The Legendary Saiyan Reborn

By HollowLegend

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Nana never wanted to be a parent, never wanted a family life, what she wanted was to be a hero and to save ev... More

The Alien Child
Discussing his Origin
An Old Friend of Gran Torino.
Training with Muten Roshi
An Odd Discovery. Quirkless yet Mutated.

The Full Moon Monster

538 21 7
By HollowLegend

 Floating listlessly over the bustling city was a figure in stark black, long white pin stripes down an elegant and refined suit. The form hung still in the air, arms and legs lie limply at its side and his head lay against his chest. The wind from the altitude breezing through his stark pure white hair, hair that had been bleached with the purity of his evil. He was hunting, not any game that walked on four legs or flew or swam, but what walked upright. The most dangerous game, it was his quarry and he was after the most dangerous of them all. One specimen that had elected herself to stand before the evils to protect the other defenseless sheep. It was something she was protecting that garnered his interest, a foolish hero protecting a child from the heavens. In order to lure out his quarry, he would need to set the bait. Raising his arm up and flaying his fingers apart from his palm he took one last look at the city below. A city that would soon be ash, and he would be all that was standing left. All this senseless destruction For the enjoyment of One man.

Izuku was fast asleep after a long day of training having taken its toll on his body. Toshinori had come over to babysit while Nana was on patrol. Izuku's rest was abruptly cut short as an explosion rocked the city, his entire room shook violently as if an earthquake had ravaged the area. Thankfully nothing came crashing down but the boy was wide awake now, he rushed out of bed and flew down the staircase and over to the window. Toshinori had already risen from his spot on the couch and was staring at the horizon in horror. The glass had been shattered from the force of whatever shook the house and they were unprepared for what they saw. Where once stood an entire city now was replaced with rubble, it was tens of kilometers away from his home with his mother but the city in the distance was gone in an instant. A ploom of black smoke rose above the horizon as the ground glowed in the amber red of an inferno. Then it happened, before he could react there was a figure in front of him. A white haired man, with glowing red lifeless eyes, he appeared as quickly as it took Izuku to blink. The young saiyan was startled by the appearance of this man but that didn't stop him from walking through the wall and the sofa in front of it as if they weren't there.

"The boy from the stars. I would have never guessed you'd look so human. A saiyan here on earth again after almost a hundred years." His voice was like ice, cold emotionless but expectant. "You are coming with me." Izuku didn't respond, instead he opted to use his fear against whoever this guy in his home is. The young saiyan lifts his hand upwards towards the face of the intruder before a viridian green ball of Ki forms in his palm. The light from the energy basking the walls around him in light. The saiyan stands his ground. "Your powers will not save you boy." The man threatened but his threat was answered with a ki ball to the chest.

All for One didn't expect the force of the blast that Izuku had fired at him, the beam nearly vaporized his midsection, it was only for a regenerative quirk that he was still in one piece. Had he not had stolen that one, that baseball sized blast from the saiyan would have split him in two. This was going to be tricky. And if things couldn't get any worse, the screaming sound of someone flying at high speeds was getting closer. As if the shell of an artillery battery was screaming right towards him, the arch villain is blindsided by Nana Shimura. All for One catches the mother of all haymakers to the jaw sending him flying back dozens of feet through the air. His head reeling from the force of the impact. Nana quickly flies back to Izuku covering his eyes from the full moon hovering in the night sky. As she tries to bring him away from the quirk thief, Toshinori launches himself in the direction of where All for One had been thrown.

"I have no interest in dueling a novice with my brother's power. It'd be wise for you to make yourself scarce. Boy." All for One warns but The young Toshinori clenches his fists in defiance. "So be it." All for One states coldly before opening his hand in the direction of Toshinori blasting him backwards with a wall of air.

"Izuku. Take the Kintoun and fly as far as you can from here and whatever you do Don't look at the moon. Find Master Roshi and stay away from Mustafu. If anything happens to me, just know that I love you. Go! Quickly! Run!" Nana yells before shouting to the heavens. "NIMBUS!!!" She yells and not long after a golden cloud streaks across the night sky towards her. Izuku quickly scrambles to climb on to the nimbus before commanding it to fly away.

"You are a fool if you think I'll allow him to escape." Nana turns to see the imposing figure of her nemesis behind her before she's cast aside by a telepathic force. Picking herself up she watches in horror as All for One appears In front of Izuku and grabs him by the tail.

"NO!!!" Nana screams as All for One grabs the sides of Izukus head and peels his eyes open forcing him to look at the full moon.

The fear that Izuku was feeling was suddenly gone, instead he was filled with awe at what he was seeing. The young Saiyan had never been allowed to view the full moon and while he was told what would happen part of him didn't believe it. Now that he's staring at it for the first time the crater scarred white celestial body in the sky causes his Saiyan blood to boil. He doesn't hear All for One laughing instead he hears his heart beat heavily, his eyes fade out from their more normal green color to a deep red, his pupils fade into his irises. He breathes heavily with each beat of his heart as new hormones and enzymes course through his veins. Suddenly his face contorts with a primal fury. Gritting his teeth and growling animalistically, his teeth sharpen and his fingers grow claws. All for One laughs harder as the boy's body begins to warp and grow with the transformation. Long wire like fur grows over his body as he continues to grow. His body bulges and swells with the Saiyan blood culminating in the most feared being in the galaxy. The Oozaru. Nana looks on in horror as her once sweet little boy has now turned into a monster.

The Oozaru roars into the night air, its black fur being brushed by the air displaced by its shouts into the night sky. His once innocent green eyes now replace deep crimson sclera with no visible pupils. The great ape stamps from foot to foot destroying the street beneath it. "Look at your adopted son, one you wished to raise to one day become a pathetic hero like you. You can't shelter him from those saiyan instincts and now you will pay for your naivety and die at the hands of your own so-" All for One gloats before suddenly being grabbed by the Oozaru. The giant monkey's hand wrapping around All for One's leg before bringing him close to its mouth. "Insolent beast. Die!" All for One shouts before creating an energy based attack with his strongest quirk combination. The black and red ball grows in size between his fingers before being fired like a beam towards the eye of the Oozaru. However the beam merely bounces off the great ape's eyelid before ricocheting into the night sky. Having had enough of All for One, the Oozaru snaps its jaws down on All for One's right arm, snapping it off at the shoulder. Throwing the villain chew toy to the ground the Oozaru swallows the severed limb before roaring again in victory over All for One.

The arch villain crash lands through the hood of a semi truck before bouncing off and through a storefront window. The wound on his shoulder not healing from the Oozaru's bite, the quirk thief is forced to flee and lick his wounds. Flexing his remaining hand open he creates a dark purple and black warp gate before slinking through it. The Oozaru searches around where All for One once was, growling in frustration that his chew toy had managed to escape. Meanwhile Nana and Toshinori look on in shock that the little Izuku is now a 25m tall giant monkey. "Call Muten Roshi, if he's able to chew up and spit out All for One like that then we have no chance against him like that." Toshinori calls out towards Nana but the black haired woman is frozen in shock looking at what has become of her baby boy. Izuku however is in a red mist blood rage searching for All for One, his saiyan blood boiling to fight the strongest being here but he escapes like a coward. Instead the Oozaru roars again before a glowing green ball of energy forms in his mouth aimed at where All for One once was.

"Shit! We need to get out of here." All Might says to himself before launching towards Nana, he manages to catch his master in the crook of his arm before sprinting through what is left of the city and towards the hill side. "He's completely lost it! We need to get Roshi now!" All Might shouts shaking Nana out of her thousand yard stare.

"I... I don't even think he's strong enough to stop him." She mutters, but this statement causes All Might's blood to run cold.

"But we don't have a choice." All Might insists, prompting his master to fumble for her phone, quickly dialing Master Roshi.

At Kame House.

"Pig? Is that the phone?" Roshi croaks being distracted from his sexy yoga videos. The ringing of his ancient rotary phone buzzing through the house.

"Of course it's the phone you old coot. Pick it up already."
"You better start respecting your elders before I turn you into bacon. Oolong." Roshi threatens before grabbing the purple rotary phone. "Eh, hello?"

"Roshi! We need you to get to Saitama now! All for One attacked and forced Izuku to look at the moon. He's turned into a giant monkey and is destroying everything!" Nana shouts into the phone. Her voice is so loud that Roshi has to reflexively move the phone away from his head.

"He what?!" Roshi shouts, his eyes bulging out of his head so far that it breaks the lenses on his sunglasses. "Nana, I'm not strong enough to deal with him myself."

"NOT STRONG ENOUGH?!?!" He hears her scream, the phone flexing to now mouth what Nana is saying through the other end. "SO WHAT IF YOU'RE NOT STRONG ENOUGH YOU LECHEROUS BAG OF LIVER SPOTS GET DOWN HERE AND HELP US ALREADY!!!"

"I was going to say I know two people who are. I'll contact them and send them your way." Roshi then hangs up the phone and sighs. "The boy was forced into his great ape form by Nana's nemesis." Roshi says to Oolong who is peering into the living room from his up stairs. "Pig. Find the button marked 35 and press it. After that type in Saitama prefecture Japan. They'll know what to do from there."

"Are those two even still alive?"

"They're immortal like me, after what the mad doctor did to them they don't age anymore. Quickly. We don't have a lot of time, that boy is as strong as Vegeta was when he became a great ape against Goku all those years ago and if we don't act fast he'll destroy the planet."


Nana is forced to watch as her rampaging son fires mouth beam after mouth beam into the night air, massive explosions rock the entire country as each beam detonates against the ground. Hectares of land have been vaporized in the Oozaru's rampage and Nana can do nothing to stop him. Her pleas and cries for his attention have fallen on deaf ears. Meanwhile All Might is trying and failing to attack the Oozaru's tail. The giant monkey is well aware that it is a weak spot, swatting All Might away like a fly. "Izuku! Please! It's me! Your mother, calm down Izuku. The bad man is gone!" Nana shouts towards him but he is too distracted by All Might to pay attention to her. Suddenly the Oozaru grabs All Might, wrapping up his whole body in his giant hands. The oozaru brings his freehand around the other to tighten the grip around All Might. He snarls and growls looking down at the blonde superhero.
"Now or never Nana! You need to grab his ta-" All Might pleads before cutting himself off as he screams in pain. The great ape was beginning to crush him between his hands and All Might could feel his bones creaking from the pressure.

"I-izuku p-please stop!" Nana practically sobs running up to Izuku. The Oozaru turns to look at her and for the briefest of moments she believes that he is cognizant of what is going on. However that brief moment is all she gets as the Oozaru lifts up his giant foot to step on her. Nana quickly flies out of the way from the stomp as it crushes the asphalt beneath.

As Nana recovers from her evasion, a sudden bright light appears in the Oozaru's mouth aimed right at her. She is nowhere near quick enough to escape the blast and merely prepares herself for the end. She closes her eyes and flinches ready to expect the pain and from the darkness behind her eyelids she sees the tell tail red hue of light behind her closed eyes. Then nothing happens, one second passes, then three then ten and no impact or pain. Hesitantly Nana opens her eyes only to be greeted with the static electrical green barrier of a man in a park ranger's uniform. His straight black hair slightly covered by a cowboy hat and a twelve gage shotgun was slung over his shoulders. On the center of his jacket she could make out the number 17 displayed in bold yellow outlined by white. The black haired man is floating in the air with his arms and legs spread apart from each other encompassing himself and Nana in a particle barrier.

"Lapis, That's the kid's mother. Make sure she's alright. I'll handle his tail." A stern female voice instructs, the man in front of Nana nods towards where the voice comes from. Nana herself turns to see who had spoken and is greeted by a blonde woman who looks no older than 18 in a purple long sleeved shirt and jeans, a set of pearls adorn her neck as well as the name Turilllin on her chest.

The other woman casts her right hand to the side and opens her fingers as far as they will go, not a moment later a large golden disc made of energy appears above her hand. The edges of the ki disc blade sparking as if it was serrated. The woman spins once before slinging the disc blade towards the rampaging Oozaru. Instinctively it jumps to evade the attack however the blade cleaves through it's tail severing the appendage. The 50 foot long tail lands to the ground with a thunderous crash as the Oozaru roars in pain dropping the hero in his grasp. No longer connected with his tail, the great ape starts shrinking in size, shedding it's fur and morphing back into the small child it once was. In less time it took him to transform, Izuku is reverted back to himself, unconscious and in a bottom of the crater created by the Oozaru's foot.

Nana quickly runs over to her unconscious son and covers him with her cape. Drawing him in close and sobbing at what had just gone down. The blonde woman descends from where she was flying and approaches Nana while the man known as Lapis tends to All Might's wounds. "It's been a long time since a saiyan has been here on earth. I'm Lazuli, or as master Roshi knows, Android 18." 18 introduces herself. "What the hell happened that made him go Great Ape?" She questions looking down at Nana and Izuku.

"All for One happened." Nana responds sourly.

"You're gonna have to be a bit more specific than that tuts. We have no idea who that is." Lapis responds. "If my sister hasn't introduced me yet, I'm Android 17 or Lapis. Roshi said you had quite the feisty one on your hands, but after tonight I think it's time we take over his training rather than Roshi. Wouldn't want him becoming a pervert like him too now would we?" 17 jokes but Nana doesn't have the energy for the humor. "Let's bring blondy over here to Korin's tower and see if he's got any senzu beans, if not then we'll go to Super Kami Dende and see if he can heal the big guy. You can fly right?"


"Perfect, and Korin can make sure that his tail doesn't grow back so this doesn't happen again." 18 responds before helping Nana to her feet. The black haired mother wraps up Izuku like she used to when he was an infant before taking flight with the twin androids to heal her protegee. They must never let Izuku know what happened this night.  

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