn't talking to me. And if she was right now, it was a big mistake on her part, so it's probably best if I do just stay quiet.

"How ya doing?" Hartley finished, closer to me this time. In fact, she was standing in dangerously close proximity to my scissors and my mood.

By now my scissors were gliding through the thin, dyed paper, and it was the best thing to happen today, so opening my mouth to talk to Hartley wouldn't serve my mental state very well.

Fuck! I almost screamed because the silver blades just fucking went right through the yellow frosting of the cupcake print I was trying to cut out.

My hand struggled to not crumple up the paper as I threw the scissors down on the table already littered with scraps of paper and office supplies.

"I don't know, Hartley! Tell me what you think I should be feeling, and we'll go with that!" I said in a tone calmer than I expected to speak in.

The upbeat chatter in the room immediately silenced. Nobody seemed to be dragging squeaking markers against poster boards, pulling tape, or cutting with scissors anymore.

I sighed and looked down. Great. I've become more of a freak than the impossibly happy weirdos in this room!

"Jos... you seem more upset, and... um... more annoyed than... usual..."

Great critical thinking, Hartley! Should I hand-deliver your medal or mail it in a neat little box with a cute postcard?!

After thinking that, I stared Hartley down, hoping she would eventually cave and walk away. But she didn't.

Hartley's light brown hand fell onto my involuntarily flexed arm, and her voice was quieter and more direct when she spoke. "Josie, we don't have to talk about anything right now. I don't know what it was, but I get that something happened, so, maybe you should take a break."

At first, I angrily shrugged her hand off my arm. Then I realized that she had no idea why I was so upset. I have been ever since... something happened. And it was just this mix of angry and embarrassing emotions that I haven't been able to shake off or get rid of.

I closed my eyes briefly and expelled a soft breath. When I opened my eyes again, a slight smile was on Hartley's face. "Look, it means a lot to me that you care. Obviously, I let my... hatred of delicious desserts get the best of me," I said with a grin.

Hartley's small smile got wider. "Can I hug you?"

Oh. Okay, I thought with a disbelieving smile. The idea of Hartley offering me of all people a hug was laughable, which explains why I'm laughing right now. I ignored the question and pulled her into my arms myself.

I really wish the main point of the Sunshine Club was slyly reflecting sunlight off a mirror into people's eyes or something.

But this was okay too.

We pulled away, and I took another deep breath. I looked down and picked up the cupcake printout. "I think I have enough self-control to get back to this," I joked monotonously.

Not hearing a response from Hartley, I looked up to see her waving and looking past my shoulder.

Welp. At least I can get back to this. My eyebrow raised slightly, and I went to get tape for my aneurysm-inducing paper cupcake. I'll give this day one more chance.

"I think it's for you, Jos."

I looked up at Hartley with a confused smirk. But she was looking from me to the other side of the room.

"Aw, look who's all smiley today," I heard coming from the doorway.


Okay, I know I should be happy. The girl I liked kissed me last week! And every day since then I've pecked her on the lips or somewhere else—PG related.

But that's about as much as we did. Ever since that night.

I'm going to say it's my fault, because it is, and also because I want to be the responsible person like North kept urging me to be.

But that's just it. I can't be responsible about this. This isn't a regular high school relationship, and I'm not just saying that because we're two girls (and because there technically is no relationship yet).

I am a teenage fucking super villain, and Amy is just a really hot teenage girl— I mean a really normal teenage girl.

I'm Im being an idiot for letting it get this far. And I hate myself for it. I was fine being evil when it came to beating the shit out of Law and or her twin brother Order. But this is a whole new level! I'm leading on the most amazing girl who happens to be, like, my new best friend here. And I'm putting her in danger every time I so much as smile at her. That. That's what makes me truly evil.

I reluctantly turned around, staring straight at the girl who keeps me up at night.

"Hi," I said with a contained smile.

Amy looked a little shy as she slumped against the side of the doorframe. I couldn't help but fully smile at the adorable look on her face.

Ok, fuck me! I get it! I'm weak when it comes to some people! Sue me!

I dropped the torn cupcake and stuck the tape to the side of the table.

A wide smile was on my face as I quickly met Amy at the door. "Hey," I said, greeting her properly this time. I pulled the brunette in for a hug and inhaled the intoxicating smell of her shampoo.

"Loving the fashion choices today," Amy said once we pulled away.

I frowned since I was kind of wearing what I always did; light blue loose jeans, a cropped tank top, and checkered flannel. I occasionally wear a graphic tee, but, you know, I'm growing.

"Uh, thanks? I feel like this is what I always wear."

"The hat," Amy said with a smirk.

Immediately my eyes widened, and I felt my skin burning up in embarrassment. I quickly snatched the yellow sun-decorated hat off my head. "Hartley made me wear it."

Amy's face remained in a small smile. I was beginning to feel like I was being scrutinized with the way she was just staring at me. Her eyes narrowed slightly, and her pink lips parted, "You kind of like this."

The look of disbelief was ever present on my face. "I actually hate it here. Like, you know how people say 'I hate it here?' Well I actually—"

Somehow we were now in the hallway outside of the club classroom. The wall, lined with posters beneath me, pressed against my back, or maybe it's because I was pressed against it. A pair of soft pink lips were on mine, and I felt fingers trickling along my waist.

I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my hands underneath Amy's jaw to pull her chin up. We stayed in the kiss for a moment longer before I had to come up for air. However, Amy was the first to speak.

"I was bored, so now I'm here. What are you guys doing?"

I grinned. "Didn't school end thirty minutes ago?" I teased.

"Oh, I can go—" Amy said and acted like she was about to walk away.

My eyes widened. I grabbed Amy's hands in my own and gave each one a light squeeze. "Hey, hey, hey. Fine. I guess we can squeeze one more person inside the classroom," I breathed out sarcastically.

"Shut up, and take me inside," Amy deadpanned.

I would laugh at her right now if there wasn't something nagging at my mind. This was so easy. We were still the friends we were before the kiss. Hell, even before the hockey game. Only now I could kiss her when I wanted to. Which, I always did. When appropriate. I guess.

"Ooh, do we have a new addition?" Hartley asked when we walked inside.

Oh, I'm still holding Amy's hand. I swallowed even though I didn't need to, and dropped her hand and shoved my hands into my jeans pockets.

Hartley was talking to Luna Bryant and Sam Matthews. But I guess she decided her conversation was over because then she was walking over to us.

I guess I can tolerate Hartley more, so I didn't walk away from her out of annoyance. I just wanted to tape up the cupcake so I could at least get one poster done. There were other things to be sold at the fundraiser.

I left the two brunettes silently and regarded my table by slightly leaning over it. Hmm, good. Nobody had touched my shit. If I could finish one poster and go home, that was my plan. So I didn't— oh, my fuckin' Onyx. Who took my tape?!

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