The Bite: Past, Present, Futu...

By BellaLoveLola

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Nyah was a bitch. She was overly sarcastic, ruthless, careless, heartless...evil. She doesn't care about no o... More

1 • Death
2 • Saved
3 • Trouble
4 • Mates
5 • Work To Do
6 • Skilled
7 • Monster
8 • Love
9 • Truth
10 • Ally
11 • Righteous
12 • Growing
13 • Apart
14 • Yes, Nyah
15 • Dirty
16 • New Life
17 • Wings
18 • Child
19 • Play
20 • Sorry
21 • The Facts
23 • Family
24 • Motherly
25 • Family
26 • Forever
27 • Again
28 • Damned
29 • Slow
30 • Mothers Love
31 • Mother, Dearest
32 • Alpha
33 • New Blood
34 • Changing
35 • Now
36 • Beauty and Beast

22 • Mommy & Me

556 62 35
By BellaLoveLola


I felt myself tossing and turning, I was sweating and growling. Then there he was.

"It's hard reaching you these days when you are woke," he said.

"Just kill me."

"Then, who will help raise my grandchild?"

"She looks like your mother," he said.

"Yes, the daughter you murdered."

"Things had to be done. Do you understand? Did sugar leave you, how long ago now? Hopping from motel to motel and not a word from her? Two weeks? Three?" He said.

I charged at him but he forced me to hit the cement wall.

"I don't want to hurt my favorite now." He smiled.

"If you want Raina dead you do it your fucking self."

"Oh, you ca..."

"I care about no one but Chepi..." I was dropped onto my bed and when my eyes opened Chepi was there looking at me.

"Are you okay?" She said with her curly hair half white.

"Just bad dreams, why are you up?"

"You were screaming, and you scratched me," she held up her bloody arm.

You heard right, it's been three weeks, and nothing from Sug. There is no sign of anything magical about Chepi besides her hair. She can't heal as I can or anything, not as fast as me, no fangs no fur, not even wings.

But something is there because of her hair.

"I'm sorry, I was fighting a dinosaur," I lied but she just smiled.

"It's okay it doesn't hurt at all," she said.

She was bleeding, and it was deep gashes on her forearm.

"This doesn't hurt?" I poked it.

"Nope," she said.

I held my hands over her wound and closed my eyes. When I removed my hands she was fine and not healed.

"What's that for?" She laughed.

"Nothing, I will go see if the front has a first aid kit or something."

Shadow and Chloe are gone they went looking for something for me. So, for a week it's just me and my daughter. 

I walked out of our motel room and headed to the front. There were a few women and men who were just hanging out in the parking lot. 

"Do you have a first aid kit or something for wound care?" I asked the girl.

"Sure, but you have to bring the rest back we only have one."

"Just give me like a wrap or something," I said turning around because I could smell Chepi being out of the room. She was walking up to me. I shook my head and she turned back around. 

I snatched the bandage roll from the girl and turned back to leave and a woman was walking up to Chepi. I moved so fast to step in front of her. 

"Can I help you?" I asked. 

"Is she with you?" The blonde woman asked. 

"She is, so I suggest you all leave her be." I smiled showing my fangs and she backed away. 

"She is pretty."

"I won't warn you again."

"Christy, back off," a man said. 

I looked at him. 

"Now," he said to her. The woman just smiled and backed away from me. "I've told you one day you will run into the wrong one," he said to her as I went into our room. 

"Who was that?" Chepi said while I looked out the window. 

"She would have been nothing to take down," the woman stupidly said. 

"Really? You haven't been alive long as me. That is Nyahmin Moreau."

"And?" A man said. 

"Fontainebleau Moon Pack, Alpha Rain? Ring a bell yet?" They shook their heads no to him. "The Ripper?" They nodded as to knowing who Raina bitch ass was. "Well that my friend is Nyahmia her cousin, who is..well let's just say one hundred times worse than the ripper. Talk about a cold-hearted bitch," he laughed. 

"She can't be that bad," a man said. 

"Pack your bags we are leaving," I said to Chepi.

"But I am hungry?"

"She has no remorse and once killed a group of kids along with their parents in a camp. That's about as heartless as you ca...." he stopped speaking as I opened the door. 

He gave me a head nod and they moved to make way for me and Chepi to go to the truck I had stolen. I should look into getting a car now that I have Chepi around.

"Where are we going?" Chepi asked as I drove off.

"To the states."

"Oh, that's fun." She laughed. She has no idea what the hell that is. 


Something is wrong with Chepi. So, we get on the plane to get here to California. Everything is fine, the plane starts to take off and she starts screaming and yelling the entire ride. I had to mute her, so she is sitting there screaming with no sound coming out of her mouth at all. 

The damn air lady kept asking if she were okay, I told her that she was having a mental breakdown. Which wasn't the right thing, so I just put her ass to sleep for the rest of the flight. I just woke her up when we landed. 

"My legs feel weird," Chepi said.

"Cheche, please just walk with me. I am tired, and I know you are hungry."

"I don't want to walk," she said. I turned around and her ass is sitting on the ground with her legs and arms crossed.

What would be the right thing to do mom? Dad? Any fucking one.

"Well, honestly you could just carry her," the Obsidian said.

"Who is he?" Chepi asked.

"I am yo..."

"You are fucking no one to her," I said and he just smiled.

"But I am, the sole reason why she is alive, why all of you are alive." He smiled.

"I'm hungry," Chepi said.

"I fucking get it. I'll fucking feed you just give me fucking five minutes, Chepi."

I turned back to face the Obsidian and he was gone.

"UGHHHHHHH," I said. "Get up and le..." she was sitting there breathing all fast and I knew it was going to happen.

"Ahhhhh," she started crying.

I can't fucking do this, I can't fucking do this. I started walking away from her as fast as I could. I can't deal with this shit, I can't do this by my fucking self. I'm not used to caring for someone other than me, let alone a child, who fucking grew up overnight and is still a child.

I stopped in my tracks, I looked back at Chepi crying in the middle of the street with her hair white ad it rained. I can't do that to her, that is my daughter. Just me thinking of how everyone did me when my parents were killed.

I shifted carrying my bags in my mouth. I pushed her head with my nose.

"Stop crying," she looked up at me. Her semi-red eyes. "Get on my back," I said.

She did and she held on to me ad I took off to our final destination.


I compelled the owners of the house to let us have it. It's fine and enough space for us. I really didn't care where they went. I'll worry about the bills later.

"This place is nice," Chepi said holding on to my damn fur by my neck, pinching the shit out of my damn skin.

"Chepi let me go," I said.

"I don't want you to leave me, mama."

"I promise, I will never leave you."

She slowly let go of me and I changed back.

"Oh, you don't have one huh?"

"No, what is two plus two?"

"Four," she laughed.

"Okay, what are seven thousand nine hundred five times twelve thousand and forty-six?"

"Ninety-six million, three hundred and seven thousand, seven hundred and seventy hundred." She smiled.

I guess she is not dumb.



"I promise to never let anything happen to you, every okay?"

"Yes," she smiled.

I can't believe Sugar really ran out. That's alright, I got Chepi and that's a fact.

Chepi was sleeping in a bedroom. She ate whatever was in this fridge. She took a bath and watched a television ad about knives for like two hours.

Me, I hunted the neighbors ...I rather not say what I ate.

"Hello?" I answered a call from Stella.

"Thank you. I have been trying to get a hold of you all for weeks. What is going on? How is the house gone?"

"Sug wanted space so she left me and Chepi. And I left for the states with Chepi. It's safer for her here right now."

"She left? What do you mean?"

"She said this was too much and she wanted a break. What else is there to say? Go call her."

"She wouldn't just up and leave you and Chepi..."

"She fucking did Stella. Go fucking call her. She is probably with Sunshine and Flower having the bed fucking time."

"I can't reach any of them."

"Stella that's your daughter and sister. Bye," I said and hung up.

I heard Shadow barking. I looked out the patio of the room I was in and he was there with a deer.

I laughed and got up to let him in.

"Hey boy," I said rubbing his head. "Whose a good boy?" I laughed ad he tried to drag the dead deer in.

"Hell no Shadow," he just pouted because it was raining.

"Fine, around back kitchen, then basement."

I pointed and he backed up still pulling this big ass deer, and trying to run with it to the back of the house.

I laughed and headed to open the door for him in the kitchen.

"Where is Chloe?"

"Hunting," he replied dragging the deer into the basement.

I laughed and just let him be.

There was a knock on the door.

I slowly walked to the front door. It was women holding plates and umbrellas.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, you may. We hadn't realized that Mrs. and Mr. Eugene sold this beautiful mansion. We waited for a long time and never saw it on for listening."


"Well, we just wanted to say welcome to the neighborhood. We baked cookies and pie, and I am sure other ladies will be bringing over more dishes throughout the day. We love I've cooki...I am rambling. I am Becky and this is Julie," she said.

"Hi, and goodbye. I don't eat that."

"Well, maybe she does?" They pointed behind me and Chepi was rubbing her eyes.

"Is it food?"

"Yes, sweetie her.." Becky tried to move past me.

I let out a low register growl and she backed up as Shadowed approached likely thinking it was him.

"Do not even try that again," I said.

"Oh, yes I certainly understand. We'll just leave the dishes on the front for you all to enjoy. Welcome to Hillsborough California."

"Did you know the Googly says that Hillsborough is where wealthy humans live? Are we wealthy? Chepi asked.

"We are fine," I replied locking the door.

"Nyahima?" I heard Sug.

I was going to ignore her.

"Nyahima, please. Help,"  I stopped in my tracks.

"Where are you?"

"It's burning, me. Shine is dead."

I closed my eyes, knowing I need to focus on her. I hated using my magic, but here we go.

I stood there thinking of her, my fists balled up and ready for war. I could feel the blood running out of my nose.

I made Shadow shift to human.

"Watch her please," I said to him as he stood up.

"Oh, you have one?" Chepi said as I vanished. "I found this is mommy's bag." She said and held up my little baggie of coke.

What? I am under stress.


It's been a while since someone took us. I told Cheche to stay with Nyah I was heading to the store with Flower and Sunshine to make her dinner and more honey milk.

I had planned on finishing talking to Nyah about everything that I was feeling. I didn't want to leave or let Nyah leave. Yes, I wanted space but I wanted Nyah and our baby with me.

We were driving, well Shine was driving, and then our car was stopped. The next thing I knew was here and Shine looks as if she is dead. Flower is tied with bags over her hands and I have iron around my neck and wrist and it burns.

I've tried calling out to Nyah, but she never replied until now. I tried so hard to call out to her. No one had been down here and it's been a long time. We haven't seen anyone.

We had bowls of water like we were dogs, near us. I haven't had food since we got here. Shine ran out of water first, I gave her mine two days ago and she had been laying there for a few hours not moving.

Flower can't push hers to me, she is too weak to try and use her powers. So am I and I am hurt from the iron.

"Sugar?" Flower said.

"We going to be okay."

"I can't do this anymore. I'm really tired."

"No, Flower. Please just get up...GET UP," I screamed grabbing the iron around my neck burning my hands trying to take it off.

"FLOWER, GET UP," I screamed again she just lay there. "Please, Flower doesn't leave me too," I said and dropped to my knees with my hands and wrists bleeding.

"Nyahima?" I called out crying.

I could faintly hear banding on the walls.

"Nyahima?" I said crying.

It's like the banging was getting closer and louder. I could hear her growling.

"Flower wake up...NYAHIMA....SHINE PLEASE," I said trying to stand up.

The wall blew open with debris flying all over the space we were in. Nyah was standing there in the rubble with her nose bleeding and her fists.

I took off running to her forgetting the iron around my neck was tied to a chain in the wall. It yanked me back and felt like my neck was broken, but Nyah caught me before I hit the ground.

She pried the iron off my neck revealing my bloody neck and shoulders. She broke my wrists free which were in the same conditions.

"Shine, and Flower?" I said to her and she looked side to side at them.

"We need to go..."

"Please not without them, please?"

She sat me down and went to Flower. She sliced her wrist open and let her blood drip into Flowers mouth and she repeated this action with Shine.

She dragged them over to me and by touching us all we vanished in her black smoke.

I opened my eyes to still holding on to Nyah as we were in some home.

"It's okay, you are safe," she said.

"Shine? Flower?"

"They are right here." She pointed to the ground where they were.

"Are they?"

"They will be okay, just as long as they don't die with my blood inside of them they will be normal for the next few days.

"Chloe put them in a room, Shadow help her."

"Where is Ch..."

"Chepi is fine. Shadow had her go sit in her room, let's take care of you, okay?" She said and sat me on a couch.

She looked at my wounds and cut her healed wrist with her nail again. She brought her wrist up to my lips for me to drink her blood.

"What if they come back and kill me with her blood in me? Will I come back like you?"

"No one is like me but me. You'd be a vamp fae witch I suppose. Sug stop asking questions, open your mouth now?"

I placed my mouth on her wrist and she held the back of my head. As I began to suck the blood it tasted like a mix of sweet alcoholic creamy strawberries and cherries.

With enough sweet cream Faes can get drunk. And her blood gave me that feeling. I grabbed onto her wrist holding it to my mouth.

"Hmm," I said taking in ad much as I could.

"Stop," she snatched her arm away from me.

She stared at me as her blood dripped from my mouth before I wiped it away. I stared back at her as stood up.

"They are sleeping," Shadow said.

"Thank you," she replied.

"Chepi is asking for you," he added.

"Go with her, I will check on her in a few," she said to him.

He left us alone. I didn't feel any more pain and I looked down at my wrists and they were healed so I touched my neck and it was fine.

"What happened?" She asked.

"We w..."

"Are you okay? Besides the iron did they do anything to you? Or them?"

"No," I said.

"What happened?"

"I told Chepi to stay with you. I was heading to the store with Flower and Shine for dinner stuff. I didn't just up and leave, so if that's why you ignored me...."

"Sug, what happened?"

"I don't know, our car got stopped and I woke up in the iron. I was calling for you and you never answered me."

"You were not contacting me," she said.

"Yes, the heck I was. You ignored me and left me to suffer, while they were dying..."

"Don't you ever say that shit about me? I would never fucking do that shit to you. Don't ever question my loyalty to being your fucking mate."

"You wanted out and you left, I was giving you the space you desperately needed. I was trying to do the right fucking thing."

"Stop fighting please?" Chepi said. We both faced her and her hair was blue and white.

"I don't like the yelling," she said and grabbed Nyah's hand.

Nyah closed her eyes and held her breath for a few seconds. She opened her eyes back to me crying.

"Come here," she said and let go of Chepi's hand to hug me. "We are fine, don't cry I am here and you are okay, and so is Sunshine and Flower's annoying ass."

"I am sure Chepi missed you," she said. When we stopped hugging Chepi was gone.

I followed her to Chepi room as she was crying on her bed.

"Stay out," she pointed to me.

"What?" Nyah said to her.

"I don't want her here, and she is going to take you away from me and I will be alone," she said.

"That is your mother," Nyah said walking into her room.

"No, what will happen to us?"

"Us? Cheche I am your mother. You do understand that?"

"Yes, who is going to help me? When I get scared? Or if I don't know something, why does she have to be..."

"Cheche, I get you are upset. I'm not going anywhere, I promised you that and I meant it. I'm never leaving you okay?" Chepi just stared at me with her eyes identical to Nyah's staring back at me.

"Get some sleep and I'll make you some milk?" She just nodded her head.

Nyah closed the door.

"I get kidnapped and come back to my own baby hating me?"

"No, it's not that. We've spent every single second of every day together for the last month and I mean every second. She wouldn't even let me shower without her ass in the damn bathroom. She is scared for me to leave her alone. She's going through a lot also, just let her get some sleep."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," she said. "Come on, you need some sleep."

She held my hand as we walked into another room.

I remember seeing a woman with black hair so long that it was dragging behind her and the end where gold. She had on a gold crown and a black dress.

"Ahhh," my eyes shot open to Nyah looking at me with Chepi sleeping across her.

"She has attachment issues," Nyah said. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, just a nightmare. I'm going to get some water."

I got up and Nyah watched me until I exited the room.

I sat in the kitchen staring at this glass of water for I don't know how long before I felt someone touch me.

A knife flew into my hand and I turned the knife up to Sunshine's neck.

"It's just me." She held her hands up.

"I'm sorry, I just..I'm sorry," I said dropping the knife.

"It's okay, I checked on Flower she is still out. Shadow said we got some special blood for a few days huh?" She sat next to me.

"Thanks to Nyah, saving our lives."

"I don't have a clue as to what happened."

"Me either, we were one place one minute and another the next. I remember a woman with long hair."

"I don't," she said.

"Maybe I dreamt her, for comfort."

"Possibly," she said.

"Chepi hates me and thinks I've come back to take Nyah away from her."


"Yes, she didn't want me in her room. And I woke up to her laying on Nyah in our bed. Is that not weird?"

"A little bit, she was an infant seven months ago, that's how babies are. You were gone for a while to her."

"But that's my baby, our baby."

"You've just been gone, don't think about too much right now. We are lucky to be alive."

Sunshine was right, but why did this happen? Was this her grandfather doing? Whoever took us and then just left us to die in come cave-like place. Me and Sunshine sat here eating everything in the fridge, I was so hungry. No matter how much honey milk I had this hungry wasn't going away. 

I woke up back in bed, I didn't even remember going to sleep, let alone leaving the kitchen. I figure Nyah must have carried me to sleep. I headed to the bathroom to find Nyah in the shower and Chepi sitting on the floor with Nyah's phone. 

"Hey, Cheche," I said to her and she just glanced up at me. 

"Hello," she replied and looked back down at the phone. 

"Can, I talk to your mother alone?" I asked. She placed her fingers in her ears. I just smiled because she freaking hates me. Is this what Stella felt from me? But I did not leave my baby on purpose, did Nyah not explain that to her? Did she say anything to her when I was gone about me?

Nayh turned the shower off laughing as she got out.

"Cheche, go girl." Nyah wrapped the towel around her. Cheche stood up a little taller than me and stormed out of the bathroom slamming the door behind her. "I am sure she is just sitting by the door anyways. What's up you okay?" Nyah asked. 

"Did you talk to her about me when I was gone?"

"No, she didn't ask and I didn't bother. I thought it was easier."

"As you can see it wasn't. She acting as if I am a stranger to her."

"Sug, my Sugar plum fairy. I will talk to her, okay? I should have but we had a lot going on and I thought you were out there doing what you wanted. I am sorry for that okay?"

"Yes," I said.

"Otherwise are you okay?"

"I am starving."

"Want you want to eat?"

"I'm not sure."

"Cheche eats everything, she likes this place downtown..."

"Where are we?" I asked.

"In a state called California, it's okay here. The people are rather annoying, but it's fine. No one has bothered us, yet."

"In America?"

"I suppose," she said laughing putting shorts on. 

"Okay, I have to call my mom and see her and talk to her and..."

"Sug, your mother, and father are on their way. I got it okay?" She smiled.

She opened the door and Chepi was sitting right at the door, waiting for Nyah to come out.

"Can we get food?" Chepi asked.

"Yes, let me finish getting dressed, and your mom has to get dressed."

"Does she have to come?"

"Cheche, I will not tell you again," Nyah replied to her.

How did Chepi get this obsessed over her own mother? I am confused. I find this weird.

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