Dragon heart

By Wintershadowassassin

38.9K 4.1K 918

The dragons spoke of a day when they would be free. Free of the chains that bound them to obey the will of t... More



1.4K 165 22
By Wintershadowassassin

(Chapter 16)
First flight

"Normal" - Human language
"Dragonese" - Dragon's language


Author POV

Jimin had been training with Aife and Cadel for several weeks, over 3 months. He had come on leaps and bounds since he began. He could hold and wield a sword to a good level, had even beaten Cadel on occasion when he could catch him off guard. He had trained more of his muscles and was definitely healthier since he had arrived.

Cadel had also been teaching him how to read and write to a better standard, Jimin knew a little since he needed to be able to help with signs and counting for his parent's butcher business. He had been able to write the alphabet and count to a certain number, but Cadel was honing that ability so now he could write and do basic mathematics. 

Taehyung had been learning more of the human language too, but he was reluctant to speak it to anyone but Jimin. He sometimes talked to Inno when Jimin was in lessons with Aife, as he liked talking to one of his kin, while Jimin was having to pretend he didn't understand the guttural language of the dragons.

So it was a bright clear morning when Aife declared the best news Jimin had heard in months. The saddle that he was to use when riding Taehyung's full shift dragon had been finished and Aife deemed him ready to fly properly. 


"Are you okay with flying with me tomorrow?" Jimin asked when they were sure Cadel had gone to sleep. They didn't want the man over hearing their conversations in the dragon's tongue. 

"Excited, I've wanted to fly with you for ages" Taehyung dragged out the word 'ages' with an almost reptile like hiss. 

Taehyung climbed up onto the bed with Jimin, he often liked to curl up into Jimin's side, they tried to sleep with Taehyung's head above Jimin's. With Taehyung's horns they had to be careful they didn't harm Jimin in the night as they moved around in their sleep. 

So they often slept with Jimin curled into Taehyung's chest or with Taehyung as the smaller spoon. The dragon found comfort in being held, so Jimin indulged him when he could. 

"I'll fly so high tomorrow you will see the clouds" Taehyung promised as he snuggled back into Jimin's arms, the human tightening them in a comforting squeeze that had the dragon smiling. 

"I can't wait" Jimin answered to end their conversation as they settled down to sleep for the big day that was coming. 


The next day was a whole different story. Taehyung did not by any means like the saddle that had been made. It was not designed for the comfort of the dragon it would seem, but it was perfectly comfortable for the rider. Jimin listened to every complaint.

"Is it possible that I could ride without the saddle?" Jimin turned to Aife.

"Absolutely not, the saddle locks you in for your safety" Aife shook her head. 

Jimin's eyes frowned as he could hear Taehyung crying out against the saddle. Jimin refused to have his first fly with Taehyung in this way. So without hesitation walked over and disconnected the straps as Aife had taught him, so the saddle fell off the distressed dragon's back.

Taehyung let out a noise of clear relief. So when Jimin scrambled up the dragon's leg so that he was standing on the fully shifted dragon's back. He could see why Taehyung had been crying in pain, the saddle had been designed to fit underneath some of the dragon's scales, pulling on them and forcing them to an awkward angle. 

It certainly explained every dragon's pained noise as they had the saddles on their back, Jimin noted it every time he made his way through the dragon training arena to get to where they were currently.

"I'm sorry" Jimin muttered to Taehyung as he smoothed his hands over the askew scales. Taehyung turned his head bending it down so he could push his snout into Jimin's hands, seeking comfort from the human.

"I am going to ride without a saddle, I refuse to hurt him for the sake of flying" Jimin's eyes were hardened as he turned them to Aife. 

The Rider captain could hear the finality of his tone and knew she wouldn't be able to convince him otherwise. So she decided to go along with the plan, intending for the young boy to realise his mistake when they were in the sky. If he fell she would catch him and that would be his lesson as to why he would need a saddle to fly. 

"Alright" Aife placed her hands up in a surrendering motion. 

She went to saddle up on her own dragon, Inno. Inno did not voice her complaints like Taehyung did, instead she let out a huff of pain, which had Jimin turning his head away not liking the noise. 

"You ready?" he asked Taehyung, he found places where he could stably put his feet.

"Hold onto the ridges on my neck, it will be easier to hold onto them and they don't hurt" Taehyung grumbled out to him. Jimin gave him a tap to the neck to show he understood, he didn't want to risk Aife knowing his secret.

"Lets go just like I taught you" Aife shouted over to him, she urged her own silver dragon to begin to rise up into the sky with powerful beats of her wings.

"Lets go" Jimin shouted to Taehyung, the dragon inclined his head in a nod.

That's when Jimin began to feel the muscles in Taehyung's back move as he began to beat his wings in powerful gusts. Jimin felt an excited grin pass across his face as they began to rise into the air. Taehyung began to slink almost like a snake as they took off, but he was soon out of the bounds of the arena.


Once they were in the sky, Taehyung levelled himself out so he was flying straight. Jimin had found a way to adjust his hands so that they held comfortably on Taehyung's back, he felt safe, he trusted his friend and dragon to keep him safe. It was like an unspoken bond between the pair.

Aife had to admit she was impressed as Taehyung came to fly level to Inno. The purple scaled dragon was smaller than Inno as he was still growing, but he was able to keep up with a few more flaps than the adult female dragon had to take to stay in the air and at a constant speed.

"Remember what I said" She yelled out to Jimin, the other human nodded in response and with that Aife and Inno truly began to fly.

The outfit Jimin wore was the standard for dragon riders, it included glasses of sorts to prevent anything from the sky and the wind that made his eyes water from occurring, allowing him to have clear vision as he flew. 

"Should we catch up?" With Inno and Aife far ahead of them, Jimin's voice changed to the language of the dragons. Taehyung let out what would sound like a roar to any other human but Jimin. 

Then they truly began to fly. 

Aife had to admit she was surprised when Taehyung and Jimin came rushing past her, they both seemed to move fluidly as if they were one entity. Jimin had not one ounce of fear on his face, in fact his grin could almost be described as manic.

She watched as they soared, dove and generally flew together. Not once did the lack of saddle affect them. Jimin seemed to be putting his full trust in the purple scaled dragon, and Taehyung seemed to be honouring that trust. 


Jimin couldn't help the giddy feeling that arose in his chest as he flew. Taehyung was letting out happy huffing sounds, clearly he was enjoying the freedom of flight as well.

As they looped through the sky with ease from the dragon's powerful wings. It seemed to come to him naturally, Jimin felt no fear as he flew with Taehyung in fact he felt perfectly at ease. He had no idea why Aife insisted on him using a saddle, it felt fine without it.

Taehyung kept his promise as he began to climb till they were as high as the clouds, Jimin able to reach out a hand to brush across the wet mist. Taehyung let out several huffed breaths, which Jimin realised much have been laughter. 

Then they dove. Laughter shaking both of their forms as they went.


So how was that?

I ended up writing more than I usually do because I loved the scenes so much.

Anyway I hope you liked the chapter.




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