The Future of Tomorrow Brough...


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In an alternate timeline sirens strike at some of the strongest warships ever created. USS Midway, USS Montan... More

Chapter 1: Displaced
Chapter 2: Direction
Chapter 3: Enter the Fray
Chapter 4: Meet and Greet
Chapter 5: Celebration
Chapter 6: Trip to Newport Part 1
Chapter 7: Trip to Newport Part 2
Chapter 8: Unexpected Accident
Chapter 9: Echo Fleet
Informative Announcement
Chapter 10: Training Begins
Chapter 12: U3008 Heads to the Frontline

Chapter 11: Battle of Guadalcanal

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Date: August 10th, 1943

Location: Newport Naval Base, California

Time: 8:00 am

It's been a week and a half since Echo fleet had begun training. In that time they have learned to use their riggings in combat. Montana, Shikishima, Yoshino, and Midway mostly focused on learning to fight at range and keep their opponents an an arms distance. Jason and Nisshin learned how to fight at much closer range should they need to defend themselves. Though they serve as support ships rather than warships. During this time the first batch of freshly built A-1 Skyraiders, DTB Destroyers, F8F Bearcats, and F4F-3S Wildcatfish arrived at the base. Naturally Midway got dibs on the aircraft to replace the ones she had lost. When Essex heard about the new planes arriving she immediately went to talk with Commander Evans.

"Please can I have the remaining of the new planes that came in with the last batch?" Essex asks as she sat down in a chair.

Evans sighs knowing that those spare planes were for Midway incase she lost anymore during the next two weeks of training. However now that these planes were slowly being produced, it wouldn't be long until the next batch of planes arrived.

"Fine you can have them. However I only have about ten of each to give you so use them wisely."

"Yes! Thank you commander." Essex says as she does a little happy dance before regaining her posture.

"Now please leave me to continue my work."

Essex salutes before leaving Commander Evan's office. As the door closes Evan mumbles to himself.

"That girl is a walking meme."

Just then the door reopens as a the head scientist enters Commander Evan's office.

"Sir, we just finished analyzing the weapon system on U-3008." The scientist says as he walks over to Evan's deck.

The scientist then opens a file containing a diagram of U-3008 that show all of his ship's compartments.

"Alright, what am I looking at?" Evan asks.

"This is a launcher for small anti ship guided rockets. U-3008 can carry twenty-four in two launchers." The scientist replies as he points to where the two launchers are located before continuing. "One of the launchers faces forward and is located in front of the conning tower. The second is aft of the conning tower and faces towards the stern."

"What about the rockets themselves? How potent are they? How much of a threat do they pose?"

"After a single test conducted yesterday we conducted these ASGRs are as powerful as a small torpedo. These radio guided rockets are slow to turn while in flight so you have to point the launcher towards the target. Also we concluded these rockets have a range of 20km. These rockets aren't much of a threat to heavy armored ships but light cruisers and destroyers can easily be knocked out with one to three hits. Heck even heavy cruisers aren't immune to these rockets. Granted it would take at least three good hits to sink them. Overall these rockets aren't much of a game changer due to that U-3008 has to be surfaced to use them. However the potential of this technology is enormous. Imagine a ship armed with larger versions of these rockets able to hit other ships outside the range of a battleship."

"Thats incredible, report this to high command immediately and tell no one what you have told me."

Meanwhile down at the piers Nisshin watched as his old Mitsubishi F1M floatplanes were being replaced with experimental F4F-3S Wildcatfish. These modified Wildcats had just begun final trails so high command gave the approval for IJN Nisshin to test these aircraft. The Wildcatfish were only slightly slower and maneuverable than a normal Wildcat but could now be used as a float plane. Over all giving Nisshin theses Wildcatfish would greatly increase his airpower and increase is combat abilities. Now Nisshin could not only scout but also use his float planes to help defend against enemy aircraft.

Everything seamed to be going smoothly at the Newport Naval Base. However in the South Pacific things were about to get heated. The first Eagle Union troop convoy had safely arrived in the Coral Sea and Commander Jon Willams gave the order for the invasion of the Solomon Islands to begin at 2 am.

The plan was to first take Guadalcanal and Florida Island. The reason for this was to secure the airfield being built on Guadalcanal. Mass produced warships and kansen would sail around the east side of Guadalcanal and then spit into two groups. The Northern Force would hold position to the north of Savo Island while the Southern Force guards to the south of Savo Island. Once both groups have defeated any resistance and secured the waters near Savo Island the landing force would begin enter the water between Guadalcanal and Florida Island. The landing forces transports would then launch their landing craft. From there its up to the brave marines to storm the shores and take the islands. Of course all of this is easier said than done.

The lead force manages to steam between Guadalcanal and Florida island without any resistance. Minutes later both groups report the coast is clear. Commander Jon Williams then gives the go ahead for the landing fleet to move in. By 3:30 am the first wave of marines are ready to go to shore.

Unknown to the landing force is that Sakuran troops are waiting for them just past the shores. Several pillboxes and bunkers dot the area over looking the shore on Guadalcanal. The Sakuran officer radioed for help but receives no response. At 3:40 the marines charge the shores. Many of the ship girls could see the gunfire and occasional silhouette of the many landing craft. By 4:30 the marines had a strong foot hold on the island and were rapidly advancing towards the unfinished airfield. The third wave of marines were landing on the beach when the southern lead force spotted a group of unidentified ships with their lights out stealthily approaching the south side of Savo Island. Chicago shines her spot lights at the unidentified ships before using her radio on an open channel.

"Unidentified ships, Identify yourselves immediately!" Chicago demands over the radio.

Just then several planes that seemed to appear out of nowhere dropped flares in the sky above the southern lead force. The lead unidentified ships open fire at Chicago before several of the ships burst into cubes as kansen summon their riggings. Chicago doges after seeing the burst of light from the hostile ship's guns. Unfortunately the Oceania Republic (Australia) mass produced cruiser HMAS Canberra was quickly targeted. After two salvos both of Canberra's engines were knocked out and a hit to her bridge killed or wounded most of her senior officers. Unknowingly Canberra sailed into the path of USS Patterson's torpedos. Moments later a torpedo hits the side of the cruiser. With the ship immobilized and listing the surviving senior officers give the order to abandon ship. USS Patterson pulls alongside the battered cruiser and helps evacuate the surviving crew. Chicago takes several hits while trying to draw enemy fire away from the Patterson and the Canberra. Once the evacuation is complete. Chicago orders what's left of the southern lead force to fall back and warn the vulnerable transport ships.

Meanwhile the northern lead force steams south to engage the enemy. The enemy fleet splits into two groups as it comes around the south side of Savo island. Once again planes approach the northern lead force and drop flares. As soon as the flares illuminate the northern force the Sakuran ships open fire. Quincy doesn't even get a chance to summon her rigging before her ship is engulfed in flames. Astoria and Vincennes return fire but due to it being dark they miss their opening shots. Soon the north force finds themselves being caught between to two Sakuran groups. Amidst the chaos a lone hunter moves through the battlefield and towards the vulnerable transport ships near Florida Island.

As the battle rages on, word finally reaches the landing force. Quickly the transports of both landing groups stop preparing the fourth wave of marines and begin to flee towards the east. The captain of the transport USS Haywood watches the battle from the rear of his ship's bridge when suddenly something launches from the surface of the water. The fast moving projectile flies through the air before slamming into a nearby transport ship. The captain watches in horror as the USS Little Gregory begins to list to port. Soon another rocket launches from the surface of the water and heads towards the transports. AA gunners try to shoot down the rocket but their efforts are in vain. The rocket spams into USS Neville causing an explosion that rocks the transport before it too begins to list one side. The remaining transports near Florida Island soon reach full speed as the survivors of the two sinking ships are left behind to swim to shore. The transports near Guadalcanal are left un harassed but can only watch as the other group of transports are picked off one by one. The captain of USS Elliott radios to the command fleet that is anchored somewhere on the other side of Guadalcanal.

"Sir, we are under attack! The landing force near Florida Island is being picked off one by one by what appears to be rockets launched on the surface of the water. It to dark to see what's launching them."

Commander Jon is surprised at this. No way should the Sakura Empire has access to rocket weaponry yet. Fearing the worse and believing he has no choice Commander Jon Willams gives the order for all ships to retreat. Unaware to him is that the northern lead force is still fighting for their lives. Quincy's ship has sunk and Quincy herself has to be fished out of the water by the crew of the USS Wilson. Soon Astoria collapses after being wore down from fighting. The Sakuran forces presume her dead and move on to finish off Vincennes. Vincennes find herself in a losing battle against Aboa and Chokai. Her tries to make her way to her sister but the hail of gunfire takes its toll on her. She collapses just as she reaches Astoria. With most the northern force knocked out the Sakuran warships and Kansen pull back and let the lone hunter continue her mission. Fortunately for Astoria and Vincennes USS Wilson and USS Helm turn back and pick them up before fleeing around the north side of Florida Island.

By the time the sun rises Commander Jon Willams has the report of just how bad the landing operation went. He soon reports to high command over a video channel.

"I regret to inform you all that after a surprise counter attack by Sakuran kansen and mass produced ships we lost the HMAS Canberra, almost the entire landing force deployed to Florida Island was destroyed by rockets launched from an unknown ship. The kansen Astoria, Vincennes, and Quincy are out of action. Quincy's ship was sunk. And to top it all off we have hundreds of marines trapped on the northern side of Guadalcanal and on the southern side Florida Island."

"An unfortunate loss." One of the Admirals comments.

"No doubt this could have been prevented, but now is not the time to point fingers on who to blame. Your priority is to either rescue those marines or if possible continue the landings." The fourth Admiral commands.

"Understood." Commander Jon replies before the video channel turns off.

Time: August 11th, 1943

Time: 12:00 pm

At noon Commander Jon Willams orders his remaining warships to re-enter the waters between Guadalcanal and Florida Island. Jon was expecting a fight but was surprised to hear that there was no sign of the Sakuran fleet that attacked them the previous night. Unaware to Commander Jon the Sakuran counter attack force had withdrawn to refuel and rearm. Seeing no apparent threat to this remaining transports Jon orders the invasion to continue. By 1:00 pm the forth wave of marines storm the beaches and link up with the marines that were trapped on the islands. The fight for the airfield is fierce. It's surrounded by trenches, bunkers, and pillboxes. However after an hour the marines manage to punch through the perimeter defenses. But the Sakuran soldiers don't give up. Several machine guns are positioned around the airfields buildings cause the marines to dive for cover. But the runway doesn't provide much for them. Most of the marines are held up in a ditch on one side of the runway. Any attempts to cross the runway are met with a hail of bullets. Then in the midst of the confusion a platoon of Sakuran Type 97 Chi-ha tanks arrive to reinforce the defenses. Much to the surprise of the marines two of the Chi-ha tanks burst into cubes before forming "hulls" on two teenage girls.

"I thought only ships could be turned into humans?!" A marine with a rocket launcher says aloud.

"Shut up and and get ready to fire!" His platoon leader orders.

All at once six marines fire their rockets. The rockets fly down range towards where two enemy tanks and an enemy tank girl is. The girl sees the rockets and jumps to the side just in time before the six rockets slam into the tanks or the ground near them. Unfortunately for the tank girl one of the tanks suffers an ammo detonation which rips the medium tank apart sending shrapnel everywhere. Most of the shrapnel bounces off her harmlessly but one piece of armor pierces her leg as the explosion sends her flying. She slams into a rock a few feet away before losing consciousness. Her platoon sister comes running falls too her knees as she see her sister. The first tank girl is covered in burns, her barrel is bent, and her machine gun is busted. Thinking that her sister is dead she panics. Time seems to stop for the second tank girl. She doesn't even notice when the finale mass produced tank in her platoon blows up. Nor when the surviving Sakuran soldiers fall back into the jungle. When she come to her senses she finds herself surrounded by marines. But none dare to get close to her. When she sees a soldier with a Red Cross band on his arm checking her sister she thinks he is defiling her body. So she jumps up and charges him. However a muscular marine tackles her from the side.

"Don't touch my dead sister! I'll kill your all for defiling her body!" The tank girl cries.

"She's not dead. But she needs medical attention and fast." The medic replies.

"Come with us. If you behave we promise your sister will get the medical attention she need's."

"I'd rather die!" The tank girl replies.

"I see we will have to do this the hard way." The marine says.

The marine then slams the butt of his rifle into the side of the tank girl's head. A normal person would be knocked out but this blow only causes her pain. So the marine pops his neck muscles before slamming the butt of his rifle with everything he has into to poor girl's head. Finally this knocks her out.

"Alright, let's get these two back to the beach. I'm sure the brass are gonna wanna see this."

At 4:00 pm the captain of the transport USS Elliot requests that Commander Jo Willams visit is his ship. The captain doesn't state why, only that it was important for Jon to see something. Minutes later Commander Jon climbs onto the transports deck and the transports captain leads him to room converted into a infirmary. Once inside Jon sees the two tank girls laid out on two mats since with their hulls they are too heavy to pull on a table.

"Are they what I think they are?" Jon asks a corps man.

"Yes, they are tank girls" the corps man replies.

"I need to report this to high command immediately." Commander Jon Willams explains as he quickly leaves the room.

Once he reaches his flagship the USS Mississippi (New Mexico class battleship) he once again opens a video channel and requested to see the Admirals. Moments later he is greeted by the fifth admiral.

"Hello Commander Jon, I assume this is important?"

"Yes sir, marines on Guadalcanal have encountered tank girls. While only two were seen in combat, I believe the Sakura Empire is beginning final combat trails. We managed to capture both of the tank girls."

"I see... I will relay this with the other admirals. How is the situation at Guadalcanal?"

"We didn't encounter any resistance when reentering the waters between Florida Island and Guadalcanal. We've also managed to secure the landing field. The remaining Sakuran soldiers have fled to the south side of the island. I estimate it will take up to four more days to secure the rest of the island." Jon reports

"Very good. Continue your operations in the Solomon Islands."

After that the channel closes. Then the forth admiral who was listening to the conversation finally speaks up.

"I'm surprised you didn't warn him about the Iron Blood Type 21 submarine in the area."

"We don't know for sure if that mysterious ship that launched those rockets was a Type 21. Regardless we need every available submarine we have to report to the Solomon Islands." The fifth admiral counters.

"Even 3008? His training isn't complete yet."

"Especially U-3008! He has the most sensitive passive sonar of any submarine we've seen. And if  that ship really is a Type 21 we're gonna need our own to beat it."

(Author's note. Recently I've gotten a job which has slowed down my ability/free time to write. However I'm sure that with time I'll learn to make better use of what free time I have. Anyways thank you for reading and have a great day.)

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