My Mysterious Billionaire ✓

By thedesididi

397K 13.6K 593

Amayra Williams was another common medico with a lifetime goal of making her late mother's dreams come true... More

Author's Note
1. The Alluring Stranger
2. I have to get... what?
3. The Talk
4. Mr. & Mrs. Smith
5. Left her
6. Asshole
7. Friends?
8. Xander
10. Choice
11. In Sickness and in Health
12. Samples
13. Mia?
Chapter 12: Date
Chapter 13: Emotional Havoc
Chapter 14: Truth Unfolds
Chapter 15: Betrayal
Chapter 16: Papa Smith
Chapter 17: Family Reunion
Chapter 18: Insecure
Chapter 19: Grandma
Chapter 20: Jasmine
Chapter 21: First Kiss
Chapter 22: College!
Chapter 24: Xander's First Time
Chapter 25: Pleasure
Chapter 26: Accident
Chapter 27: Kiara
Chapter 28: A complete family

Chapter 23: Marry me, again?

10.1K 390 15
By thedesididi

A l e x a n d e r

"That silicon doll looked so pissed when you called Amayra baby!" Joseph narrated Amayra while stuffing his mouth with Andrea's lasagne.

Amayra called Joseph and Mike over dinner to celebrate her 'victory'.

"That's good." Amayra smirked. "She must know that this hot piece of meat belongs to me." She mumbled. I smiled at her possessiveness but commented nothing.

"Okay guys, on a serious note, we have our annual function coming up in two weeks. Are you participating?" Mike asked.

"I am." I replied. "You are?" Mike and Joseph exclaimed together. "Yeah." I replied casually.

"I hope you know the participants from music department have only one event. We have to sing a self written and composed song. None of us are participating because... Well we are too lazy to write something let alone compose it." Joseph said.

"You guys aren't lazy. You just lack inspiration." I remarked.

"As if you do have." Mike raised his eyebrows.

"I do." I smirked and looked at Mia.

That's my inspiration.

"Will you come to the function, Amayra?" Mike asked.

"To support Xander? Hell yes. And so will Ethan and Ava. So, go for it baby." She cheered for me. Oh how much I love her.

The dinner went playful banterings here and there.

The days preceding the annual event kept me busy. I concentrated on the lectures and spent my time in writing and practicing on the guitar Amayra got me a few weeks back. I was determined to make Amayra feel special the upcoming evening.

I approached my professors, the dean and a few media houses along with Mom, dad and Mr. Williamson along with Dr. Layla and Dr. Lucas for proper functioning of my surprise.

You'll get every fucking happiness I can give you, Mia. Coz I love you from everything I have. I vowed.

A m a y r a

I took a leave from the hospital for Alexander's performance.

Waking up to an empty bed however made my mood a bit sour. I walked towards the dining table and a smile graced my face.

Dear Mia,

I am sorry for leaving early but I had to report the authorities before 8 am.

I have a surprise planned for you. I hope to see your pretty face among the crowd today. Dress in white.

Love you.

Surprise? I hope it's a good one.

Freshening up I got ready and left for Ava's place by 12. The function would start by 2 pm so I had plenty of time to check upon Ava and her mood swings.

Ava and Ethan got married last month and let me tell you boy, it was dream come true for her. Ethan made sure everything was arranged according to Ava.

Ava got pretty emotional and ended up crying at the alter holding her bouquet of flowers. Nonetheless, they are happily settled in Manchester too.

The London Branch of the company is now being handled by Papa Smith. Ethan and Ava would shift back to London after Ava's delivery. For now, Ethan thought it would be safer to keep the Smiths away from Ava's wild mood swings.

After promoting Ava's ass to get ready for about an hour, we finally reached the venue by 15 minuted past 2. Ava and Ethan hurried off to God knows what entrance of the auditorium but asked me to strictly go via the brown doors.

"Are you Dr. Amayra?" A guy in black suit asked me. I nodded in confusion. He flashed me a smile and asked me to wait. He took out his phone and texted someone about my arrival.

I just hope I don't get kidnapped.

"Can you please wait for a few moments ma'am? We have some technical issues in there." He informed me politely. I nodded and backed away.

"You know I and Alexander are together now." I heard a familiar fake voice.

I turned around and saw.. I don't remember her name. But the barbie who crushed on Alexander.

"Didn't Alexander already have a girlfriend?" Another voice asked.

"Oh he had one. But broke up for me." I tried holding my laugh at her claims.

"Oh hey! Are you guys talking about Alexander Smith?" I asked her with fake amusement.

"And who might you be?" She asked me eyeing me up and down.

"An Alumni. Dr. Amayra Williamson." I faked a smile.

"Oh yeah. We were talking about Alexander Smith." She said flipping her hairs.

"Girls! Get back to the auditorium. We need volunteers." A professor called them back in.

I rolled my eyes and looked back at the guy in black suit. He was watching everything with amusement.

"Why didn't you tell her the truth?" He asked. "No need to burst her bubble. I know Alexander is mine. Wait how did you know I was lying?" I asked.

"Oh uhm.." His phone dinged with a notification. He smiled at the notification. "Are you ready for the surprise?" He asked me.

I was confused but nodded.

He pushed the door and there was a dark auditorium. Suddenly, a circle of white light fell upon me. Looking down the stairs, I saw the stage curtains go up.

Alexander sat on a rotable stool with a guitar in his hands.

{Play the song: Train- Marry Me now}

He looked divine with the spotlight on me. He looked up and grinned at me. I noticed him wearing his wedding tux.

Forever can never be long enough for me
To feel like I've had long enough with you
Forget the world now, we won't let them see
But there's one thing left to do

Now that the weight has lifted
Love has surely shifted my way

Marry me
Today and every day
Marry me
If I ever get the nerve to say "Hello" in this café
Say you will
Say you will

My eyes teared up. I couldn't control but sob. I wish I didn't use any make up on my eyes.

Together can never be close enough for me
To feel like I am close enough to you
You wear white and I'll wear out the words "I love you"
And "You're beautiful"

Now that the wait is over
And love has finally shown her my way

Marry me
Today and every day
Marry me
If I ever get the nerve to say "Hello" in this café
Say you will
Say you will

He walked down the stage and towards me. Holding the guitar firmly he circled me as he sang.

Promise me
You'll always be
Happy by my side
I promise to
Sing to you
When all the music dies

And marry me
Today and everyday
Marry me
If I ever get the nerve to say "Hello" in this café
Say you will
Say you will

Marry me

He knelt to the ground and took my hands into his, once he got rid of the guitar. 

"They say it's rare to find a true life partner. You proved them wrong. You, my love, held my hand and pulled me out of my cave of darkness when I myself didn't believe my eyes were capable of knowing what light was. You made me view a different version of the world altogether. While the people around me predicted me to be mysterious, arrogant and spoilt brat on their first meet, you claimed me as an 'alluring stranger'. Thank you so much for everything, Amayra. Thank you so much for believing in me when no one else did. Thank you for standing beside me whenever I needed you the most. Thank you for accepting me and making me feel worthy." He said making me sob harder.

"Will you continue to be my side till my last breath? Will you continue loving me the way you do, till our skin wrinkles out and you get fed up of me? Will you, Dr. Amayra Alexandra Willamson Smith, remarry me?" He pulled out a wring from his pocket.

"Yes. Yes. Yes. A thousand times." I cried out. He took my ring out of my left hand and kept it in his pocket. He made me wear the new ring in the right hand, leaving my left hand vacant. I wanted to object but acted otherwise.

"I love you so much, my love." He breathed out into the mic. "I love you more, Xander." I cried into his chest.

The crowd cheered for us. I saw my dad walking up to me and shooing Alexander away. James Smith joined soon after. I now noticed the media covering everything beside the crowd.

"Will you give us the opportunity to walk you down the aisle together, Amayra?" They asked me. I nodded. My dad wiped my tear stained cheeks.  I might have looked like a ghost with the flowing mascara.

"Common old men! My husband is waiting for me." They chuckled at my excitement.

I walked towards Alexander with my head held high and a huge grin on my face. He too stood on the stage with a huge grin. I wasn't in any kinda gown, yet he helped me up onto the stage.

"Don't hurt my daughter." Both of our dads chorused making everyone chuckle.

"Never in my life." Alexander gave them a smile.

He took me to the centre of the stage.

"Amayra, I know I wasn't serious about my vows half an year back. Therefore, I would like to repeat my vows with all my heart and soul dedicated to fulfil them this time." He took a deep breathe in.

"I, Alexander Simon Smith, take you Amayra Alexandra Willamson as my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poor, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us apart, according to God's holy law. In the presence of God, I make this vow." He slid my wedding ring back into my finger.

"I also promise my mental, emotional and physical loyalty to you. I promise that you'll be the only love of my life and no other men or women would take your place. I'll forever take steps keeping your comfort and betterment in my mind. I'll support and love you from all my heart and soul for this and the next lifetime too." He smiled at me.

I was too emotional to say anything. I just felt like crying. How could someone be so sweet.

"I know I didn't give you a heads up about this so you have nothing to say, for now. Also, unlike me you said your vows with all seriousness half a year ago. So it doesn't matter." Alexander said.

"Can I please kiss my bride now?" He asked impatiently making everyone burst into laughter.

I nodded with a huge grin. He leaned forwarded and held me by my waist. Pressing a kiss on my forehead, he leaned and took my lips between his. His minty breath, his soft lips, his warm tongue and the sweetness of love ge poured into the kiss, made it hundred times more memorable and ecstatic.

We broke apart and the crowd cheered with all its might. The media shouted and asked questions at top of their voices but were controlled by the allocated security.

I looked around to see all smiley faces and glossy eyes gazing at me and Alexander, except Lina ofcourse. Shock and anger was clear in her eyes.

What matters is, I finally got the happy married life I intended it to be.
How are you guys doing?

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