The Hidden Bloodline

By Templar_Assassin

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Revana Ordo was the daughter of the True Mandalorian Second in Command Myles Elder, but Myles had a secret, o... More

A Chance Meeting
Learning Curve
Tattoonie PT 1
Tattoonie PT 2
The Battle for Naboo
The Verd'goten
A friend lost
Holocrons of the Past
Begun the Clone Wars have PT 1
Begun the Clone Wars have PT 2
The Kaminoan Jedi Mandalorian
Courasant and Trouble PT 2
Courasant and Trouble PT 3
Jabiim PT 1
Jabiim PT 2
New Armor
Holloween 2022 with face reveal
Ghost of the Old Republic PT 1
Ghost of The Old Republic PT 2
Ghost of the Old Republic PT 3
Jedi Hypocrisy
Before the Senate
The Gala PT 1
Gala Pt 2
The Gala PT 3

Courasant and Trouble PT 1

170 4 0
By Templar_Assassin

Revana looked at the ancient ship of the Old Republic; from the days of Revan and Canderous Ordo. Jango just stared in shock as Boba blinked owlishly before saying: "What a bucket of Junk!"

"Boba!" Jango reprimanded, "That ship is the Ebon Hawk, it has been known by many names Boba; none more famous to the Mandalorians as the Ship of the Mand'alor, and to the Republic, the Beacon of the Republic."

Revana walked under the ship "The hull was updated with Beskar, her weapon systems also, her engines modified to today's standards as well as the fastest hyperdrive of any era," Kina said, "T3 runs the ship when there are no organics on board."

As if on cue an ancient T3 mining unit rolled down the ramp {You called Mistress Kina?} T3 beeped.

Kina laughed softly "Of course, T3 has a personality that could rival his counterpart, sadly I haven't heard from HK in many years." Kina replied.

Revana always adored ancient ships and droids, T3-M4 was rebuilt by Revan and was equipped with a taser mod that was the stuff of nightmares for enemies and a blaster attachment also "His frame is Beskar," she pointed out.

Kina nodded "Your Buir Myles rebuilt T3 even saw T3's last recording of Rev'buir being captured by the Eternal Sith Emperor,"

Revana looked at T3 whose round flat head turned to her {Master Myle's offspring?} the droid beeped curiously.

Revana removed her helmet "I am, though I have been told I look like your former master and owner Revan," she replied.

The little T3 unit shook with excitement {You look a lot like Mistress Revan!} T3 beeped excitedly, {The ship is ready Mistress, whenever you are prepared to depart,}

Kina laughed a laugh that wasn't like any Kaminoan's judging from Boba and Jango's reactions, they had seen how cold and heartless Kaminoans could be "Will you be joining us Kina?" Revana asked

"I will, it has been years since I stepped foot in the Temple on Courasant," Kina replied

"It would be best if we came along also," a voice said.

The four turned to see Pre and Xanatos. Revana knew that Xanatos had done some horrible things while under the Sith's spell that he had been under, and was most likely the test subject of the Sith that had ensnared Jango, Xanatos was just looking to make amends, though he was Mandalorian and her older brother. Xanatos was a prankster at heart also which helped her in dealing with Master Poof's antics.

Master Poof...

Revana closed her eyes remembering her friend and his noble sacrifice for the People of Courasant. That Doll had long since been returned from once it came and had been rendered completely helpless. Revana nodded at the pair "Jango, I know you want to take Slave 1, as much as I want to take my ship, but this has more room." Revana pointed out

"Your right, though many of this class of ship haven't been seen other than in museums, so it will be a shock to most," Jango remarked

"The Ship's current name that Myles Registered it under is 'Legacy of the Past' which is fitting considering how many wars this ship has been in," Kina pointed, "But it would be best to use this we don't want the Republic to know that the famed Ebon Hawk is still around, though it belongs to the Mand'alor, they will still try to take it."

Revana couldn't help but agree to this logic as D5 came rolling up. T3 and D5 greeted each other and seemed to hit it off D5 recognized that T3 was the caretaking droid for the Ebon Hawk and that the pair would most likely cause trouble if the pair saw Anakin's Droid R2.


Obi-Wan Kenobi was honored to be a part of the High Council, but he was also terrified, he knew the only reason why he got the spot was due to his prior war engagements with the young, but when they got a call that a ship with the numbers matching the Iconic Ebon Hawk was requesting permission to land, saying that the Princess of Mandalore was on board, Grand Master Yoda gave the okay for them to land. GAR was told to keep it silent about the ship. If this so-called ship called 'Legacy of the Past' was in fact the Ebon Hawk then the Republic will try to take it from the Mandalorian people.

The High Council as well as Chancellor Palpatine were at the Landing platform reserved as a monument to the Ebon Hawk as the Legacy of the Past landed. The Holonet camera droids were buzzing around the ship as the ramp lowered revealing Revana thankfully in her actual armor and not Revan's "Ah, Princess Revana," Palpatine greeted, "It is wonderful to see you again,"

"Chancellor Palpatine," Revana greeted.

Jango, Pre, and two other Mandalorians came down the ramp, though Obi-Wan knew from meeting the Kaminoans not too long ago, that the Last Mandalorian was in fact a Kaminoan. It could have been Kina Ha, the Kaminoan Jedi that time had forgotten existed but not the Kaminoan people who believed themselves better and more compassionate than their peers. Chancellor Palpatine was looking at the ship "According to the registration number the ship is in fact the Ebon Hawk," Palpatine remarked

"Sadly I didn't know of the ship's origins other than my late father had spent time restoring the old Dynamic," Revana replied with genuine shock, "It was the ship's caretaker that informed me of the ship's existence, and that in coordination with Mandalorian Law the ship has always belonged to Mandalore,"

Palpatine looked amused "Many in the Republic will not see it as such,"

"Considering it was Beskar's mind of my father's house that restored the ship as well as my own funds, the Republic couldn't afford the repair bill," Revana replied.

Obi-Wan could imagine the vicious smirk Revana wore under her helmet "I would assume so, that is why I am not pushing the Matter, but still. The ship may use its original landing platform and I will see to it that the Senate keep away from it," Palpatine replied

"It would be good to point out that the Clone army that I was a Templet of would pay for the ship and then some," Jango Fett finally said from behind Revana, "So be sure to inform your Senate, your army, or the ship."

Palpatine looked over to Jango "Thank you for your service as the Armies templet Master Fett, even after all that you have suffered at the hands of the Jedi and the Republic, you have our gratitude."

Jango bowed his head "They are still my ade," Jango replied.

After Palpatine left Revana sighed and removed her helmet "That couldn't have gone any better," Revana said looking at Jango, "You nearly gave up the plan,"

"Yes, well he didn't believe it for a moment, which was part of the plan," Jango replied

"Free your mind is of the Sith Spell?" Yoda asked.

The Kaminoan Mandalorian removed her helmet "Yoda is that you?"

Yoda looked up and chuckled "Warms my heart it does to see you, Master Ha," Yoda replied.

The Kaminoan reached up and removed her helmet a smile on her face and her eyes shining in joy "Yoda, you old flirt how have you been?"

Obi-Wan's mind as well as many in the council's crashed, Yoda a flirt? Yoda chuckled "Yoda a flirt?" Mace asked shocked

"Flirt I was back then, my lineage aunt I met visiting Tarre on Mandalore I did," Yoda said walking over to the Kaminoan.

Kina knelt and hugged Yoda who returned the hug, another shock for the Council "I also return another of our lineage home, he was used as suspected as a test subject for the Spell that was placed on Jango," Kina remarked releasing the hug.

The Mandalorian that stood beside Pre removed his helmet and Obi-Wan's eyes went wide as he was cast back into his youth, in those horrid deep sea mines "Obi-Wan?" Revana asked worriedly snapping him out of his flashback

"Xanatos?" he asked shakingly.

Xanatos bowed his head "I'm sorry vod'ika, I'm sorry for everything I put you through, it wasn't my choice, I didn't want to do it, I couldn't stop myself from doing it," Xanatos began before kneeling before him, "Ni'm ni ceta, gedet'ye forgive ni."

Obi-Wan could feel the sincerity in Xanatos words. Obi-Wan placed a hand on Xanatos's shoulder "Meh ni had known sibling ni would ganar told cuun Master brokar get gar te gaa'taylir gar needed."

Xanatos looked up at him in shock "Xanatos, I told you that when they discovered the truth behind your actions they would see it not being your fault." Kina said softly.

Obi-Wan watched from the corner of his eye as Feemor came over clad in his guard armor kneeling next to Xanatos "It is good to have you, home brother," Feemor said causing Xanatos to look at him in shock

"Mind healer you will see Xanatos, help you it will," Yoda said

"Jango will also need a mind healer as well, Mandalorian Mind healers don't know how to deal with the trauma of a Sith Spell," Revana pointed out.


Pre had to admit the Jedi Temple was beautiful, and the fact at one-time house Vizsla attacked such a beautiful place pained him "Long has it been since a Vizsla visited this section," a voice said.

Pre turned to see the Kal-dol Jedi Plo Koon "Master Jedi," Pre greeted

"This section of the Temple was for Mandalorians who visited the Temple, for diplomatic missions, it had been in a sad state for some time until Bastila Vizsla restored it for a place for young Revana could come, sadly she doesn't know of this place," Plo replied before chuckling, "Always spending time in the training halls or with her adopted brothers,"

"That is Revana for you, she has a deep love for her family," Pre remarked.

Plo nodded "Yes, and where many see it as a weakness she sees it for what it always has and will be,"

"A strength," Pre finished.

Plo nodded "I fear, for my cousin if she participates in this war master Jedi," Pre said

"Revana will have many challenges presented to her during this war," Plo said, "And she will be stronger for it,"

Pre nodded "She will be,"


Jango watched as Revana spared with Obi-Wan the pair moving so fast that it made it hard to follow with one's eyes alone. Many had come to watch this sparing match, with both Revana and Obi-Wan on equal ground. Then Revana started drawing on what Revan had used while possessing her to cause damage to her enemies. Obi-Wan was flat on his back "I yield," Obi-Wan said.

Revana deactivated her saber and bowed to Obi-Wan as Mace Windu went up to them "Perhaps tomorrow you would like to spar with me Revana,"

Revana was completely caught off guard by this "Master Windu, I would be honored to duel you,"

"I have a theory of how you are improving, and wish you to bring the mask of Revan also, I am sure Madam Nu will allow you to borrow it," Windu said before turning to leave.

Jango watched as Windu walked away "Revana, you looked troubled," Jango said as she joined them.

Revana nodded "I think Master Windu may be on to something, every time Revan possesses me some of her knowledge is ingrained into my muscle memory," Revana remarked, "I was never able to beat Obi-Wan before now,"

Jango nodded "I think you may be correct," Kina said, "I believe Rev'buir may also be training you through the mask, but it can't be confirmed until tomorrow,"


Revana stood before Master Windu the following afternoon before he shipped out, Vapad was based on the Sith's form of Lightsaber combat which was form VII. Revana had to admit that she was having trouble holding her own against Windu even with the muscle memory. Windu disarmed her after a good ten minutes before Madam Nu walked over with Revan's mask with a smirk "Something tells me Revan, has been secretly training you," Madam Nu said

"You spoke to Revan, haven't you?" Revana asked with a smirk as she took up the mask.

Madam Nu smirked then gave her a cheeky wink "Kick his shebs," Madam Nu said

"Me or Revan?" Revana asked with a chuckle.

Madam Nu let out a loud laugh "Both,"

Revana put on the mask 'I think it would be best to use my lightsaber and allow me to take over,' Revan said with a chuckle, 'I am very interested in this Vapad, that Madam Nu has spoken so highly of,'

Revana allowed Revan control of her body as she took a back seat "It has been an age since I have had a worthy opponent," Revan said as Windu arched a brow

"Who was the last?" Windu asked

"My own descendants," Revan said before shifting right into form VI.

Revana knew from her own research that Revan was master of all VIII forms of Lightsaber combat, the last being learned from her former master who turned into a sith lord, Darth Traya. The VIII form which was unknown to the Jedi Order of today allowed one to use the force to levitate multiple Lightsabers at once. Revana watched feeling her body absorb Revan's knowledge like a spunge, as Revan went through all VII of the known Lightsaber forms. Revana felt a predatory smirk pull at her lips as Revan spoke: "You should be commended on taking form VII and turning it into a weapon for a Jedi, but I wonder, do you know how to defend yourself against the VIII form of lightsaber combat?"

Windu looked at Revan "There are only VII forms," Windu replied

"Sad of how much knowledge was lost," Revan said, "There is an VIII form of Lightsaber combat, one that was created by my former master Kreia, who would later be known as Darth Traya."

Revana watched as Revan's second lightsaber and the Dark Saber joined with her purple lightsaber all three blades activating as they circled around Revana's body. Revana knew this was going to leave her a little weak at the knees just because of what was being used "The Trayan Form is both offensive and defensive," Revan replied, "Allow me to diminstraite,"

Revan sent the dark saber flying at Windu who blocked only to have Revan's crimson saber, followed by the purple saber. Windu was blocking all of the sabers but a fourth that was 'borrowed' to sneak around the back "Yield," Revan said as Windu turned his head and saw a familiar small green lightsaber turned on and pointing at his back.

Revana could see Windu's eye twitch before those eyes landed on a certain green grimlin of a Grand Master in the room. Revan recalled all the sabers that she had used the red returning to her left hip the dark saber at her back and the purple returned to her hand. Yoda's floated over to him and he took it as he chuckled "Recorded this must be," Yoda said

"I agree young one it should, so others may learn," Revan agreed, "Now, I believe it time that I retire, and allow Revana to take control, I fear if I remain she may pass out again."


Master Windu was honored to fight Revan though she had used Revana as a host, learning about a secret VIII form of Lightsaber combat boggled his mind, Skywalker was still gawking from what he had witnessed. Pre and Jango were a little pale, which was completely understandable if you thought about it. Given Revan's history with the Mandalorians during and after the Mandalorian Wars.

Revana's knees buckled and Pre and Jango both rushed forward to keep her up right as she reached up and removed the mask before handing it off to Madam Nu. Windu was no fool and knew exactly what was going on. If legend behind that mask was true then Revan and those who died because of the sith could be revived, to rage war against the Sith, and giving Revan's dislike for the Sith...Windu almost felt sorry for the foolish Sith Master who believed that they could get away with the Rule of Two which Revan would see destroyed...

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