Crazy With Love | M.Y.G FF ✔

By TempralSinz

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Piper is a heart broken young woman on her journey of self love. drowning her sorrow in alcohol while in a ne... More



512 38 1
By TempralSinz

By Friday, I was getting the hang of this thing this routine and the power exchange. It was oddly freeing to have choices made for me. Yoongi would check on me at night to see if I'd eaten, he'd request pictures of what I had, or, as on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday after work, he'd take me out and make sure I got a proper meal.
He'd choose outfits for me, and if he wanted my hair up or down he'd say so and I'd comply. It was easy... really. The tough parts were when we were alone in his office at 8:30am and 1pm. He'd deny me orgasm if I was too loud, he'd reward me with an orgasm if I was loud enough for him to hear and could hold off. I wasn't allowed to masturbate unless I was doing so in front of him, and the first time he made me do that this week was a little embarrassing.
Friday afternoon, as we were cleaning up from me giving him a blowjob, something I had done almost daily this week- He informed me about the weekend.

"I'll be texting you my address. You'll arrive tomorrow morning and stay through till Monday where I'll bring you in to work with me." He said simply as he took a sip of his water.

"Yes, Sir." I replied.

"You'll wear that, in the black bag." He said, pointing to a black bag I hadn't noticed that was over on one of his accent tables in his office. I got up and walked over to it, taking it from the counter-top. Yoongi got up and motioned for me to join him as he walked to his door.
"It still stands Piper, tell me if this is too much and we'll stop." He said again, he'd been checking every day with me to make sure I was 100% on board with this, and I was. He hadn't made me feel uncomfortable.. He'd left me wet and wanting more, but never uncomfortable and he never gave me a creepy feeling.

"I understand and I'm still interested." I let him know as we approached his office door.

"Alright then. I'll see you tomorrow, wear that, and nothing else." He said as he opened his office door for me.

"As long as you eat and promise to go home early tonight.." I smirked.

"Getting bold and making ultimatums huh?" He grinned.

"Not at all Sir, just worried about you." I replied.

"I'll get rest tonight, I'm going to need it for this weekend anyway." He smirked.

"See you tomorrow, then." I smiled, he nodded and watched me leave. I wasn't entirely sure what I was getting myself into with staying with him this weekend, but I figured it would be nice to get out of the apartment and let Liz and her man have some time to themselves.

"So you're going to be gone both nights?" Liz asked, I could tell she was trying not to sound too hopeful or excited, but she was failing.

"Yes, tomorrow night and Sunday night. I'll be home Monday after work though." I confirmed with her as we were cleaning up after dinner.

"Alright, well.. Be safe is all I can say." she said, washing the final dish before handing it to me to dry.

"I'm going to shower, if no one else needs to." I said to her as I dried the last dish and set it into the cabinet.

"Nope, he's in working on something, we'll wait till you're done." She said with a smile as she hugged me.

"Okay, then I'll go shower and get some sleep.. Going to need the rest according to Yoongi." I giggled, Liz smirked and nodded.

"Oh I'm sure." She added, heading into her bedroom. I went to my room, moved the bag from Yoongi to the floor by my bedside table and grabbed some pajamas. After I had what I needed, I went to shower before bed.
The next morning I got up, did my usual morning routine- ate, cleaned up, showered, brushed hair and teeth and then I went to my room to get dressed.
I finally checked what was in the bag and I almost squeaked at the contents inside.


To say it shocked me a bit was a bit of an understatement. Yet I was intrigued as I picked it up and touched the lacy fabric, it was smooth, soft to an extent, but a little rough too. The heels were a little more simple and classy than I had been expecting though. I would wear them any other time as well.
Figuring out how to put the thing on took me a little longer than it should have. I thought it was two pieces, but no.. it's one, just a little confusing. I knew I couldn't go out in just this, so I texted Yoongi.

Um, Sir....
Can I please wear something over this?
At least on the way to your place?

Good girl for getting ready.
You may wear a long coat, it's a little brisk out.
The car will be there to pick you up in an hour.
Thank you for being ready.

I smiled and told him thank you, then looked for a long coat to wear over this. I found a trench coat I had borrowed from Liz before and set it aside while I put on the heels. I brushed my hair, deciding to leave it down and applied a little makeup. I didn't want to go overboard. Part of me was curious as to what was going to happen. I packed a bag for myself, a toothbrush, and some clothes. From what I was wearing though, I wondered if clothes were even going to be required at any point this weekend. That thought alone had me both nervous and excited.
I waited, till I got the call from Han, Yoongi's driver from the company. I made sure I was covered, you couldn't really tell what I was wearing other than maybe fishnet stockings and some heels. Obviously the average person would think I had on maybe a knee length skirt or a dress. Maybe even a mini dress or skirt.. But in fact... my whole ass and crotch were just out here feeling the air as I walked. 
I greeted Han with a smile and he took my bag, putting it in the trunk of the SUV. He had the rear passenger side door open for me, I got in, careful not to let the long trench coat reveal too much. I kept my legs crossed at my ankles and enjoyed the leg room in the SUV.
Han drove us a little ways, up into a very nice gated complex. He showed some sort of ID to the guard on duty here and we were allowed in, we drove up the mountain side and there were pretty lavish looking homes here. We pulled into the driveway of a two story home, decent sized and had hedges out front. Well manicured lawn and a cute porch greeted us as Han turned off the car, got out, opened my door, and then opened the trunk and took out my bag. He led me up this blue stone pathway right to the front brick steps. He climbed up to the porch with me following after and he rang the doorbell. Yoongi answered the door, hair damp from the shower he must have recently taken. Loose black v neck t-shirt and a pair of loose blue and black striped lounge pants. He looked fucking incredible and I couldn't stop staring at him.

"Thank you Han. I'll take that." Yoongi said, reaching for my bag. He bowed to Han who bowed back.

"Call me if you need anything, Sir." Han replied, stepping back down the steps and heading back to the car.

"Are you going to stand there, or come in?" Yoongi asked, making me jump a little and nod, stepping into his home.
"Coat?" he asked, holding his hand out to take it. I slowly untied the tie around the outside of the coat, then unbuttoned each button while he held my gaze. He knew what was under here and I could tell he wanted to see it with his own eyes. I couldn't tell if it was from desire to see me... or to just make sure I'd done as he required. I removed the long coat, handing it to him. He drank me in, roaming over my chest that wasn't well hidden with the mesh fabric that covered them. He turned only to hang the coat up by the door, I looked down and back up at him.

"Would you like me to remove my shoes?" I asked. He smirked, his eyes still roaming over my body.

"No... you look too delicious with them on." He said, his voice husky and eyes dark with desire and sin. He scooped me into his arms without warning and I squeaked a little bit. He took me upstairs, into a decent sized deep blue room with soft blue lights. Inside the room was a large couch, a high tech sound system, and two odd looking chairs, one looked more comfortable than the other, the other one was black and had straps coming off of it.
I noticed the bar and cuffs when he set me down and pulled the bar down, lifting my arms up one at a time to the chains with cuffs and clasping them around my wrists. They were leather on the outside but soft and comfortable inside where they met my skin.
"Let me know if it's too tight." He said softly.

"Yes, Sir." I said, feeling a bit dizzy from everything that's happening. Yet everything in me was squeaking in joy and excitement.

"I need you to pay attention, pet. We're going to go by colors for now till we can come up with a special word for us. If this gets to be too much, or you feel uncomfortable.. Or don't want to do this. I need you to say red. Red is stop, and I will stop right here, right now and I'll get you something else to wear and if you can go home if you'd like." He said, and as the words spilled from his mouth I felt my chest clench, no... I didn't want to go home, didn't want to be away from him.
"Say yellow if you need to pause, I'll give you a minute or two as needed for you to regain yourself. And say Green if you're fine and want to continue. I'll check in periodically, tell me your color and after this.. I'll make us something good to eat." He said, leaning closer to me and lifting my chin with his finger as he kissed my cheek. He ran his hand down between my breasts and cupped between my legs. I gasped at the feel of his cool hand, his finger began to move along my slit and all I could do was stare deeply into his eyes as my breath hitched and he pushed a finger inside of me.
"I like how wet you are for me. It's been a long time since I had someone trust me this much... and yet, here you are. My drunk crazy girl... You're more beautiful than I thought when you first texted me. And right now..." He leaned close to my ear, his voice so husky and deep.
 "You look like the most beautiful thing ever... true art." He nuzzled into my neck and placed a soft kiss before he removed his finger and turned me around.
I was now facing a wall length mirror I hadn't seen when I first was carried in. Yoongi ran his hands down my backside, resting his hands on my ass cheeks. He began to knead each cheek, his chin rested on my shoulder as he watched me watch myself in the mirror.
"Look how beautiful you look." He whispered.
"Look how sexy, and tempting you truly are." He spanked me and I let out a little yelp. He grinned.
"I'm going to use something now. I'll show you before we continue. Alright?" He asked.

"Yes, Sir." I replied. I was more damp between my legs now than when I first entered his home. Yoongi walked over to one of the wall cabinets he had, he opened it and pulled out a short whip... that's what it looked like.

"This, sweetie, is called a flogger." Yoongi said, the item sounded and looked a little familiar. This one looked a bit different though.
"This one is gentle, I'm going to lash you with it... but it shouldn't hurt. If it does, I need you to tell me, understand?" He asked.

"Y-yes Sir." I replied, biting my bottom lip a bit out of nervousness.

"Good girl. I'm only going to use one for now. But know that I honestly love to wield two at a time." He said before he took the short whip and let the straps that made up the whip part of it slide down over my breasts. Yoongi gripped the handle and lifted his arm up a little before snapping his wrist and letting the straps come down on my breasts. I gasped but moaned as he dragged the strands of fabric of the whip across my erect nipples.
"Mmm.. good girl, you like that hm?" he asked, doing it once more, drawing another moan from me.

"Yes... yes Sir." I replied, knowing he had asked something and so I should answer him. He smirked and dragged the strands along my side as he walked back around me till he was behind me again. He flicked his wrist and whipped the strands against my ass and again... I moaned."Good girl, nice and responsive." He praised, and as he did... I felt something almost confusing. I felt... prideful. I felt powerful without having any actual power in this situation. I was at his mercy but I felt in power.... And then it was gone and I almost melted into a puddle when I looked in the mirror again. Yoongi had taken his shirt off and he was standing there in just his lounge pants. His bulge was more than apparent and it was clear he wasn't wearing anything under those lounge pants.
He slapped my ass again with the flogger, and then again on the other cheek. Each time I jumped slightly forward but it felt good. Each cheek was getting a little warmer with each strike, yet when he'd just brush each cheek with the strands it felt so good. I wasn't sure anything could feel better till I heard the flogger drop to the floor and I felt two warm hands grasp my ass. "You have an amazing ass, pet." He purred huskily near my ear.

"Thank you, Sir." I licked my lips as I replied. Yoongi pressed up against me, his hands ran through my hair and he gripped some of my hair and pulled me back against him more. I moaned as he tugged my hair back, which seemed to excite him more as I felt his dick jump against me.

"I'm enjoying finding out what makes you squirm, it's been a long time.. And we have all weekend, but I've wanted to sink my cock into you since I saw you. So... I'm going to do one more thing, and then I'm going to fuck you senseless." He almost growled. He released me and I released the breath I didn't know I had held in. But the shiver that ran through me was nothing but pleasurable. Yoongi picked up the flogger and put it back in his cabinet, he then took out a paddle and I was curious.
It was a long flat, but thick paddle with a leather loop on the end. I assume that part went around the wrist to keep it on. It was black with a panther drawn in silver on it. It was pretty. He turned it over and I saw the other side of it was cushioned. He slipped his hand into the loop and walked back around me. I felt him behind me again, pressed against me as he reached up and unhooked me from the chains... but when I watched him in the mirror I noticed he only unhooked the chains from the cuffs, the cuffs were still facined around my wrists.
He pulled my hands down and together. I noticed the silver clasps where the chain used to be. As Yoongi put my hands behind my back he seemed to hook the two silver clasps together, hooking my wrists together behind my back so I still couldn't move.... And for some reason that thrilled me just as much as when he hooked me up.I thought he was going to bring me to the sofa, but he led me out of that room down the hall to another room, a bedroom. I assumed it was his bedroom.
Deep blues blacks and silvers. He led me to the king sized bed and gently rubbed his hand along my ass again.

"Be a good girl, on your knees on the bed, face down and lift that beautiful ass for me." He instructed. I did as he commanded and climbed carefully onto the bed, on my knees I leaned my top forward and lifted my ass up into the air. The cool air hit my pussy in this position and I felt the wetness cool and tingle in a pleasing way.
"Remember when you were drunk... the time you had gone home with the random guy?" He asked, I could hear him shifting behind me and I wondered what he was doing, but he'd also asked a question so I knew I needed to reply.

"Yes, Sir." I said as clearly as I could considering my face was pressed against his mattress.

"Mhm, You complained to me. Do you remember?" He asked again.

"Yes, Sir." I replied, recalling how the random guy I'd gone home with wasn't able to excite me how I wanted. I had asked him to slap my ass but the guy just wasn't putting any power behind it.

"Good. I remember that night too. I remember being so annoyed that you were out looking to get dicked down and spanked... but were not with me, letting me give you the dicking you really need. I knew then though... you had something in you. The way you were being needy, the way you were so upset that you didn't get spanked how you wanted." Yoongi spoke, his bare hand grazing over my ass, gently rubbing each cheek. He sucked his breath in and I wiggled a little, so eager to have him inside of me at this point.
"I'm going to make sure, the next time you need a spanking... you come to me, and only me." He said before I felt the hard end of the paddle meet my left cheek. I jolted forward but the sting felt so good I moaned and panted. He then rubbed my left cheek with something soft and the tingling sent pleasure shivers through me and made me moan again.
"I knew you'd like this. Color?" He asked as he moved the cushion side of the paddle away from my left cheek.

"Green... Sir." I replied with a soft moan. He hummed and he smacked the hard side of the paddle on my right cheek, once more causing me to moan and jerk forward. My pussy was throbbing, I wanted to be filled so damn badly... but Yoongi had plans and I knew this is what he needed, his way was what he needed. So I bit my bottom lip and panted, moaning softly as he rubbed the soft side of the paddle over my right cheek.
 He did this, on rotation, two more times to each cheek, Checking my color each time. I always said green and by the time he'd got to rubbing the soft side over my right cheek that last time... he dropped the paddle and I felt his hands on my cheeks, spreading them open.

"Fuck... look how wet you are, you're dripping." I heard him suck in more air and then I heard a familiar crinkle.
"After this... We're going for testing, both of us. Just to be sure. Once those tests come back clean.. I don't want to use one of these with you again, unless I'm fucking this gorgeous ass of yours." He grunted and then I felt his cock rub up and down along my folds. He slid into me with ease and I heard him hiss. He growled and his hands gripped my ass, he began kneading each cheek as he slowly pulled out and then thrusted deep inside of me again. I moaned into his covers, practically drooling over the way he filled me. He stretched me and it felt too good for words.
"Ah.. fuck... so tight. You really haven't been fucked in a long time. Fuck... You liked that spanking huh?" He asked, thrusting in and out of me.

"Y-yes... ah.... Yes.. Sir." I tried to speak, but it felt so fucking good I thought I was losing my mind.

"Not loud enough baby.." He said and suddenly I felt his bare hand come down on my right cheek. He slapped me and the sting made me moan louder.

"YES! Yes Sir!" I moaned.

 "Much better, baby." He groaned, fucking into me harder. I couldn't help but hear the wet slapping sounds of him pounding into my pussy. I was so warm and I knew from the clenching in my lower abdomen that I was going to cum soon.. And he knew it too.
"You've been good, baby... cum on me." It was a demand, and as he thrusted harder I lost it. My walls clenched him and I came around him. This only fueled him and he started to grip my cheeks harder, adding a few slaps to my right cheek again as he called me beautiful, perfect, and sexy. He groaned as I came a second time and he slowed to unhook my wrists, then removed the cuffs.
"Middle of the bed, on your back baby." He instructed, I rolled onto my back and scooted back up, laying my head on his pillows as he climbed onto the bed and right between my legs again. He leaned over me, guiding his cock... his thick hard cock right back into my dripping wet hole. He groaned and tossed one of my legs over my shoulder as thrusted into me. He found his rhythm again and fucked me just as vigorously as before. My breasts bounced as he pounded into me, more moans spilling from my mouth and harsh panting. "Fuck... so tight.. Baby, you're driving me crazy..." He groaned.

"Yes.... mm..mmore.." I tried to say, moaning out for him.

"I don't want to stop baby... I need you... here.. All.. the time.. Fuck.. you make me want to cum, fill up this sweat pussy." He groaned and I felt him pulse.

"Yes, Sir!" I moaned.

"My pussy, my baby... mine!" He thrusted sloppily, filling the condom with his seed. I clenched around him and he groaned again. He was panting, sweat coating his skin, like it was coating mine. He just stared into my eyes, and I stared back till our breathing steadied. He ran his hand through my hair and pulled me to him, his lips crashing down on mine. We parted too soon.. To me anyway. He slid out of me and tossed the condom away. He went into the bathroom and I stayed completely still.
I'd lost count of the orgasms he'd given me, my body was still vibrating from the intense pleasure he provided. Yoongi carried me into the bathroom at some point, my mind was still hazy. He set me down and instructed me to take off my shoes. I stepped out of the heels and he set them aside before helping me peel off the sticky, sweaty outfit he had me wear. He admired my body, slowly caressing my arms. He climbed into the large bathtub he had filled, and he guided me in with him. I sat in his lap, my back pressed against his chest as he gently washed me and himself.It felt so relaxing, he kept praising me too.
Once we were cleaned, dried, and clothed- he had given me one of his long shirts to wear. I giggled as he swatted my butt playfully, he scooped me up and carried me down to the kitchen. As he had promised, he made a yummy meal for us. Which we enjoyed together, he insisted on feeding me and I was feeling too good and happy to even want to argue. As he cleaned up, washing the dishes we'd used. I watched him, this was a man I was quickly becoming attached to.. I felt comfortable with him, I felt... I might be able to fall hard and fast for him, but... was it too soon? He wasn't big on relationships... this Dom/Sub relationship was all he wanted. It wasn't a real relationship though... was it?
I was still confused and decided to push those thoughts down and enjoy this weekend. Yoongi turned back to me and smiled, his gummy smile made my heart melt, and I knew I was going to be in trouble if this continued.

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