dirty thoughts and sweet feel...

By dreamyeroticaaa

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moving to nockfell was an unusual change from what you were used to in the city. you needed to get away to a... More

chapter 1 - over a joint
chapter 2 - chapstick and cigarettes
chapter 3 - his touch
chapter 4 - passionate pleasure (✰)
chapter 5 - i feel free (✰)
chapter 6 - camping trip (✰)
chapter 7 - familiar face
chapter 8 - reinforced trauma (✰)
chapter 10 - letting loose (✰)
chapter 11 - dread
chapter 12 - seperation (✰)
chapter 13 - betraying trust
chapter 14 - reignited yearning (✰)
chapter 15 - heartfelt reassurance
chapter 16 - new beginning, new end
chapter 17 - reminiscing (✰)
chapter 18 - unexpected arrival
chapter 19 - new life

chapter 9 - healing a wound

741 10 7
By dreamyeroticaaa

CW // Descriptions of violence, mention of self harm, mentions of abuse, mentions of suicide.

Word count: 6564

Your P.O.V:

"Once he came onto me, I...I, uhm...I—Fuck, I'm sorry, I-"

"It's okay, Y/N. Take your time. We have all the time in the world."

"Alright. I...I...stabbed him. In the throat."

"And many times did you stab his throat?"


"And you claim Brett would harass you non-stop?"


"How did he end up in your hotel room?"

"I...don't know. I woke up, and he was s...standing over me. With a—with a knife. But when I left, the door handle looked broken."

"Okay. There's a few of our guys that are investigating the scene right now, so we'll have answers for you soon. But one other thing. How did you get ahold of the knife you used on Brett?"

"It was on the bedside table. I knew Brett wouldn't give up...A-And I knew he'd find me again, so...I felt vulnerable. Even if I didn't have to use it, I felt safer with it near me."

"Where was your boyfriend in all of this? You said he was in the room with you."

"I was in the bathroom. I was taking a shower. I didn't expect the visit. He must've found a way to know when I wasn't in the room, so he could attack Y/N."

"Alright...Now, Y/N, usually we'd have to take this to court, because we'd have no way of knowing if you did it in self defence or not. But looking at Brett's criminal record, as well as the claim you put in yesterday evening...You will face no charges. Does Brett have family? Friends? Anyone that could attempt to press charges?"

"Family. But I doubt they'd press charges. Brett and them lost touch."

"Lost touch?"

"Because of his drug use, and because of the way he was."

"Anybody else for us to reach out to to say that he's gone?"

"No. He didn't have anyone."

"And I understand that's probably what made it hard to leave him?"


"Mhm. Thank you for sharing, Y/N. I can understand that this is hard for you. I think we're done here. If we have further questions, we'll get in touch."

I got most of the blood off with the damp cloth those interrogators provided me. But some blood splatters were tougher to get off my skin. They wouldn't wipe off. They were like a torment that wouldn't go away.

'Why did you kill him? You could've let him stab you. He loved you. You filthy murderer.'

The things I'd do to make it stop.

I arose from where I sat once my boyfriend got up beside me. The squealing of the metal chair sliding across the tile floor made my ears hurt, but I was unfazed.

I felt a hand wrap around mine, and from the feel of the crevices and shape of said hand, I knew it was Larry.

We left the interrogation room, Larry having to drag me along because I'd do nothing more but shuffle my feet across the ground.

Once we took a turn to the reception, I saw many familiar faces. One came over immediately, crying and instantly embracing me.

"Oh, sweetheart—" Lisa sobbed while stroking my blood stained hair. I just stood there, letting her lint free cardigan sleeves wrap around me like a soft blanket.

"I...dirtied the sweater you made Larry. They have to keep it for...For uhm...Evidence." was all I could muster up as I looked down at the fresh white shirt I was given in replacement.

"No, no, no.—" She tutted, raising my head back up with her soft hands. "don't you worry about that. That's the least of me and Larry's concern right now. I can make him one that looks exactly the same. What matters right now is that you're safe." She snivelled, kissing my forehead gently with her plump lips.

I looked over Lisa's shoulder as she continued to hug me tight. Sal, Ash, Maple and Todd were there, all looking upset and distressed.

"Mom, maybe, uhm...Let her breathe." Larry whispered to his mother as kind sounding as he could, triggering her to pull back once she came to terms of how tight she was hugging me. "Of course...I'm awfully sorry, Y/N." She stood up straight with her arms to herself, wiping her mascara infused tears away.

"No, don't apologise, Lisa. Thank you for the hug. You don't know how much I needed it." I smiled softly at her, which she returned. She stepped aside and began talking to Larry, which gave me an opportunity to approach my friends standing behind her.

I shuffled my feet cowardly towards them, my head low but my gaze forward. Once I got close enough, they saw me, and quickly, they all came over to me.

First to hug me was Sal, then Ash, then Todd, then Maple. I stood there, the four hugging me tight in unison, and I couldn't help but let go.

I started weeping into Sal's shoulder, hugging back what I could.

"You never deserved this, Y/N." Sal whispered gently, stroking his palm up and down my back, and I felt as if I was sinking into him. It felt so good to hug him, as well as the others.

"Just know we're here for you." Ash said, kissing the back of my head from where she stood.

"Always." Maple chimed in.

"Definitely." Said Todd.

"His—His face when I did it—" I breathed heavily. "Oh god—w-what have I done?" I wailed behind my hand, catching my sobs in my throat once I clicked back to what I did.

"Shhh, Try not to think about that, love." Maple cooed, and somewhat her words were comforting enough. The words were simple, but she has that comforting mother attitude that is extremely effective. "You did what you could, otherwise you'd be in his position right now."

"I know, but—" I snivelled. "Now I'm going to have to live with that guilt. I wont be able to sleep at night."

"It'll be hard as of now, but you'll learn over time that you had no other option. It isn't your fault at all." Todd said.

I looked at all of them, before I smiled through my weeps. "Fuck, why are you guys so nice?" I kept on crying, but with a smile.

"We're your friends. That's our job." Sal chuckled behind his prosthetic, hugging me tighter than the three others.

"I hate to break you guys up, but we better get back, Y/N. I have work in an hour." I heard Larry say behind me. The four let go of me and turned to look at my boyfriend, so did I.

"Oh. Okay." I said, trying my best to wipe my tears away with the back of my hand. Sal, Todd, Maple, Ash and Lisa gave their farewells, with physical acts of care like kisses and hugs, before we went out the double doors of the police station. The freezing cold morning air hit me hard for definite, because I could feel all the hairs on my body stand to a point. I looked over to my boyfriend as we continued to walk across the small parking lot. He looked like he was struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Are you okay, Larry?" I asked with a tinge of worry in my voice when we stopped at the van. He blinked forcefully a few times before looking up at me.

"Uh...Yeah. I'm fine, beautiful." He said with a little smile. "Just really tired."

I frowned, watching him open the van. Once he did, he opened the driver side door. "Do you want me to drive home? You look exhausted." I asked.

He shook his head with a dismissive look. "No. No way, I'll drive home. You're probably triple the exhausted that I am." He chuckled sadly, reaching to open the door, but I grabbed his hand.

"Please, let me do this for you. You need to stop bending over backwards for me."

"Babe, the drive is only about an hour away or more, it'll be okay." He smiled, caressing the back of my hand. But his drooping eyes and his darker dark circles said otherwise.

"Please. I—I feel bad. Please let me do this." I begged, a big frown dragging my face down.

He looked at me, sighing through his nose while looking my face up and down. "...Alright." He put his keys in my palm, the metal skull hanging off his van keys clanging together audibly.

I looked down at the keys, then at him and smiled. "Thank you. It's a chance for you to have some sleep on the way home." I leaned up, kissed his cheek and jumped into drivers seat. I watched him walk around the van and jump in the passenger seat. Once he got in, he looked over to me.

"You got a cig?"

"Yeah. I think I left them righttt..." I rummaged through the cup holder filled with miscellaneous junk, before pulling out a half empty box of cigarettes. "...Here." I smiled. But when I glanced at the box for a few seconds, I saw a blood stain. Brett's blood. The pack was next to me once I did what I did. I found myself staring at it for too long, my smile fading and my stomach sinking.

"Hey." I heard Larry say, before he took the box away from me. "Don't let that motherfucker haunt you for what he deserved. He had it coming, one way or another." He opened the box, sliding one between his lips, then he slid one between mine himself. He pulled a lighter out of his back pocket, flipping it open and flicking the wheel with his thumb. Once it was ignited, he held the flame to my cigarette. Once it was burnt, he pulled the flame towards his. He puffed on his cigarette immediately, rolling his window down at the same time. Then I saw him shove the cigarette box into the space of his door, out of my sight. I pulled the cigarette out of my mouth after taking a puff. "...Yeah. You're right." I admitted with a sigh. He looked over to me, smiling. "Good. Good girl. It isn't your fault, at all. You'll get that through your head soon enough."

"I hope so. You know what I'm like." I said as I shoved the key into the ignition. The roar of the engine filled my ears. I put my cigarette between my lips to have free hands to pull off, and soon I was on the road. I wasn't as good at driving as Larry was, but I could surely get us home in one piece, and that's all that mattered.

The morning sunrise beamed through the trees as I drove us down the lengthy road. Pink and yellow hues were all that filled the sky. It was beautiful, and a distraction.

"So," Larry exhaled. "When's your next shift?"

"Uhm." I muttered with the cigarette between my lips. "Tomorrow, it should be. But I don't think I have the willpower to go, after...That." I puffed on the cigarette with no hands, exhaling the smoke through my nose.

"Are you sure you'll be alright with me gone today?" He asked, referring to his work. "I'll stay home if you want me to. We can sit around and watch movies. I know you like doing that."

I smiled, taking my cigarette out my mouth between my two fingers, and putting them on the steering wheel. "Thank you, but I'll be fine. I don't want you getting a lecture from your boss for missing a day. He's too big of a douche."

"I don't care about that. If you want me to stay home, I will. I know you get into your own head easily, and I don't want you having a panic attack, especially when I'm not there."

I thought for a second. Larry was what could really calm me down when I was panicking.

"But, I mean, you spent all that money on that hotel room for me, and it all went to waste because of me I would want you to earn it back so—"

"Baby. Can you do me a favour?" He asked orderly by cutting me off. I looked over at him for a couple seconds then back at the ongoing road. "Yeah. What is it?"

"Can you stop dragging yourself down for once?" He asked with a throaty chuckle. "No, but seriously, It's okay. I'm financially okay. Besides, don't you worry your pretty little head about my problems. I'm a 22 year old man, I think I know how to handle myself."

I giggled girlishly after taking a drag. "Mhm, says the '22 year old man' that still wears Spider-Man boxers."

He scoffed, offended. "I think they're comfortable." He said all snarky like it was a fact. I laughed. "And what about your Scooby-Doo ones too? Are they comfortable?"

"Have you been looking through my underwear drawer or something?" He sat up to look at me, furrowed brows and furrowed eyes with suspicion wrote all over them.

"Not intentionally. I just happen to come across them when doing your laundry." I shrugged, taking the last drag of my cig before flicking it out the window. "Talking about that— It's your turn to do the laundry. I did it before we left for that camping trip."

He groaned. "Do I have to?" He asked in a sad childlike manner.

"Are you sure you're 22?" I asked like I was genuinely curious, a wide smile on my face.

He pretended to count on his fingers, pulling a humorous confused face, but then going "Yep. I'm pretty sure." with a feeble nod.

I giggled once again. It was like I had forgotten what took place a few hours ago. But that's Larry's gift. Being able to completely take your mind off anything with his gift of humour. He was amazing at it.

——— Time skip ———

My eyes dragged open at the call of my name, which scared me at first. But once I opened my eyes, It was Larry towering over me. By the time we got into the apartment, we both collapsed onto the sofa with a blanket, and fell asleep. We woke up late noon, and Larry must've woke up before me.

"I ran you a bath. I figured you'd want to wash your hair." He said, but I only closed my eyes again. "I need to have a bath, but I don't feel like getting up..." I sighed out, wrapping myself back into the blanket.

"Do you want me to help you?" He asked as I felt him sit down on the edge of the sofa. "I don't mind getting in with you."

I went quiet for a second, thinking about it.

"...That'd be nice." I admitted with a whisper, turning towards him and opening my eyes where I was met with his staring eyes. He smiled once my eyes met his. "I lit candles, and put that bath soak in there I know you like."

"Awh, babe..." I cooed, smiling as my cheeks grew rosy.

He stood up. "Mind if I?" He asked, and I knew what he was talking about instantly.

"Not at all." I held my hands out, making him smile wide with his teeth. Leaning down, he scooped me off the sofa. I giggled once I was lifted into his arms, and I held onto his neck for stability. He made his way over to the bathroom, kissing my face on the way.

We stopped at the bathroom door, making Larry lean down to open the door with his half occupied hand. A whiff of linen scent candles and lavender filled my nostrils, which was a soothing scent that put me more at ease.

He sat me down on the toilet seat before closing the bathroom door.

"Hope this isn't too much. I just wanted to wake you up to something nice to cheer you up." He chuckled sheepishly, scratching the shaggy facial hair on his chin and looking down. I smiled up at him.

"It's perfect, baby. Thank you." I stood up, taking him aback by kissing him. He smiled into my mouth and kissed back, holding onto my waist and holding me close. After a few seconds more, he pulled away but barely.

"We better get in, it'll getting cold if we stay out here longer." Larry whispered against my lips. I hummed in agreement, making him let go of me and strip himself of his clothing. I watched him grow barer by the second, but I just stood there, clothed. Once he was down to his boxers, he turned to me.

"What's wrong?" He said with worry.

"...I don't feel like looking down at the blood on my body."

He frowned visibly.

"Close your eyes." He asked gently. "Trust me."

I sighed. "This is stupid, I'm just being a baby." I reached for the hem of my shirt, but he stopped me.

"You aren't being a baby. Just close your eyes."

I let go of my shirt and stood straight, closing my eyelids until I could see nothing but black.

Then I felt his hands on me. He stripped me of what I was wearing, so I didn't have to see the redness myself. I was given clean clothes, but that didn't mean there was no blood on my skin.

Soon enough I felt him drop my underwear down to my ankles.

"There." He whispered smoothly. "Open your eyes, but don't look down."

My eyes opened to Larry, and once our eyes met, he smiled.

He got in first, then I followed. I sat between his legs, and his arms wrapped around me so perfectly. I leaned back on his body, closing my eyes and smiling until the corners of my mouth ached.

"This feels great." I sighed.

"Good..." Larry said softly, his hands trailing from my waist to my shoulders, gently massaging my tense muscles with his hands.

"You really know how to make me feel good." I exhaled out, before opening my eyes and looking
back at him. He had the same expression. I laughed. "Sorry, that sounded dirtier than I expected."

"I would start to think you've been replaced by an alien if you didn't accidentally say an innuendo at least once a day." He laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"You wanna know something, Larry?" I said, looking back at him. He noticed this, and turned his head a little to look up at me.

"Sure, what is it?" He asked.

"I don't think I'd be alive if it wasn't for you." I muttered under my breath. I sounded like I was ashamed, which I was. But it was a fact. Larry was my saviour, in a sense.

"Don't say something like that, Y/N..." He sounded upset at my mention of my life being taken. Rightfully so, but then I could feel his hands caressing my stomach. I rested the side of my head on his head. "But it's true. I really don't think i'd have my life if I didn't run into you that one day I moved in. Don't get me wrong, I'm not planning to do the same now. I'd never leave you."

"You better not." He whispered, kissing the side of my neck. "I don't know what I'd do." He said with worry under his breath.

"I promise I won't leave you, baby. Not ever." I reached my right hand up to run my fingers through the hair on the side of his head.

Larry always seemed to have abandonment issues, which I know exactly where it stemmed from. His dad. No matter how much I tell him I love him, sometimes he seems in doubt. Like i'll up and leave for another man sometime soon, even though he knows I want to do nothing more than to grow old with him. It's not that he doesn't trust me either. It's just the fear of something good he has will stop happening in his life, and he'd blame himself for it.

"Good." He sighed. "Just after today, that has worried me." He admitted. I pulled a confused look.

"What do you mean?" I asked, worryingly curious.

"I was scared you'd do something bad to yourself, after what happened with you and Brett. Like going back to self harm, or something worse..." His voice cracked with distress, but I continued running my fingers through his hair reassuringly.

"I'm never going back to that. I have you, and friends, and a wonderful life. I'm not letting Brett get in the way of that. No fucking way. Yeah, it's left a dent on me, definitely. But I can't let something that I didn't wanna do in the first place get in the way of all the great things I have."

Larry could be seen smiling in the corner of my eye. "That's my girl. I'm so happy to hear that."

"You still might need to handle some of my middle-of-the-night nightmares for the next few weeks, though. Sorry." I cleared my throat awkwardly, anxious to bring it up.

He chuckled through his nose. "That's okay. I know that's your way of processing trauma."

I smiled, feeling my cheeks warm up. "How am I so lucky?" I cooed.

Larry looked up at me. "What to you mean?" He asked, oblivious.

"How am I so lucky to have you? No matter what, you understand." I looked down into the bath with red cheeks, that was until I could see his hands coming up to my face. His wet hand turned my head to the right for me, so I was instantly met with his lips. I leaned back into him with a soothed sigh through my nose. I didn't want to stop kissing him, at all. The feel of his lips up against mine was something that truly will never get old. So we both sat there, kissing each other for what felt like hours. I could feel the barbell of his tongue piercing poke at my lips, and I knew what that meant, and I obliged. The kissing got more heated, but it wasn't sexual. Just passionate. It wasn't going to leave the territory of kissing and roaming hands at all. We were both happy to make out, but in a way that shows how much we love each other, for what we feel ashamed to say in words.

"I love you so much." I uttered breathlessly against his lips, before going back and kissing him even more. His hands moved from my chest, to my hand. He intertwined his fingers with mine. "I love you so much more." He said against my lips, then going on to kiss me more.

A few minutes later, I could feel myself getting cold. I pulled away, just enough for our lips to part, but they were still up against each other. "I hate to uh..." I panted, utterly dazed and flustered. "...Break what we have going on up, but it's starting to get a bit cold. Can we get out and pick up where we left off when we get out?" I asked. He smiled softly. "Of course."

From then on, I let him clean me, because he seemed he wanted to. As he was rinsing the shampoo from my hair, I went "Hey, Lar?"

"Yes, gorgeous?" He asked, busy as can be raking his fingers through my hair as he poured water over the bubbly suds on my hair.

"How come you're so...Nurturing?" That question came out odd, but there was no other way to put it. I was glad he was cleaning my hair for me though. So I didn't need to see the dried up blood.

His chest raised and fell a bit as I heard a faint laugh between his pursed lips. "What do you mean by that, babe?"

"You always like to dress me, and make sure I'm clean, and fed. You remind me of a father figure. Why's that?" I asked with curiosity.

"Heh." He chuckled once, reaching for the conditioner on the side of the bathtub. "That's pretty deep. I don't know. Maybe it's the fact I grew up with no dad, and I feel the need to look after others, or it's the fact my mom is so nurturing and she passed it down onto me." He shrugged. "I think it's the first one, to be honest." He laughed awkwardly as I felt his hands running through the ends of my hair.

"Not that I mind. I kinda like it, being looked after." I smiled down cowardly at my knees.

"That's what you get when you put a fatherly figure and a fatherless figure in a relationship together I guess." Larry chortled a bit behind me, obviously trying to hold back a laugh.

But I bursted out laughing. "Do you have no shame?" I asked through giggles.

"I mean, It's true though." He said factually with a laugh. I nodded. "Yeah, Unfortunately it is true."

"But uhm...do you want to be a dad?" I spoke my mind. A couple of seconds later it hit me of how big of a question that was. "You don't have to answer." I blurted out.

Larry went quiet for a second or two. "Damn, Y/N. You really got me thinking here." He chuckled and cleared his throat before humming in thought, going on to rinse the conditioner out of my hair meanwhile.

"Yeah. I think I do...Do you—uhm. Do you wanna be a mom?" He asked, but surprisingly shyly. That isn't like Larry.

"I've thought about it. And I'd love a kid. To bring a child up, especially if it's mine, in an environment where they feel loved, in a complete contrast to my childhood, sounds perfect."  I explained, earning a hum of understanding from him.

"Uh-huh. I'm totally feeling 'ya. I just want a little mini me I can teach to head-bang." He giggled boyishly. "You'd be a great dad..." I admitted without thinking.

"And you'd be a great mom." He removed his hands from my hair, then I felt them on my body, he began kissing up my neck gently. I smiled up at the ceiling in tranquility.

"So, are we just gonna beat around the bush about that, or?" I muttered causing the silence to break, a little smile creeping up on my face.

"I didn't say anything because I thought you'd say it's too early." He stopped what he was doing to hug my waist.

I looked down in the water for a second. I stared at my reflection. I was still so young. There were still things I wanted to pursue. I didn't want a nuclear family at the age 21. Being a housewife juggling 5 kids while Larry goes out and works. That doesn't sound like a dream. Not that Larry will allow that, because it'll probably be the other way around. He knows my dreams and he wants me to pursue them. He's all against women being housewives against their will. Besides, he could sell his paintings from home. But I still needed time.

"Yeah. You're right. You're definitely right. We should slow things down. I still want to have kids with you, marry you, have a house with you—"

"Woah, woah, woah. Slow down, sweetheart. You didn't mention all of that." He said in a low, mischievous tone with a grin. I just shook my head with a giggle. "Don't jump to conclusions. I know what you're like."

"Forward thinking?" He went.

"Impulsive." I corrected.

He laughed into the groove of my neck. "Alright, alright. We should get out." He sighed, releasing his arms from me. He got out from behind me first, immediately grabbing a towel from the towel rack on the wall. He wrapped it low around his waist, tucking it in itself tight so it wouldn't fall off his waist. Then he turned around, triggering me to stand up and get out. The warm feeling of the fluffy bathmat below me feet was comforting, but not more comforting than the warm towel Larry wrapped around me. He tucked it in by my chest before going "I put yours on the radiator while you were sleeping."

I hummed in comfort. "Thank you." I leaned up, kissing him on his cheek.

All of a sudden, I heard a phone ring, and I could tell it was my boyfriends from the metal ring tone.

He huffed in exhaustion. "I should really change that ringtone." He muttered as he left the bathroom. I followed out of the door, blowing all the candles out on the way to save a fire.

I turned the corner to see Larry standing in the kitchen, one hand on his hip and talking to whoever was on the phone. He was speaking informally with his usual slang and odd combinations of swear words, so I was guessing it was a friend.

"Yeah. She's okay." He said, looking over to me. I pulled a confused face, before he mouthed the word 'Sal'.

I nodded my head in understanding with my mouth mouthing 'oh' before going into his bedroom. He cleared out a drawer for me since I'm down in the basement so often, so I had everything I needed. I opened the drawer, which I could tell was mine, because Larry let me put some stickers on it. Digging through, I pulled out one of my comfy t-shirts one size up from my size, then a pair of baggy tartan PJ pants. Slamming the drawer shut, I let my towel drop. I pulled the shirt over my head, followed by the pants. Before I went out the bedroom I threw the towel into the piling laundry basket near the bed. Once I turned the corner, Larry was still on the phone. I made my way over to the couch, sitting down on it and watching Larry talk from afar. It was nonsensical things coming out of his mouth, that would only make sense if I knew what Sal was saying on the other end of the phone. So I just ignored by reaching for the remote and turning the TV on. I flipped the channels in boredom, until Larry got off the phone. He flipped his phone shut and put it on the counter.

"Sorry about that. It was Sal. He was asking how you were and if everything was okay." Larry said, walking over to his bedroom and walking out of my sight, but keeping the door open.

"What else were you guys talking about?" I asked, listening out for his voice. I could hear him rustling through a drawer around the corner, then I could see his towel be thrown across the room, and by the door.

"Pretty much about today. After this week he was thinking of getting us and everyone together to do something. Y'know, to lighten the mood." He explained, raising his voice a little for me to hear.

"That sounds nice." I said with sheer happiness. "I enjoyed that camping trip a lot. It was fun."

Larry turned the corner around the door, standing by the doorframe. He had on nothing but some sweatpants. I stared at his dark chest hair and body tattoos in interest, before looking back up to his face. "Wouldn't have been as good if it wasn't for the end of that night, though." He winked with a smile.

I contained a flustered giggle by pursing my lips together. I just looked in the other direction, but he could tell I was fighting a smile.

"C'mon, I know you wanna admit it." He pushed himself off the doorframe, approaching me all seductive-like. I couldn't fight back the upcoming giggle that erupted from my chest, but once I did, I grabbed ahold of the velvety black pillow resting on his couch next to a dark brown nearly black cotton throw-over. I threw the pillow at him, and it landed on his chest. He didn't even budge, it just smacked his chest and fell to the ground, like a bird flying into a moving airplane. He looked up at me with unamusement with judging raised eyebrows.

"Not my fault you're so firm." I smiled, but barely for him to see.

"Firm?" He questioned, voice getting lower and huskier purposefully, as well as his signature grin. I giggled a bit, looking away from him and covering my face. "You know I didn't mean it like that." I mumbled.

I heard him approach me slowly, and I could feel he was towering over me. I let go of my face and looked up.

He grabbed ahold of my chin with his pointer and thumb, raising my head gently to gaze at my eyes with his own.

"Sometimes I know you mean exactly what you say. I saw that look that you gave me." He caressed my lip with his thumb. That was seconds before he leaned down and kissed me.

I held onto the back of his head and hummed appreciatively into his mouth, kissing him back with equal passion.

Before things had the chance to get heated, a knock was sounded on the door.

"...Hold that thought, baby." He grinned into my mouth before pulling away. I watched him approach the door from the couch with a coy smile on my face. He looked through the peephole briskly, and then opened the door.

"Oh. Hey, Trav." Larry greeted, confused.

"I came here after I heard what happened with Y/N. Is she here? I knocked on her apartment door but no answer." I heard Travis say behind the door frame.

"Yeah, she's here. Come on in." Larry stepped aside, and Travis walked in with a worried expression. He turned his head to the left, and saw me. His frown dragged downwards even more.

"Y/N..." He cooed. "I'm so sorry I didn't get to see you, I was in work." He came over to me and sat by my side. He raised his arm, hovering it above my shoulders. "May I?"

"Of course."

He wrapped his arm around me and I leaned into him, my temple resting on his shoulder. 

"How you holding up?" He asked, looking down at me.

"I think i'm okay...After a nap and a bath I feel more calm about it. I still...I still can't believe what I did but I'm learning to accept it, and that there's nothing I can do about it." I muttered, picking at the skin on my finger cowardly.

"That's good to hear. You really shouldn't worry about it. If anything, I'm glad you did it because—"

"Trav." Larry said assertively.

"Sorry. Wrong time." He cleared his throat.

"No, it's okay. I know you meant no harm." I smiled a little.

"Did you get that call from Sal?" Travis asked, his head going up to Larry.

"The whole getting together to do something thing? Yeah, I did."

"He was thinking of going of going out to some type of party to 'let loose'. Was more of an idea for Y/N to let loose because he never drinks, but he'll still tag along anyway."

"That sounds perfect. I could happily get drunk sometime soon." I confessed with an elongated groan.

Travis chuckled. "See? We know what you need." He let go of me and got up. "I better get going though, sorry. Sal's shift is soon and he wants me to stay home with Gizmo. He's not allowed to watch TV anymore because he's running the electrical bills through the roof, so I gotta supervise him."

I nodded my head in understanding, already knowing Gizmo's antics. "It was nice to see you after today." I smiled at him.

"Likewise." He smiled back. "I'll catch you both soon." Travis made his way to the door.

"You still owe me a smoke!" Larry shouted as soon as Travis shut the door. Travis could be heard cussing at Larry behind the door.

"Asshole." Larry grumbled, making his way to the kitchen. "Anyway, you wanna coffee?" Larry asked, hand already going for the cupboard filled with all the mugs.

"Yes. Please." I said urgently.

He smiled and opened the cupboard door, then soon closed it with two mugs in his hands. He placed them on the counter and started making the coffee.

My gaze turned back to the TV, where I continued flicking through channels, until I found one playing my favourite movie. It was only 5 minutes in, so I hadn't missed anything.

I picked the pillow I previously and rudely threw at Larry and hugged it tight to my chest, watching the TV with concentrated interest, even though I've seen this movie at least 10,000 times. That was until a question crossed my mind.

"Larry?" I asked. I turned my head to him.

"Y/N?" He asked back in the same tone I had.

"When are you planning on moving out? You said you were gonna move in with Sal but Travis took your place." I said, watching him pour plain, black coffee into his mug, and in mine the same, but with milk.

"I'm trying my best to save up for it-"

And immediately the guilt came back about him paying for that useless hotel room.

"-but I'm a tad far away from what I want yet." He chuckled softly, pain in his throat.

"What do you want?" I questioned, intrigued.

I noticed he finished stirring my coffee when I heard him put the spoon in the sink. "I really want a victorian styled home. But, they're fucking expensive, soooo—" He said in a sing-song tone, finishing when he was stood inches away from me with two coffee cups in his hands. "Guess i'm gonna have to stick to dreaming for a bit." He shrugged, handing me my coffee. I grabbed onto the handle and was cautious of its temperature.

"I'm sorry." I muttered.

"For what?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"You paying for that hotel room."

His face softened. "If I hear you apologise for something that wasn't your fault one more time today I swear to God, Y/N." He said through an exhale. He sat down beside me and put his coffee aside. "Nothing about that was your fault. It was my suggestion, okay? Now shut up or I'll make you." He joked and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

A smile crept up on my face. I leaned onto his shoulder. "And how are you gonna make me do that?" I grinned. I could sense that he was looking down at me.

"I'll make out with you until your lips fall off your face. How's that?"

"A brutal punishment I think I deserve." I leaned to the side to put my coffee down. I looked up at him, watching his smile turn into a rather suggestive one.

"We never got back to what we were doing before Travis walked in. So, I agree."

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