Who's Blue?

By SirenVale

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Dew thought her life was perfect on Fae Isle. She never wished for more. She had a wonderful family, great fr... More

Chapter 1 - Time to Wake Up
Chapter 2 - Disaster Strikes
Chapter 3 - Open Your Eyes
Chapter 4 - Hold Your Hand
Chapter 5 - Bright Eyes
Chapter 6 - Blue
Chapter 7 - Eventful Breakfast
Chapter 8 - The Four Kingdoms
Chapter 9 - Healing Teas and Soups
Chapter 10 - Meeting the King
Chapter 11 - Settling In
Chapter 12 - Test of Fate
Chapter 13 - Don't Worry
Chapter 14 - A New Gathering
Chapter 15 - The Odius Test

Chapter 16 - Change of Ways

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By SirenVale


It felt like Isabel and I waited days in that room for the coast to be clear. In reality it was only a few hours before we heard a knock on the door and a guard address Isabel directly, letting us know that the commotion was over and we were free to move about the castle again.

Isabel and I both stormed out of the room. We found Chrom first, which ended Isabel's search. I watched them hug, awkwardly standing beside them before I had a chance to speak up.

"Chrom," His attention moved to me, "Do you know where Diesel is?"

"I saw him talking to father before taking off towards his room. I bet you'll find him there," He supplied. I thanked him and took off down the hall, my green dress flowing behind me. I passed a few servants along the way, watching them gaze at me from the side as I went by. I was starting to get used to it.

I froze in my steps and thoughts when I saw Diesel outside of our room, his arms full of colorful dresses. His eyes widened as worry pierced through me. He looked fine. Barely a scratch on him despite the fight that had taken place only a few hours before. I was so worried and he was here, doing whatever this was.


"What are you doing?" I questioned, eyes never leaving his. He closed his, too guilty to continue our staring match.

"Come with me," He sighed deeply, turning away from me and taking a few steps down the hall. He stopped when I didn't move, glancing back at me.

I was worried and scared and I was starting to get angry but I followed Diesel nonetheless. We only went a few feet down the hall before stopping at an open door. Diesel stepped inside, me hot on his heels, and set the dresses on the bed. It already had a stack of clothes on it and a pile of shoes were near what I assumed was the closet door.

They were all the clothes Isabel had gifted me since I arrived here.

I turned my gaze to him, trying my best to keep myself neutral until he told me what was going on. I could already feel the tears forming though. And I was sure Diesel could see them too with how his guilty gaze softened into something sadder.

"I didn't want this."

"What is this?" I forced out, crossing my arms. Anxiety was forcing its way up my throat.

"Father caught me after the newcomer and Odius fought. He brought up the servants stares and the rumors," Diesel started, reaching his hand out and taking mine.

"He thought it would be best if you moved to your own room. Less people would see you. Servants wouldn't have as many questions. Odius may even forget you exist."

"Do you want me to leave?"

"I told you I didn't want this. I would let you stay in my room forever if I could!" Diesel raised his voice then, his other hand grabbing his hair roughly.

"No Diesel. Do you want me to leave Barrick? It doesn't seem like this is doing you or your family any good." I was crying then. I could feel the tears sliding across my cheeks but I said my words as strongly as possible.

I had barely finished my sentence before arms were wrapped around my waist and I was lifted upwards. My hands wrapped around his neck as he simply held me, burying his head into the crook of my neck.

"I don't want you to ever leave. Never," He breathed against my neck. Goosebumps grew on my skin but I tried to ignore it, instead digging my fingers gently into his dark hair.

"Will you visit me?"

"Every day. Every night."

"And our studies?"

"They will continue as long as you want them to."

"Breakfast and dinner?"

"I'll walk you to the dinning room myself."


"I promise." I believed him. My tears fell harder and he held me closer.

Eventually we broke apart, laughing slightly, blushes on full view as we dried our eyes. At least I think Diesel dried his eyes, they were much redder than they were before. We spent the rest of the day moving my things into my new room.

We hung my dresses, shirts, and skirts up in the closet, making me realize I didn't have a single pair of pants. Diesel promised to get me some. My shoes were an easier job. Diesel and I tried and failed to get them back into the order Isabel had placed them in but eventually settled with just throwing them in. I'd find what I needed when I needed it.

Finally, Diesel let me raid his bookshelves. We decided to leave the study books in his room since mine had no sitting room and therefore less room to move around a desk, but I stole everything from his fiction, adventure, and romance section. Though there was only one book of the last genre. He made no moves to stop me as I stacked the books into his arms and ordered him to my room. I had no bookshelf but we made due with Diesel once again promising me a bookshelf.

When we were done, the room looked more homey, less barren, livable. But it also allowed the silence to set in. Moonlight seeped through the windows and just as Diesel said his goodnight, I grabbed his arms.

"Do you think you could stay for awhile? Maybe we could read?" I mumbled. It felt pathetic but I was scared to be alone now. I had been with Diesel almost every night since I woke up.

"Of course. Let me change into something more comfortable," I glanced down at his clothes, noticing he was still wearing the formal suit from before.

"I'll be right back."

I nodded quickly, watching him step out of the room, before closing the door behind him. I followed his lead and changed out of the flowy dress into a comfortable nightgown. It reminded me I wanted comfortable sleeping pants like Diesel had.

I picked a book up from the large stack I had taken, reading the title in my head. Something adventurous. That was fine with me.

Diesel didn't knock, simply walked in. He had his own book in hand, I saw a sword on the cover. Great minds think alike.

We both climbed on the new bed wordlessly. It was bouncier than his bed but the pillows were puffier. I sunk into them, sighing blissfully. I hadn't realized how tense I was from today's events.

We talked for a while, about the fight, about what had happened during the test.

"What happened to the man? The one with magic," I asked.

"He took some damage but is alive and in custody." It was reliving to hear.

"What will they do with him?"

"Question him and then release him back outside the walls. He'll be banned from the magic dwelling settlements outside our kingdom as well."

I nodded, taking in all his words carefully. If I was caught, it sounded like I wouldn't be killed. Another relief.

Diesel opened his book and I opened mine after him. We slipped into a comfortable silence, both lost in our own worlds.

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