Into The Basket | Wile E. Coy...

Af Foxymangle76

4K 76 14

Micheal Jordan's baby brother has no motivation in life. He has always felt lost in what to do. Jacob would a... Mere

| Chapter 1 : First Word |
| Chapter 2 : Baseball Fail |
| Chapter 3 : Looney Tunes Gone? |
| Chapter 4 : Turned Tuned?! |
| Chapter 6 : Lola Bunny |

| Chapter 5 : Micheal is a ball! |

765 15 2
Af Foxymangle76

[ Edited : ✔️ ]


[ 3rd POV ]

"Look, we really want to help, but I haven't played basketball in a long time and I don't think Jacob can play ever. My timings all off." Micheal said as they all arrived in the practice gym that looked pretty much abandoned and has never been used in a very long time.

"Yep! I don't play basketball at all." Jacob said to the tunes who didn't realise that his nose was growing longer because of the lie he said. The tunes did not look convinced at what Y/N said because they had seen him play basketball in a leaked video that was shown.

Micheal then turned to Jacob and noticed his nose had grown longer reminding him of Pinocchio. "Are you sure your telling the truth, hmmm." Wile questioned him with an raised eyebrow and a smirk at his terrible attempt of lying.

"Uhh, no... really! I really don't!" Jacob denying it making his nose grow even longe then before. "Jacob is there something you would like to tell me?" Micheal said in questioned because he had never seen him play basketball and if he did... why did he hide it from him?

"NoPe, nothing comes to mind." Jacob's nose grew longer that it hit some looney tunes in the stomach because of it. "Oh really? Well then explain this video leak." Bugs said who then rolled a projector out of no where for the video to start.

The video saw Jacob in the middle of night that had broken into a basketball gym and started to play basketball alone. Micheal was shocked yet so impressed by his skill in the sport. He never knew Jacob was this good in the sport.

Jacob felt in the need to bury himself in a hole and never come out ever again. He thought there weren't cameras in that gym and yet he didn't think to check if they were cameras. That video was posted online about this and people were thinking who was that mystery's person. It became literally the number one thing because people online were trying to find the person but Jacob knew very well how to cover his tracks.

Now looking at this video again made him think to double check before doing anything again. When the video ended all eyes were on Jacob who was sweating nervously then finally gave in. "Ok fine! That is me playing, I really like playing baseball when I want to think." Jacob said making his nose go back to normal.

"Jacob, it's ok if you like playing it. You know I wouldn't judge you." Micheal expressed to Jacob. He always thought that Jacob had hidden talents he told no one. Micheal didn't expect it to be basketball.

"I know but can we like just move on from this... please!" Jacob begged everyone who nodded in understanding. The looney tunes knew that Jacob was never big on showing people his talent in fear of people judging him. They knew that this basketball was the key to get his confidence back and Wile was the holder of that key to open up Jacob.

They just know it!

"Ah, it's fine if you play we never judge here! Micheal we'll fix your timing. Look at our facilities!" Bugs said jesters his hands around the broken basketball facility around them. Jacob and Micheal cringe at the state at the place.

"We've got hoops." Daffy said swinging on a broken hoop then the hoop broke apart making Daffy fall down. "We got weights." Tazmanian Devil barked at them lifting a weight off the ground but a weight fell off one end making The other end force it down with Tazmanian holding the pole. He got fling at one direction.

"We've got balls!" Sylvester spat out opening the locker as all the balls came rolling out. "Whoa!" He got tackled by all the balls coming out the locker. Wile then went to help Sylvester up then made eye contact with Jacob, he winked at him making him blush furiously. Jacob's face became so red that steam was coming out.

"Meep Meep!" Road Runner then came running to Jacob with a bucket of water and poured it all on Jacob. He looked up at Road Runner with a smile, "Heh. Thanks Road Runner." He thanked him for taking out the steam

"You sure do. This place is a mess." Micheal express his great concern on the gym because on how they will be able to practice if this place was a mess. "Speak for Yourself." Jacob commented trying to dry himself with towel that was given to him by tweety bird.

"Mess? You're worried about a little mess?" Daffy said confused walking towards both of them. "There's nothing here a little spit shine wouldn't fix." Jesters to the the mess in the gym. "Spit shine!" Daffy yelled across the mess gym.

"Spit shine!" Sylvester yells back getting everyone the signal for everyone to start spitting on the floor. Micheal and Jacob stepped back in disgust at what they were doing right now. Jacob felt in the need to take a long bath after this. To get rid of all the spit later.

Tazmanian then had a lot of brooms in his hands and started to twist like a tornado. He started to go around the gym to clean the floors spit and spam. The mess was now disappearing and a new clean gym appeared in their eye sight.

Tazmanian smiled creepily at everyone... that sight made Jacob get a chill down his spine. "Lemony fresh." Jacob jumped into Wile's arms in fear of Tazmanian. Wile looked surprise but smiled softly at Jacob and let him be in his arms.

Bugs then whistle at Wile who turned to bugs who had a few tunes including road runner looking at awhile with this knowing look. Wile blushed furiously at them and glared at Road runner. He would go after him but he would rather stay and hold Jacob.

Jacob then finally noticed the position he was in and blushed. "I..I am so sorry!" Jumped out of Wile's arms and ran off to Micheal embarrassed. Jacob didn't know how to feel because he was confused on what to feel about Wile.

"You guys are nuts." Micheal commented to them. "Eh, C—Eh, C— Eh, Correction. We're, uh, W-We-W-We're the looney tunes," Piggy corrected Micheal on his comment. Jacob then heard with his wolf ears big footsteps coming this way from a distance. He didn't have a great feeling about who was coming.

Road Runner noticed this. "Meep, meep." He bonk Jacob's head, he looked confused at Road Runner. "Ow." He realised that Road runner had noticed his nervous face. "Oh... are you asking why I was nervous?"

Road Runner nodded at him. "Well it's because I hear giant footsteps coming towards the gym." Jacob said making Road Runner have a look of fear and ran off towards bugs. Jacob turned back to them as Daffy the showed them his Warner Brothers Logo Tattoo on his butt.

"And, as such, are the exclusive property and trademark of Warner Brothers, Inc." Daffy even went to far to kiss his tattoo making both brothers cringe at that. Suddenly the rumbling footsteps were now heard and everyone was looking around nervously.

From each door in the gym a monster who looked huge came out of the door. The monsters snarled at the tunes and the brothers. They all towered over all the tunes and the brothers who all looked nervous at them. Micheal kept a straight face while Jacob looked scared of them.

"Who are these guys?" Micheal asked confused at why these scary looking monsters were here. Jacob deadpan at how Micheal didn't realise that these were the aliens they were talking about. "Well uh, remember the tiny aliens I told ya about?"

Bugs said hiding behind Micheal and pointing at the monsters. Micheal thought for a second. "Oh." Jacob then slapped his face in disappointment of how Micheal is processing the situation they were in right now. He even went ahead to walk slowly towards the other tunes in the background in fear.

"You heard of the dream team?" The orange alien asked. "Well, we're the mean team, wussy man!" He insulted Micheal which made Jacob became anger and try to march towards them but he was held back by Wile and the other tunes.

"Wussy man?" Micheal said, confused if that was their best insult they can come up with.

"We're the monsters. M-O-N—Um, eh..." The red monster tried to spell the word 'monster' which failed horribly. It made Jacob snicker at the monsters lack of eduction.

"Let's see what ya got... Chump!" The orange monster passed the ball to Micheal who caught it. Jacob then knew what was about to happen. He prayed he would not say the words he thought he was going to say.

"I don't play basketball anymore." Micheal finally said the words making Jacob slap his face in disappointment as some other tunes do the same too. "I don't play basketball anymore." The purple monster said mockingly to Micheal and then laughed at him.

This made Jacob snap and started marching towards them as the tunes started to hold him back. "Maybe you're chicken." The green monster spoke mocking him about not showing them his skills. Jacob was already half way towards them. He would have already be over there if it weren't for the tunes holding him back.

"I say, I resemble that remark." Foghorn Leghorn offended at what they said. "You callin' me chicken?" Micheal asked trying to intimidate the monster but it was failing miserably. Jacob on the other hand stopped walking towards them letting the tunes let go of him.

"Why are you guys stopping me?" Jacob asked which made the tunes. "Because they are bigger and scary." Wile spoke honestly to Jacob making the other tunes nod in agreement. "Twe if you go over there. Toe might get worst."

Tweety bird tried to reason with him. "Ok fine. I will stay here with you guys." Finally giving it making the tunes smile finally calming down Jacob. Jacob wasn't calm if they did something to his brother he will be throwing hands.

"Hey... Come here!" The orange monster then grabbed Micheal and made him into a BASKETBALL?! Jacob was burning with rage that he had to help him but how? He then got a light bulb that appeared over his head on a idea he got. He smirk mischievously.

"Uh! Uh! Ahh!" Micheal screamed as the Orange monster got ready to pass him towards another monster. "Here ya go. Take him!" Micheal was caught by the red monster. "Watch the footwork!" Then he performed a basketball trick to show off to everyone.

"Can you believe it?!" The red Monster passed the ball again and it went in full speed towards Jacob and the tunes leaving a fire path behind it. It even went through Yosemite Sam's hat. The green monster ran to catch it. "Get out of the way!" Only for him to score a point in the hoop.

Everyone watch Micheal jump up and down on the floor like a ball until he finally went back to normal. Micheal was dizzy after all that "hey, everybody... look at your hero now." They said mockingly laughing at everyone.

The monster surround the tunes and Micheal until a flying ball came bashing at the orange monster head. Everyone gasp in disbelief at who in the world threw that ball. The monster look confused but turned anger. "Who threw that?!" The orange monster shouted.

"Hey! Ugly face!" A shout came behind them which made everyone turn to see Jacob with a basketball ball on his finger as it was spinning. Micheal looked shocked and the tunes looked at Jacob in fear.

"You?! Hah, what is a puppy like you going to do. Play fetch?" The red monster mocked him as they all laughed at him. "Puppy..." Jacob muttered in anger as flames appeared in his eyes making the tunes back up in fear.

Then Jacob then started to dribble the ball making the red monster ran towards Jacob to take the ball but failed miserably. Jacob dodge this and pushed his back towards the red monster trying to get the ball making them stumble back.

Jacob then dribbled the ball towards the monster by jumping on his head. Taking a big leap towards the hoop with the basketball in his hand and scoring a point with a proud face. When he was on the ground, he tuned to everyone who had there mouths dropped to the floor.

"That's what you call a score boys!" Jacob said with a smirk making the tunes snap out of it and started to clap at him. Wile whistled and smiled in encouraging towards him making him blush in embarrassed. "Boys..."

"Your not bad I thought you were wolfy... but at least your not a chicken unlike him." The blue monster spoke finally as he was very impressed with Jacob's skills. Micheal felt proud of his own brother for the first time in forever. He was proud that he is finally slowly opening up his skills to everyone.

"You guys are makin' a big mistake." Micheal told them off, brushing off any dust in his shirt. The cheer finally calm down when Micheal spoke. "You're all washed up... Baldy!" The green monster turned back to him to insult Micheal again.

"Baldy?" Micheal questioned in disbelief. "Hey that's my brother your talking too!" Jacob yelled making his way in front of Micheal protective of him. Tweety bird then finally had some courage and went up to the monsters.

"He is not washed up! Micheal's the gweatest ever!" Tweety said defending Micheal. "Shaddup." The green monster then flicked Tweety bird away towards the wall. "Ooh!" Tweety was smashed by the wall and went to the ground with a 'thud!'

They was groaning in pain of the impact. Micheal then picked up Tweety by his hand to see if they were ok. "My poor widely cranium." Tweety wined in pain. "Are you ok?" Jacob asked Tweety concerned for Tweety not wanting the poor thing to be injured.

"Yeah, are you ok?" The blue monster said concern as well but was stopped when the green and purple monster stopped him be grabbing him. They both glare at him as he looked at both of them nervously. "Hey... whoops!"

"You're not... S-S-S-Scared of them... are ya, Micheal, Jacob?" Tweety said with tears in their eyes making that cute puppy eyes. Micheal and Jacob thought about it. Jacob felt some fear towards the monster but didn't.

He really had his suspicion that they were forced into this. What made him think that was the blue monsters behaviour, it didn't make sense since he looked like he didn't want to hurt anyone. Jacob knew exactly what need to be done and also Micheal.

Micheal stood up tall with Jacob by his side nodded at each other confirming their decision. Everyone was confused until they said the words that made a tunes smile in happiness. "Let's play some basketball. "Yeah!!"

Jacob smiled and made eye contact with Wile who put a thumbs up in his directions as if he was saying he was proud of him. Jacob liked that the tunes were being this welcoming to him, he never really had that kind of connection to others but he knew that once this was over... he had to leave them.

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