By saralancesbae

7.1K 217 40

EMMA PALMER WAS ALWAYS THE STANDOUT CHILD... Even though Ray Palmer's genius was evident from a young age, Em... More

part one...
pilot, part one...
blood ties...
white knights...

pilot, part two...

549 26 1
By saralancesbae

Norway, 1975

The waverider set down less than gracefully in the middle of a thick forest in the middle of Norway. Somehow, the unidentified flying object went unnoticed by the people of the town adjacent to them.

"And we've arrived." Rip spoke calmly to the people sitting behind him. This time travel wasn't nearly as chaotic as it was the first time, mostly because they didn't actually go through time. They were still in 1975, but were not better positioned to attack Savage where he was assumed to be that day in history. "Gideon, if you wouldn't mind camouflaging us as an alpine meadow, perhaps?"

Snart looked over to his short-tempered partner who was leaning over, clutching his head with his eyes wired shut. "What are you complaining about now? It's not like we time jumped."

"I hate flying, especially in..." Mick lightly gestured to the ship. "Whatever this thing is."

Carter ignored the remarks, focusing his attention on the man in the trench coat. "Where exactly are we?"

"We're still in 1975, right?" His partner added, looking at Rip with a similar intent.

"Indeed." Rip lifted the restraints off of his body, swiftly making his way to the parlor. "October 1975 on the fjords of Northern Norway."

"Sounds like a vacation." Snart commented as Rip dug through his files, looking for something.

"Which we can take as soon as the threat of Savage has been neutralized, Mr. Snart." Rip escaped with a small, burgundy book.

"That's Aldus' notebook." Carter quickly observed.

"Now he theorized that Savage might be here, and if he's right, and if we capture Savage, then at least Professor Boardman didn't die in vain." Rip only looked at the mourning couple sympathetically for a moment, before quickly moving on.

"Can't we just go back and save Aldus?" Kendra begged, her eyes glimmering with the small chance that Rip would actually say yes.

"He was our son." Carter added more realistically, seeing the truth of the matter.

Rip sighed heavily. His hands really were tied. "Look, I'm sorry. We can't go back and change events in which we participated. Time would fold in on itself, creating a temporal vortex."

"Which sounds way cooler than it is." Ray added, pulling the attention on himself for the moment.

"Forgetting physics for a second, shouldn't we figure out what Savage is doing in Norway?" Sara pointed out, walking around the computer, as far away from the other Palmer as possible. The action made Emma furrow her eyebrows, but clearly not making her speak up.

"According to Gideon, there's a large meeting of terrorists and fringe groups looking to buy illegal arms."

"Now that sounds like a vacation." Mick muttered, the last one still sitting in his seat.

"Arms dealers and terrorists aren't exactly our kind of people, but they're the next best thing." Snart spoke in his normal teasing fashion, smirking at Sara as he did so, the latter unresponsive to his attempts.

Emma had a grin of her own as she responded. "Well, looks like you and your lapdog get to earn your keep."

"I ain't nobody's lapdog, Short Stack." Mick grunted, not threatened at all by the non-imposing girl.

"So what exactly does one wear to a black market arms bizarre anyways?" Kendra asked, trying to cut a knife through the tension that had built up in the room.

"The waverider has a fabrication room which can fashion temporal-indigenous, well fashion." Rip responded casually, as if it were an everyday occurrence.

"You've got a room that makes clothing?" Jax squinted his eyes in confusion.

"Doesn't everyone?"


In the fabrication room, Sara stood bent over a bench, fiddling with the buckle on the shoe of her new outfit.

"Hey." Emma stood in the doorway, leaning against the outermost part of the door frame.

Sara bit her inner cheek, hard. She didn't realize how hard it was until she felt a small amount of blood pool in her mouth.

"Hi." Her response was cold, callused- just as it was intended to be. A realization came to Sara in her sleepless night- every person who ever got close to her was hurt or dead. Something about Ray's sister complexed her in an unexplainable way. It intrigued her to a point where she knew she couldn't be close to her.

"So, I guess we found out what we wear to a weapon's bizarre." Emma joked. No response. "Wow, not even a courtesy chuckle?"

Sara stood up suddenly, looking at Emma with a deadpan expression on her face. "You know, there's like seven other people on this ship you can bother? You don't always have to bother you."

Her eyes widened slightly in shock. "Wow, okay, I didn't realize I was bothering you by making conversation. I guess I'll go bother someone else." As Emma walked away, Sara wanted to be compelled by some higher power to get her to come back. But that didn't happen. She let Emma Palmer slip right through her grasp.


Emma was silent the entire walk to the bizarre, something very unlike her. Though she would never utter the words, Sara Lance had gotten into her head.

"Looks like they're checking credentials..." The blonde observed as the group of five approached the entrance. "And we don't have any."

"We got this." The arsonist assured her calmly. "Trust us."

Approaching an Arab man, Snart slowed down his pace, purposely bumping into the man, and swiping his ID off of him. "Excuse you."

"IDs." The man at the door looked at the group with a deadpan look on his face. Not eagerly, but not hesitantly, Snart handed him the card. "You don't look like an Ahmad Ahmed Izz-Al Din."

"I'm Arab, on my mother's side."

"Is there a problem?" Stein approached, appearing to be very unhinged. "I don't like delays." He waited a moment, receiving no response. "Do you know who we are? My associates and I are the operational arm of Scimitar. The Lombardo Square Bombing, 1963. Murder of Henri Tyran, Canada, 1970. Konig Airport Massacre, 1971. Bottom line? You don't want to doubt me." Proud of his acquaintance, Snart plucked the card out of the guard's man, walking by him with ease.


"We're in." Snart announced to the team on the other side of the comms.

"So why don't I get to play terrorist?" Jax whined childishly.

"This is just a kidnapping. No need for your nuclear fireworks. Savage'll be one of the buyers. Once we get eyes hang back. We'll boost him when this is all over." Snart explained dismissively, breaking the group of five up into two.


"He's not here boss." Mick informed Snart after several minutes of searching for the immortal psychopath.

"Let's get ginger and the professor and move out." Snart instructed the two. Just then someone came onto the stage.

"If I could have your attention please. Thank you all for coming. I promise it will be well worth your time." The shock when Savage joined him on stage was indescribable. He went unnoticed by five of them. Yet, that was a specialty of his after all.

"Seems we were wrong about Savage. He's not one of the buyers- he's the seller." Sara merely pointed out what the rest of them had come to the realization of.

"This is a variable-yield nuclear warhead, capable of producing a blast equivalent to 1 megaton of TNT." Savage announced to the crowd of eager buyers, as well as the five undercover.

"Shall we begin our bidding at 100 million dollars?" A gun was fired in the air. "100 million. Do we have 105?" Another gunshot. "110?" Another one. "115?" One more. The realization also came that Savage was intently staring at the time travelers.

"It seems we have gained some unwanted attention. We need to bid. Fire your weapon in the air." Mick reached for his gun and, without a second thought, fired. No one else bid after that. The group had just purchased a nuclear warhead.

From seemingly nowhere, a, not visibly, younger Damien Darhk appeared. "It seems we have a new player in the game. A bit academic. How did you get in here and who are you?" The disdain in his eyes as he stared at Stein was clear.

"As of a few seconds ago, I'm a nuclear power." Stein responded, a smirk tugging at his lips.

"Yet I don't know you or your organization and I know everyone."

"Hey, back off." Mick placed an arm on his shoulder.

"Watch your tone," His tone was as stern as Mick's. Snart put a hand on his partner's shoulder and pulled him back.

"Is there some sort of problem?" Savage asked, approaching the comotion swiftly and unnoticeably.

Mick grunted out his words. "Yeah, the master race here is starting to bug me."

"We're just going to get our nuclear warhead and be on our way." Snart remarked, trying to diffuse the situation quickly.

"Not without paying first." Savage's crony, the voice behind the sale, reminded the Legends.

"Once we've validated the warhead is operational. Personally, I find it highly unlikely that you were able to accumulate enough fissionable material in this era to fashion a nuclear device." The wording was their demise. This era. Stein didn't realize his mistake, yet nearly everybody else choked on his words.

"This era?" Savage queried, an evil grin consuming his face. He practically strutted back onto the stage. "Change of plans! I'll apply a 25% discount to the organization that brings me the head of these men and women."

"Can I burn some stuff now?" Mick whispered eagerly in his cold blooded partner's ear.

"I wish you would." A fight ensued not seconds after. Emma fought like hell, but for some reason, she was lagging. It had never been an issue before. It wasn't something that was a regular problem. It never actually was a problem. But, without her powers shielding her, and despite all her fighting, Emma was knocked to the ground with a small, sharp dagger clogging a whole in her lower chest.


The chaos that ensued was unknown to Emma Palmer. She laid in the medbay, in the medically induced coma that Gideon had put her in. When she did wake up, 48 hours later, her brother was by her side, clenching her hand tightly.

"Hey, Em, you gave me a fright." Ray's worries were put to rest when his sister woke up. Though awake and alert, Emma's eyes went back and forth across the room. "What's wrong?"

"My powers- they're gone."

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