Bound By Demand [ MxM Poly ]

By rlbrowne

120K 607 309

[ REWRITING ] - BOOK 1 - BOUND SERIES "When the demands became violent, they became lethal and when they beca... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6

Chapter 5

2.2K 109 42
By rlbrowne


Ay Dios Mio... this has got to be the stupidest thing Jett has ever done and that's saying a lot considering this man actually set fireworks off inside the house once.

After bidding what I was sure was Rhogon's money, we all walked up to the cashier and Jett handed them a black card. I pass a glance to Zayne who mirrors it.

Considering the only ones that actually owned a black card were myself, Rho and Zayne because we were the most responsible when it came to pack finances, Jett was in for it when we got home.

"Thank you very much gentlemen and congratulations on your prize." The cashier smiles as she motions for us to follow the guards that wait by the stage.

The four Vamps take us behind a black curtain that blocks backstage from the rest of the auction and then we walk through an open steel door and come out to where I'm sure nightmares are made of.

There was nothing but darkness illuminated by candles and torchlights back here. Cages lined the hallways with creatures trapped inside. There were whips and chains and batons on every wall and in every guard's hands. It smelled like blood and was covered in a heaviness that didn't sit well with me.

Walking inside, I instantly frown when I see three other vamps holding a chain in their gloved hands with what I could only assume was Brody attached.

Our new little breeder had his back turned to us and was on his knees, hunched over on the ground with the chains still wrapped around his chest, binding his arms behind him.

"This seems wrong. Could this place be anymore inhumane?" — Lennox whines, his ears flattening against his head as he observes everything.

The Auctioneer startles me when he comes up behind the guards that are holding Brody. He smiles brightly at us, showing off his impressive fangs.

"Congratulations gentlemen, I hope you enjoy your prize. Here's your remote control that's linked to Brody's shock collar." He says, quickly handing me the remote that I take and pocket. "Use that sparingly, Brody is a very obedient boy, he just takes a little getting used to. Although I can't say the same for his counterparts."

His words bring me pause as I look down at Brody, who I still couldn't see any parts of besides his back and his arms that were still painfully chained behind him.

"Why do you say his counterparts take some getting used to?" I ask looking back at the auctioneer. "Do you mean his wolf? Is he aggressive?"

"No, not aggressive. Just different and his appearance is," He pauses searching for the right word. "Interesting." He pauses again before looking over his shoulder. "Unlike the others, there will be no refunds on this creature. So make it as you will."

My eyes narrow. I see Jett take a step back while Zayne and Hendrix come up behind me. None of us liking the description and slight twinge of fear the Auctioneer showed.

"Anywho, I hope you enjoy your prize and thank you so much for your bidding. I hope to see you all again some day." The auctioneer smiles before motioning for the guards to hand over Brody's chain.

I put on the gloves they provided us with and grab the chains after a moment of hesitation, knowing I would be taking him out of these as soon as we get out of this facility.

The vamps quickly take their exit and we're all left with the task of getting Brody into the car.

He was still facing away from us and kneeling on the ground, hunched over. His claws were extended, almost as if he was trying to defend himself, but he couldn't fully because of the silver collar.

So I walk around him to look into his eyes, wanting to see the face of the man we just purchased.

I kneel down to his level on the ground before reaching out and gripping his chin, slowly bringing his gaze to mine.

The moment his dark brown curls move from in front of his eyes, I stumble backwards, falling completely on my ass.

Brody's appearance wasn't what I was expecting at all. The Auctioneer was mentioned him being interesting. This was downright terrifying.

His eyes were pitch black, there were these purple-ish veins that ran the length of his face, starting from his forehead and going down the sides of his neck.

Brody's ears were slightly pointed, almost like the Elf we'd seen earlier but I didn't smell that sweet scent that those creatures usually carried, so I pocket that issue for later.

That's the only thing I do though because I don't like the way he was staring at me as if he wanted to eat me.

Swallowing nervously as I take in his appearance, my eyes never leave his, a little fearful to do so. But there's one thing that floods my mind when he hisses at me.

There's no way that he's just a wolf.

"Come on, Tayo, I want to get home and get this shit over with." Zayne whines, most likely preparing for the spanking we all were getting for this.

I look at him and shake my head, not able to muster any words at the moment.

"What is it, Mateo?" Zayne asks.

I nod towards Brody and my fated walks around to see what's causing my stunned silence before he stops and jumps back, bumping into me.

"What the fuck is he? I thought that guy said he was a wolf!" Zayne yells, grabbing the chains from my hand and throwing them to the ground.

"What? What do you mean? I can smell wolf on him." Jett says coming over to us, then stopping abruptly when he sees Brody. "Ok, um, he's not a wolf." Jett whispers, his fear and nervousness shooting through the bond.

"Now I have to see what's making you all a bunch of crybabies." Hendrix teases with his usual smile before that same smile falters and he looks at Brody with the fear we all harbored.

"Oh what's the hold up?! You bunch of sissy wolves are driving my britches in a bunch."

My eyes snap up to see Luca coming down the dark hallway. I don't say anything to him, I just wait for him to join us and when he does, he jumps back with a shriek.

"What the freak, Luca?!" Jett hisses at him, covering the Vamp's mouth quickly, but Luca just throws his hands off and points down at Brody.

"You can't, you can't take that thing home," Luca tells us, his voice trembling with each word. "That creature is not of this world. His kind are forbidden. These vamps knew what he was. There's no denying it. Anyone that's lived long enough would know what he is with just one whiff of his scent! Get rid of him, when I tell you he's dangerous, I mean it. Do not keep him, kill him."

Luca panics, emphasizing every word like his life depended on it before taking one last look at Brody who was watching him intently. Brody then closes his eyes and hisses and we all jump away. I was pretty sure that Hendrix just pissed himself.

"Did he just fucking hiss? Wolves don't hiss!" Hendrix yells, gripping the back of my shirt.

"No they don't. Get rid of him, you can not keep him. His kind is forbidden for a reason." Luca explains one last time before scurrying away, careful to avoid any part of Brody's body.

"Luca, are you riding back with us? We don't even know what he is. If you know then you should stay with us." I call out to him but he shakes his head.

"I will not ride in a car with that thing, my kind and your kind all fear what he is. To ride in a car with him without a weapon is to wish death upon yourself."

Well that doesn't make me feel better about all of this.

"Wait! What do we do? What is he?!" Zayne yells this time.

"I will find my own way back to your packhouse. I will not ride in a car with that creature. If you chose to bring him with you, then I will explain everything once he is locked away. Far away from me." Luca says, turning his nose up at Brody one last time before completely disappearing.

My body tenses before reaching down to grab the chains off the floor. Brody hisses at me again and I flinch away, stumbling with the chains but eventually I get a good hold on them.

Zayne puts his gloves on then grabs the chains with me and we slowly pull our new creature to his feet. I hand the remote controller to Jett once Brody was up and ready.

"Come on Brody. We're going to get into the car now, ok." I say, trying to keep my voice as soft as I can as we gently start pulling on the chains.

Brody hisses again, almost making me drop the chains but I hold on because I didn't want Zayne to deal with him alone.

I'm a nervous wreck right now. Between not knowing what he was, his appearance, the fact that he still hasn't spoken and Luca's reaction to him, it was all too much and the fact that I still didn't know what Jett had gotten us into, I was about to match Hendrix and piss my own pants.

Rho was going to kill us when we got home.

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