Cubits Can't Save You Now: Se...

By CandyLovely148

4.4K 11 17

A crossover between Pibby, Mixels, and many more. What had planned to be a relaxing camping trip for the Infe... More

Episode 1: It All Began With Fire
Episode 2: Not-So Epic Comedy Adventure
Episode 3: Four Walls Compared To Three
Episode 4: The Echoes of Television
Episode 5: There's Pranking and There's Hurting
Episode 6: Accidental Arrival
Episode 7: Back To The Pilot
Episode 8: Two Planetoids And An Orbiton
Chapter 9: Darkness, Darkness, Go Away
Episode 10: Lost and Scared
Episode 11: An Unexpected Encounter
Mini Short 2: No More Questions!
Episode 12: Coordinated Group Dancing
Episode 13: The Darkness Within
Episode 14: Ok, K.O.! Let's Crossover!
Mini Short 3: A Tale of Trauma
Episode 15: Escape to Springfield
Mini Short 4: Two Faces, One Mindscape
Episode 16: Blunder Slime
Mini Short 5: Missing A Friend
Episode 17: Congregation
Episode 18: Unfamiliar Familiars
Mini Short 6: Crumbs' First True Danger
Episode 19: The Questionable Dinner Party
Episode 20: Splitting Dimensions
Episode 21: Mysterious Mixopolis
Episode 22: Observing the Otherworldly
Mini Short 7: Musical Tears
Episode 23: We Are The Two, How Do You Do

Mini Short 1: The Great Chase

149 0 0
By CandyLovely148

"That murp is destroying Mixel PARK!" Worried Glomp.

In the background, behind Glomp, Meltus pulled the green slime off of Teslo and Flamzer and then they ran off-screen. Cut to the damage with Kraw being completely encased in slime that's dangling from the sky, Volectro's body and hands being encased in slime, and Jawg being fully encased in slime. A few slime-covered fallen trees are also in the area.

"Murp! Murp!" Shouted the Scorpi & Glurt Murp.

The murp spins around, causing his tail to chop down another tree and then leaving the scene afterwards.

"If we don't catch him quick, he'll slice and slime up all of Mixel Land!" Said Glomp.

"And poor little Scorpi will miss our nightly nuzzle-wuzzle time!" Worried Hoogi.


In an attempt to comfort Hoogi, Footi puts his arm around him.

"Hoogi, it'll be fine. As long as we listen to our hearts." Assured Footi.

Footi then starts to tap-dance,  creating tiny, hgih-pitched piano notes as he tapped his feet while small static can be heard in the distance.

"Yes, we must listen to our ever-loving hearts!" Exclaimed Footi.

"And my heart says: to save our friends, we must mix 'em to get 'em." Footi pulls out a Glorp Corp/Spikel cubit.

The camera pans to the left, where we see a coconapple tree full covered to the left side of its trunk with The Darkness. Cut to a close-up of a mass of The Darkness forming bright white circles for eyes, which eyed the four mixels. The camera cuts to a super close-up where we see a reflection of a mixing sequence involving Footi & Torts in its blank eyes. In the reflection, Torts and Footi grabbed onto a Glorp Corp/Spikel Cubit.
A shower of tokens covers the screen and Footi and Torts are now in 8-bit form in an outer space background. An Alien Invader-esque creature goes on top of them and blasts them.

"MIX!" Shouted the two mixels.

The Footi & Torts Mix spins the blades on his head and flies upwards, causing the reflection in the Darkness' eyes to fade away. Cut to a medium shot of the mass of Darkness and the coconapple tree. Corrupted Amethyst emerges out of the mass of The Darkness with a corrupted Pikachu on her head. Meanwhile, the Scorpi & Glurt Murp was coating a giant Cactus in really badly-rendered slime in the Spiky Desert while repeating "Murp".
The Murp jumps onto the top of the cactus, using the flower as a trampoline. He then jumps off and crashes into the Footi & Torts Mix who catches him with a cheerful face.

"Yay! I gotcha, buddies!" Exclaimed the Footi & Torts Mix in Torts' voice.

The Murp breaks free and covers him with slime, and then both of the two plummet. The Mix is dazed and the Murp lands on top of him, sliding away thanks to the more badly-rendered slime. Hoogi holds up another Glorp Corp/Spikel Cubit, and Glomp grabs onto it.

"Mix!" Shouted Hoogi and Glomp.

A black-and-white cutout of a human foot crushes the two. The Hoogi/Glomp Mix skids a little on his slime-covered feet.

"Whoa...!" Said the Hoogi & Glomp Mix.

The Glurt & Scorpi Murp jumps in and out of screen, the Mix skating after him.

"Mu-u-urp!" Shouted the Scorpi & Glurt Murp.

The murp ran and ran, but the Hoogi & Glomp mix was right on his tail.

"Hold still buddies, I gotcha!" Assured the Hoogi & Glomp mix.

The Murp suddenly skids to a halt, and the Mix crashes into something. Hoogi and Glomp are de-mixed and the object is revealed to be a now-slime covered poster for the Wiztastics' show.

"Murp, murp, mu-u-urp! Murp, murp, mu-u-urp!" Exclaimed the Scorpi & Glurt murp, jumping throughout the scene.

Footi and Torts run into the scene.

"Lovely work, friends!" Exclaimed Footi.

"You chased the Murp into the Wiztastics' show! He's trapped!"

Footi and Torts then leave the scene, Torts skipping happily while Footi was tap-dancing along the way cheerfully. Hoogi and Glomp fall off the poster, but then footsteps are heard in the background. In front of the camera, Corrupted Amethyst and the Corrupted Pikachu walk towards Glomp and Hoogi.

"Excuse me, ma'am? Can we help you?" Hoogi asked Amethyst.

Cut to in front of Corrupted Amethyst and the Corrupted Pikachu. The two don't answer, the closest thing to interaction with the two mixels being standing still and eyeing the two. Hoogi and Glomp get up on their feet, the two getting a hint of worry.

"Hello? Ma'am?" Asked Hoogi.

"He asked if you needed help." Said Glomp.

Like before, the camera cuts to Corrupted Amethyst and the Corrupted Pikachu, still unmoving. Amethyst takes a few slow steps towards the two.

"Ý-y-ýöų §éəń țh!ś ćøľ-ľ-łøŕeđ çūbė?" Asked Corrupted Amethyst.

"Huh?" Questioned Hoogi and Glomp.

It took only a few seconds for the two to figure out what she meant.

"Ooh, a cubit!" Exclaimed Hoogi.

"Well, why didn't ya say so?" Laughed Glomp.

"Too bad we ran out, but you can mine some more, at least."

Corrupted Amethyst ran to the mixels and pinned them against the slime-covered wall.

"Whė-ê-ėrē @řĕ țhė cubits?" Demanded Corrupted Amethyst.

"They're with Foo-.. hey, wait a minute! Why is that yellow guy with you?" Asked Hoogi.

More of The Darkness leaked through Amethyst's mouth, and soon the palms of her hands. Now this, now this started to scare the two mixels.

"P-please let us go, we're just trying to get our Murp back!" Begged Hoogi.

But Amethyst didn't answer, she just let the Darkness leak from the palms of her hands drip to their bodies and to the floors. Cut to the Magic Tent where fireworks and spotlights are going off. Hoogi and Torts push open the theater doors and the two walk inside. Cut to the stage where Wizwuz and Mesmo are juggling rainbow Cubits and Magnifo is holding one of his wands and a top hat.
Magnifo throws his wand and catches it in his hat.

"Ya-ta-da, a-yaaa-ta-daaah!" Said Magnifo.

"Abra-ca-wacka-..DOODLE! Aah?"

The Wiztastic leader flips his hat downwards, but nothing comes out. He grows frustrated and sticks his hand inside the hat, trying to pull the wand out. All of a sudden, the wand launches out of his hat. Cut to Wizwuz, who is balancing a rainbow Cubit on his nose.
He accidentally swallows the wand, causing the Cubits to fall, and then he starts to choke. He then spits out the wand and it launches into Magnifo's head. He wobbles for a moment and then he falls, his pupil now turned into an "x". Cut towards the curtains, the Murp is there, happily panting.
He then climbs up the curtain and onto the rafters. The other two follow, but then they stop. The Murp appears on a rafter on the other side.

"Murp! Murp! Heh-heh-hee!" Laughed the Scorpi & Glurt Murp.

"Oh no, the murp's all the way over there! How are we gonna get him now?" Worried Torts.

As if to answer, Mesmo cleared his throat, a rainbow cubit in his hand, or his wing in his case.

"I have a cubit." Announced Mesmo.

"Well, aren't you the helpful mixel?" Exclaimed Torts.

Torts holds onto the cubit Mesmo was holding, causing a puff of smoke to appear, forming a mix of Torts and Mesmo.

"Yay!" Exclaimed the Torts & Mesmo Mix in Torts' voice.

Meanwhile, the Scorpi & Glurt Murp was bouncing about across various rafters while repeating "Murp". The Mix flies behind said Murp. He tilts his head back and launches the slime on his head. It sticks automatically and pulls to Murp towards him. He then flies back towards the group.

"Yay! You guys caught our Murp!" Exclaimed Footi.

Footi and the Mix celebrate their successful rescue, but then the camera cuts to Amethyst knocking the doors down with her whip. She and the corrupted Pikachu walk out the door, and Corrupted Hoogi and Corrupted Glomp limp right behind her. Cut to Magnifo, who is staring at his top hat with determination in his eye.

"Here we go... The most magical, magic trick EVER!" Magnifo told himself.

"I can do this! Abra... ca-wacka.. DOOOODLLLLE!"

Magnifo waved his wand over his top hat, but then a gigantic puff of magic launches skyward, causing Magnifo to grow shocked. Cut back to the others on the rafters, as they are still cheering. Suddenly, the part they're standing on caves in and breaks. They scream, and are suddenly caught up inside the magic cloud, which explodes into a puff.
Glurt and Scorpi are un-mixed, along with Torts and Mesmo. They, along with the remaining members of the Glorp Corp and Spikels have fallen into a pyramid-shape. Magnifo is sitting on the ground in shock, while Wizwuz stands by.

"W0-ó-ö-ôw.." Said Corrupted Amethyst in awe.

"That was amazing!" Exclaimed Vulk as he popped out of his seat.

"I-i-i-i-i loved it!"

Vulk clapped a single clap, and a single clap was all it took to make Magnifo proud. Magnifo's overbite quivered, and his pupil grew large.

"Applause.. the thunderous roar of applause!" Mumbled Magnifo.

Magnifo inhaled and then stood up in pride and excitement.


Amethyst and the other corrupted cartoons were running towards Magnifo and the other mixels on stage. However, before the corrupted cartoons could get to the stage, the upside-down pyramid of mixels had toppled on top of Magnifo while Wizwuz still stood by.

"Dagnabbit." Said Magnifo.

Suddenly, red curtains closed behind the entire stage, separating the corrupted toons from the ones on stage. However, the corrupted toons didn't give up that easily. They ripped apart the curtains in anger and then Amethyst pointed towards Magnifo. In shock, Magnifo gasps at the corrupted mixels.

"Wait- hang on, I can give you an autograph!" Said Magnifo.

"..You came here for an autograph, right?"

But CorruptedAmethyst and Corrupted Pikachu didn't bother to answer him. Magnifo attempted to squeeze out of the toppled, upside-down mixel pyramid, causing Scorpi and Torts to fall down and land on Glurt.

"Let me guess, you came for the magic tricks, right?" Guessed Magnifo.

The corrupted Pikachu landed on top of Magnifo's hat, which Magnifo thought was pretty cute. However, that changed when Pikachu barfed The Darkness onto Magnifo's face.

"AGH! MY FACE!" Shouted Magnifo, muffled by The Darkness.

Magnifo tried to pull The Darkness off of him, but it just continue being stuck onto him. He even tried pulling it off, but no progress was made. Torts covered Scorpi's eyes using his left arm, and then he covered his own eyes using his other arm. Wizwuz and Glurt headed for the exit door behind the stage they were on while Mesmo attempted to launch some magic at the corrupted cartoons and Scorpi ran onto the top of Footi's mohawk spikes.
Footi grabbed Torts and headed for the exit door, but then he stopped an looked to Mesmo in worry.

"Mesmo, you need to get away from those guys right now!" Footi told Mesmo.

"I can't, someone has to protect you and the rest of the mixels, so I suggest you go before me." Mesmo told Footi.

"Wait, no! He's got a poi-" Before Torts could finish, Mesmo had to interrupt him.

"Just go already." Interrupted Mesmo.

Footi, Scorpi, and Torts looked at the exit door, and then the big-footed Spikel knocked down the exit door and ran off, Scorpi still latching tightly onto his mohawk spikes in fear.

Cut to Glurt and Wizwuz, who are still attempting to run away from The Darkness in a panic. They looked around for somewhere to hide away from The Darkness, and from afar, they had spotted what seemed to be a brown cave.

(Fun Fact: This is a reference to a scene Epic Comedy Adventure where mixels are attempting to hide from their enemy.)

"Glurt, do you see what I see right now?" Wizwuz asked Glurt.

"It's a cave!" Exclaimed Glurt.

Wizwuz turned behind himself to tell the good news to the Series 3 mixels, only to find that they weren't there. They were right behind him and Glurt 30 seconds ago, but how could they disappear so fast already? What Wizwuz also saw behind him, however, was The Darkness still chasing after him and Glurt. When Wizwuz turned back towards the cave, he and Glurt now saw that the cave was closer to them due to Wizwuz not paying attention to in front of him.

"What's wrong?" Asked Glurt.

"Our tribemates, I think they dissapeared!" Worried Wizwuz.

Glurt gasped in shock, but then Wizwuz stopped Glurt in his tracks as Wizwuz noticed that the cave was now only 5 feet away. Cut to the inside of the cave, where we see the two mixels run inside the cave and push themselves against the wall.

"What now?" Glurt asked Wizwuz.

"Well, we teleport somewhere else, since we can't stay here forever." Assumed Wizwuz.

Wizwuz held his breath, and burped out a giant blue cloud made of magic which encased both Glurt and Wizwuz. The cloud disappeared, with the two mixels disappearing along with it. Cut to the bridge of Mixel Land, where we the blue cloud from earlier reappearing, and then disappearing. When the cloud disappeared, Glurt and Wizwuz reappeared under the magic cloud.

"Since there's usually coconapple trees around this place, we at least have some food." Noted Wizwuz.

"Not to mention the river, so we won't be thirsty."

Glurt looked around, and then he asked Wizwuz about what would happen next. Wizwuz said that he and Glurt could make the bridge into somewhere to stay for the night. Glurt usually loved company, but he wasn't used to having Torts and Glomp not being around. However, he and Wizwuz had to get used to not being with their tribemates, since they either disappeared or got corrupted.

"I wish Glomp was here." Said Glurt.

"..Well, I wish the leader of my tribe was here too, Glurt, but we're on our own now, like it or not." Assured Wizwuz.

"So we might as well get comfortable while our tribes are gone."

The two mixels knew they had to survive on their own, but they had still wished to be with their tribe once again, for they knew they had protected them from any threat that attempted to attack them, and they helped defeat those very threats, but now that Glurt and Wizwuz were on their own, they knew it was going to be a hard time. However, they knew they had to stop worrying and start trying to survive, since they no longer had their tribe with them, and since they weren't in their tribelands anymore.

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