Pokémon: Ad Astra Abyssosque

By youngwild_shipper

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Pokémon x Genshin crossover Crossposted on ao3 | https://archiveofourown.org/works/38885772/chapters/97243713... More



204 8 2
By youngwild_shipper


. . .

It was a beautiful and peaceful dawn in the land of Liyue. Lovely tunes of the bird's light chirping blessed the ears, singing mindlessly before waking the nation's citizens in a blissful design. Light from the waking sun veiled the city in an illuminating shade of navy, as well as a few specks of yellow are scattered. 

It was Ash's fourth day in the country. The trip was rescheduled because of some unsuspected trouble out on the mountains. The group was to set forth today, finally on track with their goal.

The three young adults were up and ready long before the sun's rays could bless the golden city with its morning delight, and were now making their move towards the base of operations at the foot of Mount Hulao. Up at the rooftop of the Quan's home was a helipad and an accompanying helicopter. It would be their transportation for the day.


Ash wiped his brows after unceremoniously dropping his heavy baggage down on the floor, stirring Pikachu — who was sleeping soundly on a nearby sunbed — from his sleep and giving off an unseen threat to his trainer. He moved to stretch his body. "Hah, Liyue's mountains I'll finally get to see you in person!"

The redhead next to him smacked his head before reprimanding the male. "Stop loitering around and place your things properly."

Ash gave her a plain stare, looked at her own belongings, and returned his gaze back to her. "Says you."

"Psh." The girl annoyingly punched him on his shoulder. "At least I'm more organized than you."

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say." The male continued his stretching before a lively voice greeted from behind.

"Morning!!" Hutao greeted the duo. She wore a thin brown sweater with the word 'nature' sewn with a red thread on its front left, worn underneath a much thicker dark-brown jacket, black hiking boots with white socks, and she also had on scout shorts. Hutao had her pin around her right wrist like a bracelet. Papilio Charontis, The Butterfly of Charon. "You guys look chipper, excited for today?"

Ash had on a replica of his iconic blue jeans, a simple black tee, and a collared blue and white jersey that has a strip design by the cuffs. Black hiking boots, socks, his keystone necklace, his precious pin above his heart, and his Z-ring on his wrist. Ophelia wore a black overall with a white tee, black military boots with black socks. Her keystone dangled from its chain and her constellation wrapped snugly around her wrist, hair chosen to be free to sway with the breeze.

"Of course! I've been dying to see Liyue's famous mountains up close since I've first heard about them from Venti." Ash's entire being lit up. "I nearly couldn't sleep properly last night just thinking about climbing up to the top and meeting different kinds of Pokémon on the way."

"That's the spirit! And the mountains undoubtedly have a great abundance of Pokémon. Plus, it's a great destination for training ones self along with their companions as it gives people a sense of peace making it easier to connect with your Pokémon. You'll love it there for sure." The Liyuen exclaimed. "Just... try not to fall off, hehe.."

"Can't promise you that, but I'll keep my eyes peeled for anything." He assured.

A series of claps were heard. "Well, before anything else let's settle our things in the rotorcraft before we take flight. The sooner we get things done here, the sooner we get to the site." Declared Ophelia.

"Correct! When we reach the helipad at Tianqiu, a car would be waiting for our arrival. We can drive our way to the foot of Mount Hulao where Xiao and the rest of the team are." Explained Hutao, feeling excited about seeing her boyfriend again.

"They sure are fast." Babbled Ash, looking up at the sky. "The sun isn't even fully up yet."

"Well, most of the men have been stationed there for days. That's why we need to move fast before we get left!" The brunette gave off a bright grin before helping the redhead in carrying their stuff towards the helicopter. The soon-to-be occupants of the vehicle moved swiftly towards the aircraft, their heavy footsteps resonating on the metal padding.  Soon enough, they were ready for take off.

The boy then called for his partner. "Pikachu!! It's time to leave!" Hearing his shouts, Pikachu shook off his weariness and jumped inside the helicopter, joining the other three on the seats. He sat on Ash's lap and decided to listen to their idle chitter chatter. 

With everyone on board, the doors were closed and the passengers made themselves comfortable for the flight. Ash sat behind the pilot, his back facing the experienced flyer. Ophelia was beside him as Hutao took the entire line of seats in front of them, sitting right in the middle. 

Loud whirring sounds could be heard as the chopper started its engines. Gusts of wind whipped throughout the area as the helicopter's skids left the metal landing, slowly ascending from the helipad. They braced themselves for the slight turbulence but soon let go of their troubles when they felt the vehicle breeze through the blanketed sky.

"I wonder if we'll ever get to see the adepti.." Spoke Ophelia. They were discussing about the various possibilities that might happen during their search and the ancient protectors were what came to the winery heir's mind.

"Don't get your hopes up just because you saw your idol." Retorted Ash, pertaining to Dvalin. "Besides, didn't they technically leave the security and prosperity of Liyue to the hands of its people? I doubt they'd come back and reclaim their reign over the land after so long."

"It's just a thought." Countered the girl. "Besides, think about the possibilities! I mean, we did meet Lady Vennessa and  came face-to-face with one of Mondstadt's Four Winds so getting to meet at least one of the adepti isn't too farfetched if you ask me."

"Hmm, you've got a point."

With their idle chitter-chatter, they didn't realize the time pass and were soon above Tianqiu Valley, a bustling lake market centered around a refurbished ancient fortress. It's a great place for canoeing, sightseeing, and shopping as most shops are floating by the water in the form of small boats. Up North of the lake is a steep ravine that had been overrun by sellers. It had a resemblance to Brickshop hence its nicknames, 'Little Brickshop' and 'The Alley on Water'.

By the main building is a huge tunnel that leads to the home of the Liyuen Mythical Pokémon, the Primo Geovishap. But since its disappearance, the massive cavern had been turned into the Tianqiu Challenge Area, headed by none other than Xiao himself.

From their altitude, they could see a slick, dark-blue army jeep with tinted windows, obviously waiting for them. The driver opened its door and went out of the vehicle just as the chopper was descending, it was a bit far from the landing pad so she didn't worry about the flying dirt and debris.

The trio of humans and two Pokémon reached land and one-by-one left the aircraft swiftly. The mysterious person came close and took off her black sunglasses. "Well now that you're all here, time to get to business." 

She had alluring dark-blue eyes. Black hair in a bob cut with purplish streaks of hair by design and her bangs in a weird cut, yet she doesn't seem to mind. She had a dark-blue fitted top with leather tights in a darker shade and combat boots. She had an intricately sewn white fur jacket draped over her shoulders and a beautiful pearl choker with a light-blue crystal accessory. On her right wrist is a sage green bracelet while a white Gucci grip watch was on her left.

"Miss Yelan, you're here! Are you part of the operation? Did mama  send you here?" Hutao greeted.

"Morning to you too, Hutao," Her dark eyes skimmed the area. "And to our guests as well. Ophelia Ragnvindr and Ash Ketchum, I believe?"

"Hello, pleasure to meet you ma'am." "Pikapi"

"Hello, Ash. Call me Yelan. I am the millelith's chief of police, scouted by the Tianquan herself." 

"Eh? But if so, then why are you here?" Asked Ash.

"I'm investigating a case that deals with some pesky pests here in Tianqiu Valley. So naturally, seeing as I'm in the area, the Tianquan asked me to escort you three to the investigation site." Explained the professional. "Plus, she also said that my time here with you would do me good."

"You're leading an investigation yourself? I thought that's the job of, I don't know, the police detectives?"

"The Qixing know Liyue like the back of their hands. But there's certain information out there that can only be obtained using more specialized methods. That's my area of expertise, so I generally take care of all those assignments myself." She explained. "But enough of that, time is gold, and were loosing daylight. Move your stuff in my car and we can finally leave."

She brought out her Machamp to easily carry their load. After setting everything in the car, they were already on the road to Mount Hulao. Driving on the rocky roads of Liyue, they passed by acres and acres of trees, going around ponds and deep holes alike before reaching a rock arc that served as the entrance to the investigation site.

"Were here folks, I can already see the Dragon-Queller."

The Dragon-Queller. A large tree which Rex Lapis used to seal the Dragon Azdaha when he wreaked havoc on the land. The dragon has then begun merging with the tree, using its roots to connect to the ley lines and draw power from them. It was through this power that the rock dragon had turned into the Legendary Pokémon that helped Teyvat millennia ago. Such a shame though that it had befell into corruption shortly after regaining itself and was resealed down under the land.

A strange tree whose branches flow with clear, cold moonlight. At the tip of the tree is a large blue branch, which points directly towards the city. That portion of the tree cannot be touched and had been recorded to have celestial remnants present along its branches. Around the base of the tree grows bright, glowing yellow flowers.

Or, as Ash would call it, the overworld symbol of the Geo Archon. Now all he needed to search for is the underworld one.

"There you all are!" The group heard someone shout the moment they left the car. He was a middle-aged man in a faded dark-grey uniform with yellow accents. "I'm Fiuao, the leader of this operation." He balled his fist, put them over his heart and bowed. "It's great to finally meet you!"

"Hello! May I ask, is Xiao in the area?" 

"Ahh, Miss Quan. The Challenge Master is currently in one of the tents we put up, you can ask around those near and they'll point you to which one." Replied the man. With a bright grin, she gave her thanks and skipped away. The other two were busy unloading the car.

"Fiuao, how long has the team been placed here?" Yelan asked.

"About two weeks, ma'am." Yelan gave a nod, signaling him to say more. "We had a meeting regarding our stay here weeks ago when the champion ordered a search around the nation, Minlin area most especially most especially. Most of the equipment we'd use were sent here three nights ago and the search was supposed to start the following day. But unfortunately, a group of Hoarders intersected with the delivery and the operation was postponed."

"Did they steal anything?"

"According to our records, none at all? We checked again and again, as well as those that've made it here prior to the incident and they were all accounted for ma'am. I can show you the records and receipts."

Yelan put a hand up. "There's no need, I already know. But if they didn't steal anything, then why did they cause a commotion? Do you have anything?"

"Well, from the guys that were transporting the equipment that night, they say that the Hoarders were looking for something. They even searched the men one by one, but when they couldn't find what they needed, they left. Simple as that." He retold. "Do you need anything else, ma'am?"

"I've got what I need, Fiuao. Although.. I want to inquire about some rumors going out and about here in the nation. I've already got intel from the city so I'd like to know what came to be here in the rural areas."

"Ehh, what kind of rumors? Words fly and change everyday Miss Yelan."

"Anything that's come up recently. From wherever they came, be it from other nations or purely local."

"Well I heard that there was someone who got locked up in Inazuma for defaming the royal family.. Then I heard from my cousin who heard from her friend who heard from his father who heard from his colleague that there had been a misprint in one of the articles of The Steambird.. Then there's the one in Mondstadt with an amara..? was it?.. Then something about one of its island being found with a washed away kid.. Then in Natlan with their so called "dying ecosystem".. And then.. hmm.. I got nothing left ma'am— oh wait! There's this rumor, well, it's not exactly a recent one but.."


"There's a been a burglary in Qingce Village recently, they stole an heirloom from Granny Ruoxin. Rumor has it that that little trinket is a key. To where exactly, that's still up to debate. But find its lock they say then thy shall be blessed with unlimited treasures!"

".. hmm.."

"Was none of them what you need, ma'am?"

"Oh, you needn't worry. Rumors are only rumors after all, I merely wanted to know the current hot topics of the many." The lady chuckled then looked at her watch. "Oh, look at the time. I must get going now. Seeing as those three are out of sight, they must be done with their stuff. Mr. Fiuao, pass my goodbyes to them, will you?"

: : :

Once Ash and Ophelia were done putting their things in their respective sleeping tents, they hurriedly went to find Hutao amongst the many tents. They heard that the couple were in the northern most tent, closest to the temporary elevator leading up to the middle base of Mount Hulao.

"We could follow the path up to the peak of the mountain and start the investigation there!" They heard the joyous voice of Hutao. "Considering the gravity of the situation, why don't we check up on the three divine birds?"

Entering the tent, they found a large wooden table in the middle with a massive and intricate map of the Liyuen mountains. Hutao sat on one of the present chairs while a man stood looking over the complicated map before him. He had both hands gripped tightly on the tableside, hunched down in deep thought as his back faced the newcomers.

"Ah! Ash, Ophelia, Pikachu! You're finally here!" She hopped off her seat and rushed to the man, tugging his shirt before turning to face them. He has a young appearance with striking good looks, dark hair with highlights, sharp cat-like eyes in a dark shade of amber. He wore a black slim-fitting sleeveless tee that exposed his shoulders, dark long pants, a good pair of rock climbing shoes, and a harness around his waist. "This is Xiao."

The man in question turned his sharp gaze towards the trio. Ash and Pikachu felt shivers run down their spines. This man has the most piercing gaze both has ever seen. Seconds later, he closed his eyes and gave them a quick nod before opening his eyes again, looking back at them in a passive manner. "Alatus Xiao. Finally, I've had the chance to meet you both."

"Uh.. hi, Xiao. It's nice to meet you as well." "Pikapi!"

"Hello! I'm Ophelia. I challenged your trial before, and rechallenged just recently. If you remember that is." Ophelia waved at the Master.

"Ah yes, Miss Ragnvindr. I remember both your battles against me were filled with fiery passion, fueled by the will to win, and an overflowing show of pride once you did attain so. It's a pleasure to see one of my greatest challengers." He acknowledged her strength.

"Hihi! Now that everyone's well acquainted, let's discuss further plans now, shall we?"

: : :

Soon enough, they were seated around the table. Fiuao and a few other important figures were seated alongside them. "Alright, time for business. Things have been in a frenzy recently with the Hoarders' attack a few nights ago, but a more important operation is at stake and we must act swiftly." He started.

"Celestia reported a massive leak of geo elemental power from each of the divine birds of Minlin. They and the Liyue Qixing fear that the continuous downpour of elemental energy could cause these statues to break and therefore anger the illuminated beast, Cloud Retainer."

One of Fiuao's men raised a hand for his suggestion. He was the head engineer, an elderly man with a bulky build and darkened skin caused by days under the sun. "Since these ancient birds are perched up on different mountains, I suggest we split our team into three. One would take on Mount Hulao, and the other two would journey up Mount Aocang and Qingyun Peak respectively. This way, there's no need to travel back and forth from each mountain to another, and would further prevent any sort of breaking off much faster."

Most were in agreeance except for the man in front of him. "I agree with Mr. Jirou, for the most part. But do keep in mind that this is a special kind of operation, therefore it would attract the interest of scoundrels ready to intercept this mission in any way." Xiao argued. "If you all remember the Hoarder incident a few nights ago, they want something, and they're still looking for it somewhere around these mountains. And as far as we know about them, once they set their eyes on treasure, there's no way to dissuade them from their objectives."

A new realization brought everyone in deep thought. A few others spoke their opinions about the three statues, but the problem still remains. Many of the worker's Pokémon weren't fully trained for combat, and the rugged, steep mountains were a disadvantage for them. "So any ideas on how we get over this hindrance? Anyone?"

Ash raised a hand. All eyes on him. "What if instead of a full on confrontation, we can have two groups. One large group acting as a diversion, to bait the Hoarders. While another, much smaller group — maybe three to four — could easily sneak past undetected if they're agile enough." His suggestion was accepted kindly, but a few doubts still clouded their judgment. "Of course the bigger group would contain a handful of strong trainers. And, if we could get the help of the millelith, we could have a few soldiers in disguise just in case."

"That's a great idea Ash! I can contact Fengyan right away to see if they could help. He's a close friend of mine and has a high position in the military." Explained Mr. Fiuao before picking up his phone and excusing himself. The other professionals followed, barking orders to their men once they were outside. Only Ash, Pikachu, Ophelia, and the Liyuen couple were left inside.

"'Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak' This was a line said by the Geo Archon during the time of war, a true treasure within the Liyuen literary arts." Proclaimed Xiao, amused with the young adult.

"'Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception' Nice tactic Ash. Never viewed you to be so strategic." Applauded Ophelia. "Perhaps you could use your brain more often. You know, to refrain it from loosing its purpose."

"Yeah yeah, whatever." He rolled his eyes.

An attendant entered the tent to pass on snacks and beverages, much to Ash and Pikachu's delight. Once they've had their fill, a sea of important people flooded back inside the tent. With the previous group were two extra people, one in full millelith uniform and the other that  appears to be an old and senile fisherman.

"To surge full force on the mountains in the guise of fixing the divine birds, knowing full well that a problem blocks us from somewhere on the road. It would  cause much distraction for our enemies, enough for our nimble group to pass through much easily. Well then, I volunteer to lead one of the bigger groups." Declared the millelith present in the meeting. He was Fengyan, the head of security, in charge of the safety of the workers. He had a large scar on his face that trailed down to his left arm. Ash wouldn't dare question where he got those. "But I have a few questions regarding the other group, if you don't mind answering?"

"Ask away."

"Who do you have in mind? These individuals must have strong and capable Pokémon and must be well versed in the art of combat as well. Better safe than sorry. We all know the Hoarders, they don't play fair. If ever they catch a whiff of you, you're on your own."

"I'll go." It was Xiao. "I have Pervases with me, dealing with them would be a breeze."

"Of course, Alatus." The guy agreed.

"I'll go as well!" "Me too!" Both Hutao And Ophelia said consecutively.

He agreed, noticing that one of them was a Challenge Master and the other a legacy.

"I'd like to go as well." Ash voiced out. This garnered the reluctant gaze of the police chief.

"Hmm... Ash Ketchum, if I'm not mistaken." He nodded. "I'm not being critical but.. aren't you unfamiliar with Liyue and its natural structures? I can understand the previous volunteers for they travelled these parts growing up. But for a foreigner like you, wouldn't it be hard?" He questioned. 

"Fengyan! He is a valued trainer to Celestia. The champion herself regards him so highly. Mind your tone." Rebuked the fisherman.

"Relax Tian, I am merely testing the boy. You know my line of work, one must always be vigilant. And this operation needs people who we're sure could  attain us success. I'm not defaming him or anything, just making sure."

Ash knew he meant no harm and was just doing his job, but Ash felt the need to defend his honor. Just as he was about to speak came the booming and authoritarian voice of his soul sister.

"Hey! Ash can fully support himself around these parts just fine. And before you say anything, he's a strong Pokémon trainer even with only one Pokémon in his arsenal." Defended Ophelia. Ash felt grateful. "And just so you know, he managed to defeat my uncle's Charizard more than once during his stay in Mondstadt. If that doesn't convince you of his strength then I don't know what will."

"Oh? He defeated Master Diluc?" 

"Yes, me and my buddy Pikachu." Ash boasted. "Okay, I know that you're a bit skeptical with me seeing as I'm some one 'unknown'  who managed to get to the champion's good graces. But I can prove to you that I'm just as reliable and strong as anyone of you here present today."

Ash stood up and gave a challenging grin, earning the interest of the officer. He raised his hand to point at Fengyan. "Mr. Fengyan of the Liyuen millelith, I, Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town, challenge you to a Pokémon Battle!" "Pika! Pikachu!"

Gasps of interest and shock rang around the tent. Some voices brought cheer and support for the male while others bet on Fengyan to win. The opposing trainer stood up as well, and gave his own challenging grin. "Well then Ash, I'll take you up on that offer." Agreed Fengyan. "This afternoon, three pm sharp, in front of the Dragon-Queller. Your Pikachu against my Pyroar. Are those conditions good enough for ya?"

"Bearable." Replyed Ash. "If I win, you'll allow me to go with the smaller groups. But if you win, you decide my fate during this quest. Got that?"


"Hehe. Just you wait, I'll victor over you." "Pikapi!"

"Hahaha, good. I await our battle, Ash Ketchum."

Ash nodded. He had a feeling he'd have to prove his strength at some point, and this battle would not only earn him respect from onlookers, but would definitely benefit him on his future travels around the continent.

: : :

The blazing sun scorched the land, its great fury matching the fire within both battlers. As agreed upon, the battle would be held in front of the tree at exactly three in the afternoon. The workers, although knowing this will backtrack their initial plan, readied the field excitedly for their match. On one side, Fengyan stood tall and ready. On the other, Ash and Pikachu matched his passion with equal fervor.

"Ready boy?" 

"Ready as I'll ever be!" "Pika pika!"

"Pyroar, shake the grounds and let your flames be adored!" Declared the officer as he threw a pokéball to the sky. The brown, quadrupedal, Leonine Pokémon emerged. It had a long, gold and red crest-like mane extending from its forehead, indicating that it was female. "py—ROARRR!!" Flames licked the area around her as she let out a battle cry.

"Alright then, Pikachu, I choose you!" Ash called out. "Pikapika!!" The small Rodent Pokémon jumped off to action and took its position on the field, emitting small sparks of electricity from its red cheeks.

Xiao stood at the side of the field, he acted as the referee. Raising an arm up, he spoke, "This is an unofficial match between millelith official, Fengyan, and Ash Ketchum! Both are only allowed one Pokémon each, the match will end when one side is unable to battle! Let the battle, commence!"

"Pyroar, get close then use Crunch!" She followed her trainer's orders and readied to lunge, but before she could reach the electric type..

"Now! Jump!!" Pikachu leapt off the ground. "Then use Iron Tail!" Surprised by the sheer speed of her opponent, the lioness couldn't dodge in time and was directly hit by the attack, sending her back a few paces. It caused her much damage albeit being quite resistant to the move. The people around had their eyes and mouths wide open, clearly awed by the small Pokémon.

"Amazing.. that's the fastest Pikachu I've ever seen in my life." Fengyan was amazed, but in a blink of an eye, his expression turned serious. "But your speed won't stop us from winning! Pyroar, use Flamethrower!" A massive torrent of flames came barreling towards Pikachu. 

"Use Thunder Shock, aim straight at the fire!" "Pika! Pikapika—CHU!!" The clash between the two moves created a dust explosion that shook the earth beyond the field. Before anyone could recover, a swift order was thrown from within.

"Body Slam!!" 

"Wha― Pikachu, get out of there!" Ash gave the order too late. Pyroar came crashing towards Pikachu and send the little one flying. "Damnit!" He mumbled before wracking his brains for a comeback.

"Got it. Pikachu, steady yourself in the sky and get ready to plunge!" His partner, still above ground, heeded his trainers voice and by using its nimble body, rolled down from above like a saw. "Now, Iron Tail!! Hit it with all your might!" "Pikachu!!"

Pikachu crashed from above, cutting the thick explosion from above before hitting Pyroar with a critical hit, earning a gruesome roar from the fire type. But before the lion could recover, Pikachu propelled himself up to the sky again readying another move. "Good, just as planned. Now, Thunderbolt!"

Before anyone could digest what he said, a large energy of glowing lighting formed from Pikachu's tail. And with a swift cry, sent it down to his recovering opponent. The impact of the move created another explosion on field.

Pikachu landed gracefully back on the ground with a little chirp. "Yeah! That's how we roll!" "Pikapi―"


"Wait what!?" Ash's confusion turned to fear as he saw Pyroar leap from the commotion he thought he caused. She struck the ground with great force, large patches of land moved like waves aiming for Pikachu. "Pikapi!!"

Pikachu was once again thrown to the sky, greatly injured. As the move settled, Ash saw Pyroar with a fiery determined look. She was strong indeed, he had to admit to that. She bore the hits and damage of Pikachu's prior moves, but to his surprise, it's as if she wasn't pelted by the strong Thunderbolt. "Impossible! Even if she has great defense, Pyroar would've definitely gotten damaged by Thunderbolt." That he was sure, especially when he saw with clear eyes how the move collided with the Pokémon.

"HA HA HA!! Ash, had you not done your research?" Fengyan asked from the other side of the field. "Pyroar is part fire AND ground type, electric type moves are useless against her."


"Pyroars are part ground type!!?" He stood aghast at the new information given to him.

"You didn't know!!?" A voice screamed from the sidelines. It was Ophelia. Just earlier she was cheering heavily for the male, knowing his strength in battle and creative mind. Ooh boy did she regret most things when she heard him order up a useless move. "Didn't I tell you time and time again to dig up and study the different types of Teyvatean Pokémon!? Haven't you learned your lesson yet!?" Oh yes he did, just now.

'Tsk, I really should start listening to her more'

The man before him chuckled. "Well Ash, seeing as this is new information for you, I'll allow you the honor of making the next move. Although, I'd advise you to choose wisely this time." 

Ash turned to his partner who'd just got on his feet. "Can you still go on, Pikachu?" Shaking off the dirt and debris from himself, Pikachu got on position, ready for his trainer's next order. "Pika, Pikapi." Ash smirked seeing his best buddy's determination and unwillingness to give in. "That's the spirit, now get ready. We're gonna win this thing."

"Agility, then Quick Attack!" Pikachu momentarily glowed pink before rushing towards the passive Pyroar with lightning speed.

"Intercept it with Headbutt!" The Pokémon then moved, trying to meet the smaller one in the middle of the field. But before they could touch, Ash shouted from his side.


Pikachu disappeared and Pyroar was left skidding on the floor, missing her target. The onlookers searched for the yellow Pokémon before landing their eyes on a hole in the middle of the field. "It used Dig!?" Fengyan was shocked at first, before giving out a hearty laugh. "Ha Ha! I admit, you're one fascinating young lad."

"Thank you, sir! I assure you, I've got more under my sleeves." Ash gave a cheeky grin.

"And I wouldn't expect anything less." He straightened his posture then stared his opponent down. "But need I remind you that our Pyroars are part ground type? And as I, and everyone else present could see, your Pokémon is right underground."

"Don't worry, I'm very much aware." Ash declared.

"Then so be it. Earthquake!!" Fengyan commanded. And once again, Pyroar leapt into the air right above Pikachu's hole, ready to plunge. But Ash had other plans.

"Take it on with Iron Tail!" Immediately, Pikachu was seen rocketing his way towards Pyroar with a tail as cold as iron. "Pika, pikachu!!" Both moves collided creating a massive force wave that knocked Pyroar higher up in the air. "Pikachu, take charge and grab onto Pyroar!" He did as told.

"Pyroar, shake it off!" Hearing her orders, she hastily shook her body. But with the weight of Pikachu on one side, she lost control and was spiraling clockwise back down unto the ground.

"Great! Now Pikachu, let go of her and ready a Brick Break!" "Pika!"


Using the out of control Pokémon as leverage, Pikachu hoisted himself up the sky, aimed at his opponent and charged down with great force. "Pika. PIKACHU!!"

Fengyan couldn't do anything but watch as his royal Pokémon be hit by an effective move, praying to the Archon for at least one more chance. Dust burst up to the heavens as the ground trembled from the gravity of the impact. It was silent, save for a few flapping of wings and the rustle of the startled local Pokémon.

Xiao surveyed the area. From the destruction, he could make out a silhouette of a lying figure in the center. He brought an arm up, preparing to end the match. But just as he was about to declare Ash the victor, he and everyone present saw how the fire type struggled to get up. As per the rules, he counted to three. "One..." Pyroar moved her front paws to better position herself. "Two..." She then used her back legs to thrust herself up. "Three..." With difficulty, she was on her legs, still ready to reign.

Applause rang from each side of the field, cheering the regal lion for her stand. She looked at her trainer, Fengyan, with an undeterred decision and resolve. The officer in return gave her a look of understanding and respect. "If it is what you want old friend, then it shall be done." "Py-roar.."

The outstanding duo turned their attention to their opponents. "Ash, you're one great tactician." He gave him a smirk. "So Pyroar and I would love to see how you deal with our next move. Please, don't disappoint us."

"I call upon the fury of the flames! Come, and feel the strength of our bond! Pyroar, my regal and royal partner.. RESONATE!!" With those words, he closed his eyes. Fire started to enclose him and Pyroar. The lioness moved one of her front paws back and bowed down as the flames licked her fur. Pyroar's dark coat was turned into a lava like imagery and her light brown fur had been turned entirely into pillars of burning fire. Her mane, glorious as it was, generated a crystalized fire gem at its base that molded into a beautiful crown just as her mane came alive like a lively torch in the night. The summer sun could be comparable to her heat. Everywhere that she stepped, the ground seemingly looked as though it would be turned to lava at any second. 

As the transformation completed, they both opened their eyes. The once cerulean blue of the lion, and the dark black of the officer were replaced with eccentric red, ready to entrap those who dared face them.

Resonation. Ash did expect this in the battle, but seeing her form and fiery determination, he just knew that one wrong move would be costly. So he had to be vigilant and ready for any opportunities. He was taught how resonations worked back in Mondstadt, and had successfully resonated with Pikachu back in the nation. But him compared to someone with much more experience, he knew he was in a tight situation.

"Ash Ketchum, feel the might and power of the Seven! Pyroar, Overheat!!" The lioness gave out a deafening battle cry, fire surrounding her attack before exploding in a pit of fire. It was bigger, and much more impactful than any Overheat he'd seen before. Perhaps it could even rival that of Alain's Charizard. Pikachu was gravely injured by the attack.


The small Pokémon was cast to the side, with burn marks around his body. Ash was worried, but felt a sense of relief when his partner stood up still seemingly ready to battle. Pikachu was strong, he knew that, but he needed to end this match soon.

"Pikachu, Double Team!" "Pika!" The Pokémon followed, creating dozens and dozens of copies of himself.

"Pyroar, Flamethrower. Burn each and every one of them."

He needed to dodge, Ash knew. "Quick Attack! Use your speed to run around the field and continuously use Double Team! DON'T. GET. HIT!" "Pika! pikapikapikapi!" The little soldier followed, and like a blur, obstructed everyone's view of the field. All they could see was a tornado of yellow lightning.

Pyroar's move looked and felt like the sun was about to explode. It casually created a rift on the tornado. But unfortunately for them, it missed the real one. Pikachu still continued to run around creating more clones of himself.

"Pyroar, no more games! Earthquake!!" Commanded the officer. She readied herself, but compared to earlier, her descent to the ground carried bouts of fire. She looked like a meteor about to crash.

"Pikachu, propel yourself to the sky and summon the strongest Protect you could muster!" The massive wave of Pikachu's leapt from the ground and built a protective bubble around themselves. The Earthquake hit, and the illusion of Pokémon vanished leaving the real one afloat.

"Heatwave, then follow up with a Fire Blast aimed towards Pikachu!" Flaming air surrounded the area, Pikachu was about to be hit by a powerful attack. Ash would not allow that.

"Discharge!" The combination between fire and lightning erupted in a stream of fireworks. "Protect!" Just in time. Before any further damage was caused to the electric type, the protective barrier held him safe from the fire and was then brought down to the ground in peace. 

Without any second thoughts, Pyroar opened her mouth and out came a dazzling display of a ten star-shaped stream of fire. 

"Electro Ball!" Pikachu threw a powerful move towards the resonated move which resulted in a blast. 

Hearing no move from his opponent, Ash took his time to survey the area. The once flat surface of the field turned into a shallow crater with Pyroar in the middle. The area surrounding her was destroyed to look like the mouth of a volcano. Patches of blackened soil had charred, red linen threads. 

Pyroar. Compared to the strong attacks she conjured earlier, her state looked much worse than what he'd expected. Her stand was faltering, she was fighting to stand straight to give the image of a long-lasting queen. But Ash knew better. She won't be lasting long considering how she nearly faltered before the resonation.

He saw how Fengyan and Pyroar communicated through their eyes. He saw ther determination and strong will. It moved him. It to him, felt like the times when Ash and Pikachu were the last standing during his league battles. He left a sense of dread knowing the endings, but with those failures, it allowed him to grow. To become the man he had been. To be standing tall and proud, knowing he had finally made it.

He looked to his own partner, he seemed to be faring better than the lioness. Albeit being tossed around like a salad, and being charred by a powerful attack, his greatest ally still stands unwavering despite all odds. To stop any more suffering, he desperately needed to stop this soon.

For a minute, no one moved, ordered, nor commanded. The next set of moves would determine the winner. 

Finally, after much deliberation, Fengyan raised his voice. "Pyroar, let's end this. Flamethrower to the ground then immediately use Overheat! Pikachu's too tired to use the sky as a defense!" The lioness mustered up all her strength to force a torrent of flames across the battle field. "Py―ROAR!!!"

"Let's do this Pikachu! Dig!" The Pokemon swiftly dodged another attack, taking shelter from down below. He even survived the Overheat attack thanks to his burrow.

"You won't escape much longer, Ketchum! Flamethrower on the hole!" Before Pyroar could fire, Pikachu emerged from the opposite side of the first hole, right behind Pyroar. 

"Thunderbolt!!" Ash ordered!"

'AGAIN!!!' Everyone all thought he had short-term memory or that he was just intelligently stupid. But to their surprise, Pikachu hadn't aimed for the lioness, rather, he aimed at the ground close to her. This caused an overload and threw the lioness off-track.

"Again, Dig!" Pikachu dug the spot next to the one he went out and then reemerged next to the original hole. And once again struck a Thunderbolt next to the unsuspecting female, causing her to stumble and fall. Pikachu did the stunt again and again, creating holes side by side till it now created a circle, terrorizing the lioness from where he emerged. With her prior injuries, Pyroar could neither dodge nor use any move to protect herself. Pikachu now had the lead.

"Pikachu," Ash called out. "Time to end this." With a nod to his partner and a determined gaze to finally end this battle, ash commanded his finishing move. "THUNDER!!"

From the last hole, Pikachu emerged covered in golden lightning. He raced to the sky, lifted his tail up, and finally striking down a thunderous thread of lightning from above, aiming for the defenseless lioness down below.

An energy blast occurred, that of which most people thought one of the Pokémon had used a torrential Earthquake. The dust explosion didn't settle for a while, making Ash anxious if he had finally won the match or if Pyroar would stand up once more. Minutes passed, Pikachu held his position in front of Ash, ready for anything. Finally, after a while, the view of Pyroar's body was seen, lying in the middle of a deep crater. The counting begun. One... Two... Three... 

"Pyroar is unable to battle! Ash Ketchum and his Pikachu are the victors of this match!"

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