Visionary; Ronald Weasley

By angelex_13

36K 1.2K 372

vi·sion·ar·y /ˈviZHəˌnerē/ adjective: visionary 1. relating to or able to see visions in a dream or trance... More



707 17 7
By angelex_13

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═ ∘◦TWENTY•SIX: Family First◦∘ ═
∘◦Close Your Eyes The Backseat Lovers◦∘
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Adelaide Greenwood was known by most at Hogwarts, through her own reputation or the ones of her trouble-making brother and charming — now dead — best friend. There was also the fact that she hung around Harry Potter and his friends often. Not many had anything bad to say about her either, she was as kind-hearted as they came. The worst thing you heard about the Hufflepuff was that she turned down one of their friends or was simply 'too nice'.

She had a reputation and recently she had been under a microscope. Other Hufflepuffs loved to tell their friends about how she hasn't been seen hanging out in the common room like she previously would. Classmates would discuss how her energetic personality seemed to quiet down more often. How her grades had been slipping and while she still talked to others, she only hung out with her closest group of friends now.

Addy knew what people were saying about her — she wasn't deaf — she just never let on that they had been getting to her. She knew her friends walked on eggshells around her on most days and couldn't bare to cause them any more worry. Kat had started purposefully talking loudly while they were in corridors and she heard anyone speaking about Addy. Sebastion and Mindy had a love-hate relationship, but the one thing that they held higher than their own pride was Adelaide. So the new Gryffindor beaters had made it their personal mission to disrupt people talking about the rumors surrounding the Hufflepuff and put an end to whatever it was they had been saying.

Fred and George did say they had to bond.

Sebastion Greenwood sought approval from his parents. All he wanted was for them to acknowledge him and say they were proud of him. The older he grew the more he realized that their reputation and status were more important than he ever would be.

At school, he caused trouble but still maintained his grades. Most Professors adored the boy with his handsome smile and charmingly witty attitude, so he hadn't gotten into much trouble for his behavior. It became his only outlet to mask the way he was truly suffering on the inside. He yearned for his mother to hold him and fuss over if he ate dinner and wrote letters home. He wished his father would slap him on the shoulder and not his face and say he was proud of his son.

Bash grew up going to balls and fancy dinners. He always sat up straight and kept his elbows off the table. He danced gracefully and had perfect manners no matter who he was speaking to. His mother had raised him to carry on their family name and he intended to make her proud. He just hadn't expected to receive a letter from his father which would make him thoroughly consider otherwise.

The black owl had flown in through the open window in the Gryffindor common room, where it had been fairly busy for a Wednesday night. Bash was sitting on the floor next to the fire working on a Transfiguration assignment while Fred and George sat on the couch across from him discussing their latest experiment. Sebastion had known it was an owl from his family immediately and jumped up grabbing the letter from it before shooing it from the window.

A few people watched with raised eyebrows and amused stares, but he paid them no mind as he took his place next to the fire, making sure no one could read the letter from behind him. The twins had noticed their friend's quietness and looked over to see him holding a piece of parchment, playing with the edges nervously.

"From your parents?" Fred asked casually.

Bash nodded, not taking his eyes off the envelope, "Father."

The brothers looked at each other trying to figure out what to do. Fred blinked at his twin before looking at Sebastion again, "S'You gonna open it?" George smacked the back of his head harshly, "Insensitive arsehole."

Sebastion smiled at them and rolled his eyes before sliding his finger under the paper, breaking the wax seal. He pulled the letter out and began to read it. The twins watched as his eyes went from bored to completely shocked. The brunette didn't move a muscle as he reread the letter from his father, his stomach dropping at each stroke from the elder Greenwood's quill. 

The twins had let him be for about ten minutes, pretending to be doing something else but actually just trying to get a glimpse of the letter Bash had been holding. After the boy hadn't said a word or moved an inch George cleared his throat, "You alright, mate?"

Bash began to blink rapidly and then looked up to his friends, "I don't... I don't know."

Fred nodded stupidly, "So... what did he say?"

It was at that moment that Mindy had walked into the common room with Hermione, the two of them giggling quietly to each other. George noticed them and threw a quill in their direction, hitting Mindy's shoulder.

The girl turned around slowly, her smile long gone as she narrowed her eyes in their direction, "Okay, fire crotch, what the bloody hell was that for?" Hermione covered her mouth with her hand, trying to contain her laughter.

The twins both held looks of offense and Fred looked down with a frown and then back up at Mindy, "Come here, you little–"

George once again smacked his brother in the back of his head, cutting him off. He then turned to the younger Gryffindors, "Can you go get Addy?"

Mindy crossed her arms across her chest, confusion replacing the anger, "What for?"

Fred pointed over to Sebastion who was staring blankly at the letter in his hands, "Bash got a letter from their dad. We need Sunshine, to well..."

"Provide sunshine." George finished.

Mindy looked over at her friend's brother and nodded walking out of the common room with Hermione in tow.

The two girls quickly walked towards the Hufflepuff common room where they knew Addy had been. Hermione followed Mindy with curiosity as she turned the corners and weaved through students to get to the common room that she, personally, had never even been to.

Once they turned into the hallway by the kitchen, the pair slowed down. There weren't as many students so Hermione spoke up, "So you know where the common room is?"

Mindy glanced over at Hermione, "Yeah, since first year. Addy and Kat wanted to have a sleepover."

Hermione laughed, "How come we've never had sleepovers?"

Mindy stumbled over her feet and quickly tried to recover, "We— I umm. Well, we are roommates... Doesn't that count for a sleepover?"

Hermione's eyes went as wide as saucers, "No right. I mean with Addy and Kat too." 

Mindy hesitated, a blush rising up her neck, "Oh, right... yeah. Dunno, just figured you wouldn't be interested. It gets boring all we do is talk about whatever's going on in our rather complicated love lives... or lack thereof. Kat sometimes tries to give me a makeover, which never ends well. But we mostly just sleep or catch up on classwork."

"Well, a night of studying with my friends sounds like a dream to me," Hermione said.

"Well invite you next time then?"

Hermione smiled and then nodded.

The two Gryffindors turned the corner approaching a set of barrels and Mindy stepped up to them.

The blush on Hermione's cheeks was very noticeable at this point. She hesitated before speaking, "So you have nothing going on in your... your umm." Mindy turned Hermione, raising a brow curiously while taking out her wand, "Your... 'love life'?"

Mindy had her wand raised above one of the barrels before she went completely ridged. Hermione stepped up to try and play it off but Mindy spoke, "Well I don't know — suppose that's why it's..." Mindy made eye contact with the bushy-haired brunette, "complicated."

Hermione blinked stupidly as Mindy turned to the barrels again and began taping them rhythmically. She watched as the barrels moved to reveal a circular passageway that Mindy stepped into. Hermione brushed off Mindy's comment as she stared in awe at the common room before her.

"I read about needing to get through barrels to get to the Hufflepuff common room. I just guessed you had to like open it and like climb in or something."

Mindy laughed, "No, but that would be awesome."

The pair noticed Kat at a table with Justin Finch-Fletchley and Hannah Abbot. Mindy walked through the common room like it was her own and up to the table where her best friend was. Hermione followed behind awkwardly, while still trying to take in the beautiful common room in front of her.

Kat noticed the pair approaching and smiled, "Hey guys, what's up?"

There was one chair left at the table next to Justin and across from Kat. Mindy pulled it out for Hermione to sit in it. She awkwardly smiled as she sat in the chair and Mindy stayed behind it, her hands on the top and leaning forward.

"We need Addy."

Kat's smile fell for a split second but she quickly recovered, "Oh, well she's in our room."

Mindy drummed against the back of Hermione's chair, "Okay, great I'll go grab her —"

Mindy began to walk away, but Kat quickly grabbed onto her arm pulling her back, "I don't think that's a good idea. She's resting."

Both Gryffindors noticed how Kat's eyes widened as if to tell a different story. Hermione glanced at Justin and Hannah who were watching the whole interaction, she gave them a tight smile before turning back to the best friends who seemed to be having a whole conversation without even opening their mouths.

"She was upset when she came back from wherever it was she ran off to." Hannah chimed into the conversation with a shrug.

"I heard she was talking to Cedric's portrait last night—" Justin began to gossip.

"Did you also hear what happens to boys who don't know when to shut up?" Mindy snarked. The Hufflepuff simply shook his head and stood from the table, Hannah following behind.

"What happened?" Hermione asked.

Kat pulled her lips between her teeth and glanced at Mindy for help. The curly-haired girl looked between them before sighing, "Well she had a meeting of sorts today. Extra lessons."

"What kind of lessons?"

Kat sighed, "Just lessons. I don't think they went very well. She came back in a tizzy and hasn't left the room since."

Adelaide was laying on her bed, sweatpants and one of Bash's old t-shirts replacing her uniform from earlier. Peaches sat on her chest purring loudly while the Hufflepuff pet her head every couple of seconds. She was thinking over what had happened in her lesson with Trelawney and growing very anxious the more and more she thought back to the lesson.

How was she supposed to go on as if nothing happened? Whatever it was that she saw was obviously not good. The thought alone made her feel sick to her stomach. There were so many unanswered questions and Trelawney clearly didn't have any answers.

When she came back to the common room she was stopped by Hannah, who wanted to study with her roommate, but Addy told her she wasn't feeling well. Hannah knew Addy well enough to know that something was wrong and to leave her be, deciding to study with Zacharias and Kat instead.

She sat there and debated if she was going to tell anyone what had happened. She figured it might help her deal with it, maybe if Bash knew he was in some sort of danger he would be more careful and expecting it as opposed to sitting there and letting it play out. It could also make him upset or he might just ignore her. He would never dismiss anything she said and she knew that, but he might say that there's nothing to worry about or that it isn't always accurate. Trelawney had already told Addy that and it didn't make her feel much better about it then either.

Kat and Mindy both knew about everything else, so why wouldn't she tell them? Kat would just tell her that it will all play out fine and not to worry about it. To not mess with destiny. Mindy would brush it off, but that was just Mindy, she chooses to internalize her worry. They would both be supportive, Addy wasn't concerned about that, but she also knew that they love to worry about her. In the brunette's opinion, they worry far too much and they didn't need anything else on their plates.

There was also the fact that she hadn't even mentioned anything about this to Ron, Harry, or Hermione. They were completely in the dark about the situation, and she knew she wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible. She was scared to tell Hermione for obvious reasons, namely the fact that she didn't believe in divination and seers, so she didn't want her to think she was crazy or start performing some sort of experiment on her. She could probably tell Harry about it, but she knew that he had enough to worry about with Umbridge and being called a liar by half the wizarding population.

Ron arguably made her the most nervous. He never was too interested in Divination, he only took it because it looked easy — and he found out the hard way that it was certainly not. He would probably nod his head and give an awkward smile and think she lost the pot. Whatever was going on between them, she didn't want to do anything to change it or mess it up. They had finally become friends and had gotten on really well compared to their previous years.

They didn't talk about the kiss they shared, but ever since then, Ron hadn't really avoided her either. He was still around, honestly, more so than previously. He stood next to her during classes and in the hallways, started conversations, and even helped her out with carrying extra papers or something. Kat has been trying to convince Addy that he had been flirting with her, but she felt like that was just wishful thinking. She knew they kissed and it wasn't that she was acting like the cliche, "even though we kissed I don't think he fancies me" type of girl. She knew he fancied her, but she didn't really know that he wanted to do anything about it or even if it was just a by-product of him disliking her over the years. She just didn't want false hope, because then if he decided that he wasn't interested in her, she wouldn't really have anything to be disappointed in.

Adelaide's downward spiral was interrupted by the door being swung open by none other than Amanda Perkins. "Get up."

Addy glanced at the door and continued to pet Peaches, "Why?" Hermione and Kat walked into the room and sat on the latters bed facing the Greenwood.

"Somethings wrong with Bash," Hermione said.

Panic settled in Addy's chest, "What do you mean?" She finally sat up and Peaches jumped off the bed, purring as she rubbed against Hermione's legs. Hermione picked up on the worry, "Nothing awful, I don't think. The twins sent us to get you."

Addy looked over to Mindy who shrugged and leaned against the doorframe, "Let's go,"

The last thing she wanted to do was get out of bed, but she knew that she should probably go to her brother, especially if the twins had suggested it. So the Hufflepuff sighed and began to stand up, walking over to put on a pair of shoes, "Do we know what happened? Fred and George wouldn't have sent for me if it wasn't serious."

Mindy shook her head and held the door open allowing everyone to exit the room before herself, "No, 'Mione and I just walked in and they threw something at me and told me to get you to provide 'Sunshine,'"

Addy nodded as she walked down the stairs and into the common room. She glanced at the portrait of Cedric before swiftly walking to the exit. Hermione looked to Mindy with a questioning glance, but the Gryffindor just shook her head as if to say, 'don't ask'.

Kat quickly jogged up to Addy and bumped her shoulder once they were in the hallway, "You never told me how your lesson went."

Addy didn't miss a beat before shrugging but gave no verbal response. That was enough of a clue for Kat to know she wasn't ready to talk about it. Lies or the truth. Kat knew her best friend, if she was going to lie about it she would've just done it, and the same if she was going to confide in her about it. She realized she was going to just have to wait until the right moment came to press her on it or for Addy to talk on her own.

She was about to assure Addy when Mindy and Hermione came up on the other side of the seer and she decided against it, but still gave her friend a reassuring smile as if to convey the words she didn't speak. Kat knew of Addy's hesitance to tell Hermione about what was going on and honestly didn't blame her for the concerns she had.

It bothered Kat a lot that Hermione acted certain ways when it came to things like this. She loved the Gryffindor immensely, but couldn't help being annoyed at her because of the way she always needed to be right, and there always had to be facts and science to back up anything she believed. Katrina admired her friend and her thirst for knowledge, it was what made Hermione herself, and she wouldn't change it for anything. She just wished that she was more understanding and open-minded, especially when it came to her friends. Everything didn't need to be so logical.

The group of four approached Gryffindor tower quicker then expected. Hermione announced the password and led everyone inside of the common room, where Bash and the twins hadn't moved.

Addy glanced at the trio before looking back at her friends, "Did he get a letter from our father?"

The girls shrugged but the twins snapped their heads in her direction once hearing her voice. They frantically gestured their hands for her to come over to them and she huffed before moving her slipper clad feet.

"What did it say?" she asked. Fred shrugged, "We haven't seen it."

The Hufflepuff sighed before turning to her older brother who was staring at the black envelope in his shaky hands. She stepped towards him and crouched down to meet his height, placing her hands on his knees and trying to make eye-contact, which he was actively attempting to avoid.

"Bash?" she spoke with a calm and even tone. The boy quickly glanced away from the letter but looked back at it within the same second.

She slowly lifted her hands to the letter and attempted to take it but he snatched it away from her reach. He finally looked at her and shook his head, "No."

The statement was simple, not odd to most, but Sebastion had never told Adelaide no, especially when it came to their parents. They had a strict no secrets policy.

Addy looked to Mindy and Kat who held wide eyes for the same reason. The two other girls ushered their friends away and to the other side of the common room. Addy turned back to her brother who was grasping the letter for dear life and almost looked like a kicked puppy.

"What does it say?" Addy asked simply.

Bash glanced at their friends who were still staring at them but pretended not to be listening into the conversation. Addy looked to them as well and sighed, "Why don't we go to your room?"

Bash looked back at his sister and felt like his world was crumbling before him. He couldn't lie to her but he didn't want to tell her what he had just found out. She had enough on her plate and this would absolutely crush her spirits. She didn't deserve this.

"Come on."

She stood up from her crouched position and held out a hand for him to grab. He looked at it in silence, but reached up and stood. The quick walk to his room was silent and tense. Addy was worried for what was to come, she had no idea what was in the letter and could only assume it was awful for Bash to have such a reaction and even tell her no. Bash didn't know what to say to her, he didn't even know what to say to himself.

They both sat on his bed facing each other and let silence lap between them. Addy spoke first again, "Who was it from?"

He shrugged, "Father."

Addy nodded, "How bad is it?"

The elder Greenwood looked away from his sister and leaned against his headboard, "Bad."

Addy contemplated before asking, "What did he say?"

Bash looked at her and she immediately knew he was going to lie. The way his eyes shifted to the top of her head and how he played with the edge of the envelope.

He opened his mouth to speak but she cut him off, "Don't lie to me, Sebastion. I want the honest answer."

Bash hesitated, folding the edges of the envelope back and forth before extending his arm and letting her take a hold of it. She went to open it quickly but he sat up just as quick and stopped her.

His hands were over her own and shaking slightly, "Adelaide, listen to me clearly. You cannot tell anyone about this, you can't even let them suspect anything. Not Mindy, not Kat, not anyone. I'll figure it out, but you have to give me time. Okay?"

Addy saw nothing but fear in his eyes and so she nodded, "Okay."

Addy shakily opened the envelope and pulled the letter out. She looked up to her brother who was watching her hands intensely as she unfolded it. He looked up at her and offered a hesitant smile that looked more like a grimace and was anything but reassuring. She returned the look before looking down at the handwriting that was unmistakably her fathers:


It will do you best to read this in private, as you will not let this get into the wrong hands. There are many things I wish to discuss with you that are important for only you and I to know.

Adelaide is seaming to be causing a disturbance in the castle. Delores has been sending me updates on her situation and I have to say I am anything but impressed. I have advised you to keep her under control, this year especially. Our family cannot take anymore articles and rumors surrounding Adelaide and her situation.

You will rectify this.

One thing that we have not been particularly conversational with is our family. You may have heard whispers involving the return of Lord Voldemort and our family. You should be pleased to hear that he has returned and that Potter boy had not been entirely useless.

Speculation of our family's involvement has been surrounding us for over a decade now and I am reiterating what you must already know. Yes, your mother and I are involved with Lord Voldemort. Your mother has not taken the oath, just like Narcissa Malfoy, but is still held to high regards. No lady should indulge in such activities when their talents could be used elsewhere.

Upon our Lords return he has taken residence in Malfoy Manor where I have been lucky to speak with him and assist readily. He is not happy with the information involving Adelaide's blood status and wishes for the situation to be rectified immediately. Your mother has pleaded for her life and in turn he has compromised.

It is an absolute honor for him to want someone such as yourself in his ranks and you will treat it as such. You were to receive the mark and join his ranks once you completed your time at Hogwarts in June, but it has been decided that your return during the Holidays will suffice. The Dark Lord will be honoring you and several other classmates during a ball on the 19th of December. You will be assigned to keep an eye on the Potter boy and report back on everything.

You will be upholding our family name and pushing for what is rightfully ours. I hope you do not allow for this to be a mistake and bring our family down more then it has already suffered.

More will be discussed during the holidays.
- Edward Greenwood

Adelaide placed the letter down in her lap. Whatever it was she was expecting in that letter was not as awful as what she had seen. Her general assumption was that they were sending her to St. Mundos upon her return for the holidays or just completely disowning her. Maybe that Sebastion would be punished for something that she had done. Not this, not him being punished for her blood status that had been confirmed by Dumbledore. She was not Muggleborn, so why was this even happening?

Sebastion watched his sister with intense eyes. He knew his reaction was probably more dramatic then it should have been, but the way Addy would act was a complete mystery.

Addy finally looked at her brother, tears rimming her blue eyes, "I'm so sorry, Sebastion."

The girl let out a sob and Sebastion was quick to pull her into a hug. It was the only comfort he could offer her while still being just as upset. Addy clung to his jumper as she cried for her brother and the fate he could suffer because of her.

"I'll fix this," She pulled away from the hug. Sebastion shook his head, "You can't fix this."

"This is my fault. I — I can't let this happen to you. You cannot become... become one of them. I won't let it!" the tears returned full force.

Bash smiled slightly, "I'll deal with it. I'll come up with something, I promise." Addy shook her head and he reached his hands out, flattening her hair comfortingly, "Goldie, if that is what it takes to keep you safe I'd do it in a heartbeat. But I promise I won't let it get that far. I'll come up with something, we'll come up with something."

In that moment Sebastion didn't know what to do. He didn't know if sacrificing everything would save his sister. He didn't know that if he kept them at Hogwarts for the holidays and never returned home would be better then becoming a Death Eater either. The only thing he knew for sure was that he was going to have to do something, and something quick if he was going to help Adelaide.

I figured since todays my birthday i'd give y'all a birthday present from me. I know this storyline is kind of cliche but I'm so exited for the next couple of chapters!!! The development and the little Ron and Addy moments are so cute. I also need a ship name for them so let me know your suggestions bec i have absolutely no idea.

How'd we like the longer chapter?

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