The Rainbow Petalled Roses Bo...

By SymphonyDjinn

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Jen Berg is always the life of the party. The group will always be incomplete without his presence. Despite... More

Chapter 1:Shattered
Chapter 2:Black Out
Chapter 3:Pretending it's Ok
Chapter 4:I'm Ok.
Chapter 5: Hurts Like Hell.
Chapter 7:Temporary Happiness

Chapter 6:Smile Till It Hurts.

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By SymphonyDjinn

Jen just stared at him without any expression on his face.

Jihyo clenched his fists and he gritted his teeth angrily when he noticed his reaction.

"So??Where's your boyfriend? It's so surprising that he's not with you?" Jihyo asked him in mocking tone as he glances around them.

Jen smiled at him sweetly and he confidently respond.

"Is it inappropriate to asked your ex that kind of question? And you even asked me boldly in the mere fact you have somebody with you?" Then he glances at girl who was too stunned to react. " You're the new girlfriend I assume?"

The girl just nodded her head as she gave Jihyo a fierce glare.

Jihyo's face turned red in embarrassment and anger. As he tried to avoid the question glare of his girlfriend.

But before he can react Jen excused himself as he turns his back at them.

"I have to go! I have an appointment with someone who's loyal,reliable,honest and lastly faithful." Then he gave Jihyo a look of disgust. "Unlike somebody in here even in a relationship he cannot even stop himself from flirting or even doing one night stands with other girls or wait I forgot! Third sex people for money and thrill?"

"What!" The girl exclaimed in shock tone.

Jen waves his hand as he left the two.

"Wait! Don't tell me you believed him?!" Jihyo asked in tense tone.

The girl gave him a loud slap as she left him.

"Your voice gave you in! I felt disgusted that I was hanging out with you! Don't ever try to call me again! I'm thankful that you confronted that gay! I finally realized that my warning bells are real!" The girl exclaimed angrily.

Jihyo watches the girl followed Jen who disappears among the crowd of people on the busy mall floor.

"That bitch! You're really getting in my nerves!"

He clenches his fist as he tried to look for Jen.

"Damn it! Where did he go!"

He checked every aisles or stores that Jen might went but he cannot find him.


Sherwin looks at himself in front of the mirror.

"I think this looks too formal." He muttered as he winced at his outfit. "Polo and slacks? It's a movie date not a debut."

He quickly took it off and he took out a shirt that made him smile.

He closes his eyes as he reminisced that day.

"Ahm.. hi Win!" Jen greeted him in awkward tone.

"Oh hi Jen!" He smiles at him as he gave him a quizzical stare.

"I know it's late but I just wanted to give you this." He gave him a gift bag and He look at Jen in surprise.

"What is this for?" He asked in surprise tone.

"Ahm.. happy birthday.." Jen whispered as he turns his back at him.

But before he can response Jen quickly runs away in hurry.

Sherwin peeks at the bag's content and he saw a stuffed toy and a branded shirt in it.

He snaps back to present as he clenches the shirt that he's holding. He glances at stuffed toy that was laying beside his pillow.

"I guess I know what will I wear now." He whispered as he started to prepare for their movie date.

Jen keeps on glancing behind him.

He felt his body shakes in fear and nervousness.

"Sherwin where are you? You must be here by now." He muttered as he occasional glances at his back.

He was walking absent mindedly when he accidently bumped to a random guy.

He almost lost his balance but the stranger quickly helped him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." He apologized in very low tone without looking at the guy.

But before the guy can respond he immediately left him as he started to walked towards the crowded area of the mall.

Sebastian give the girl a quizzical look as he watches her walks away.

"Something is telling me that she's somebody I know but I do not know who." He whispered to himself.

He just shrugged his shoulders as he went to nearest Milktea Store as he smiles sadly.

"This is Xayah's favorite brand during the time we're still together."

He quickly ordered and he patiently waited for it.

Sherwin is currently on his way to the Atlas Mall. He was riding his motorcycle and he even brought an extra helmet with him.

"Im just wondering what will be Jen's reaction when he recognized the shirt that I'm wearing." He whispered.

Suddenly his eyes widen in surprised when he noticed the heavy traffic ahead.

"Darn! Why now! Im in hurry!" He muttered as he glances at his watch.

At the Atlas Mall.

Jihyo is still looking for Jen.

"Damn it! Why do I need to look for him. I already ditched him." He whispered to himself.

But Jen's appearance keeps on flashing on his mind. And he felt his whole body started to heat up.

"I really missed his fragile and beautiful body. I really wanted to hold it again." He muttered absent mindedly as he imagined him undressing in front of him.

He smiles sinisterly when an idea came to his mind.

Jen quickly goes to the mall's restroom. And he runs to the nearest cubicle as he felt his whole body shakes in nervousness.

He seated on the toilet to stop his body and legs from shaking.

"What I have done! If I just leave and ignore them I won't feel this bad." He did himself to stop his body from shaking.

He took several deep breaths and he stares at the closed door of the cubicle.

"It's ok Jen! You defend yourself! And you just did the right thing! You don't need to feel bad! You just did the right thing!" He whispered to himself.

He let out a deep breath as he started to open the cubicle door.

Jihyo was too pissed when he cannot find Jen.

"I guess I needed to pee and I'll just continue looking for him. Perhaps he went home already and I can simply go to his apartment." He muttered as he went to restroom of the mall.

Jen opens the door and he about to leave.

But his eyes widens in terror when he saw Jihyo just few meters away from him!

But before he can hide Jihyo already saw him.

"Oh! What a small world really is it?! I had been looking for you everywhere but I didn't expected to see you here. Just you and me. ALONE!" He exclaimed as he walks towards him.

Jen tried to close the cubicle door but Jihyo stopped him and he pushed him towards the cubicle.

His eyes widens in terror when he realized he's cornered.

"I got no way out!"

He heard the cubicle door's lock clicks after Jihyo locked it.

"Stay away from me!" Exclaimed angrily.

Jihyo smiles at him as he cornered him.

"Why? Babe? Don't you know that I did missed you?" He whispered to him as he caress Jen's  face.

Jen angrily removes Jihyo's hand from his face!

Quit doing that you bastard! We're already over! Stop treating me as if you owned me!" He whispered angrily in low tone.

Jen tried to leave but Jihyo blocked his way.

"Where are you going Babe? I really miss you for real! I hope you don't want to make a scene in this place. I just wanted to talk to you. To show you how much I miss you. Specially during the times I'm doing my solo or me time!" Jihyo whispered to him in low tone.

Jen slaps him soundly on his face!

Jihyo glances at him and he simply smiles.

"How dare you say that  to me. I still have my dignity! I'm not one of those hoes who will agree to make out with you! Just let me go will you!!" He said angrily.

Jihyo chuckled as he pulled him closer to him.

"Playing hard to get huh! To be honest I really didn't expected it. That you will be transformed like that after those days that we are still together. I never saw you dressed like that! I felt sad that I didn't experienced making out with you while you're some of those sexy outfits like the others did for me. If I didn't know you personally to be honest I'll suspect that you're a genuinely a girl. Even that way you talk you sounded like one." He smirked as he pushes him to the very corner of the cubicle.

He almost lost his balance and he hits  the wall with a loud bang!

He winced in pain and Jihyo grabs his arms as he kissed him violently!

Jen was caught off guard and he felt Jihyo pulling down his underwear using his right hand!

Jen tears started to trickled down his cheeks.

Then he noticed a shadow passes by their cubicle.

Jihyo continues to harass him as his mind keeps on pleading for help.

"Somebody please help me!"

Jihyo let go of his lips that was partially swollen!

He tried to push Jihyo away but he punches him in his stomach!

He winced in pain as Jihyo continues to violate him.

Jihyo stopped for a moment as he stares at him in satisfaction.

Jen took the opportunity to call for help.

"No matter what happen I need to get out of here!" He thought as he glares at Jihyo angrily.

"Somebody! Please! I need help!" He shouted weakly.

Suddenly one of the cubicle doors bangs as if someone opens it quickly!

Jihyo looks at him in surprise.

"Damn it! You bitch! You really made a scene!" Jihyo exclaimed angrily as he pushes Jen violently away!

Jen lost his balance and his head hit the wall!

Jen winced in pain as he slowly felt dizzy!

Jihyo panicking opens the door and he quickly runs out of the cubicle but a blow from a hard fist meet his face.

"Damn it!" He staggered for a moment and he quickly recovered as he runs out of the rest room.

Jen's vision slowly gets blurry as the person who helped  him carried him he keep on saying some words that he cannot absorbs.

"T-thank Y-You!" He whispered and everything went black.

Few moments ago.

Sebastian felt a need to pee after he drank his order.

He pass by a cubicle after he enters the cubicle.

He heard some muffled sounds of voices and some banging inside the cubicle.

He thought that it must be some thrill seeking couple who tried to make out on the mall.

He shakes his head as he passed by the cubicle.

"People nowadays. There's a place called motel." He muttered in annoyed tone.

He unzipped his pants and he started to pee.

He can hear some banging and whimpers that really annoys him.

"Such wild couple." He whispered in disgusted tone.

Suddenly a voice made his heart beats so fast.

"Somebody! Please! I need help!" A voice shouted weakly.

He immediately runs towards the cubicle and he saw a guy rushing out.

"He's trying to escape!" He muttered as he punches the guy on the face.

But to his disappointment the guy quickly recovered and he managed to escape.

He heard somebody groaning and he saw a girl who's starting to lost his consciousness.

He recognized the girl!

It was the same girl who bumped to him earlier!

He immediately rushed towards her.

"Miss are you ok?" He asked the girl who had messy hair all over her face.

"Thank you." The girl whispered as she lost her consciousness.

A familiar voice surges on his memory.

Sebastian carefully remove the hair on girl's face.

His eyes widens in surprise when he recognized the person he thought that was a girl!

"XAYAH! JEN BERG!!" He exclaimed as he carried him. " I must take you to the nearest hospital!"

He rushed towards the mall exit after they get out of the restroom.

Meanwhile Sherwin runs to their meeting place after he parked his motorcycle.

"Did you hear that!? A girl was assaulted in the male comfort room?!"

Sherwin quickly glances to the group of students who are passing by.

"Yeah it's not safe to wonder around alone like that. We have to be cautious next time!" The girl beside him answered. "I heard somebody aided her in time and he brought him to the hospital near here."

Sherwin felt a surge of worry and Jen Berg's images flashes on his mind.

"Sherwin chill out! They said it was a girl and I'm sure he's fine." He whispered to himself as he brush away the worry from his mind.

Sherwin continued to look for Jen as he keeps on brushing off the negative thought that keeps on flashing on his mind.

Jen slowly opens his eyes a blinding ray of the sun greeted him.

He look around him. His heart felt the sadness to recognized the place.

It was the very place where he met his first mate and his former duo partner.

"It's been a long time." A familiar voice whispered from his back.

Jen slowly glances behind him.

"R-Rakan?!" He stammered as his eyes started to swell in tears.

"Rakan? You still call me with that name until now my Xayah!!" Sebastian laughs as he patted his head like he often do to him.

Tears trickled down his cheeks as he hugged him tightly.

He cried like a child who finally find his long lost favorite toy after looking for it for a long time.

Sebastian hugged him tightly.

"You did miss me!" Sebastian he wipe away the tears from his eyes.

Jen nodded his head but he felt something wasn't right!

Everything around them shattered like mirrors and he felt himself falling together with Sebastian who's slowly fading in his arms.

"No!! Sebastian!!" He shouted.

Suddenly he woke up and he bolted up from his bed.

He felt a surge of pain in arms and head as he winced in pain!.

He touched his bandaged head and he look around him.

It's not his room but the scent of alcohol and the white painted room reminds him of an hospital room.

"What the hell happened to me? What am I doing here?" He groans as he glances around him.

Suddenly he felt somebody is holding his left hand as he nervously glances beside him.

His eyes widens in surprise when he saw a guy in a hoodie is sleeping soundly beside his bed!

He carefully remove his hand from the guy's grip and he recall what happened to him before he lost his consciousness.

Tears trickled down his cheek when everything flashes in mind.

He cried bitterly as he remembers all things that Jihyo had done to him.

Embraced himself as his body shakes in fear and anger!

"That was too much Jihyo! How could you do that to me!?!" He exclaimed angrily as he cried bitterly. "I won't this day that he abused and violated me!"

Suddenly the guy beside him started to stirred. He's starting to make up!

Then Jen remembers the guy who helped him. And he started to thank him.

"I'm sorry if I woke you up I just wanted to say thank you for helping and for bringing me here." He said as he watches the guy covers his face while yawning loudly  as he brushed away the drowsiness he feels.

"I didn't recognized you in that transformation my Xayah!" The guy answered as he smiles at him.

Jen burst into tears as he hugged him tightly.

"Don't worry Rakan is here now. No one can you now for I'll never leave you again." Sebastian whispered to him as he hugged him tightly while he's crying on his arms.

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