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Od KR-Lupin

17.5K 176 44

In a world teetering on the edge of chaos, where darkness reigns and rebellion pulses through the streets, Ta... Vรญce

OP 1
[2] Grand
[3] Prix
[4] Combat Training
[ฮฑ] PANDAmonium
[ฮฒ] UnBearable Brothers
[5] Class President?!
[6ฮ“] USJ Assault
[7ฮ”] Harumi Shuzenji: Origins
[8] Ready, Fight! Sports Festival

[1] Desire

1.6K 25 10
Od KR-Lupin


Rules of The Desire Grand Prix

The moment you receive an ID Core and Desire Driver, it's a one-way trip.

There Is No Turning Back.


       Inside a large vast room, a young woman wearing a black and white dress stood on a floating platform. She stared at a large holographic screen showing multiple symbols and 'Vacants.' The room's large window shutters pulled up, light flooding the room as it was revealed that they floated above a Japanese city. "The First mission approaches," The woman stated. "They will most likely transition to full-scale assaults soon."

"Is the Desire Grand Prix fully operational yet?" A modulated voice asked from one of the panels.

The woman tapped an app on her tablet and the vacant signs began rapidly changing like slot machines. "I wonder who will become the Desire Deity of this World?" She pondered as the randomization stopped on multiple names

"You've found the candidates?"

"Of course, the game never ends." She said cheerfully as she reached into the screen and pulled out a box with a black and purple color scheme to it.

       The pattering of rain drowned out the noise. It drowned the red in the alley as he swung down on a villain, reports of street-level villains terrorizing people, so he took matters into his own hands. The blood-stained his shoes and pants with each impact. He could feel his grip loosen every so often on the pipe. Next to his feet was one of them, he was trying to kidnap a child but luckily he got there in time, of course, the child ran off long ago, but he wasn't going to let him off easy. They always do. So he might as well leave a reminder of what happens.

Tarou threw down the pipe and picked up the villain by his collar, "Do you understand what will happen next time?" He asked.

"Yes! Yes! I promise I won't do it again, please just let me live!" The villain cried. His life was in his hands.

"Good," Tarou growled as he picked up the villain and tossed him into a dumpster. He stumbled out of the alleyway and let the rain cleanse his mind. He stood underneath the street lamp and threw down his mask, spitting out blood. He was fairly tall with fair skin, his hair was purple was pink highlights. Looking around he saw a diverse array of people: A woman with nine tails was carrying bags of clothing, there was a big lobster leaving the gym, hell there was a person with three arms.

All of these changes were caused by one thing.


A Quirk is a special, superhuman ability an individual can possess. Quirks are generally unique to their user and are classified in multiple categories. The idea of superhuman abilities fifty years ago would have sounded outlandish, but now they're the everyday norm. These 'Quirks' are like a lottery system, unique to every person regardless of nationality or race. Classified into categories depending on how they affect you. Apparently, the first Quirk was derived from a newborn baby in the Chinese city of QingQing. This baby had the unique ability to emit light from its body. After this, people around the world began manifesting unique abilities.

The Quirk Phenomenon cause is still unknown to this day. Currently, 80% of this world has been born with a Quirk. The remaining 20%? Yeah, not so lucky. Every day, Quirkless civilians are often looked down upon by those who have Quirks. Of course, this behavior flattens out mostly when they mature out of it. Mostly. As full-grown adults still have the audacity to harass and bully those without special powers.

And if life couldn't become worse, in came the ride of "Villains," people who turned to a life of crime and use their powers for Evil. But when there is an action there is an Equal or opposite reaction. Heroes.

One of the most popular things in today's society, all around the world, schools were created to teach students who aim to be future Heroes how to protect civilians and fight evil. A lot of children grew up wishing to become heroes. Well, all but one, Tarou Tsutsumi was a boy who looked at heroes a little differently.

How many heroes have become corrupt or fought just for fame?

How many have died because a hero was too afraid to put their life on the line?

How many have turned a blind eye because of money?

He despised heroes like that. Heroes were the exact thing they fought but only held on that pedestal because they had some sort of advantage.

Tarou dreamed to be different, a hero whose only reason to live was to destroy evil. But the thing is...He's Quirkless. No powers. No Gimmick. The only thing special about him was that he continues to investigate his mother's case and clear her name. She's told him off for his safety, even threatening to cut the prison meets. Of course, he lied, he didn't tell her he was continuing his investigation.

"I still have time to kill," He cracked a small smile at his own joke.

Tarou found himself walking in a cherry blossom park. It was around Two-AM, and his step-parents still wouldn't be home till later morning. He held out his hand and let the blossoms fall, he wished. Suddenly a flash of blue flickering light appeared before him. He kicked a small can, hoping to hit whatever was blinding him, only to realize what he hit. "Oh, I'm sorry..." He trailed off as he was met with a woman wearing a black and white dress holding a purple and black case. "Huh?"

"Congratulations! After careful consideration, we have chosen you to be our new member!" She presented him with the box. "Congratulations, starting today, you are a Kamen Rider!"


"You get to become a superhero!" The woman cheered. "In the golden age of heroes, Quirkless heroes known as Kamen Rider defended this nation till their dying breath. Though, of course, nowadays people do want an intensive to do good deeds...So, The Desire Grand Prix will allow you to create a world of your desire!"

"Uh huh," He took the box from her and opened it. Inside was a black device with a lighter circle in the center, beside it was a small trinket with a purple symbol on it with horns. "Become a hero...No powers needed?" Tarou seemed apprehensive now, this was getting into big leagues territory.

"Yup, so you better turn that frown upside down!" She said. "The Desire Grand Prix can make anything come true, even changing your biology into having a special Quirk!"

"A quirk isn't what I want..."

"Then you shall have whatever it is you desire if you choose to join us," The Woman insisted. "Just place your Desire Driver on your waist and then insert your ID Core."

Tarou held the device and trinket in his hands, on one hand, this was a greater help in clearing his mother's name, on the other hand, he would be joining the big leagues and fighting villains that could actually hurt him. Taking a deep breath he placed the Desire Driver on his waist.


Now, the ID Core.


He felt something in the back of his mind connect to something, he didn't know what but it was there.

"Great, I am Tsumuri and I will be your Navigator into The Desire Grand Prix!" She introduced herself. "Your world is facing a threat called the 'Jamato,' Quirks are unable to harm them but we are sure you and the others will be able to take them down! Now, would you please write down your true desire?"

"My true desire?" Suddenly a feather and card appeared in his hands. "And what do you mean, others?"

"What, you thought you'd go into this game alone? Many others will compete against you to win!"

"Damn..." He mumbled as he scribbled down his desire without hesitation. "Now what?"

"Please wait till we summon you for your first mission," Tsumuri instructed with a polite bow. "Kamen Rider Buffa," she stated his title before walking off, and in the blink of an eye, she was gone.

"...Well at least I didn't get mugged," He shrugged. "But now I'm stuck with this weird belt."

         Two weeks had passed since he met Tsumuri, and Tarou slumped his head on the desk as the class went on. Impatience gnawed at him as he hadn't been summoned for his first mission yet. Was this some kind of trick? It couldn't be, right? He kept the 'Desire Driver' hidden underneath his uniform jacket, ever ready in case he ran into one of the warned competitors. A slip of paper landed next to him, and he looked up to find the teacher distributing handouts for their high school choices.

"Since you're all third years, it's time to seriously consider your futures," the teacher stated. "Here are the handouts for your future plans, but... I suppose you're all..." He tossed the papers into the air. "Planning to go into the Hero Course, right?!"

"Yeah!" the class exclaimed, showcasing their quirks, some more unconventional than heroic.

"Yes, you all have impressive quirks, but remember that using your powers at school is still against the rules!" he reminded them.

"Teach! Don't lump us all together! I won't be stuck at the bottom with these rejects!" a cocky voice blurted out. At the front of the classroom stood Katsuki Bakugo, a brash, spikey-haired delinquent with an explosive personality—though not explosive in a good way.

"That was uncalled for!" "Katsuki!" "Yeah!"

"Shut up, extras!" Bakugo exclaimed, considering himself superior in every way.

"Oh, if I remember correctly, Bakugo, you want to get into U.A. High, right?" the teacher remarked.

"U.A?!" "The National School?!" "It had a top 0.2% acceptance rate this year!" "Almost impossible to get in!"

"That's why you guys are just extras!" he declared, jumping onto his desk. "I aced the mock test! I'm the only one in this school who could possibly get into U.A! I'll surpass All Might and become the top hero! My name will be among the highest earners!"

The teacher shuffled through his papers, "Oh right, Midoriya and Tsutsumi, you two also wanted to go to U.A., correct?"

The class froze in disbelief, staring at the two. The two quirkless students, losers, aspiring to enter U.A. High—impossible, they thought. Dream on. There was no way they would be accepted. The class erupted in laughter. "PFFFT! HAHAHA! Huh?!" "Midoriya?!" "Tarou?!" "No way! You can't join the hero course just by studying!"

Midoriya stood up, feeling the pressure building up. "Th-They got rid of that rule! There's no precedent anymore..."


Bakugo slammed his hand down on Midoriya's desk, activating his quirk and scorching the wood, sending Midoriya flying backward into the wall. "Deku! Tarou! You two are beneath the rejects! You're quirkless! How can you even stand in the same ring as me?!"

"No—Wait! Kacchan!" Midoriya panicked. "It's not like I'm trying to compete with you! Believe me!" He looked down, shrinking. "It's just been my goal since I was little... And, well, I won't know unless I try..."

Bakugo crackled with his quirk, "What do you mean 'unless you try'? Are you taking the test for fun?! What the hell can 'you' do?! You're quirkless!"

"Quit yapping, Bakugo. You're too loud," Tarou groaned as he stood up to face the hot-headed classmate. The class murmured. Tarou had a reputation for being the only quirkless student who fought back. A year ago, he got into a fight with some third-years who possessed decent quirks. He refused to stay down, earning a rumor that he was hiding his quirk. Ever since his mother was imprisoned, he wouldn't tolerate any disrespect.

Bakugo turned back to Tarou, offended yet somewhat amused. "Huh?" he scoffed, looking at Tarou.

"I said you're too loud. Or do I need to clean out your ears?" Tarou retorted.

"Who do you think you're talking to?!" Bakugo exclaimed. "You think just because your mom's a pro-gone-rogue you can take on anyone?! You're as worthless as Deku! You can't do—"

"Shut up!" Tarou interrupted. "You look down on us because you can't fathom someone like us standing at your level!"

"Run that by me again, you stupid cow?!" Bakugo shouted, shoving Midoriya aside and focusing his attention on Tarou, grabbing him by the jacket. "I could turn you into ash without moving a muscle! I could kill you!"

"Do it then! I ain't afraid of you!" Tarou yelled back, ready to fight on the spot.

"BREAK IT UP!" the teacher exclaimed, silencing the class. "BOTH OF YOU, DETENTION AFTER SCHOOL!"

Bakugo pushed Tarou away. "This isn't over."

"Damn right," Tarou muttered.

         Tarou had just been released from detention, he slung his bag across his shoulder as he exited the building. He found Midoryia standing by the fountain looking down at a burnt notebook. "That's not fish food, stupid...That's my notebook...Stupid..." Midoriya fished up the notebook, it was burnt to a crisp and soggy, and the writing within that was once legible is now smugged and bleeding.

"Here." Tarou handed him a blank notebook.

"Huh, o-oh it's you!" Midoriya gasped. "You're giving it to me?"

"I don't take a lot of notes, so it's better off with you. Don't lose it." He stated before Midoriya could talk further. Before Tarou could even fully step out of the school gates, Bakugo was there waiting for him with his crew.

"Nice to see the ants bunching together for their demise," Bakugo taunted, getting laughter from his group. Stepping on Tarou's shoes to emphasize his point. "Get the hell outta here before you make me die from laughter!"

Tarou grumbled as he pushed his way through his group. Getting insults and taunts from them. Before he could go further, he felt them grab onto his jacket and pull him back in. "What the?!"

"You think your gonna get it off easy after today?!" Bakugo leaned down to him as his goons held Tarou by his arms. "No. I am going to make your life, a living hell." He reeled back his arm and punched him in his stomach with an explosive impact, scorching a hole in his uniform. He reeled back again and swung again. Dropping him to his knees. "You got anything to say?!"

"You'll never make a hero," Tarou spat out. "You are everything that's wrong with-!"


Another swing.



"COME ON! WHERE'RE THE HORNS ON THIS COW?!" Bakugo exclaimed. Though his goons started to seem more apprehensive about this going further.

"Bakugo, this getting a little extreme..." "Yeah man, I don't wanna get suspended if this gets out."

"SHUT UP!" Bakugo threatened them with his explosives. "We're just showing what happens when you try to oppose me!" He kneeled down to his level. "After all, he thinks he can free his villain mom, I'm just a hero stopping another villain from being born."

He could take the abuse. He could take the insults. He could take everything the world threw at him. But he will accept those words. "SHE WAS NEVER A VILLAIN!" He headbutted Bakugo and shook off his goons. His goons backed up, getting nervous that they were next. They heard the rumors but they never thought they were true. Suddenly his Desire Driver had a starting up sound, a purple light shining through as a mechanical circle formed over him and split apart, forming a black undersuit. A purple mask with horns and dreadlocks attached to his helmet.


"Get'em!" One of the goons exclaimed, rushing at him but he was flipped over Buffa's shoulder. He spun around and caught the other by his arm, pulling him in and headbutting him.

"YOUR DEAD MEAT!" Bakugo exclaimed, running at him only to have his legs swept instantly. Another one of the goons sprinted at him, grabbed him by the waist, and slammed him into the wall, swinging into his gut. Tarou elbowed into his back multiple times and threw him down.

"You wanted a Cow, but now you've got the Bull," Buffa warned as he looked around at them, he stepped forward and scared off the goons. "You want some more Bakugo?!" He exclaimed, stomping towards him only to be suddenly teleported into another location.


          He quickly stopped himself as he almost walked off a ledge into a long...long fall. He fell back and landed on his butt. Looking around he saw that others were also there, looking just as confused. They wore similar outfits to him but with different themed masks. "What the hell...?"

"Good day, everyone!" A familiar voice to them all cheerfully greeted them. In the center of the room standing on a small table was Tsumuri. "My name is Tsumuri, and I will be your Navigator! I bid you welcome to the Desire Grand Prix!" She looked around to silence. "I see that you are confused as you are shocked. It is only natural that you never heard of it. All of you will become Kamen Riders and fight the Jamato menace...The one to survive, the victor, will be crowned God of Desire!"She explained. "They will be able to change the world as they see fit."

"Change the world..." One participant said, she had a cat-themed mask with headphones and golden details.

"To put it simply, your greatest wish will be desired!" Tsumuri cheerfully said. "When I first met you all, you put your greatest desire onto a card. Those desires will become your prize, and now for your first Mission..." A holographic screen appeared behind her with the layout of some district in the city.

          Inside the Tatooin Shopping District, a villain attack was taking place with Pro Heroes trying to solve the situation. Shockwaves blasted through the market; shattering windows and spreading flames all around. Civilians ran away in fright as heavy signs fell down. "ITS A VILLAIN!" They cried. 

As Pro Heroes arrived on the scene to be met with a difficult situation. A large slime-based villain had a young student trapped within him who was blasting off his quirk in the struggle.

"You Coward!" One of the Pros exclaimed, pounding his fists together and sprinting at him. He landed his punch but was shocked when his fist began sinking into the glob's mass. "What is This?! I can't land my hits!"

Before he could pull out, he was flung back by the villain, denting a shop grate. The villain swung wildly to attack the other pro heroes on the scene without remorse, using the student as a hostage. "Don't come near me!" He warned as he felt the student struggle.

"I won't let this Sewage swallow me!" The student revealed himself as Bakugo. "You little--!" He activated his quirk and let off an explosion, a failed attempt to free himself.

"What power! I've hit the jackpot!" The villain rejoiced. Once this kid was dead, he'd have all this power for himself! He could get revenge on those who opposed him.

From the distance, a new pro hero arrives on the scene, Mt. Lady! A large woman with lighter hair and a skin-tight suit ran through the streets to the scene...Only to stop when she realized she wouldn't fit into the market. "W-Wait...I need a two-alley street!"

At another part of the market, two other students backed together as the fire grew greater around them, luckily they were grabbed by the long branches of Kamui Woods. "I'm no good with explosions! I'll leave it to somebody else for today!"

"The Firetruck still isn't here?!" Another hero sprayed down the fires with their water quirk. "How are things over there?!"

"He's sticky and hard to grab!" One of the heroes pointed out. "And a child with a powerful quirk is struggling against him!"

"It's like a minefield!" A baseball-themed hero said. "It's gonna be hard to fight against this triple play!"

Seemingly out of nowhere, a kid with green hair sprinted past the heroes and into the fray. The heroes tried to stop him but he was already too far in. Throwing his bag at the villain and stunning him, he started trying to dig his friend out.

Adding gasoline onto the fire, a red barrier formed around the district, Mt. Lady flinched out of the way before her leg could get lobbed off.

The district was filled with confused and scared Kamen Riders, scattered across the area. Tsumuri's voice came through their comms, declaring, "May the Desire Grand Prix begin! For the first round, your mission will be a Search & Rescue! Find your equipment from the waves of Jamato and rescue a hostage from a villain!"

Frustrated, a Pro Hero banged his fists against the red wall, trying to break through.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't you think we should team up?" a Rider with a green raccoon or frog-like mask asked another rider wearing a penguin-themed mask.

"Not today," the Penguin Rider replied, running off to face the challenge.

The Green Rider looked around, unsure of what to do. Seeking cover behind a box, he spotted Buffa effortlessly defeating Jamato and using improvised weapons. "Hey! I'll stick with you. You won't kill me, right?" he asked, praying with his hands clasped together.

Buffa glanced back at him and grunted before continuing on.

"I'll take that as a yes!" the Green Rider cheered, quickly following Buffa's lead.

Buffa hesitated as they walked through the flaming district, but they eventually found themselves in a maze of alleyways. They reached the end of one alley to discover the Slime Villain holding two students hostage, taunting the heroes while tossing Jamato aside. However, the heroes kept getting back up.

"What the hell is this?!" the Sludge Villain screamed, throwing a Jamato into the alley where the riders stood. The Grunt looked up, noticing both riders, just before being attacked by them. One of the riders hit harder than the other. Finally dropping the box, Buffa swiftly grabbed it and opened it, revealing a buckle attachment.

"Oh! A buckle! What does it do?" the Green Rider asked.

"Only one way to find out," Buffa replied as he stepped out into the open, revealing himself to the world, or rather, just the local news. He placed the Raise Buckle onto his driver, activating it.


He cracked his knuckles as the villain swung at him, he ducked and rolled away as a large construct of the word 'Water' appeared behind him. "Henshin!" He called out and twisted the nozzle of the buckle. It began spraying water from its side as the larger version of the nozzle formed into his torso armor.



Listening to his Driver, Buffa raised the water spout, aiming to dilute the Sludge Villain's arm with pressurized water. However, only a feeble amount of water resembling a garden hose sprayed out. Frustrated, he swung the pipe and unexpectedly struck a Jamato rushing at him from behind. Dodging the Sludge Villain's attack, Buffa found himself engaged in a fight against the grunts.

From another alley, the fox-masked Rider watched Buffa with great interest. "What strength! He must be my rival!" Shotaro laughed.

As the chaos unfolded, the Cat-themed rider, ran down the alley, screaming, "What the heck is going on?! Help me, please!" She slid down, and Shotaro swiftly leaped over her, kicking the Jamato back and causing them to drop their boxes.

Tsumuri's voice came through the comms, announcing, "Attention Riders, those who have not collected an item have been disqualified. The remaining Riders are Buffa, Geats, Tycoon, Na-Go, Ginpen, Da-Pan, and Mary. Please use your remaining time to defeat the Sludge Mini-Boss. Overtime, go!"

Geats declared confidently, "Very well then, my rival will surely enjoy our duel," as he opened his box, revealing a white buckle with a revolver-style chamber on it.

Amidst the excitement, Tycoon, addressing Buffa, called out from behind some boxes, "Buffa! I found one that matches your colors!" He held out a purple Raise Buckle while carrying civilians on his shoulders.

"Hold onto it," Buffa replied, keeping his focus on the task at hand. "I finally figured out how to use this thing!" Twisting the nozzle of the pipe, he unleashed a powerful torrent of water akin to a fire hose, blasting away the Sludge Villain's attacks. As Buffa advanced toward the villain, he forcefully stabbed the nozzle into its body.

"What do you think you're doing?!" the Sludge Villain protested, ready to retaliate against Buffa.

"Going for a swim!" Buffa declared with determination. Opening the nozzle, he flooded the insides of the Sludge Villain with water, causing it to expand and eventually burst, freeing the captive students. "Now to finish you off!"

Geats, perched on a rooftop, seized the moment. Equipped with a white rifle-like weapon and adorned in white armor, he aimed at the Sludge Villain and opened fire, popping it like a balloon. The market's flames were quenched, and a collective sigh of relief escaped the Kamen Riders as the red walls came down.

Buffa looked to Bakugo and Midoriya who were staring at them all. Four vigilante heroes had arrived to save them. On one hand, Midoriya was ecstatic at the situation, seeing new heroes. On the other, Bakugo recognized Buffa for who he was and started running at him.

"You'll pay for earlier-!" Bakugo was knocked out by Buffa's water pipe. "Man, I just saved your life and beat you in one day, this is going in the books," He joked. But before he could leave, the sludge villain began reforming behind him.

"You'll pay for this!" He screamed, he may have been scattered but he still had strength.

"Lookout!" Tycoon warned.

"BUFFA!" He overheard their talk and learned their names.

Before Buffa could make a move, a muscular man with yellow hair showed his face and blocked the attack. "I really am pathetic.."

"All-Might..!" Both Buffa and Midoriya gasped.

"Even though I admonished you, I wasn't putting what I said into practice!" All Might spoke to Midoriya and freed his arm from the Sludge and prepared a special attack. "Pros, are always risking their lives!"

The sludge man created a large hand of slime, "ALL MIGHT!"

"Detroit Smash! !" With a single punch, All-Might created a tunnel of gale-force winds, creating a small tornado in the area. Buffa grabbed the two teens as the others held onto something to stop themselves from flying away. As the winds died down, rain began to pour down from the clouds.

After the battle, the authorities collected all the scattered sludge and safely delivered it to the transport van, but Midoryia got majorly scolded by Death Arms and Kamui Woods while the other was praised.

"Jeez, there's a limit to how rash you can be! There was no reason for you to put yourself in danger!"

"While true he was brash and reckless, what is a hero but those qualities?" Geats poetically said as he walked over to the pro heroes, checking his score at the same time. The pros' glared at the mass vigilantes. "This kid... whatever his name is, did something you should've done, instead of waiting for someone with a better quirk to show up. He fought tooth and nail for his friend, but where was your drive?"

Both Pro heroes groveled in shame and anger as they listened to a masked vigilante lecture them.

"We weren't so coordinated as you describe us, Geats," Buffa reminded him. "How long did you wait to take down that villain?"

"Now now my esteemed Rival, it's the name of the game," Geats remarked. "After all, our true desires are on the line." Even with a mask, Buffa could tell Geats winked at him just to taunt him. Luckily, before the authorities could start questioning them, they were teleported back to the platform.

"And that's the end of Round 1!" Tsumuri cheered and clapped for them. A noticeable amount of people had been disqualified, leaving only six. "Only six remain, and with those six the Grand Prix will assign you partners and will resume the Desire Grand Prix on the next Jamato appearance! And remember, no outsider shall know the existence of the Desire Grand Prix, only who you are and what Kamen Rider you are. Till next time!" She walked off into a door-shaped portal.

Each Rider looked at each other, not knowing who their partner or rival will be. Geats stared particularly at Buffa as they both teleported away from the Lobby.

The Desire Pit Stop!

[KAMEN RIDER BUFFA, Tarou Tsutsumi]

The ID Core wielded by [Tarou Tsutsumi] like most entry forms start off with minimal armor and a Mask. Despite appearing like the other entries, the [BUFFA] ID Core enables an increase in strength and stronger battle senses. The [BUFFA] Crest Gear is a head-mounted device. It has the role of expanding the player's head function and protects the head from all kinds of damage with a lightweight yet extremely strong composite armor.

The mouth guard. The voice chat function, which enables clear conversations even in loud noises, facilitates communication between Kamen Riders through cooperative play.

The [BUFFA] ID Core is bonded to the [ZOMBIE] Raise Buckle but is not required for optimal performance. When activated, it activates the Compound eyes. Its enhanced infrared sensing ability enables it to accurately detect even the slightest difference in temperature, allowing it to find hidden prey.

The [ZOMBIE] Raise Buckle is equipped with the Poison Chamber Arm: The left arm expansion equipment. Equipped with the ability to generate poison, it supplies each part with the poison named "Poi-zom" which has the effect of transforming creatures into zombies by relaxing muscles and stopping thinking. In addition, this poison also has the property of dissolving substances that come into contact with it.

Berserclaw: The left-hand extension equipment. The large claw can cut through the target at the same time as punching, and can also poison the target.

The Zomb-Chester is a heavily armored chest plate resembling a purple rib cage with orange negative space. Allowing the wielder to fight more recklessly.

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