His Willow

By writingbymee

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π’²π’Ύπ“π“π‘œπ“Œ 𝐡𝑒𝒸𝓀𝑒𝓉𝓉 - a bubbly girl. she has a good heart and was kind to those around her even if th... More

character introduction
chapter 1 - change
chapter 2 - new opportunies
chapter 3 - mr. book boy
chapter 4 - grandma
chapter 5 - he talked!
chapter 6 - name reveal
chapter 7 - his past
chapter 8 - elsie
chapter 9 - new people. scary.
chapter 10 - thoughts
chapter 11 - books and apologising
chapter 12 - comforting
chapter 13 - milestones
chapter 14 - a good shock
chapter 15 - thank you.
chapter 16 - sei bella
chapter 17 - lightening
chapter 18 - cute sid + walks
chapter 19 - your safe now
chapter 20 - sweet names
chapter 21 - film
chapter 22 - brutal grandma 2.0
chapter 23 - making me happy again.
chapter 24 - you like him
chapter 25 - considerate
chapter 26 - i liked that
chapter 28 - emotions

chapter 27 - feelings

1K 17 6
By writingbymee

I feel a hand stroke up and down my exposed arm that's not inside the duvet. it tickled but it's soothing.

that hand then comes up to my face, brushing the hair that had fallen over my face behind my ears and then proceeds to smooth my hair down trailing from the top of my hair to the bottom.

it's comforting, feeling how gentle it is across my skin and hair.

I slowly open my eyes, quickly squinting after the bright light from the sun outside hits my eyes.

I rub my eyes with my hands so I can get used to my light, I open my eyes fully to see Reece lying their facing towards me.

his hand is now placed on my side stroking up and down gently, while his other hand is again moving the hair out of my face because it fell infront of my eyes again.

he has a warm smile on his face, the sun is glowing on his skin so he looks even more beautiful. the light is making his blue eyes shine even more and it makes his features become so much clearer.

he looks like he hasn't woke up long ago because of the yawn that just escaped him and also because of his eyes.

memories of last night fill my head, which immediately brings a smile to my face too.

just everything about last night was nice. I like that he opened up to me a little bit more, showing the more vunerable side of him that he's scared of showing but did for me. although I was confused to what he meant by 'everyone leaves.' by that I'm guessing people he loved has left him making it hard for him to let people in again.

"good morning" I finally speak, making him pull me closer into his side, my head gently laying on his chest.

"morning" he speaks in a content but quiet tone. his hand and arm gently laying across my stomach now, stroking side by side.

"I didn't expect this to happen like this" I tell him, looking up from where I'm lying on his chest meeting his eyes.

"me neither, I'm glad it did though" his calming voice that could send me to sleep speaks again.

"i've felt like that about you for ages" he confesses to me, which I was not expecting. until last night I just thought he liked me as a friend way, but I was obviously wrong.

"you have?" I look up at him once again and he meets my eyes and nods gently.

"this could sound cheesy but I think about you loads, your smile. your beautiful eyes. the way you can talk to me about anything for ages. your love for sid. your kindness to others and how selfless you are. the way you talk about books. the fact you would do anything to ensure people have a smile on their faces. that little bit of sass you have and that your not afraid to show it. everything. I love all of that about you" he tells me looking up at the ceiling as he lists everything he just said.

I smile, leaning up on my elbows so I can see him better. I gently touch the side of his face giving him a warm kiss. he kisses me back, more softer and warmer this time. kissing me with emotion just like last night.

"I could get used to this" Reece grins as he pulls away from me bringing his hands up to rest behind his head which makes me laugh.

"me too" I sigh happily, lying my head down on his chest once again. his hand finding my hair again, smoothing it down like always.

I don't think I've ever woken up so happy, when I'm with him he seems to be able to fade the bad stuff away.

It's nice.

it's silent, but not tense. at all. it's comfortable and content.

a scratch at the door breaks that silence. I furrow my eyebrows wondering what the hell that sound is until I hear whining.

I look up at Reece laughing knowing it's sid wanting to come in for morning cuddles.

I try to get up to let him in but he just holds me closer tightening his grip a little bit more so I can't get out of his hold.

I laugh and try and squirm my way out which doesn't work.

"hey come on, let me just let him in" I look up at him and he just shakes his hand nuzzling his head in my neck, lying a little bit on top of me looking like he's about to go back to sleep.

"your squishing me" I giggle again as I try and wriggle out because he was actually squishing me.

he just sighs and let's me go, leaning on his side.

I laugh again, climbing out of the bed to open the door to let sid in.

I open the door and he bolts in going straight for the bed not even noticing me.

wow sid.

he jumps into Reece giving his kisses all over his head. Reece groans hiding his face under the cover to which sid uses his nose to get under the duvet to get Reece, his tail wagging like crazy.

I laugh at him, and crawl back into bed lying against him again.

Reece comes up out of the duvet and then does sid to which then he realises I'm here and attacks me with love and affection this time.

"aren't you a handsome boy hm" I tell him giggling as he sits down, panting slightly which makes him look like he's smiling.

"yes I am" Reece responds to me when I was talking to sid. I look over at him to which he smirks at me putting his hands behind his head again.

"wasn't talking about you actually" I raise an eyebrow at him, grinning at him again.

"we all know you were" he sighs, moving his head to rest in my lap closing his eyes with a soft smile on on face.

I laugh at him once more and carry on giving sid belly rubs. lying down myself and running my hands through Reece's soft brown hair because he's still lying on my lap.

✩ ✩ ✩

"come on we have to get up now" I try and wake Reece up as he fell back sleep on my lap which was partly my fault becuase I was messing with his hair which apparently sends him to sleep.

"5 more minutes" he complains not even opening his eyes as he speaks.

"nope no, you've said that for the last 20 minutes. up come on. you hear that belly? it's telling you and me both that it's super hungry and it needs food right now" I squirm, crossing my arms.

he sighs and stands up stretching, I stand up too smiling.

"bloody finally" I tell him shaking the duvet and placing it nicely.

"come on, do that after, I'll make you breakfast" I feel his arms wrap around my waist which brings a smile to my face. he's very affectionate which I like.

"oooo I love your cooking yes please" I turn around so I'm facing him, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, ducking underneath his arms going downstairs to which I hear his footseps behind me following me downstairs.

we get to the kitchen and Reece starts cooking whatever he's doing, I'm not sure what is is yet but it smells good though.

whilst he's doing that I get sid's breakfast done as usual, and folding his blankets nicely and placing them in his bed as he tugs them around the living room all night.

It would be funny if there's a camera to see what he does on the night time because we leave him sleeping in his bed but then wake up to his bed on the sofa, the blankets scattered in the kitchen and hallway and the toys scattered everywhere too. I swear he has a party.

Sophie did say he loves a good midnight play.

talking about soph, I think she said she'll be home by tomorrow or the day after. I called her yesterday and she said her grandma was in stable condition, not fully recovered but she's getting there day by day which is good. I'm glad she's okay.

I've liked having like my time for these last couple of days. not like I didn't anyways because I did when dad was away but this was different.

It was me and Reece. living like you would if you actually lived together.

the cooking. the looking after sid. looking after the house. everything, and it was nice.

it brought us closer, I mean obviously. last night was a clear example of that. I think being that close in space when your living with someone and being around then constantly makes you see more about the person, and makes you like them more.

I don't know what's going to happen next, which worries me. I wouldn't want this to be a one time thing.

It felt too right for it to be a one time thing.

too real.

I finish dealing with sid and go back to the kitchen, where Reece is plating up things from the frying pan. they look like rolls or something.

"it's done. do you want orange juice or a coffee?" he asks me placing my plate infront of me and turning away from me to get glasses out.

"orange juice please" I cross my legs on the chair grabbing my knife and fork.

he gives me my drink and stand across from me with his plate and drink infront of him, leaning on his hand as he eats.

which shows his veins that's in his arms and hands.


"what is this by the way?" I laugh as I realise I have no idea what this is, it looks good though.

"savoury cannoli. it's a pastry filled with ricotta. people have it a lot in italy" he tells me, cutting it in half and trying it.

"yum" i mutter before trying it too.

this is so good.

"omg it's so cheesy" I cover my mouth with my hand as I realise I still had food in my mouth.

he laughs, eating the rest of his too. changing the arms he's leaning on.

✩ ✩ ✩

we finish breakfast and clean the kitchen up, although I insisted he wouldn't let me and said he likes cleaning up and did it instead.

"have you got any plans today?" I ask him going to the living room, slouching on the sofa as I melt into the cushion.

"I mean, I don't know about you but all I'd like to do today is spend time with you watching Netflix" he grins, sitting next to me on the other corner of the sofa.

"that sounds nice" I sit up and flop into his side, my head resting on his arm.

I turn on Netflix and carry on watching Jane the virgin, as I know he secretly got into it and really enjoyed it even though he probably will never admit that.

we're on episode 6, and even though I'm rewatching it for the 3rd time it's still as good of course.

ever so often he will check up on me asking me if I'm tired or hungry or if I want a drink for example. and it just makes me smile.

he's so selfless and caring, it's so sweet.

I do wonder where that side of him has came from, yesterday it wasn't like this. I wouldn't of thought he would be the really affectionate type but he really is.

I want to try and not worry about like titles and all that because we haven't talked about it yet. this literally only happened yesterday and it's all new to me. like how do I act? what do I do? I don't want to seem too clingy or anything. I'm overthinking it all but it's not like I've been in this situation before. I haven't. at all. hardly any boys look my way let alone talk to me. It does feel right and natural with him though but that's why I'm overthinking it because I don't want to mess anything up.

"hey reece" I get his attention looking up at him from where I'm lying below him.

he mutters a 'mhm' and looks down at me, that warm smile sitting on his face.

"have you ever like.. done this before?" I ask him messing with the rings on my fingers.

he furrows his eyebrows in confusion and laughs slightly.

"done what exactly?"

"like be.. with someone in that way" I explain further, the feeling of his hand moving the hair out of my face that I've noticed he does quite a lot.

"not many serious relationships and the few I had didn't have strong enough feelings involved which is why it didn't last in the long term" the warm smile I'm seeing more frequently staying on his face.

"have you ever been in.. love?" I hesitate before asking.

"not yet no" he caressed the side of my cheek and the word 'yet' makes me want to question more but I don't.

"how do you know what to do? like to not overthink it all" I laugh looking down at my hands before meeting his eyes again.

"listen you don't need to overthink anything, you just do what feels right. we can go at your pace, no titles or anything until your ready so there's no added stress or pressure. you do what your comfortable with, if you don't feel like giving affection then you don't have to. If you don't want to talk about sensitive subjects just yet we don't have to. you get to choose when you want to talk about it and you get to choose the affection you give because I don't mind. I get it's all new to you, as it's new to me but we don't need to rush anything. I like you and you like me, I hope, and that's all that matters. we can just be us." he laughs as he jokes at the end.

"that sounds perfect. and trust me, I do like you. very much." I smile up at him as he leans down to kiss me softly of the cheek.

"also how are you so good with your words, jesus" I ask him blushing slightly nuzzling into him further.

"oh I get told that a lot" he smugly replies which makes me look up at him, a grin on his face.

"you do?" I ask confused, what a weird compliment.

"no" he snorts which makes me laugh, playfully hitting his side.

✩ ✩ ✩

it's been about 2 hours and we've kind of got bored of Netflix and are just talking instead.

basically like 21 questions but with no rules because we're swag like that.

"dream place to live?" I ask him smiling messing with his rings that are on his hand infront of me.

we are still sitting the same, me nuzzled next to his chest in the corner of the sofa.

"probably the countryside somewhere, but next to the city so you have that half and half" he answers which makes me smile at his detailed answer.

I get what he means though, sometimes you want quiet time to yourself and just to be able to chill without the commotion of the city outside your house but at the same time the city is good for opportunities and shops and restaurants and things like that.

"that's a good answer"

"okay your turn"

"favourite flower?" he asks me, which makes me think because I love flowers.

"yellow peony's for sure, they are so vibrant and unique." I answer and he just nods, smiling warmly at me.

"okay hmm. oo what's your dream job?" I ask him, unsure of what the answer will be because this is something we just don't talk about. we works at a bakery now but I'm sure that's not what he wants to do forever.

I look up at him and he's looking at me, a crease in his eyebrows like he's really thinking about something.

he hesitates for a second before answering.

"uh. probably something to do with art" he plainly answers which makes my eyes go wide as I stare at him looking at his rings.

I never knew he did art, he's never told me or anything.

"you never told me you did art, that's incredible reece. what job in particular would you look into?" I ask him intrested and he meets my eyes, that crease still in his eyebrows.

"it's unrealistic but probably a children's book illustrator"

"and I never told you because it's not that big of a deal honestly" he carries on which makes me frown.

"yes it is. I always tell you about the work I do and everything, you should of said something I would have been interested that's amazing honestly and why is it unrealistic?" I ask him.

he clears his throat, hesitating to speak but does anyways.

"because my dad has to come first, I have to provide for him and the job I do now does, it doesn't give us a lot but I guess a bit of stability. If I was to leave that to be an illustrator it would be a risk because I wouldn't earn much money at first, of course I wouldn't because I would be working from the bottom and building myself up but that's not good when I have to provide and look after my dad. It just wouldn't work" he tells me which makes me frown even more.

this man talks about how I'm selfless but he's the one that puts his dad first over him and his wishes.

"you are the most caring person I know, you know that? not many people would care and provide for their dad the way that you do. they would put theirselves first and go for what they want but you don't. but at the same time, isn't he the one that supposed to be caring for you not the other way round?" I ask him, speaking calmly as I talk. I bring my hand to his cheek, gently caressing it as he doesn't reply to my question.

"and also, I want to see some of your art asap" I tell him, changing the subject to a much lighter one which brings a slight smile to his face.

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