Princess in Love - English Ve...

By LenaSantos171892

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In 2005, the British royal family welcomed a new member, daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge who is... More

The cast of Princess in Love
Chapter 1 - Prologue
Chapter 2 - A Royal Birth (a new princess!!)
Chapter 3 - Line of Succession to the British Throne (2004)
Chapter 4 - Baptize of the Princess
Chapter 5 - America's Tour (Part 1)
Chapter 6 - America's Tour (cont.)
Chapter 7 - Nursery + Kindergarten + Pre + Primary School and Vacation
Chapter 8 - Line of Succession to the British Throne (2012)
Chap. 10 - Tour of Europe (Final Part)
Chapter 11 - Kings College + Meghan Markle (2017)
Chapter 12 - Wedding of Eugenie & Jack (2018)
Chapter 13 - Kings College + Wedding of Harry & Meghan (2018)
Chapter 14 - Line of Succession to the British Throne (2019)
Chapter 15 - Kings Collegue+MEGXIT (End 2019+2020)
Chapter 16 - Final Year King's College + Oprah Univ.Liv + Covid+Oprah (2021)
Chapter 17 - The Death of Edinburgh
Chapter 18 - Service of Thanksgiving to Prince Phillip
IMPORTANT: Questions!!!!
New Story!!!
Chapter 19 - 1st Year of University + Still Fucking Covid (rest of 2021)
Chapter 20 - 1st and 2nd (end and beginning) University Year (2022)
Chapter 22 - Commnwealth Tour,Universaty + Harry & Meghan
Chapter 23: Meghan and Harry (Documentary) and interviews
Chapter 24 - University + Harry & Meghan (Jan to August 2022)
Chapter 25 - The Windsor Agreement
Chapter 26 - Trial of the Century (Doria + Meghan vs Liverpool)
Chapter 28 - Three Royal Funeral's
New Book
Chapter 29 - Royal Honors and Medals of Honor
Chapter 30 - Service of Thanksgiving and Platinium Party 2022
Chapter 31 - Women's European Championship 2022
Chapter 32- London Brigde is Down

Chapter 9 - Tour of Europe

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By LenaSantos171892

1st Countries - Greece and Turkey

As they got off the plane, William Kate and the princess greeted some government officials, army officials and the public present, the trip would last 3 days.

That day they visited the ruins of the Temple and Acropolis of Athens, in which the historian of the Greek periods told how Greek democracy was created, how other empires and current countries have this democracy, (...) at the end of the day, the couple and the princess went to dinner with Greek and British businessmen.

William: Good evening, on behalf of my family we are very happy to be making this visit to Greece. Greece is a very special country for my family, it was where my grandfather was born his family was born, my godfather was born and reigned as King Constantine II, it was here that democracy was born from antiquity to today. It was also here that the first currency, the Drachma, was born, this currency is the predecessor of all current currencies, the dollar, pound, the euro among many other currencies. The relationship between Greece and the United Kingdom started many centuries ago, from commercial imports and exports to sport and employment, Greek employment in various British cities and English in Greek cities. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the great relationship between both countries. Thank you good dinner and καλό δείπνο και ζήτω η Ελλάδα και το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο (good dinner and long live greece and uk).


William: Καλησπέρα, εκ μέρους της οικογένειάς μου είμαστε πολύ χαρούμενοι που κάνουμε αυτή την επίσκεψη στην Ελλάδα. Η Ελλάδα είναι μια πολύ ιδιαίτερη χώρα για την οικογένειά μου, εκεί γεννήθηκε ο παππούς μου γεννήθηκε η οικογένειά του, ο νονός μου γεννήθηκε και βασίλεψε ως βασιλιάς Κωνσταντίνος Β', εδώ γεννήθηκε η δημοκρατία από την αρχαιότητα μέχρι σήμερα. Ήταν επίσης εδώ που γεννήθηκε το πρώτο νόμισμα, η δραχμή, αυτό το νόμισμα είναι ο προκάτοχος όλων των σημερινών νομισμάτων, του δολαρίου, της λίρας, του ευρώ μεταξύ πολλών άλλων νομισμάτων. Η σχέση μεταξύ Ελλάδας και Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου ξεκίνησε πολλούς αιώνες πριν, από τις εμπορικές εισαγωγές και εξαγωγές μέχρι τον αθλητισμό και την απασχόληση, την ελληνική απασχόληση σε διάφορες βρετανικές πόλεις και τα αγγλικά στις ελληνικές πόλεις. Σας ευχαριστώ από τα βάθη της καρδιάς μου για τη μεγάλη σχέση μεταξύ των δύο χωρών. Thank you good dinner and καλό δείπνο και ζήτω η Ελλάδα και το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο (good dinner and long live greece and uk).

After that they had dinner where they ate Greek food and received gifts given by the presidents of the Greek confederation of businessmen and Britons.

At the hotel, both the couple and the princess went to take a shower where in the morning they would visit the training center of the Greek national team and the Greek team Olimpiakos, and after that visit they would visit the Greek royal family where they would have lunch and visit the palace, then In addition, William and his family would visit museums of art and military culture....

At the hotel, both the couple and the princess went to take a shower where in the morning they would visit the training center of the Greek national team and the Greek team Olimpiakos, and after that visit they would visit the Greek royal family where they would have lunch and visit the palace, then In addition, William and his family would visit cultural art museums.

Already at the site of the first museum, which was of culture, they were guided by the director of the museum who spoke to them from the pre-history of Greek civilization to the present, at the end he gave them a book in English to briefly explain the civilizations empires that passed through Greece.

(Dress of Princess Helena to the museums)

(Dress of Duchess Kate to the museums)

(Suit of Prince William)

National Archaeological Museum of Athens

After that, they visited the Acropolis Museum, where they were also received by the director of the museum who summarized the statues and their stories of how they were found.

After the director's guided tour, she even offered both books on Greek civilization in English. After that they went to meet the Greek royal family for lunch in Tatoi (...) already at Tatoi's estate, the couple and Helena greeted the Greek royal family.

(Crown Prince Pavlos y Marie Chantal and their children)

William: Good afternoon their majesties, I hope we're not too late!

Constantine II: Ah!!! (Smiling) Stop talking nonsense we have ceased to be their majesties since 1973 and still, hundreds of Greeks hail us as kings. We stopped being kings in 1973, and look what happened they expelled us we left with some bags my wife was pregnant and because of that she had an abortion, 1969 our second son Nikolaos was born and the government at that time remove the whole family Greek citizenship and to enter Greece and as we are descendants of Christian IX of Denmark we have a Danish passport and it was only in 2013 that they allowed us to return, and I still don't have what is rightfully mine the passport to me and my family, my house where my family was born the Tatoi Palace, in fact, your grandfather was born there. I was exiled for 40 years in those years Greece went from a constitutional Monarchy to a Republic in which they held a referendum and told lies about me and my family, my house everything.

William: And where were you when you abdicated?

Constantine II: First he went to the Greek embassy and then he went to England in London with my family. And how is your princess Helena? Does she already know how to speak a language?

William: My daughter is beautiful, she likes history science music and sports and the languages ​​she can already speak are Spanish french German and a little bit of Danish.

Constantine II: My god, four languages ​​look, that's very good for her future as a future monarch.

William: Yeah, Spanish learned from the nanny which George and Charlotte are also learning.

Constantine II: So how are they? Does Helena help them too? And what was her reaction that she was going to be the big sister?

William: They're fine, she helps them with their homework. Her reaction when she saw him for the first time she said "Hello little brother" and kissed him on the forehead this was at Amner Hall house and with Charlotte's birth "A girl!!!! Whoa!!!" she is always close to them and I hope she will continue for a long time.

Constantino II: Very well, I can only say that I am very close to my sisters Sofia and Irene, since I was very young, in fact, I was the only boy so my sisters and I are very young. 

After that, the princes and princess Helena plus the kings of Greece and some of the children had lunch, (...) after that, the princes and princess Helena were already at the hotel, where only the couple would go to the state dinner with the president. (...) at the presidential palace, the couple greeted members of the Greek government, religious leaders, and celebrities (...). The first to speak was the Greek President, who thanked the couple for their visit to the country, he said that in its history, whether pre-civilization, democracy, monarchy, or dictatorship, the people have always been fighters, which since its foundation, in which it is proud to be president of the country. who founded the roots of democracy, after the president finished his speech William began his. 

 William: Good evening, sir, president, first lady, prime minister, members of the government, esteemed guests, me and Kate and our daughter are very happy to visit the country of democracy, the country where, on my paternal side, my grandfather Prince Filipe was born and that he ran away a lot baby but whenever someone comes to his birth country he asks "Did you visit this and that?", he always wanted to come to know the country where his family reigned and in 1964 he and my grandmother queen isabel ii went on a tour Greece and visited Corfu. Now I am the grandson of Philip and great-grandson of the first king of Greece George I, we visited museums we know your history which they have evaluated since your foundation to the present, Greece is almost equal to England, it was always a constitutional monarchy until 1640 where there was a war between parliamentarians and royalists and in the end, they beheaded the head of king Charles I, only in 1660 we freed from Cromwell's dictatorship, since its foundation the united kingdom has separate powers the legislature which is the government in which the party with the most votes and the most seats in both chambers wins and asks the king or queen to form a government, Religious and judicial with independent courts with independent judges our oldest laws date back to the reign of Henry I, so we know what it's like to be free. I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your warm and friendly thanks to the Greek people. Long live Greece Long live the United Kingdom and Long live democracy.

William: Καλησπέρα, κύριε Πρόεδρε, Πρώτη Κυρία, Πρωθυπουργό, μέλη της κυβέρνησης, αξιότιμοι προσκεκλημένοι, εγώ και η Κέιτ και η κόρη μας είμαστε πολύ χαρούμενοι που θα επισκεφτούμε τη χώρα της δημοκρατίας, τη χώρα όπου, από την πατρική μου πλευρά, ο παππούς μου Ο πρίγκιπας Φιλίπε γεννήθηκε και ότι έφυγε πολύ μωρό, αλλά κάθε φορά που κάποιος έρχεται στη χώρα γέννησής του ρωτά «Επισκέφτηκες αυτό και εκείνο;», πάντα ήθελε να γνωρίσει τη χώρα όπου βασίλευε η οικογένειά του και το 1964 και η γιαγιά μου η βασίλισσα Isabel II πήγε μια περιοδεία στην Ελλάδα και επισκέφτηκε την Κέρκυρα. Τώρα εγώ ο εγγονός του Φιλίππου και δισέγγονος του πρώτου βασιλιά της Ελλάδας Γεωργίου Α', επισκεφτήκαμε μουσεία γνωρίζουμε την ιστορία σας στα οποία έχουν αξιολογήσει από την ίδρυσή σας μέχρι σήμερα, η Ελλάδα είναι σχεδόν ίση με την Αγγλία, ήταν πάντα συνταγματική μοναρχία μέχρι το 1640 όπου έγινε πόλεμος μεταξύ βουλευτών και βασιλικών και στο τέλος αποκεφάλισαν το κεφάλι του βασιλιά Καρόλου Α', μόνο το 1660 απελευθερωθήκαμε από τη δικτατορία του Κρόμγουελ, από την ίδρυσή του το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο έχει ξεχωριστές εξουσίες το νομοθετικό σώμα που είναι η κυβέρνηση που κερδίζει το κόμμα με τις περισσότερες ψήφους και τις περισσότερες έδρες και στις δύο αίθουσες και ζητά από τον βασιλιά ή τη βασίλισσα να σχηματίσουν κυβέρνηση, Θρησκευτικά και δικαστικά με ανεξάρτητα δικαστήρια με ανεξάρτητους δικαστές, οι παλαιότεροι νόμοι μας χρονολογούνται από τη βασιλεία του Ερρίκου Α', οπότε ξέρουμε τι είναι σαν να είσαι ελεύθερος. Θέλω πραγματικά να σας ευχαριστήσω από τα βάθη της καρδιάς μου για τις θερμές και φιλικές ευχαριστίες σας στον ελληνικό λαό. Ζήτω η Ελλάδα Ζήτω το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο και ζήτω η δημοκρατία.

(in greek)

Everyone stood and applauded William's speech, had dinner, and danced to traditional Greek music.

After the dance, the couple said goodbye to everyone (...) already at the hotel the couple went to their room to rest as they were going to Turkey in the morning. (...) at 9 am, the couple and the princess had lunch and, with their bags packed, left the room and the hotel and headed for the airport where the plane was already ready and waiting for them.

Once inside the plane, in what would have been a journey of one and a half hours, (...) already arriving at the first part of the Tróia - Turkey tour, the couple and the princess greeted the dignitaries present. After that they went to the ruins of the ancient city of Troy, where they visited the museum with the pieces found the history of the city of troy before and after, after visiting the ancient city, after that they were invited by the president of Çanakkale for lunch. At this lunch they talked about tourism that the city has the economy and also the freedom of each person.

After that, the couple and the princess again went to the airport where they would visit the British embassy and then go to dinner at the presidential palace offered by the president. (...) after visiting the British embassy in Istanbul... the couple already at the official residence of the president of Turkey, greeted the guests, after that, the first to speak was the Turkish president who said that relations between the United Kingdom and Turkey would last forever business partners among others (..) after it was William that speech, he stressed the historical relations between the two countries, the cooperation, and friendship between them, and promised to visit turkey again in the future "Yaşasın Türkiye ve İngiltere arasındaki dostluk". (...) already at the hotel, the couple said good night to their daughter and went to sleep since in the morning they would go back to the airport where they would go to Italy. (...) already inside the plane, (...) the plane landed at Florence airport, where they were received by the mayor, among others, (...) In that city, they visited the Santa Maria del Fiore Church/Cathedral of Florence, the Vecchio, and the Pitti Palaces where directors of both the Cathedral and the Palaces gave you a guided tour and offered you books on the history of where they visited and also of the city and in that city they went to a pizzeria to eat pizza, then they went to the airport where they would go meet with Pope Francis. (...) at the Pope's official residence, the prince and the Pope spoke about the history between the Catholic religion in the United Kingdom, the Protestant religion, climate action, the differences between rich and poor, and social injustice. After talking to the Pope and he offered a few rosaries to both the couple and the princess for which they thanked me, they said goodbye to the Pope and went to Rome for the dinner offered by the Italian president.

Don't worry there will be more updates and chapters (3!!!) about the tour.

Opinion Want to See as Harry's Girlfriend and Wife:

Meghan Markle


Amber Heard






Very good




could be different

more changes




Hope you like it!!!

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