Bound By Demand [ MxM Poly ]

By rlbrowne

120K 607 309

[ REWRITING ] - BOOK 1 - BOUND SERIES "When the demands became violent, they became lethal and when they beca... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

4.7K 148 82
By rlbrowne

Rhogon's name is pronounced like Row-Juan
I don't know why I wanted to be difficult but I did and I'm rolling on the muthafucking floor with the way yall thought my baby's name was pronounced! 😂😂😂

Now let's get into it: This is a sample of the rewrite for Wattpad. The first 6 chapters will be posted here and then the rest will be located on Ream. The link is in my Bio for anyone wondering.

I've covered this on my message board, but I'll post it here too. For everyone who doesn't like the fact that my books aren't here on Wattpad anymore, I'm sorry not sorry but I have to look out for my wellbeing first and plus Amazon has strict rules. Lol

Also, for those who hate the fact that I only post samples of my novels, again, this might not be for you then. . . There are a lot of readers who have asked for these samples if the full novel won't be here. So for those who want these samples, I'm posting them for them 🧡

The first 10 chapters will be FREE for followers to read over on Ream - and then the rest of the rewrite and the rest of the Bound series will be available for the Enchanted Tier.

If you can't subscribe, don't worry, there's a ton of FREE content on Ream for followers as well. Like 3 books, a handful of bonus chapters, deleted scenes, a very dark short story collection and a diary that I've just started on Ream for characters voted by you and their personal entries lol

Now onto the rewrite, I hope you enjoy these first 5 chapters!



With Winter right around the corner, my pack hasn't exactly been the best off as far as resources go. It's been a huge pain in my ass trying to get everything that I needed situated, especially with the pack expanding three times bigger than it was four years ago.

I've had issues with multiple break ins this month against my business in the city, getting everyone housed within the pack and making sure our new mothers and fathers had what they needed, reopening the pack daycare after all of the renovations, retraining our Warriors after losing so many to the war a few months ago and to top it all off, I've had Kano on my ass because of this whole Law situation.

And as I groan frustratedly, my eyes roam over the notice to appear for court in front of the Council.


Alpha Rhogon Steele of the Blood Rose Pack,

As an Alpha, sworn into his position for the last eleven years, you are more than aware of the Laws that bind you to your position.

It was come to the Council's attention that you have not only broken one Law, but two.

The Laws meant to be enforced are as following: The Luna Law and the Same sex bond Law.

There has been anonymous reports claiming to have inside information to your breaking of these Laws.

You are hereby required to appear before the Council in five days time to have the first of three formal hearings to determine whether or not you have in fact broken said Laws.

Date and Time to appear:

June 06, 2022
Wolfen Council - 938 Liven Drive
Jurgen Courthouse in Building A.
Hearing will be held in Courtroom 2.


I don't say much about the notice to appear but I knew Kano knew about this because he was the one that sent it to me. Being the King, he had to but being my closest friend in this entire Realm, I knew it was difficult for him.

Hearing the increase in frustration behind his voice on the other end of the phone, I run a hand down my face and pull the phone back to my ear.

"Yes my King, I understand the Laws." I tell Kano through the phone as I roll my eyes.

"Are you sure about that, Alpha Rhogon?" Kano growls, I could almost see the scowl on his face as he does so. "Because the Council has gotten word that your Betas and your Gammas may not actually hold those ranks."

I shake my head, knowing what he'd meant. "I can assure you that Mateo and Zayne are my Betas and Jett and Hendrix are my Gammas. There's no other titles they would hold."

"You do realize the punishment if I find out otherwise. Correct?"

"Yes my King," I sigh, exasperated with the whole conversation. "Rank demotion or jail time. Whichever the Council deems fit, but I promise you that there are no Laws being broken on my side."

"You are also aware of the matter at hand with regards to your open Luna position."

This time, I close my eyes as I pull the phone away from my ear again, taking a deep breath before answering. "Yes I am."

"And you're aware of the Luna Law binding you to either marking and announcing your fated or taking a chosen mate by your 30th birthday? Correct?"

"Yes my King, I've already spoken to Paige about it, she's agreed to be my chosen Luna." That was a lie. Paige was one of the shewolves in my pack that always helped with paperwork when I needed it, but she was in fact mated already.

Her name was just the first to come to mind and I regretted the moment I'd said it.

"And the promise of an heir to preserve your title and pack?" Kano asks. "How is that coming along?"

"It's coming my King," I grit through clenched teeth as I suppress a growl. "We all know once we mark and mate our shewolves, their first heat should come days after so I'm just waiting for the Marking Ceremony to start the process."

There was silence on the other end of the line from Kano as I hear shuffling in the background, a door closing minutes later and than the click of a lock.

Straightening my back, I burrow my brows in confusion and concentration as I listen for any other sounds but when I hear nothing.

So I whisper his name, wondering if he's alone and maybe locked in one of the castle rooms.

Then I hear him sigh heavily. "Yeah, speak freely, Rho."

Clearing my throat before allowing myself to smile, I shake my head, knowing everything I'd just told Kano was a damn lie, but the fact that my King and my friend is behind me, made things that much easier.

Kano has known about my mates and the fact that I'm currently breaking two very serious laws set forth by the Council.

I'm violating the Same Sex Bond law by even having a male mate, let alone four because according to Law, same sex bonds aren't ethical because we can't preserve our title that way, but that's ancient thinking.

Like centuries old thinking. Now we have adoptions and fertility labs.

And seeing how I'm the Alpha of Alphas in my bond because every single one of mates have submitted to me, giving me power over them, I can ask any of them to also father our pups.

All we'd need is my serum as well one of theirs and then give them to the fertility labs, find a surrogate and pay for the entire process and bam, 5 months later, we'd have a pup and I could preserve my title.

I didn't initially intend to have four mates, but shit happened and certain circumstances brought them all into my life and now that I have them, I will do whatever I have to do to make sure we never lose each other.

Kano has been trying to help me hide my bonds and so far, we've been successful by claiming Mateo and Zayne are my Betas while Jett and Hendrix are my Gammas, but this could've only lasted for so long before the Council grew suspicious.

And now we have this anonymous reporting. I have an idea of who it could have been but I'm not entirely sure.

Alpha Mason of the Blood Stone pack and Alpha Killian of the Dark Moon pack were two of my rivals over here near the Blood River.

Majority of us Blood River Alphas ran our packs with iron fists, killing with ease and asking questions later, but those two were a different kind of evil. Kano hated them and while he had the power to demote their ranks, he didn't have the power to do it without the vote of the Council.

I knew better than anyone that even though Kano was the King, he was not the highest form of government in our society.

Kano was more-so the face of the politics surrounding our world and while he held a seat on the Council, he was not above the Council and his grandfather who also still held a seat despite the fact Kano has been King for the last fourteen years.

I'd offered to make a claim to the Synod - the highest form of government that even the Council couldn't disrespect with their barbarianism but Kano refused, saying that it was a waste of time, seeing how the Synod had a list as long as ten years to wait to be answered.

But with my 30th birthday coming up and according to the Luna Law, I would have to take a shewolf as my Luna, either by choice or by force and I also have to bare a promise to an heir in the year after, to preserve my pack and title, something needed to give.

"Kano, I can't keep hiding this shit," Sighing, I lean back in my office chair, finally able to relax. "It's killing me and my guys are up my ass about it."

"Well technically, you're up their asses." — Ace, my wolf chuckles, enjoying his attempt at a joke way too much.

I ignore him, swatting his foolishness away to listen to Kano's response.

"Nobody told you to go and get yourself four mates, Rho." Kano's laughter along with Ace's snickering weren't making things any better for me.

"Shut the fuck up Kano," I growl at him, contemplating on hanging up in his face. "It wasn't like I had much of a choice with any of them."

"No," Kano drawls. "you definitely had a choice, you're just greedy. That's your problem."

"We plead the fifth on that one." — Ace growls happily while Kano and I share a laugh again before things take a serious turn.

"Rho," Kano sighs and I shake my head, knowing all too well where this was going. "Your thirtieth birthday is coming up and I can't keep the Council off your pack for much longer. After your first hearing, they're going to force you to take a mate or demand for you to step down from your title."

"I know, Kano," This was truly killing me. Yet another demand on my bond that seemed more work than I could handle at this point. "I appreciate what you've done so far, but we both know I won't be taking a shewolf as my Luna," I shrug, squeezing my stress ball. "It's just not happening."

"Oh I'm aware," Kano replies smoothly. "I don't fully understand the Laws anyway. I mean what the fuck was the Council and my grandfather thinking when they made that Law? That gay wolves didn't and would never exist?"

Yeah I honestly don't know what they were thinking with this one. I mean the Luna Law had some good points to it, even though it's still backwards as fuck, but that damn same sex bond law was just idiotic.

Honestly how the fuck could the Council and Kano's grandfather dictate who we could and couldn't love?

Who the fuck are they to say that we have to reject our fated if they're the same gender?

Fuck that, it's bullshit and I would fight for as long as my heart beats to make sure this Law is demolished.

Whatever we have to do, it's getting done. Especially when it came to Kano's grandfather.

The man hasn't been King in damn near two hundred years yet he still has this weird ass hold on the Council. The old man just won't seem to let go and the members of the Council only seem to be on his side of things — all of which Kano has been fighting against.

"Shit," I hear Kano growl and I peek up, wondering what just happened. "I have to go, Rho. Duty calls, but I'll be in touch soon."

"Alright, take care Kano."

Hanging up the phone, I no longer stifle the harsher growl that wants to bubble up. I allow it to take over me as I grab the letter again and reread for what felt like the millionth time since it first arrived three days ago.

Yet another demand to add to the countless pile of others that threatened to rip my bond apart.


Short first chapter to the rewrite but I felt like it was so worth it. I'm learning that the first chapter doesn't always have to be long to get the point of the story across and I didn't want to introduce the guys just yet.

That will come as I take my time with this one and I'm really excited to see what you all think about the changes with how our boys find Brody and your thoughts on how Brody's personalities come out as well as the differences between them.

Thoughts on this one??
Predictions? Hopes? Fears?

Share them all and don't forget to leave a comment and a like if you enjoyed this one!

Thanks so much for reading,
Until next chapter,
Byeeeeeeeeee Bestiessssssssss!!

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