Andy the Multiversal Crusader


135 8 4

This is a rewrite of my best work. I am doing what I can to make it as good as possible. There will be a more... Еще

Prologue: the Makings of a Crusader
Andy visits another universe and breaks an old dudes window.
Bar Fight!
Meeting some new friends
Training arc
Prison Arc
Let's revisit the past, shall we?
You Thought the Other Power ups Were Bullshit?
Re-Arming Andy
Crossover Episode

Mini Quest and Meeting an old Friend.

10 1 0

-Roughly one year after going to Remnant-

Andy was bored, so he randomized his location and crushed a dimensional ticket.

Andy was teleported to a study of some sort. He sat down at the desk and pulled up his system, he didn't really use it for much else besides the shop, so he skimmed through the other parts. Shop, Status, Location, and Party.

Andy facepalmed as he realized how stupid it was of him not to use the rest of his system. He decided to start with the first thing listed after the shop, the status.



Race: Human (Crusader, child of chaos)

{Level: 50}

[HP: 50]

[MP: 1]

[Str: 100] +10

[Spd: 92]+10

[Dex: 50]+10

[End: 148]+10

[Def: 0]

[Int: 3]

[Wis: HA!]

{Available stat points: 50}


Martial arts: Renewal Taekwondo, proficient.

Aura: Passive, tier one. +10 to all physical stats

Semblance: That information is restricted

Allomancy: highest tier, dissipating due to the curse of chaos.

Bloodline abilities: Martial mayhem; martial arts are learned exponentially quicker. Curse of chaos: Any gift from a God of a conflicting domain will slowly degrade into nothingness(Note; only effective if the domain directly conflicts with the nature of chaos). Chaotic weapon mastery: increased effectiveness in weapons with a chaotic attribute. Memories of the past: Touching a weapon with a chaos attribute will allow you to learn from the past wielders.

Andy just stared at the window before facepalming. "I really could have used this during my training." he sighed and read through his abilities. "The Aura is expected, but... My Allomancy is getting weaker, which is annoying, but manageable. All these bloodline abilities are dope, but what worries me is this Semblance. Is it restricted? The fuck does that mean?."

Andy just shrugged and clicked on location.

[Location: Fullmetal alchemist world, The Elric home.]

Wait, FMA? He was trying to get back to RWBY!

{Emergency quest: Stop the Elric brothers from performing Human transmutation}

[Reward: A very cool sword]

[penalty: Three dollars and the revoking of your ability to eat tacos]

Andy blinked twice before booking it out of the study and down the stairs to the basement. He opened the door just in time to see the two kids about to try and revive their mother. Andy kicked Edward out of the circle and did the same for Alphonse before tripping over something and landing on his hands... at the edge of the circle.



Andy's surroundings turned to pure white and a massive Gate appeared, alongside a whited out humanoid.

"Well well, a crusader, I haven't seen one of you in a long time." the... thing said. Andy shrugged and sat down. "Well it's not like I did this on purpose. Listen, can you just like... take my arm and let me go or something?"

The white being chuckled. "It will cost you much more than an arm for that." Andy thought about it for a second. "How about my Allomancy?" The white being grinned at this "Ah, a piece of preservation. It will suffice." Andy flipped the white being off as he faded back into reality.

Andy woke up flat on his back. He sat up and saw the Elric brothers sitting next to him.

"Do you two have any idea of the risk of what you attempted?" The brothers nodded. Andy could see true grief and regret on their face. "Then my work here is done. I need to get home, you two be careful."

Andy stood up and grabbed a dimensional ticket from his inventory. He stared at it, debating where he should go. He didn't really have a home, but he supposed that was normal of a crusader. Though he had yet to meet another crusader. Andy sighed and decided to take a walk.

The scenery was rather boring.

Empty fields, the occasional tree, some walls made to hold a flock of sheep, an old dude with a beer belly standing at a stall...

Wait what?

Andy walked over to the old dude. His stall had a lot of random stuff on it, and he also had a card that was comically overflowing with weapons. Like, all sorts of weapons. There were swords, guns, even a few lightsabers.

"Ah, a Crusader! What can I do for you, my fine fellow?" The merchant asked. Andy just stared at him. "Tough customer, I suppose you've never met a Voidling have you?" Andy shook his head. "Well then, ya must be rather new. I've got a special deal for new crusaders, I'll give you a ticket to the Shobak alongside some mana crystals for free!"

Andy was startled, "The what? And why would you do that for me?" The merchant chuckled. "I'm a Voidling, kid. Means I can do what I damn well please. Besides, something tells me I'll get good business from you." Andy took the ticket and crystals before asking another question "What's a Voidling?" the merchant sighed.

"Quick lesson in the faction kid, there are three main factions of the supreme level deities. We have the Crusaders, like you. Follow God and whatnot. Then we have the Satanists, nasty reputation but they can be pleasant. Then there are folks like me, Voidlings. We are avatars of the Void, Neutral in your silly conflicts."

Andy nodded. "What's this ticket for?" The merchant shrugged, "It's a Crusader hideout of some kind, I can't Go, on account of my being a Voidling." Andy nodded, and thanked the merchant before crushing the ticket.

Andy was teleported roughly ten feet above the ground and crashed down in the middle of a crowd. The people around him just walked around him as he got up. A lot of them gave him nervous glances. Andy looked around, expecting... well he wasn't sure what he had expected, but it seemed he was in a mall of some kind. Andy made his way to a window and was amazed at what he saw.


He was on a space station.

Andy shook his head and set off to find... a party? Well, if these people were crusaders wouldn't it make sense for him to part up with someone? Andy decided to see if there was somewhere for socializing. Most of the stores were weapons, or food. Lots of restaurants. Andy eventually found something more his speed, a Dojo. Andy entered the Dojo and once he got changed out he bumped into someone else getting changed.

"Ah, sorry about that." the guy he bumped into shrugged it off and turned around, "No worries, stuff like that happ-" He cut off when he saw Andy, then abruptly grabbed his shoulders. "Andy? I thought you got erased in time bullshit like everyone else!" Andy was startled, the guy knew him? "Uhh, What?" the guy didn't seem to hear him. "Aww man I thought you went and left me alone! When you fought that Anti spiral the blast back literally sent me back in time! I knew I would find you eventually but this is great!"

Andy held up his hand, "Anti Spiral? I could never fight that thing. More importantly, how do you know me? You said you came from the future?" The guy facepalmed. "Of course you don't have any memories. Well, I'm Eragon, you met me in your, well, last life I guess. I became a crusader after you left and we fought alongside each other for a while. I even looked after your daughter when you were trapped by your own evil clones for 800 years. Anyways, you were the best swordsmen I ever knew, which now that you've lost everything I guess isn't true anymore. Ooh, I should train you!"

Andy was a little confused but Eragon just grabbed Andy and pulled him through a portal to an open field. "Alright buddy, come at me!"

Andy was confused but there was one thing about this situation he understood.


This man wanted to fight him, so he would. Andy tore his shirt off for mobility and jumped at Eragon. He went for a kick from the left, and was blocked effortlessly.

"No sword huh? Alright then." Eragon said, then he disappeared. The next second Andy felt a sharp pain in his chest and was flying through the air. Andy braced for landing and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

How far was he going? Andy opened his eyes and was face to face with a blue dragon.

Hello, Andy. It's been a while, though Eragon filled me in so I suppose you aren't quite the same Andy I knew.

Was this... in his head? If it really was Eragon it made sense, that was how the dragons and their riders communicated in that world. More importantly was this dragon keeping up with him at terminal velocity?

Correct on all accounts. I am keeping up, quite easily in fact.

Andy just sighed as Eragon grabbed him and put him on Saphira's back. "Alright buddy it's clear you don't have any memories of the past and have only recently started leveling as a crusader." Andy just nodded. Eragon was pretty smart.

"Well, I said I would train you and I fully intend to, so let's start by getting you back up to strength." They landed in some mountains, Eragon disembarked and opened up his System. "First things first I'm sending you a party invite, we can level together and it'll make communications much easier. Now first things first, leveling. You will get all stats naturally except for defense, and intelligence. So of course any stat points you get should go into those. Before anything else we need to go over what all is in your inventory."

Andy opened his system and accepted the party invitation before opening his inventory and selecting drop all. A small pile of stuff dropped in front of him.

His mistcloak...


More food...

Mostly food.

There were also a few weapons including his broken sword, an ace of spades because he was a hunter main, and a silver sword he didn't recognize. He picked up the sword, the weight was... familiar. "Hey Eragon, I think I got this from a quest, do you know how good this sword is?" Eragon looked over and his eyes widened when he saw it.

"Hantei! Oh man, I can't believe that thing is here!" Andy was just even more confused. "Hentai? Why is the sword named Hentai?" Eragon held up his hand, stopping him. "HANTEI! It's your old rider's sword from your last life, and doubles as a zanpakuto." Andy just kinda stared at him for a second. "I was a rider?"

Eragon facepalmed. "Yes, you were a rider. It's a long story. Anyways we need to get started, first off what kind of magic do you want to use?" Andy thought about it for a few seconds but in the end it was obvious.

"Well I mean, only the most badass shit ever, Fire dragon slaying magic from Fairy Tail."

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