In The End. (Andy Biersack Lo...

By twocantoucan

131K 4K 883

Lyra Moore is just a girl. Her life isn't quite peachy. Can one man, who just happens to be the lead singer o... More

In The End.
School sucks.
The Car Hates Me. Part I
The Car Hates Me. Part II
Do I, Or Dont I?
CC! Don't Break That!
Half Empty Bottle Of Vodka.
It's Not Like I fancy Him, Right?
It Doesn't Make Any Sense!
You've Got Some Mad Skills Girl!
Level Up!
What Is Your Problem!?
Wait, What?
This Is Goodbye.
Would You Like To?
You Can Thank Your Dodgy Car.
The Same Kind Of Butterflies.
Edward Jacob and Bella.
It Gets Better.
In The End

Are You Blind!?

4.8K 188 28
By twocantoucan

I had been living with Andy for a couple of weeks now, and to be honest, it was hard. Georgia was over here all the time, and even though high school is over she's still bullying me. Saying stuff about how I don't belong and how I should just go kill myself. It was getting to the point where I couldn't take it any longer.

When I went downstairs at about three thirty to get a glass of water I actually walked in on them engulfing each others faces. I made a noise of disgust and shuddered. She looked up and made a face at me, Andy however didn't even notice. He just pulled her face back down to his. I sighed and sat on the counter and drank my water. I could hear them making disgusting noises from the living room. Grabbing my coat, I turned to the two of them. "I'm going out." I said bluntly, not wanting to stay around to watch them. "Okay." Andy replied too busy with Georgia to even care.

"Don't hurry back or whatever." Georgia drawled. It was so blatantly a dig at me but Andy didn't even notice. She's so horrible to me and he doesn't even care. I stormed out and drove to Scar's house.

I let myself in, she was usually home alone anyway. I groaned and flopped down face first onto the couch. "Hello to you too." Scarlet said sarcastically. I grunted in reply and sat up to face her. "What's up?" She said, getting up to sit next to me. "It's just unbearable." I groaned.

"I'm gonna need a bit more information, sweets."

"Living with Andy is just, unbearable at the moment."

"Georgia?" She asked.

"Yeah, it's so obvious that's she's being awful to me. He just doesn't see it." I sighed. She looked at me sympathetically and gave me a hug. We talked for a while longer until I realised I should probably go back to Andy's. I sighed and bid farewell to Scarlet. I switched the stereo on in my car and sang along to Escape The Fate, dreading having to see Georgia again.

I walked in to see Andy and Georgia watching a movie on the couch. They were watching Batman, I chuckled because it was clear Georgia was not interested in the slightest. "I don't know why you bothered to come back, you're not really wanted here, are you?" Georgia stated bluntly. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes but I tried to choke them back. "Anyway, I've gotta go to work now, baby. I'll see you later, yeah?" She said in a sickeningly sweet tone. "Yeah, of course baby girl." Andy replied giving her a quick kiss. She shoved past me on the way out, almost pushing me over. Blowing a kiss to Andy she slammed the door shut. I let the tears out and ran to my room.

About five minutes later Andy knocked on my door. "Can I come in?" He asked, sweetly. I didn't really want to speak to him but I felt bad saying no to him so I obliged. He walked in and sat next to me on the bed. "What's wrong?" He asked, completely oblivious to what Georgia had said to me. "'Whats wrong?' Are you serious?" I snapped. A shocked look appeared on his face "Oh, I'm sorry! Am I just supposed to be able to read your mind and know what's wrong?" Andy yelled.

"Did you not hear what she said to me a minute ago? Hell, all the things she's said to me since You've been dating, or are you blind?" I threw back at him. He looked kind of guilty at this point, which means he must have known. "You knew didn't you, and you didn't do anything about it!" I screamed, more tears running down my face. "I'm sorry, Lyra. I love her though, if I'd have said something she would've broken up with me." Andy murmured. I could feel my heart begin to break as he said those words. He loves her. He loves Georgia McKinnon. "And hurting me in the process is totally fine isn't it, because at the end of the day... I don't deserve to live." I trailed off and for up to walk out of the room. Andy grabbed wrist to stop me. I winced, and hoped he didn't notice. Unfortunately he did. "Lyra, show me your wrists." He demanded. I shook my head, my tears falling at an even faster pace. "Show me your wrists." He repeated slightly louder. I refused, so he pushed my bracelets up himself. He gasped at the sight of them. He held my limp, pale wrist softly in his hand as he examined the multitude of deep red cuts all the way along it. I forcefully pulled away and walked out. "Lyra," he called. "Is this because of her?" I sighed. "Partly, yes." I admitted.

"Don't you think you've over reacted?" He asked. My jaw dropped, I couldn't believe he just said that. "You don't understand, Andy. She went to my high school. She bullied me everyday, beat me to a pulp in the corridor. Called me names. That girl in Abercrombie? She was one of her friends. Georgia has been making my life even more of a hell than it already was ever since I moved here." I screamed. Andy's eyes were the size of saucers at this point. "I didn't even realise." He mumbled.

"Of course you didn't, why should you even care, right? I'm only a 'stupid emo freak who deserves to die.'" I coked out between the sobs. I slid my back down the wall and curled into a ball. "I'm so sorry, Ly. I had no idea she was like this, and to think I thought I was in love with her. I don't want to be with her if she's like this. Promise me you'll stop cutting though, Lyra?" Andy said, crouching beside me and pulling me into his warm embrace. "It's not that easy, Andy. There's so many reasons and ties to it, I can't just stop." I sighed.

"At least let me try and help you, please?" He begged.

"You don't want to get tangled up in this mess, Andy." I said.

"Please, let me help."

"Okay, I just hope you know what you're in for." I warned. He let out the breath he was holding and kissed me on the head. I swear I saw a few tears escape his beautiful blue eyes.

"I'm going to fix you, Ly. Even if it's the last thing I do." Andy promised. I felt a warm feeling in my heart, even though I knew he'd never be able to fix me.


Whoa, drama llama! Anyway please vote//comment//message me// it would mean the world. Much love ~ ZK

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