The Story of the Young, Innoc...

By RecklessPierces

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Kris, Aly, and Rain Pierce. We all face up and downs in our lives, right..? It’s not that things always stay... More

The Story of the Young, Innocent and Reckless.
Author's Note:
Exordium 1 - Rain
Exordium 2 - Aly
Exordium 3 - Kris
1. Where's the Chocolate When You're Nervous!? (Rain)
3. It Gets Even Stranger, and Better as a Werewolf (Aly)
4. You Should Lighten Up a Bit. (Rain)
5. Big Houses and Rock Bands. (Kris)
6. Cigarettes and Plane Tickets (Aly)
7. Hot Guys, and the Club. But No Drink for Me. [Part 1] (Rain)
8. Being Out of Place is Fine, But With Rockstars It's a Bless (Kris)

2. Austin Carlile and Luggage Bags (Kris)

244 8 6
By RecklessPierces

The Story of the Young,

      Innocent & Reckless.



- Mid 2010’s in New York City -

 It has been about three days since I told my parents, and my sister Aly, that I wanted to move to Los Angeles. I was so scared to tell them but then I felt like such an idiot because I was worrying over nothing. My Mom is so amazing, she said she was completely fine with me going, as long as I asked my Dad if it was okay for me to go and stuff. Which he was, and he ended up giving me a credit card with a lot of money so that he won't have to worry about me not having enough money to sleep at a hotel or whatever. Its kinda so that I have enough money to settle down and what not. But you know there is actually a benefit from having a Dad that’s an actor. He said that i didn't have to worry about money or anything of that matter because apart from the card having a lot of money, he said that he would be constantly putting money in it so that i'm never running low on money. I have such an awesome Dad don’t i? I do right...hmmm cool....

So I decided that instead of waiting for like another week or two to leave. Imma actually leave tonight, my parents or Aly still don’t know, but I’ll let Aly know... I already have everything packed and is getting shipped tonight. All the things that are completely necessary I’m taking with me, on the flight and the rest is in boxes. My Dad said that once I decide to leave to call him so that he can get one of his friends brother to help me settle down and stuff..... Well since I decided to leave to LA when i woke up like 20 minutes ago, I guess i should call him and let him know and stuff. It’s already like 3 in the afternoon....

I reached over to the night table next to my bed and grabbed my phone. I went through my contacts until I found who I was looking for …. Daddy-wolf.... or also known as my biological Dad and not my awesome step-dad... Anyway. I pressed the call button and waited...and waited...and finally after the third ring my dad picked up.

“Hey Daddy-o” i greeted him.

“Hey sweetie, what’s up?”   

“Oh nothing i was just calling to let you know that I decided to leave to LA tonight, and not two weeks from now. My flight to LA leaves tonight at 10:15.”

“Oh okay cool, call me before your flight leaves so that I can have an idea of at around what time you will be getting to LA and stuff. Imma call you in like 25 minutes okay I just need to make some arrangements so that someone can pick you up when your flight gets to LA and umm yea.”

“Okay daddy i’ll call you before my flight leaves, and okay take your time. Call me whenever, I’m not really gonna be doing much, just gonna go buy some food and finish packing my bag for tonight and stuff. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Alright, i’ll call you as soon as I got all the details of how this is gonna work, just remember you have enough money in the card that i gave you so that you can buy anything you need, and i’ll be checking the balance constantly so that if you're running low on money I will just replace it.”

“Okay, bye.” and with that I hung up and stood up from my bed and walked to the bathroom where I brushed my teeth and put my hair up in a messy bun. i walked out the bathroom and headed downstairs to the kitchen. I got my Krave cereal and poured milk in it, and with that sat on the bar stool and started munching happily on my krave cereal. While i was looking around the kitchen i saw that there was a note stuck to the fridge, i stood up and grabbed it...

Kris me and your dad are gonna be out of the city till tomorrow. Aly should be getting home at around 7 or 7:30 tonight. Make sure to make yourself something to eat or whatever order some take out or something whatever floats your boat. but um yea see ya.

love, mom.

Hmmmmmmm.. its like my mom knew that I was leaving or something.... She chose the perfect day to leave the city... After, I finished my beautiful cereal  and I walked to the couch and just as I was about to sit and turn on the tv my phone rang and it was my Dad again.


“Hey Kris, um I found someone who can pick you up tonight”

“Oh really, who?” I asked curiously.

“Its one of my friends, his name is Austin, hes around your age like 20 or 21 around there i think and yea.”

“Oh okay, cool so what does Austin look like so that I can know who I’ll be searching for when i get there?”

“He’s really tall like 6ft 4 or 5 not so sure, um he has brown hair that goes to his neck and is really skinny, with a lot of tattoos. here I’ll sent you a picture of him after we finish talking”

“Alright, so where exactly am i gonna go after i find Austin?”

“Austin is gonna show you around a bit then he will take you to his place or you can tell him to take you to a hotel and then the next day he’ll show you around. Oh and when you land call me.”

“Okay. so i’ll see you soon daddy okay, or are you not gonna be in LA this week?”

“Oh i'm not gonna be in LA this week, thats why Austin is gonna show you around and help you find an apartment and help you settle down and stuff. There is enough money in the card so you’ll be able to get yourself an apartment and furniture. And if you need anymore money just let me know and i’ll put it in the card.”

“Alright, I’ll see you soon then Dad, love ya, and remember send me the pic of him and show him a pic of me or something so that we can know who we are looking for and stuff.”

“Alright bye sweety, love you too, and remember call me once you get there and are with Austin. And don’t hesitate to call or text me you know, I’m here for you whenever you need, even if I’m not there with you physically.”

“I know Dad thank you for everything. Bye, I’ll see you soon hopefully.”

“Don’t worry you will. Okay. Bye.” and with that he hung up the phone and not 30 seconds later he texted me a picture of Austin and told me to look for him when i landed and got all my luggage and what not.  

- 3 and a half hours later -

I only had about another hour before i needed to start heading out to go to the airport. After I had finished texting with my Dad, I went upstairs and took a shower then went for a walk and got myself some coffee, and then came back and just had a chill day. I was waiting for Aly to get home so that I can tell her about me leaving and what to do when the guys from the moving company get to the house and what not. After walking around aimlessly around my room I heard the door open and Aly walk in.

“Hey Kris..! I’m home where are you?” she yelled up to me.

“I’m up here in my room.” I heard her start walking up the stairs, while i was making sure i had everything i needed. When i was closing my suitcase she walked in my room and froze right in her spot.

“Hey Aly how was your photoshoot today? Was it fun?” i asked her and she just kept staring. “ALY!!!!” I yelled in her face trying to get her attention.

“What?” she finally said confused, snapping out of her dase. “Kris What are you doing where is all your stuff, and why is there three suitcases right there?” she asked motioning her finger around my room.

“Oh I decided to leave to LA tonight and my dad already got everything covered for me i don’t need to worry about anything and stuff....”

“Your leaving tonight? But why..? Ii thought you said that you were gonna leave like two weeks from now?” she said, completely confused and curious.

“Well you see, I was... But then i decided what the hell i might as well leave now so that i can like settle down and stuff you know, and since you’ve told me before that you want to go to LA and Rain has too i decided oh what the hell let me just leave before them so that like that i can get an apartment or a house so that we can share once they decide to go to LA and stuff”

“But you couldn’t wait till next week or something, i mean we won’t even be able to celebrate your 18th birthday or nothing.”

“I know, and i don’t mind that cus i mean what were we gonna do, i mean i already graduated and stuff so its not like we could’ve thrown a party or something since I don’t really like the people i used to go to school with and stuff so its okay plus I’ve spent like 3 months already stuck here doing nothing. So I decided that instead of wasting that time that i should just pack up my stuff and go to LA so that when you and Rain decide to go everything will be solved and you guys can just move in with me, when I get a home, hopefully. Plus don’t worry I know that you still want to stay in the modeling agency so i was gonna go to find you a agency where you can work at and stuff.”

“Okay i guess when you put it that way i can see why you would decide to leave now and stuff, but when would we see eachother again? Cus i mean Imma miss you...”

“Don’t worry, I got that covered. I was hoping maybe we can meet each other at one of the dates that warped is playing in Cali and stuff, so yea...”

“Oh okay cool...but what am i gonna tell mom when she sees that your not here?”

“Just tell her that i left to LA sooner than planned so that; that way I can, I guess get a head start with settling down and what not. And if not then just tell her that i left so that I can go to one one of the shows of warped tour in California... Something though I don’t know whatever you want i really don’t care.”


“Okay Aly, Well i gotta go now so that i can have enough time to get to the airport and get all that shit over with. Okay, I’ll text you while I’m waiting for the plane to board, and once i get to LA I’ll text you. Bye, I LOVE YOU and I’ll miss you like crazy but I’ll see you soon. Okay?”

“Okay bye Kris, I love you, take care and I’ll miss you. I’ll see you soon and you better not forget about little ol me... I’ll keep in contact with you and stuff bye.” She told me we hugged and she helped me take all my luggage down the stairs and to the cab that i had called when i was waiting for aly to get home. I hugged her one last time before hopping into the cab and leaving to the airport.

- At the airport [still in NYC] -

I’ve been at the airport for like 2 hours and i was still waiting for the stupid plane to board.... Ugh I hate waiting....“Flight A576 to Los Angeles, California now boarding...Flight A576  to Los Angeles California now boarding” said some lady through the speakers thingy. I started walking toward the boarding door thing and walk through the tunnel thing and went inside the airplane and found my seat. I took out my phone and texted Aly telling her that i already boarded the plane and that i’m waiting for everyone else to, then i texted my dad saying the same thing.

- 5 hours and 45 minutes later -

We finally landed, and I turned on my phone and texted my Dad and Aly telling them that I was in LA already. i headed out the plane and went to baggage claim, I got my bags and walked out and started looking for Austin who according to my dad was really tall and not hard to miss. After looking around for Austin for five minutes, I finally found him and walked up to him.

“Hey your Austin right?” i asked him.

“Uh yea why?” he asked me.

“Oh I’m Kris, my dad told me that you were the one who was gonna pick me up.”

“Oh yup, thats me, sorry its that i didn’t recognize you cus in the pic your dad sent me, your hair was blonde and now well its not.” He told me.

“Oh its okay its that i dye my hair a lot so the most recent pic he had of me was probably like a month ago when my hair was blonde. Sooo are we gonna go now or....”

“Oh, yea lets go,” he said and started walking out of the airport. We reached his car and put away that luggage and hopped in the car.

“Okay so do you want me to give you like a mini tour of the city now or tomorrow?” he asked me.

“Oh, um I say we do it tomorrow cus im exhausted and um yea can you just take me to a hotel or something.”

“Uh okay sure lets go.” he said and with that he started driving. After a minute ride, he stopped in front of a hotel and got out the car and went out back took my luggage, and we headed to the lobby where there was some really nice receptionist lady, that helped me. After I booked a room the lady handed me the key and me and Austin, headed upstairs to room 346. When we got in the room Austin set my luggage down in a corner of the room, and we exchanged numbers and he left.

i stripped out of my clothing and took a nice long hot shower that relaxed my muscles and changed into one of my awesome batman onesies Pjs and cuddled into the sheets and fell asleep.


Hey guys! Well this story has about 200 + reads and 30 + Votes..! :D You guys are awesome, to whoever is reading and voting :D This is just the beginning, so stick with us...! :) Please review, support us! <33

By the way, Austin is THE Austin Carlile, so... this is just a starter ;D 

Song: Brick by Boring Brick by Paramore~

Gif of Austin Carlile on the side-->

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