Bad Intentions

By lisasinghh

1.7M 54.4K 16.6K

I shook my head at him. This is his game. But that doesn't mean I can't master it. I gave him a seductive smi... More

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15.7K 457 145
By lisasinghh


"What's that smell?" I heard a voice rang clear into the kitchen. I turned around to be met with the eyes of my mother. "You're cooking?" She asked incredulously almost as if her eyes were deceiving her.

She placed her purse on the counter and walked over to the stove to see what I was making.

"Just whipping up something small." I answered stirring the pot with bubbling sauce. "I thought you could use it after a long day at work."

My mom grinned ear to ear as she reached up and pinched my cheek affectionately. "Aww honey. Thank you."

"Mom." I whined and rubbed my aching cheek as she released it.

"What are you making?" She inquired looking into the pots and pans.

"Chicken and shrimp alfredo with a fresh garden salad and homemade breadsticks." I said taking the pot of cooked pasta to the sink to drain.

"Tell me you made your alfredo sauce from scratch." She pleaded her eyes staring into the sauce pot.

I scoffed. "Mom, come on." I told her as I strained the pasta. "Homemade is the way to go. Those store bought ones are trash."

"I have taught you well." She patted my shoulder pleased with my dinner. I shook my head towards her, but couldn't help the smile that landed on my lips.

"Dinner is almost ready." Just as I was about to grab the plates to set at the table, she beat me to it.

That's my mom for you. Always willing to help no matter the circumstances.

Right as I finished dinner, she had finished setting the table. I placed the serving dish filled with the chicken and shrimp alfredo in the center of the table along with the salad and fresh breadsticks.

"Sam!" She called out to my little brother. I heard his small footsteps cascade down the steps and into the dining room.

Sam slid into his chair, but his eyes were still trained on his device in front of him. He was captured into whatever he was watching.

Kids, I swear.

I reached over and snagged it out of his hands. "Hey!" He whined as he looked up from his empty hands. I gave him a pointed look that made him zip his lips in an instant.

He knew better then to argue with me.

He muttered some words under his breathe. I couldn't quite make sense of what he was saying. So I let him slide this time.

"This looks great, sweetie." My mom compliment as she took the utensils and place some of the pasta into each of our plates.

I smiled at her actions. We haven't had a family dinner in a bit. "I hope it taste good. I haven't cooked in awhile." I honestly told her as my hand rubbed the back of neck nervously.

Although my mother was sweet and kind, when it came to cooking she was a tough critic. She never lied about the things she liked or didn't. She was brutally honest.

I'll never forget the time we went to a restaurant and the entrée she had ordered was too bland for her taste. She actually asked for the chef and lectured him on how to make it flavorful. From spices to technique. Let's just say we haven't been back.

When it comes to cooking that's exactly how my mom was.

She lifted a forkful of pasta to her mouth and ate it. Her face neutral, clear of any emotions.

I waited with anticipation for her review. "Well?"

She nodded her head. She approved. "I definitely taught you well." She forward the compliment towards herself and I just had to chuckle. "Someone else is a fan also." She gestures towards Sam who was literally inhaling his food.

"Slow down, Sam. You're gonna choke if you keep going at that pace." I warned him, but he ignored it and scarfed down a breadstick. Once he was done he reached over to my side of the table and grabbed his tablet.

"Thanks for dinner!" He exclaimed hopping off the chair and bolting up the stairs. I couldn't never get that thing away from him.

That's all he wanted.

My mom shook her head as she let out a laugh. "Maybe I shouldn't have gotten him that thing for his birthday."

"You think? He's obsessed." I ate a forkful of pasta. I definitely out done myself. I mentally gave myself a pat on the back.

"Don't tell him, but I hid his charger." My mom whispered and I almost choked on my water.

"No you did not." I said with surprise filling my features.

She nodded happily. "I can't wait to see his little face when he can't find it."

I laughed. He'll definitely try to raise hell that's for sure.

We continued our dinner talking about our day and cracking jokes. I truly enjoyed spending time with my mom. Although, she works long hours and I'm barely home for certain reasons it was always great to finally come together. Even if it was just for a meal.

"I'll be working a bit later tomorrow. So make sure Sam had dinner and gets to bed early for school." She told me before taking another bite of pasta.

I nodded let her know I understand as we fell into a comfortable silence. Now was a better time than any.

"Mom, do you ever miss dad?" I asked her as I allow my fingers to roll the napkin in front of me. The words slipped through my lips with such ease.

She froze for a brief second as she was caught off guard by my question. She place her fork back onto her plate.

"I do miss your father. I think about him everyday." My mom's eyes started to fill with sadness and a hint of hurt.

I hated opening up with old wound. I knew she was starting to heal and the fact that I ripped it open again caused my heart to ache. I never want to hurt her.

"You don't talk much about him anymore." I told her as I rested my back against the chair. That was true. It was almost as if his memory was fading away from us all. The only thing keep him present in this house were the few family pictures scattered around.

She let out a sigh. "I know and that's my fault. It's just we're finally getting to a good place and I didn't want to bring up old emotions."

I nodded. I love my father and do miss him as the days go by, but a part of me held resentment towards him. For leaving us the way he did, for leaving behind such a mess.

"I get it." I told her. "But maybe we should try to still keep his memory alive." I offered.

She smiled sadly. "Of course, honey. He was my husband and best friend after all." She tried to lighten the mood.

I returned her smile and decided to bring up a memory hoping to mitigate her sadness. "I remember dad being such a fan of your cooking."

"He was my biggest critic. He always had something to say about my cooking." She said humorlessly. I could tell she was reliving the memory by the way her eyes glazed over. She angrily took a bite of the bread stick.

"I remember you tossing towels, spoons and pans at him." I laughed at the memory of my dad trying to dodge all the weapons my mom would toss at him.

"He would make me so mad!" She defended her actions. "Everything I cooked need something more. More spice, more salt, more sugar. Just more."

"Wasn't there a time you toss the salt canister at his head? I think you almost took his head off." I pointed out. I remember hearing arguing in the kitchen as I was watching TV one day. I didn't think anything of it as it was a normal practice a this point. Until I heard a loud smash against he wall. When I walked into the kitchen to see what was going on, the broken canister was on the floor and salt was everywhere. My dad was more concerned about soothing my angry mom instead of his head almost being taken off.

"Okay, so that was not one of my brightest moments." She answered meekly. "But I knew why he would do it. He was just trying to make into the best that I could possibly be." She smiled. "He believed in my passion."

They were so in love. They had a beautiful relationship, but something always came in the way and caused a rife between the two of them. At that point in time I didn't know what it was. Now, it was clear as day that it was Dominic DeLuca.

"Did dad ever talk about high school?" I decided to asked her. It was now or never.

She furrowed her brows in thought. "Briefly."

"Did he ever mention any friends? Anyone he was close to?" I added. Come on, mom. Give me something.

"You're dad mention a few guys he use to talk to." She answered simply. But she was not giving me anything.

"Were they close?" I pressed. "Did they hang out? Knew each other outside of school?"

Her face filled with concern. Her eyes held fluster. She knows something.

"I-I'm not sure." The words tumbled out of her lips. "He mentioned that they use to hang out ever now and again."

"Do you know their names by chance?" I pressed even more. Give me some information mom.

Her eyes shifted slightly. She was caught in my cross fire of questions and didn't know how to get out. "I only know their first names."

"What are they?" I needed her to confirm the two who I knew were connected.

"Why are you asking?" She crossed questioned me. Her eyes narrowed towards me slightly. She was getting defensive. Someone only gets defensive if they are hiding something.

"I just want to know dad better. What his life was before us." I told her nonchalantly trying to divert her suspicion away from me. "He never really talked about it. I always thought he was a loner."

She sighed. She knew I was not going to let this go. "I only know two names. James and Matthew."

James and Matthew.

That has to be Leah and Nate's fathers.

A confirmed friendship. But what broke them a part? I wanted to ask more dive in deeper. But she was already catching onto what I was trying to do. I could tell.

Even though my mom was unaware of what I had gotten myself caught up in. She knew eventually I would start digging around trying to piece together my father.

I felt a warm hand on top of my own snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked over to my mom. Her eyes filled with concern.

"Jace whatever you're thinking of. Let it go." She warned squeezing my hand.

I couldn't let her have an inkling of what I knew or what I was doing. If she knew it would all come to a halting stop and I couldn't have that. Not when we're so close.

"Mom, I'm not thinking of anything." I told her giving an award winning smile hoping it would convince her. "I just wanted to know more about dad and his high school days. I never really knew about them."

She studied my face looking for speck of a lie within it. And when she couldn't find anything she returned the smile. But behind her eyes held a deep secret.

"Mom!" Sam's voice bellowed through the house. "Mom! Where is my charger!?"

We laughed. We knew this was coming.

"Coming honey!" She yelled back. "That's my cue." She slid back the chair and headed up the staircase. "It's not where you left it?" She asked at the top of the stairs.

I started to zone out their voices and slip into my own thoughts.

My mom definitely knows more than what she's letting on.

What is she hiding?

Hello my loves!

I hoped you enjoyed Jace's POV this time around!

Don't worry we will get Jace and Leah back next chapter!

What are the parents hiding? Any guesses?

Don't forget to vote (80 for next chapter) and comment (60 comments for the next chapter)

Lisa S.

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