Indigo and the Sky Blue: The...

By SpaceKing239

845 5 1

(Cover made by my sister. Original on I don't own any of the characters only my Oc. Oh and the co... More

The Invitation [35]
Tournament of Elements [35]
Elements Masters [35]
Never lose Foucs [35]
The First Task [36]
The People Who We Can Trust [36]
Versus [37]
The Second Task [37]
We will help you [37]
Lighting Vs Earth [37]
Ninja Roll [38]
Welcome to Thunderblade! [38]
Winner Lloyd![38]
Spy for a Spy [39]
Find the tattoo find the spy [39]
Spellbound [40]
The Past of Garmadon [40]
The Forgotten Element [41]
Only One Can Remain [41]
I'd be snake food! [41]
Element Surprise Attack [41]
The Day of the Dragon [42]
Well We Are One! [42]
The Greatest Fear of All [43]
Kryptarain prison [43]
Protect Pythor! [43]
It was a trick [43]
The Corridor of Elders [44]
The Battle Begins[44]

The battle ends [44]

20 0 0
By SpaceKing239

"Come on, Rodrigo! They need our help!"Pythor shouted as he was riding the rat.

Lloyd was fighting some of the Anacondrai snakes then he heard a voice say." I have something your father needs to see." Lloyd looks down to see Pythor.

"Oh, come on. You can trust me. Because if anyone is going to take over this world I'd rather it be me. Take me to your father and bring the girls as well they can also end this once and for all."Pythor said.

"Let's go!" Lloyd said grabbed Pythor and soon found the girls when he spotted Riley fighting Anacondrai. He helped her by kicking the Anacondrai.

"Thanks." Riley said

"No problem! But now we need to find your sister Pythor says that he has found a way on how to stop this." Lloyd said.

"Oh I already know where she is follow me!" Riley shouted as she grabbed his hand as they went to find Madison who was kicking the Anacondrai who had made it through the wall.

Madison then saw her sister and Lloyd who had Pythor in his hand." Let me guess, Pythor said that Lloyd's father has a way to finished this?"

"Yes he did wait how did you know?" Lloyd asked.

"Remember Lloyd we are from a different dimension." Riley said to him." Oh and Pythor said that we also have a way to stop it as well."

"Well, then lead the way Lloyd." Madison said, as the girls and Lloyd rushed to the anchor that just been dropped they all got on it then Pythor said.

"Ha, ha! Be free, Rodrigo! You've earned it!" Pythor shouted to his friend.

Chen just had landed his jet and then do a evil laugh." Now nothing can stop me." Out of nowhere Skylor jumped up on her father's jet." Sorry, but I have a few daddy issues." Skylor hissed.

As they landed on the ship Lloyd ran to his uncle and father.

"Pythor says he has something that can end this war. " Lloyd said.

"They've crossed the line of no return. No amount of power can stop this now." Wu explained.

"But the might of a True Anacondrai can!" Pythor exclaimed.

"Do you see what's happening?" Garmadon questioned." This isn't about you. Making you big solves nothing."

Pythor then open the book and flipped a page." But if the Generals you banished to the cursed realm so long ago saw this mockery, they would stop this travesty at once." Pythor said.

"No one comes back from the Cursed Realm." Misako said.

Garmadon picked up the book"Unless he that cursed them takes their place."

"I could unleash the spirits of the Anacondrai generals." Garmadon said making everyone surprise.

"If you banish yourself. Magic has its rules, you know." Pythor said.

"We're not cursing you. We're not losing you to bring them back." Lloyd said he didn't like that idea.

"If we do nothing we lose Ninjago." Garmadon said.

"We don't know if they'll help." Misako said.

"We do know that the real Anacondrai wanted peace as much as us. It was Chen who started both wars. I never thought I'd say this, but Pythor is right." Garmadon said.

"I cannot allow this, brother," Wu said.

"Who are we fooling? There's not enough time for me to make up for the pain I've caused in my life, but if I could save Ninjago..." Garmadon said

"There is another way." Pythor said grabbing everyone's attention.

"And that is?" Lloyd raised an eyebrow.

"There's a prophecy that if two girl do the spell they will have to return home, but theirs catch to it everyone that knows those girls will have no memory about them." Pythor explained looking at the girls.

"Us!?" The girls union said in shock, Pythor nodded.

The girls looks at each other." We want to do i- -" but before the girls can even finished their sentence Gramadon stops them.

" Absolutely not I won't let let it," Garmadon refuse that idea.

"Fine you want my blessing to walk out on us again, fine, but don't expect me to stick around to watch you go. My real family needs me." Lloyd shouted as he shoved the book to Garmadon and started to run to the side of the ship.

"Lloyd wait!" Garmadon shouted, the girls where about stop him but suddenly something shot the ship and they fell to the ground.

"If this is going to happen, I suggest we do it now." Phythor said

"Read it, brother. You know as well as I, the ninja don't need two Sensei. Only one can remain." Garmadon said.

"Please Garmadon Lloyd needs you." Madison try to convince him to not do it, Garmadon shooks his head." My son needs you he just doesn't see it yet," He told her making her confused what he say.

"Very well." Wu used the spell book then surround Garmadon

"Misako, will you ever forgive me for the letter?" Garmadon asked Misako.

"I already have."

"Tell Lloyd I'm sorry." He said.

"You can tell me yourself, if anyone should be sending you off it's me." Lloyd said, he walks towards Wu and took the book from then used the spell a hole soon appeared in the sky as Lloyd continued reading the spell.

"I yearned to make the world in my image I never realized I already had, in you." Garmadon said to his son.

"Goodbye Garmadon we will see you soon." The girls whispered the last part.

After Lloyd was finished the spell Garmadon was taken up into the curse realm.

Then green orbs shot out of the hole and flew down to the battle grabbed all of Chen's army.

Skylor then changes back into her normal self, then after Chen's army got sucked into the cursed realm the vortex was closed.

"The war is over. It had to be done." Misako said to her son.

Then the spirts of the Anacondrai Generals came to the boat.

"Thank you, Phythor. You should be rewarded for your courage and bravery. You have made your ancestors proud... finally." The general said making the girls snicker quietly.

"Oh, what can I say? Everyone can change." Phythor said then the General used his power to make him big again.

"That's more like it. Ha, ha!" Pythor cheered happily to be normal once more.

"And thank you, Master Lloyd. Because of your friends, you have done what we never could, united the serpentine and your kind as one. Because of you the balance is restored. And because of your father, our spirits can be fee. You will have our eternal respect, as the greatest warriors to ever battle for Ninjago." The General said to Lloyd the general turns to the girls.

"And thank you Mistress Madison and Riley we couldn't have enough of you for helping the ninjas and saving their world we own you our debt." The general said.

"It wasn't a problem general it's even fun being here then we're we live." Madison said.The generals chuckle at she say Riley shook her head at her sister.

"Excuse me Generals but Phythor say that if we choose to leave the ninjas and our friends won't even remember us right?" Riley ask the general.

"That's correct." The general nodded." There always a another option."

That grabs the girls attention." There is?" The girls asked.

"The option is that you can help the ninjas and stay here or go back to your realm." The general said.

"So girls what it would be?" The general asked them.

The girls looks at each other then to Wu, Misako, and Lloyd they both nodded and looks at the Generals." We want to stay and help the Ninjas." The girls said.

"Very well, I hope we see each other again, goodbye Mistress Riley and Mistress Madison." He bow to them as they bow back the general flown off back to the curse realm, the ship landed to the ground as everyone cheered or laughing.

Riley was the first one off as she started to run to find Kai she found Kai with Cole, and Jay she runs straight towards him and hugs him which he gladly accepted.

Later the ninjas and the girls were by themselves standing around the fire the Riley was sitting on the ground while Wu was pouring some tea as Lloyd was still holding the book as Madison was right by his side.

"To the Anacondrai, the greatest warriors of their time." Kai said.

"Yeah. Now it's our turn to make our ancestors proud." Jay said.

"Because we're proud of those who were here before us. To show us the way. Goodbye, father." Lloyd said looking down sadly as Madison placed her hand on his shoulder for comfort he smiles at her which Madison smiled back.

"His loss will affect us all." Wu said.

"Not his loss, his life. He made us stronger, and he brought us together." Misako said placing a hand on her son shoulder as they all look up to the sky.

"I am Lloyd Garmadon, son of Lord Garmadon," Lloyd said.

"Student of of Sensei Garmadon." Wu said

"He made me who I am today. He was my father, he was my adversary, but in the end he was my friend." Lloyd said.

"Because of him, we will live to see tomorrow." Zane said.

"And for every tomorrow, we'll live to honor him." Kai said Lloyd then throw the spell book and it landed on the fire.

"And because of him, we'll be ready for whatever comes nexts." Jay said.

"Skeletons, snakes, Nindroids and Anacondrai wannabes. If they can't stop us, what can?" Cole said.

"That's for tomorrow to decide today we say goodbye to a legend." Lloyd said.

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