The Story of the Young, Innoc...

By RecklessPierces

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Kris, Aly, and Rain Pierce. We all face up and downs in our lives, right..? It’s not that things always stay... More

The Story of the Young, Innocent and Reckless.
Author's Note:
Exordium 1 - Rain
Exordium 2 - Aly
Exordium 3 - Kris
1. Where's the Chocolate When You're Nervous!? (Rain)
2. Austin Carlile and Luggage Bags (Kris)
4. You Should Lighten Up a Bit. (Rain)
5. Big Houses and Rock Bands. (Kris)
6. Cigarettes and Plane Tickets (Aly)
7. Hot Guys, and the Club. But No Drink for Me. [Part 1] (Rain)
8. Being Out of Place is Fine, But With Rockstars It's a Bless (Kris)

3. It Gets Even Stranger, and Better as a Werewolf (Aly)

197 6 3
By RecklessPierces

The Story of the Young,

    Innocent & Reckless



I pulled my hoodie up and watched as my breath turned to smoke before me. The forest cold and damp from the rain. Matt beside me, as we walked to our favorite hilltop cliff type place. We would sit there for hours and just talk nonstop. This time it wasn’t that smart to go off in the middle of the night, there have been many reports of people getting attacked by “beast” or whatever they called it. I wasn’t paying much attention, and I’m not letting that stop me from going where I want. I’m a pretty decent fighter so I think I can fend for myself.

“There huge you know,” Matt said turning to me, almost like reading my mind. I smirked and looked at him, his cheeks pink from the cold, he was only in a sweater, jeans and a beanie so no wonder the boy was freezing.

“How do you know? You’ve never seen them up close.” I say and raise an eyebrow at him. earning a shrug from him.

“I heard from the news, maybe we should go back.” He says stopping and looking back at the now very dark woods behind us.

“No way, come on we're almost there.” I say and walk ahead, knowing he would follow behind me. I smiled when he did and we finally reached the peak. I ran towards the old tree stump and sat on it, crossing my legs and letting the rain fall onto me, soaking me wet. I’ve always like the water, swimming and just being out in the rain. It brought a feeling of serenity and I just always loved it. Just the feeling of it and the smell of it.

“Now I’m wet,” Matt says, sitting down beside me and puffing out a breath of air.

“Calm down, its just water, it won't kill you,” I say and smirk.

“Yea, but I can get sick.” He says.

“Quit being so gentle your highness.” I say scrunching up my nose and looking out into the water.

We sat on the old stump and talked and talked. About life and about my breakup with my now ex-boyfriend Ben. I looked down at my wet hands, and breathed. I didn't like or love him anymore. Things just got so complicated between us, when it was once too easy.

He got so hot headed instead of being open minded, he got possessive instead of free willed, he also got controlling. He did  a whole one eighty on me, he changed completely and wouldn’t tell me why. I broke it off as soon as I saw him changing and closing up on me, I could just tell that it was only downhill from there and I wasn't going to stand there and let him burn me down, I wasn’t going to let him break me. I sighed and looked up at the moon, closing my eyes and feeling the raindrops on my face. I stayed like that for a while until I felt Matt shift next to me.

“What's wrong?” I asked.

“It’s getting late, we should go..” He said tugging at his beanie

“Fine, jesus.” I said, standing up and stretching from sitting criss cross so long. We walked away from the stump when I could sense him getting slightly tense.

“You alright there Matt?” I said placing a hand on his shoulder. He suddenly stopped and turned slightly pale, looking around the dark forest. He moved in front of me, almost protectively.

“Matt, what the hell is going on” I asked looking at him, panic suddenly striking me.

“Shhh,” was all he said, and then there was the moment of silence, when all you could hear was our breathes, even my heartbeat was louder than anything at this moment. Thats when I heard it, a loud growl erupt and them big round eyes emerge slightly. I gasped and brought my hand to my mouth, matt pushing me against a tree and standing in front of me.

Another growl and suddenly huge wolfs, too many to count, emerged from the tree. These weren't wolf dogs, they were huge, larger than any dog or any human. Way larger than a bear but still looking like a wolf. I stared in awe at the huge beasts, Matt seeming to stay calm with all of this, on the other hand here I am shaking and about to shit my pants. I stayed frozen as Matt stared intently at one wolf in specific.

And then he lunged, launched himself into the air and just turned into one of them. His clothes falling to the ground in shreds, I gasped and pressed my back harder against the tree, not knowing what to do. I looked around and I was surrounded by wolves, there was no way in hell I was getting out of this alive.

The wolf that was previously Matt began to fight with the other wolfs, and soon all of them joined in. I began to feel helpless, just standing there. It felt like I had to do something, no, I knew I had to do something or Matt was going to die.

I fished out the army knife I always kept in my combat boot and flip it open so the knife was sticking out. I watched them fight and singled out the one that was the largest. It was black and clearly had a little more right in the battle from the looks of it. I slowly slid down and picked up a rock, and did the dumbest thing ever. I threw it, right at the biggest wolf. God help me.

It stopped and looked at me. Straight at me, piercing into my eyes. I shifted uncomfortably and held the small knife in my hand.

“Come and get it.” I said in a low whisper, almost like it heard me. It lunged towards me, snapping its teeth and aiming its claws at my throat. I crouched down last minute and it slammed right into a tree full force. I thought the impact of it would bring the tree down. I stood up immediately and waited for its next move. When it wouldn't move I took a step forward, god i’m so stupid. It bolted up and growled at the sight of me. My eyes widened and I waited for it to lunge at me again, and this time when it did, I drove the knife entirely through its heart, before I could move or comprehend what was happening, it landed on top of me and bite my neck. I gasped and pushed the limp animal off of me.

I breathed in the cold air, and looked around. All of the wolfs surrounding me, all looking at me.

“You killed our alpha,” A girl about a year younger than me says, her brown hair tousled with leaves and small pinecones.

“Your our alpha now.” She says and bows her head, like on cue so do the other wolfs. I stand, feeling an adrenaline rush, I look down at my blooded hands and back up at the wolfs. I take a deep breath as I suddenly  collapse to the floor in sheer pain, the feeling of my bones cracking making me see stars. Suddenly Matt and the girl are looking over at me, concern plastered on their faces. The pain’s so unbearable, I scream out so loud i'm pretty sure people miles away could've heard me.

And then I blacked out.


I took the mug of hot chocolate and brought it to my lips, blowing slightly and them taking a sip. Feeling the hot liquid trickle down into my stomach. I shivered and placed the mug down, smiling at the superman logo on it. I brought my legs up to my chest and hugged me knees. Remembering the days when I was all about my pack. What I didn't realize back then was that the wolf I fought was an alpha, and I killed it giving my the title of alpha as I accepted it without knowing it. I took that pack of rogues and polished them to be the refined pack that they are now.

I tiptoed up the stairs, the house fully asleep.

“Coming to bed?” He whispered in my ear, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind me. I jumped and covered my mouth,

“You scared me! And yes.” I whispered, walking towards my bedroom door, dragging him along with me. I slipped into bed, his arms wrapping around me once again, filling me with warmth causing me to smile. He pulled the covers over us and I yawned closing my eyes, drifting off into sleep.


Two uploads in a day! i know xD Well, tell us what you think.. VOTE + COMMENT and maaaaybe Fan? :D PLEASE GIVES US SOME FEEDBACK, WE'D LOVE TO GET FEEDBACK..! Spread the word, we don't mind ;D 

Pleeasewezie *o*

Photo made by Aly -->

Song: No Light No Light by Florence + The Machine


Rain, Aly + Kris <3

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