Masquerade Mass Murder

Від thelosersssssclub

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"You permanently ruined me that day. I was horrified of you. I could only imagine the things that you would d... Більше

About the Characters
"We've all got the power to kill in our hands" -Richard Ramirez
"We're all are evil in some form or another, are we not?" - Richard Ramirez
"i know I have made others suffer as much as i have suffered"-jeffery Dahmer

"Even psychopaths have emotions, then again,maybe they don't" -Richard Ramirez

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Від thelosersssssclub

The moment they all went into the room, Lake broke down on the floor. They all looked at her in shock as Andrew closed the room door. "Lake, what's wrong?" Felix asked getting down to comfort his girlfriend "I can't take this guilt anymore. I can't believe I just did that" she cried as Felix held he close "you'll get over it" Benji rolled his eyes "I did and now look at me, I'm a full time murderer" he said proudly "that is not something to be proud of, Benji" Mia said "we just stood there and killed so many people. I don't understand how you can live with yourselves" Lake said "I felt pretty guilty as well, but you just gotta ignore it. It's done and over with." Victor said

"Anyways, me and Victor are going to go shower now" Benji said, pulling Victor along to the bathroom with him "Lake, I understand why you're upset, but you can't be crying in here like this. They'll see you as weak and you'll end up just like those two kids we just killed" Lake looked up at Andrew as she wiped the tears from her face "they were killed because they backed out from killing people" he added. Lake took a deep breath and stood up "I'm sorry" she apologized "don't apologize, baby, we're all here for you" they all shared a lovely hug, meanwhile victor and Benji were having a great time in the shower

Benji's loud moans rang through the room as Victor thrusted into him. "This is so much better than handjobs at the movies'' Victor said biting at Benji's neck "yeah" he moaned, throwing his head back in pleasure

The 4 others stared at the doorway as they heard Benji's moans "well, they must be having a blast" Andrew said "someone needs to go tell them to hurry up" Mia said

10 minutes go by and Victor and Benji finally made their way out of the bathroom "is there a reason you're limping, Benji?" Lake asked "Lake, that is such an immaculate question" he said sitting down on the bed, completely ignoring her question

After they all had finished showering and changing, they headed back downstairs to see the two masked men standing at the front door "your money was transferred into your bank account, one million each. Enjoy" they opened the front door for us to walkout

"One million for each of us. That's crazy" Victor said getting in the car "not as crazy as the fact that you just had sex in the house you murdered two people in" Andrew replied "that was so much more pleasurable than the actual killing thing" Benji said leaning into Victor "well of course it is. Being that close and comfortable to someone you love. It's like a dream" Mia told them " it's not" Victor said "yeah, sex with us can get pretty violent. Especially since Benji has" he stopped to think for a moment. "A knife kink, pain kink, gun know what? Anything that revolves around pain he likes" he said "I blame my mom for that. She beat me so much that I started to like it. Maybe that's why I was always so antagonistic. I wanted her to beat my ass because I liked it" Benji said, having that sudden realization.

"You sadist freaks. How am I even friends with you." Mia exclaimed "you should try it, it's fun" he said "no, I'm not gonna try it. That's weird" he rolled his eyes. The rest of the drive was full of them all talking about how horrible they all thought Benji and Victors sex life was and what they plan on doing next in their "murder spree"

Weeks go by, things have been weird for Felix and Benji. Every time they'd leave to go to school, or out anywhere, they'd always come back to the front door either opened or unlocked. When it wasn't the front door it was one of the back windows or the back door. It freaked them out. They would hear footsteps around the house at certain times in the night. Benji saw a dark figure checking around the property late in the night. It was weird and they were determined to catch this person.

"The front door is unlocked again.'' Felix whispered  "I swear I locked it when I left" he opened it slowly and motioned for Benji to be quiet. Both boys stopped in their tracks when they heard the footsteps upstairs. Benji stood by the door and Felix walked over to the kitchen, which is by the steps. They saw someone start to walk down and Benji immediately recognized them as Jasmine, the girl who just moved in. What the hell was she doing inside of his house?

"What are you doing in my house" Felix said coming out of the darkness clearly startling her "I-I-I'm so sorry" she said walking down the last two steps "we are fucking insane and you are testing your luck." Benji said taking a step forward "since when did decency and privacy go down the drain?" Felix asked "why is our neighbor trying so hard to find out what is inside our brains?" Benji also asked "we learned your every move your efforts are in vain. My dirty secrets will not ever be obtained"

"You guys are really sketchy and I wanted to know why there are so many padlocks on this one door" she said and Felix chuckled "you want to know what happens when I catch people snooping around my house" he asked and she shook her head "jeez I never thought neighbors could be such a nuisance" he said "you wanna see what's in the basement?" He asked her, "Well, we're going to show you," Benji said, leading her over to the door. Felix took the keys and unlocked the door. He told her she could walk first. She stopped at the top of the steps "goodbye neighbor, it was nice knowing you, but you wanted to see what's in the basement. Well here you go" he shoved her down the steps. She rolled down, groaning in pain when she hit the ground.

She looked around and saw the two other boys sitting there talking. Her eyes widened at the realization that these boys were kidnapped and that's what Felix has been hiding

"I know how this must look. But you can't go back once you know. The hidden truth you were dying to find. Is now the thing you'll end up dying for" he said from the top of the steps. Benji walked past him and started to walk down the steps "since you chose to trespass here. Then you should know to beware because your life is now in danger" He stood on the final step, looking down at the girl on the ground.

Benji grabbed her, taking all her jewelry, her phone, shoes, jacket and any hair clippings she had. He put them into a bag and threw them to Felix. He grabbed the ropes and tied her up just like the other two boys were, a rope around their neck and one of the chains around their ankle. "Well I guess I'll be seeing you later" he waved goodbye before walking back upstairs.

Felix closed the door, locked it, and went to sit on the couch with Benji "that bitch. Breaking into someone's house like that" he groaned

Two days later, Benji and Victor were home alone. It started off as them just watching a movie, cuddling on the bed and occasional kissing. Benji was getting bored of that. He ran his hands up and down Victor's abs while placing soft kisses on his neck. Victor noticed this and let him do what he wanted. As Benji kissed his neck, his hands roamed down to the growing bulge in his boyfriend's pants. He rubbed his hand up and down while looking at Victor, who's eyes were still on the tv. He looked away and lied back down on Victor's chest. He stroked his member through his pants as Victor let out small moans

"Shit, Benji, you're gonna make me cum" he moaned out as Benji started going a little faster. Benii knew he was getting close to his orgasm and when Victor bucked his hips up slightly, he stopped and sat up "are you fucking kidding me Benji" he got off the bed and started to walk towards the bathrooms "I'm going to go shower now" he said "get the fuck back over here" he said. Benji couldn't resist, he loved when Victor was dominant over him. Benji took a step backwards before walking back over the bed

Victor grabbed him, throwing him on the bed and getting on top of him "don't leave me horny like that" he pulled Benji's shirt off before he grabbed the box from under his bed. He took out the rope, blindfold and Benji's favorite knife. He tied Benji hands to the the bed and put the blindfold on him. "Is this okay?" He asked and Benji nodded "use your word, darling" Victor said "yes" he responded "if you want me to stop, use the safe word, okay" Victor said "okay."

After Victor got clarification, he pulled down Benji's pants and underwear, throwing them somewhere in the room. He grabbed the lube from the box and squirted some on his fingers. Gently and slowly he pushed one into Benji. Benji jolted at the sudden pain "are you alright?" He asked placing a hand on his thigh "yeah, keep going." He said shifting on the bed. He did as he said and added one, even two more fingers. Benji was moaning out and Victor poked him lightly with the knife "don't make another fucking sound." He said sternly, pulling his fingers out.

He took his pants off and grabbed one of the vibrator from the box. He turned it on and held it to the tip of Benji's member. He squirmed around trying his best to stay quiet. As Victor watched the boy struggle, he lubed up his own member and lined himself up with Benji's hole. Gently moving forward, Benji let out a low moan. The second he heard the knife Victor had click open, he knew he fucked up. Victor dragged the knife against his stomach leaving a small cut "I told you not to make a sound didn't i?" He asked, pulling out and slamming back into him. Benji nodded, accidentally letting out another moan. Victor went faster "you know what...let it all out Benji, show me how good I make you feel" he said making another small cut on his stomach. He let out a string of moans as Victor continued to thrust roughly into him

"Please, Victor. Harder" Benji begged, pulling on the ropes. Victor held the knife right up to his throat gently dragging it across to let Benji know it was there. The pleasure Benji was getting was immense. He felt his orgasm building up "you want me to go harder?" Victor asked, moving the knife away from his neck "yes—please"

Their good time was interrupted by Benji's phone ringing. Victor grabbed it and saw it was Lake. He answered taking the blindfold off Benji

"What?" Benji said, getting annoyed "Benji, I think the police are onto us." She said "what the fuck is that supposed to mean?" He asked "you know how my dad is a cop, right?" she asked and Benji hummed a yes "well, he was saying they have two possible people, both boys who go to our school. Felix and I were able to get into the police files and the two suspects that are listed are you and Victor." The two boys looked at each other "they're coming to do interrogations on you two. One of the notes they have here under Benji says 'sister came in and reported that her brother, Benji, make comments about wanting his mom dead and how he happy she's gone" she explained

"Lake, what the fuck. Are you kidding me?" Benji asked "here's the deal" they heard Felix say "cry, Benji, cry and tell them how much you loved your mom despite everything she did to you. Show them how much you miss her and would do anything for her back. Victor deny everything, say you never did this and tell them you were at home watching 13 reasons why or something." Benji sighed "okay, let me get out of these ropes real fast and then we'll figure this out" Benji said "what? What are you guys doing?" Lake asked "well, we were in the middle of having sex, but you know, someone had to interrupt us "oh my gosh. Well the police are probably on the way, so you better clean yourselves up" Felix said "okay, bye" Victor quickly said and hung up the phone.

"Can we finish?" Benji asked "why are you even asking? No, we're not gonna finish." Victor said taking the rope off his hands "but I was so close" he whined "baby, we'll finish another time, I promise. Go clean yourself up and we'll wait in the living room" he placed a kiss on his boyfriend's forehead before Benji bent down to grab his clothes. "You have a really nice ass" Victor said, placing a firm slap on it "stop looking at me!" Benji smiled, face turning red.

After Benji got his clothes on both boys went downstairs to sit on the couch. Moments later Benji noticed a black cop car pull up in Victor's driveway "shit, they're here" Benji turned back around towards the tv when the loud knock of the police rang through the house. Victor cleared his throat and got up to answer the door.

"We're looking for Victor Salazar and Benji Campbell" he said "oh..that's us." He pointed to himself and his boyfriend on the couch. "I'm gonna need you two to come with me" he and his partner took their handcuffs out of their belts. Benji walked over to them, confusion written all over his face. The handcuffs were placed on their wrist and they were taken to the back of the police car.

Both boys were taken to separate interrogation rooms.

"Where were you on April 12?" The woman asked "I was in my room" Benji said "doing what?" She asked "I was on my phone most of the night. While watching some random show on Netflix'' he responded "do you know where your mom was?" She asked writing on her paper "the last time I saw her she was in her room with her boyfriend?" He said and she nodded "Was there a time where you left your room?"

Benji nodded "I went downstairs to feed my little brother cause my mom didn't make dinner that night" he said sadly "your sister came to the police station reporting that you had made a few comments saying 'so what if I wanted her fucking dead. You've seen the shit she's done to me' and 'I'm glad that bitch Is dead. I'll never have to deal with her abuse ever again. Can you explain why you would say that?" She asked and Benji could feel the tears forming in his eyes "um..I was at my friends house when I heard the news that my mom was murdered." He paused, tears streaming down his face

"I went home immediately after I heard and when I walked into the living room where my siblings were, they started saying stuff like 'you're probably glad she's dead' or 'you probably don't care anyways'. Obviously that made me upset because I love my mom. I wouldn't wish this on her" Benji sobbed. The woman's face softened "what abuse was going on in your household?" She asked him "everyday me and my mom were fighting. She did this to my face" he pointed to the scars across his eye and mouth "how and why did she do that" she said "the one on my eye, all I did was walk down the stairs and go to the front door. Apparently she didn't like the fact that I was going to hang out with my friend so she dragged me outside and slashed my eye with her knife. The one on my mouth happened a few days before she died. She asked me to come help with my siblings and I said I had a lot of homework to do. She didn't like that response so she slashed my mouth and we started to get into a physical fight." He told her

"Benji, how did you feel when your mom was beating on you?" She asked "I was sad. Wondering what the fuck I did to deserve this" he said "are you glad she's dead?" Benji wiped the tears from his face "no. I miss her..this is gonna sound weird but i miss her beating on me. You know, I've lived with it for so long and now it's just gone and I don't know how to feel." His voice cracked as the tears kept coming down "I miss my mom so much. I would do anything to have her back" he cried "so why did you say that you're glad she dead" she asked "I was angry! I was already upset because I had just found out my mom is dead and my siblings come and bring up everything she did to me and say that I'm probably glad she's dead. I was just mad, I was upset, I was wanted to curl into a ball and just die at that point, but instead of doing that, I went into a panic attack" he explained, pouring his entire heart out into this performance

The woman looked at Benji for a moment, she thought to herself, thinking there was no way this kid killed those people in the mass murder. That's exactly what Benji wanted, he wanted her to think that and feel bad for him.

"Thank you for sharing that with me, a cop will be in here in a minute and you can leave" she said walking out the room

Victors integration was a lot less sad

"I was in my house playing Xbox most of the night. Then I got bored and started drawing. Then I got bored of that and started watching Netflix." The man nodded "how do you feel about what happened that night?" He asked "I was in shock when I found out. I felt horrible for their families. I couldn't even imagine losing someone in that way." Victor said "Benji's your boyfriend, right?" He asked and Victor nodded "tell me about him'' Victor smiled "he is such a sweet and loving person, especially for someone who grew up in such a horrible environment. He always likes to see the good in things. Jeez, I couldn't of asked for anyone better than him." He said happily

"Has Benji ever said anything about wanting anyone dead?" The interrogator asked "I mean, during movies maybe. Never about anyone in real life." He responded

He was asked a handful of questions about everyone who died. He replied saying how they acted in school.

Both boys were rereleased in around 2 hours. Benji let out a sigh of relief as they were let out of the police car

"That could've ended horribly" Benji said as Victor let him in the house "mijo! Where did you go?" Victor's mom asked "oh..hi mom. Benji and I went to the store" he said "oh really. So I didn't just get a call saying that you were at the police station getting interrogated for a murder. Benji looked down at the ground and sighed "they only took him because we're dating. They were asking me is I knew anything about what could've possibly happened to my mom and stuff. With Victor they were just asking stuff about me and the kids that were killed. He didn't do anything wrong" Benji told Isabel

"I can't believe this is happening in such a lovely town. And these killers are on the loose. I don't want you walking alone outside until these people are in jail" she said, completely oblivious that the killers were standing right in front of her.

The two boys headed upstairs and sat on Victor's bed where the ropes still were "dang. Imagine your mom saw thing" Victor giggled untying the rope from the bed and wrapping it back up. Benji grabbed the blindfold and the knife and put everything back in the box

"Take your shirt off" Victor said "ooh. What are you about to do to me" Benji asked.'' Stop that. I'm going to fix those cuts on your stomach" he said "oh" Benji looked blankly at Victor.

Victor sighed and wet a washcloth and brought it back over to Benji. He sat next to him and wiped up some of the blood that was still on his stomach. Benji sighed, leaning on Victor's shoulder and linking their hands "I think I convinced her I'm innocent" he said "and how did you do that?" Victor asked leaning his head on his boyfriend "I cried...I cried real tears at one point. I think I made her feel bad for me" he scoffed "what a great day to be a manipulative bitch. Just like my mom taught me" he smiled

His phone rang for the second time today. Benji groaned obnoxiously and took his phone out of his pocket

"I swear, Lake, if you call me one more time while I'm trying to have an intimate moment with my boyfriend we're not going to be friends anymore" he said into the phone "are you guys having sex again?" She asked, "no." He responded "anyways, you guys should come over." Benji groaned "for what?" He asked "so we can hang out obviously" Benji knew what she was doing so he went along with it "okay, I'll be there in 10, bye" he said quickly before hanging up.

The police were probably onto Benji and everyone he hangs out with so it's probably safest if we just stayed lowkey with our phone calls and text messages.

"Well, come on Victor, we're going to Lakes house" Benji said putting his short back on "since apparently Lake has physic abilities and always knows when to call me when I'm just trying to be with you" he rolled his eyes

They both walked down the steps and to the front door "where do you think you're going?" Benji froze, breath hitched as the sudden memory of the day his mom cut his face half open ran through his head. He gulped and turned around "we're going to Lake's house, we have a project to do and it's due in like 2 days" Victor said "be safe please. Call me if you need anything" she said taking a sip from her mug

They went out to Victor's car and got in. Benji let out a sigh as he buckled his seatbelt. "There's no need to be afraid anymore" Victor placed a comforting hand on Benji's thigh "I know, this is gonna haunt me for the rest of my fucking life and I'm going to be reminded of it Everytime I look on the mirror" he said "it's a pretty sick scar though" Victor smiled as he pulled out of the driveway "yeah, I know it is but it has a horrible backstory." He said


By the time Victor and Benji made it to Lakes house everyone else was already there waiting.

"Alright everyone put their phones in here" Lake wrote on a piece of paper. Benji and Victor gave her a confused look before she started writing again "police might be listening through our phones, or anything that has a microphone in our rooms." She wrote, Benji snatched the paper and pen "why would they do that?" He wrote "because they're onto you, shithead" Benji groaned taking the paper "let me see the police records" he wrote "we'd have to go somewhere else. My dad is here" Lake wrote "let's go then" Benji wrote before standing up

"Where are we gonna go?" Felix asked out loud "get in my car" Andrew said and they all followed. In the car, Lake pulled out her laptop and opened it. She opened the police records and saw the notes that were written under the words "MASQUERADE MASS MURDER" "look" Lake said pointed to it

"Benji Campbell. Son of murder victim Sandra Miller. Age: 16. Sex: M. Visibly upset and shaken during interview, clearly abused at home, comments about killing his mom were said out of anger. Perceived as innocent. Most believe he had something to do with it" Benji read quietly "shit. They're onto me" Lake rolled her eyes "well no fucking shit, Benji. Why do you think we're here?"

"Oh well, when I get caught I get caught" Benji said "why do you say that?" Victor asked "because I have nothing to lose. You know what they do to people like us? They give them death penalty. There were over 100 people in that building and we killed them all. There's no getting away with it" he explained. Benji handed Lake the computer and got out of the car "where are you going" Lake asked "back to my house to see what's been going on" Victor sighed and got out with Benji "we'll talk to you later" he said

Both boys got into the car "Benji?" Victor said "what" he said looking out the window towards the car they were just in "I think you're being too careless with your life." He said and benji rolled his eyes "what's the point of living if you're not. Do I seem like I give a shit about what happens to me? I've tried to kill myself three fucking times, Victor. Three fucking times. Living isn't a priority for me, obviously." Benji explained "that's not a nice way to live" Victor said sadly "I don't care anymore. There's no point in living if nobody wants you. Gosh, I literally have a dad in jail, who was selling and doing drugs while trying to raise me, my mom was a piece of shit. She used to beat the shit out of me just for simply existing. I have no place in this world, so of course I'm gonna be careless" Victor stared blankly at the steering wheel

"What if I told you that I want you? Would you believe me? What if I wanted you to be with me for the rest of my life? You know, maybe one day we'll be married and we'll have kids together. You have such a special place in my heart, Benji. I want you to be here, I wanna spend my life with you. All I want is you, Benji. Fuck what your parents did to you, they don't matter anymore. Your mom is dead, she can't hurt you anymore. Your dad is long gone in prison. Please Benji, don't waste the one life you have." Benji felt the tears form in his eyes "Victor, don't say that. I hate when you say shit like that" he cried, pulling his knees to his chest "why though? You know it's the truth" he said softly

"stop, Victor, seriously. I hate the fact that neither of my parents loved me enough to want to stay with me and you know that. If my parents didn't love me why the fuck would anyone else. Which brings me right back to the point. If no one cares about me. What's the point of living." Benji said "are you trying to say I don't love you? Benji, I love you more than anything else in the world. How many times do I have to tell you that before it gets through that thick fucking skull of yours." He pointed to Benji's head "You literally mean the world to me. I couldn't even imagine a life with you..." he placed a comforting hand onto his boyfriend's back. Benji leaned into his touch as he cried

"Sweetie, there's no need to cry" victor said lifting his head up "Everything will be okay" he cupped his face and placed a kiss on his forehead "I love you so much, Benji" he said and Benji sighed "I love you too, Victor" the two shared a lustful kiss "are you sure you wanna go home?" Victor asked "can you come with me" he nodded and began to drive off

As they arrived at Benji house he began to get more and more nervous. He hasn't been here in weeks and thought of it makes him anxious. Victor parked the car and both went up to the front door. Benji knocked on it and his grandma answered. "Benji! My baby, I haven't seen you in weeks!" She exclaimed pulling him in for a hug "hi grandma. This is my boyfriend, Victor." He pointed as Victor and he waved "boyfriend? You have a boyfriend and never told me? Hi, Victor, I'm Vanessa, Benji's grandma." They shook hands and walked into the house

Benji looked around and noticed all the small kids were gone. "What happened to the little kids?" He asked "the social worker didn't think this was an environment they should be in and they got taken from me..but I still have the older ones." Benji nodded sadly "oh"

"Benji? What are you doing here?" Bella asked running down the steps "um, I'm pretty sure I live here" he said "well hi!" She said hugging him. He awkwardly hugged back as Jasper and Harper came down as well. "I heard you were integrated by the police," Jasper said, coming over to him "yeah, I was earlier today" he said. He nodded and walked into the kitchen

Victor and Benji sat down on the couch looking at the tv "it's so much quieter in here" Benji nodded in agreement "I know. It feels kind of...dead" he said

The rest of the day, Benji caught up with his grandma and his siblings. After his grandma had made them all some dinner he went across the street to Felix's house. He already had keys and he just went in

"Yeah bitch! I am just like Jeffery Dahmer! I fucking kill you and then I'll eat you! I have no problem doing so" was the first thing they heard as they walked into the house. Why is he saying that" Victor asked quietly "you'll see" Benji said, opening the basement door all the way. Both boys walked down the steps until Felix threw his knife right towards them, missing Benji by just inches "First. you need to work on your knife throwing skills. Second. What the actual fuck is happening in here" Benji asked looking around. He noticed the disgusted look on his boyfriend face and linked their hands together

In the basement, Felix was in the middle of killing his third victim, Jasmine. She was laid out on the table as Felix was cutting through her throat. The other two boys were nowhere to be seen, but in their places, there were puddles of blood with their limbs detached from their body. Victor could feel the vomit rise in his throat as he ran back up the steps. Benji followed him into the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" he asked "what the fuck do you think is wrong Benji" he asked leaning against the counter "why is he cutting up humans like that" he said, tears forming in his eyes "because he a cannibal, love." Benji smiled "are you fucking kidding me?" He said "yeah and if you tell anyone, he's gonna eat you next" he said cupping Victor's face and placing a soft kiss on his lips. Benji walked back off to the basement, leaving a startled Victor alone.

"Do you need help?" Benji asked as Felix started to drain the fluid from this girl's head. "Go clean those and put them in the bags over there" he pointed towards the box on the ground. Benji grabbed some gloves and went over to the dismembered bodies on the ground. He grabbed one of their heads and placed it on the table. He proceeded to wipe the face down with a wipe and clean the wound where his head had been cut off as well. He placed it into a bag and brought it over to the freezer

"Benji?" He heard Victor call "what?" he asked going to the bottom of the steps "I'm gonna leave. I can't be here anymore, if you need me, call me" Benji rolled his eyes and waved him off

"Wow, he's so afraid of dismembered bodies but he'll watch that shit on tv until the day he dies" Felix said after cutting the girls fingers off and throwing the rest of her palm in a garbage bag "it's behind a screen, he knows it won't hurt him. He knows that stuff in movies isn't real. It's different, Felix." Benji explained putting an arm in a bag "he needs to grow some balls and cope properly with what he's done and witnessed" Benji nodded and continued his cleaning process.

Benji had gotten all the body parts cleaned and into bags by the time it was 8pm "are you staying here for the night" Benji nodded, taking his gloves off "I don't think Victor wants to see me" he said "why?" Felix said placing the last of the limbs in the freezer "he's probably scared...scared of the things we're capable of-" he was interrupted by a knock at the door. Felix immediately took his apron and gloves off. He quickly changed out of his bloody clothes and ran up to the door

"Lake! Oh my gosh, I completely forgot you were coming over." He said, "how did you forget?" She giggled, placing her purse on the ground and taking her shoes off. "And why does it smell like blood and bleach in here?" She whispered "That's a good question?" Felix answered before an obnoxious scream was heard from the basement. Lake looked at Felix before walking over to the basement door.

The first thing she noticed was Felix's bloody clothes on the steps and the blood on the floor and wall "who else is in here?" She asked walking down the steps "oh, hi, Lake!" Benji said waving at her "what the fuck happened down here" she asked and Benji looked around at the puddles of blood on the floor "I think someone died down here" Benji said "seriously, what the hell were you two doing down here?" She asked more frantically "do you not know what Felix had down here?" Benji asked and she shook her head "I had three people living in my basement." Felix said standing at the steps "he kidnapped them...well we kidnapped them" Benji explained

"You what?" She said turning towards her boyfriend "yeah, I did. I kidnapped those bitches, killed them and put their remains in my freezer" Lake suddenly felt sick to her stomach as she looked at the ropes on the walls and the blood beneath them. "Lake, please don't tell me you're not fond of this idea either. I don't see what's wrong with it" Benji said "who else knows about this? And what the fuck do you mean there's nothing wrong with it. What the fuck are you, Jeffery Dahmer? You guys are sick!" She said "only us and Victor." He replied "what did Victor think of it?"

"He was actually disgusted. Most definitely startled because I told him Felix was gonna eat him if he told anyone" Benji said "you guys are horrible. Goodbye, Felix. I'll talk to you tomorrow." She said walking back up the steps "don't let people eat you on the way out" Lake gave him a disgusted look before closing the door.

"Really, Benji? What the fuck were you screaming over" he said "I saw a spider" Felix rolled his eyes "are you fucking kidding me? You're a cold blooded killer who decapitated your own mom and your scared of a spider" Benji looked down at the bloody towel in his hand "sorry"

"Benji, go clean yourself up and go to sleep" he said sternly. As Benji went upstairs Felix took out the Polaroids he took during the mass murder and hung them up on a string above the table. He admired them for a minute, feeling proud of what he's done to these poor humans. He grabbed a photo of Benji's mom and looked at it. He couldn't believe the pain and emotion Benji let out that day. He's never seen that out of Benji before. He's always had this seemingly mean glare or a happy smile. Never did Benji cry in front of us, never. He thought it was pathetic to show variability to others. Felix sighed clipping the photo back onto the string before heading back upstairs and locking the basement.

Benji went upstairs to the guest room that has now become his room. He grabbed some clothes and got into the shower. All he could think about was how bad he felt for Victor. Victor had always been a sweet boy who wouldn't even hurt a fly and suddenly this man is killing people all because of him. This isn't the life Victor wanted and this definitely isn't the life Benji wants for him.

Victor was a star basketball player at their school. He was at the top of his classes and could've gotten a scholarship for his dream college. He couldn't even imagine the trauma this boy has been through, from being shunned by his family for being gay, getting into a relationship with a shitty guy, meeting Benji, realizing how psychotic her he was, finding this murder quest, stabbing a kid to death, watching his boyfriend decapitate another human, watching his best friends kill, watching a building being burnt down along with everyone in it, finding out his best friend is a cannibal and had three people in his basement just to kill and eat them.

Benji felt the tears roll down his face as he felt sorrow for his boyfriend. He knows if they had never met that day Felix introduced them, Victor would be okay, he would be so much happier, but it didn't happen like that. They met and now Victor's life has been ruined...

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