One Chance

By TheSoExtraGirl

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Story of Ertugrul and Halime set in Season 1 and 2. One chance that means alot to both of them. Just one chan... More

1. Savior
2. Royalty
3. Truth
4. Understanding
5. Deciding
6. Lovers are always stupid
7. Far Away
8. Years Later
9. The Surprise
10. Her Home
11. Jealousy
12. Competition
13. Alp Commander
14. The Lunch
15. Challenging Him
16. Confessions
17. Secret

18. Intentions

81 4 26
By TheSoExtraGirl

It was the day. It finally was the day Ertugrul kept the track of since he set his foot on Korkut Bey's land. Halime too was coming to witness the day but that wasn't the point, but it kind of actually was because her presence in the tent meant a pressure on Korkut Bey's head, a pressure to serve justice and make a fair decision.

Out of all the people, Sungurtekin wasn't really the one Ertugrul thought would stand as a volunteer for alp commander, he always thought he will be the one because Gundogdu was more of next bey of Kayi Tribe.

Due to Ertugrul's cold war with Tugtekin, he would say that it was his stubbornness to stand up against him but Sungurtekin taking the spot or more like Hayme telling him to take the spot made him jealous.

It was all a plan, but he didn't knew that. Sungurtekin, Gundogdu and Halime's plan. He didn't quite asked his brothers about what Halime talked to them about but he felt curious about it.

Halime didn't visited them too in that two weeks made him go crazy thinking and then he saw his brothers, making an effort, more like working on a plan to do something about Tugtekin, he felt left out but before he could confront them, Sungurtekin stood on his spot and he felt the burn.

"Ertugrul, you want Tugtekin off the Alp Commander spot, I get it and support it but you are already the war commander, proposing you again will be equal to losing the game again. Don't worry, are we staying here for long? No! After war-"

"And Ertugrul's wedding with Halime Sultan." Sungurtekin added an interruption as he chew on the almonds. Her mother gave him nothing but a hidden side smile but then there was Gokçe holding the spoon like she was going to stab Sungurtekin with it.

Ertugrul liked how in every situation, no one forgets about his wedding with Halime. After that half confession night, Ertugrul slept assured thinking she is his now and for his family too now Ertugrul and Halime's wedding held an importance as if they couldn't migrate before it.

"Yes, that too, so after Ertugrul's wedding who is saying that we are staying on these lands anymore?" Hayme's voice and attitude felt way more confident than it was used to be. Sungurtekin and Gundogdu's smiles looked more sharp than they were used to be.

"But what if circumstances change? Our people are getting better, our sheeps are healthier here. What if the wind turns to our side and good days come in such a way that we couldn't afford the migration at that time?" Gundogdu asked.

His question made a lot of sense, the better days were coming, the better season was coming and everyone could feel it as the war was approaching. War meant end of mongols and this time much to Sultan's cooperation and Halime's existence, people were very motivated, they were very peaceful and sure that this time, we will succeed.

"We will see at that time, maybe I'll give us spot of Bey position to anyone of you before we migrate or maybe after war, work with me, cooperate with me that's all i want."

This was the whole conversation that happened two days back. He knew he was jealous of his own brother, he thought if the intial plan is of Halime that Gundogdu and Sungurtekin are working on, he had alot of questions which he wanted to ask before he set his foot inside Korkut Bey's tent.

"Sungurtekin brother, we need to talk!" Ertugrul said entering his brother's tent but instead he met with three familiar faces. Two faces of his brothers, one of his lover, more like fiancee if he say it right.

They were talking, they were discussing, they definitely were before Ertugrul entered the tent, he heard them, they stopped just as he entered the tent.

He felt the shock, he let the shock take him in it deep, this was bad and he knew this. Bad in a sense that he was scared about Tugtekin, what if he understands the situation and couldn't control his anger? What if Halime is in it and he figure it out and harm her? Ertugrul's own anger was raising now.

He finally set his foot inside. He wasn't going to leave, he wanted to talk but the faces of shock didn't felt like what he wanted to know the answers from. It was all jealousy.

"Ertugrul, what did Anne taught you about manners?" Sungurtekin joked, trying to lighten up the situation. Halime and Gundogdu laughed at it obviously they had to make the air inbetween them light but Ertugrul didn't laughed.

"I wanted to talk!" He declared, his eyes not deciding whether to look at Halime or Sungurtekin or something else. Halime wasn't looking at him so maintaining a one sided eye contact would mean nothing.

"To me?" Sungurtekin asked.

"Obviously, otherwise why would I have entered your tent brother??" He said in his angry and firm tone and Halime for the first time heard him using it and it almost gave her goosebumps and stumble backwards. He was never a loud person. Halime now did looked at him and now he didn't liked it. Unfortunately for Ertugrul, his words got louder than his nice intentions.

Sungurtekin and Gundogdu felt the anger rising inside them. They were his elder brother and they weren't doing anything wrong but he still decided to raise his voice over their nice behavior.

"We should leave." Gundogdu announced, lifting his hand indicating Halime to lead so that before leaving, he can give a death glare to Ertugrul and he did but Ertugrul was more concerned about the woman who didn't liked his tone at all.

That was Ertugrul. That who he actually was. Sometimes sweet, sometimes sour. Mostly times sweet especially with the people he love but with his anger also came the care. He was worried and wanted to know everything because one wrong step could lead to danger and his brother working without him knowing gave him a jealousy and burn kick but he couldn't justify it, yes he was jealous because he thought he deserved more than to keep secrets from.

"Can I get to know what you are plotting about and why is Halime involved in it?" Ertugrul demanded. His teeths gritting against each other. Sungurtekin caught his mood without wasting another second.

"Ertugrul I'm in no mood of explaining but maybe after meeting, we can discuss on it. Let everything happen Ertugrul."

"Then tell me about Halime's involvement only, so that I can safe her from anything that happens in the future." He demanded again and this time, it felt like he didn't cared about the whole world but Halime, he just wanted to save her, not even his brothers.

"Ertugrul, she is fine, she will be fine, I assure you.... Gundogdu and I are here with her." That was the whole problem. They are with her.

"And why you? I mean why you as the alp commander? Why you as the one protecting Halime because you know everything?"

"Are you jealous?" Sungurtekin pointed out, adjusting his belt on his waist.

"I'm curious because I have been the one struggling from past years for this spot and Anne agreeing to give it to you instead of me struggling just didn't feel well to me." Ertugrul explained which actually was jealousy in other words.

"Ertugrul.... I'm the choice.... because Halime Sultan told so, she felt suitable and she have her reasons and we understand that okay. You too should."

"Halime? She.... She?" Well that was a shock, a big one, a bad one. She saw him struggling too but she still did that. He felt betrayed. Simply not loving the day anymore but still Tugtekin as Alp Commander wasn't the option too.

"Ertugrul don't do this, don't give me this face, she in my sense is doing what is right."

"Yes obviously because you will be the alp commander." Ertugrul pointed out, sarcasm dripping from the corner very lightly.

"You really think I care about it? Being alp commander?"

"You look like you do."

"I do at the moment because you know what? If Tugtekin remains the Alp Commander or in any control maybe you will never get the chance to marry Halime Sultan because you don't understand the power he is holding right now especially over your jealousy and lack of self control."


"I think Tugtekin Bey in my eyes, didn't proved to be what I expect in Alp Commander. I was in tribe when they attacked three weeks back and this counts as the seventh time, if the security plan is so weak, how can people sleep in their tents peacefully?" Halime pointed out at the end, more like a conclusion from whole conversation that she put together infront of beys.

Ertugrul sat beside her, at her other side was Hayme. He wanted to grip her hand and talk to her the moment the meeting ends. He was having a bad impression on her but he still didn't forgot that she was the one to suggest Sungurtekin as Alp Commander knowing his efforts more deeply.

"Halime Sultan.... I haven't proved myself good as Alp Commander in these two months you've been here but in this attack we controlled the situation, we lost no lives, I don't think so I deserve to be kicked away like that."

"Tugtekin Bey-" Ertugrul spoke at the same time Sungurtekin did but he did stopped, he continued so it was more like he interrupted him.

"Tugtekin Bey, if I'm not wrong it's the seventh time and everytime they break into our tribe because of the security plan you came up with for both tribes. Halime Sultan is right, people are now questioning if they are even safe." Sungurtekin completed.

"Allah please grant me patience." Ertugrul muttered under his breath, loud enough for Halime to hear him being frustrated after getting side lined by his brother like that.

Ertugrul was more than sure that he heard Halime saying 'me too' under her breath but it was quick anf covered up unlike his.

"Tugtekin Bey, I don't believe in letting someone repeat their mistakes again and again and while we are in tribe, there are alot of people and their lives depend on what you plan and it's the seventh time, there's no excuse for anything if you ask me, you should step back."

"I won't!" Tugtekin replied in a firm, clear and loud tone.

"Keep your voice down." Ertugrul warned immediately.

"You don't tell me what I'm supposed to do."

"Ertugrul Bey! Tugtekin Bey!" The voice of Dodurga Tribe bey came which silenced the room from the tension.

"I simply don't accept anyone kicking me from my spot, my job. I did it with a honest heart and I fulfilled my duty and will continue to do it because I apologize to state this Halime Sultan but this is our tribal decision, you are outsider."

"Know your limits Tugtekin Bey! Just like I know mine and that's the only thing that's keeping me from making a harsh decision. If you still can't remember I'm given the responsibility of these lands, a motion of my hand is enough to make Sultan aware about everything and I will see how you still maintain your position."

"Are you blackmailing Halime Sultan?"

"I'm just telling you to accept whatever the decision of Bey is, accept your mistakes and lives that both tribes lost because of your negligence or I might use the power in my hands that I was born with." Halime was now facing Korkut Bey as she tore her eyes away from Tugtekin. She felt awfully weird talking like a proud and spoiled Sultana but for the future of Turk tribes, it was important. "Korkut Bey and Hayme Hatun, I demand Sungurtekin Bey as new Alp Commander of both tribes, it's time for a chance, for a change and for war, I can't let the tribes be weak especially right now."


"HOW CAN YOU ENTER-" Halime was cut off by Tugtekin's fast steps towards her, eyes full of anger that it felt like he might eat her alive and unfortunately she didn't even had Ertugrul to protect her from those eyes. "What are you doing, stay away!" She warned as she picked up her dagger from her seat. She was scared of him suddenly barging into her tent and he knew this.

"What is your problem? Who even are you??" Tugtekin's words were harsh and sharp.

"Watch your tongue!" Halime warned but he just lamely chuckled. She wanted Ertugrul around him, especially when it's about Tugtekin. It was the only favor she asked from him because she felt and knew that this man Tugtekin is the only person that can make her feel unprotected and alone.

"You think by declaring Sungurtekin as Alp Commander by leaving me with nothing... by disrespecting me infront of everyone, the beys of my own tribe, you and your lover Ertugrul can do everything? I won't step back." He said the last few words by slamming his hand on the table beside him which made Halime flinch.

"I'm the declared supervisor of the tribes, both Kayi and Dodurga Tribe lies under territory of Selcuk Empire and I'm from Selcuk Empire family, I'm from Sultan's family, I hold power and use it wisely. The best you can do is accept your defeat and get out of my tent." She had her hand straightened and pointed towards the exit of tent but Tugtekin's eyes said alot, as if he was going to grab her wrist so she quickly dropped it.

When he saw her hand dropping by her side, he looked at her, angry. "I will leave.... I will leave but not before I inform you that I was used to like you, thought about stealing you from Ertugrul but now I hate you Halime Sultan! I will break you even when you feel protected in Ertugrul's arms."

Only if Ertugrul hear this or see him pointing his finger towards her. Only if.

"Instead of threatening me, you should go and prepare yourself for the war. Don't try to weaken me Tugtekin Bey because once I come as the daughter of this tribe and wife of Ertugrul Bey..... you will find me infront of you before you take your every step. You will find me and Ertugrul together. You are allowed to hate us too but still you will have no other option than to obey every decision because you are not the bey."

"I can for sure become one sooner or later."

"Not sure if Kayi Tribe will be here that long to witness that but may Allah bless Korkut Bey with alot of health. When we migrate, you will be left alone. Take my advice and find yourself a wife so that you won't feel alone."

"Do not stick your leg in my business." Tugtekin said, his own words making him cringe inside and out.

"Who started it?"

That was it. That was the moment till which Tugtekin could stand and argue with Halime. The moment she gained her confidence back and knew Ertugrul isn't coming to save her at least here. She knew she had to help herself. Was she going to tell Ertugrul about this? Was Ertugrul going to be the next one entering the tent after Tugtekin leave? Were they going to have their first argument?

Halime didn't knew answers of any of that. Her brain was just repeating the same words she told Ertugrul about Tugtekin.
"I want to ask you to he.... help me stay away from him Ertugrul.... I don't like the look in his eyes."


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