Fresh Roses - Bonnie Bennett...

By WannaB_Bennett

6.1K 283 67

The story begins after season finale, Season 4 of The Originals, where Elijah moved to France. It begins with... More

Episode 02
Episode 03
Episode 04
Episode 05
Episode 06
Episode 07
Episode 09

Episode 08

455 20 8
By WannaB_Bennett

Rousseau's Bar

The past seven years, there was so much peace to suffocate everyone in New Orleans and beyond. Well, if one doesn't count the few tassels that came along the way.

One will assume that in just a snap of a finger, it would have appeared that that very seven years ago was just a myth. Appearing as though the Mikaelson's have always been in the city, business as usual.

The residents paid no mind to the atmosphere, the tourist barely knowing the difference, everyone but Vincent Griffith.

The warlock was sitting by the bar with Josh by his right, having their moment with a glass of the finest whiskey each. The vampire was busy running his mouth about something Vincent had no interest in, as his sight was set behind Josh.

Werewolves and vampires had created a commotion in a corner next to the bar, right in Vincent's view. The snapping of ones finger is what broke his attention.

Turning his sight to the blonde bartender, a vampire, Josh's friend. "I've asked if you going to have that," she said, "Josh is already in his third."

He took a deep breath so he doesn't be rude since she appeared to be too enthusiastic, lord knows about what. "Uhm," he said as he glanced down at his drink, "I am. My mind was away for a moment there." Vincent watched her nod before walking away, then met the gaze of the walking dead on his right. "What?" he questioned.

Josh shrugged as he played with the content in his glass. "You really weren't listening to me, were you?"

"If you about to let me know how offended you are, don't bother," the warlock said before gazing back at the almost resolved commotion, causing Josh to follow suit.

"Let me guess," the vampire said as turned back to him, "you are about to let me know how worried you are about nothing."

Vincent snorted. "When last have you seen unnecessary fights breakout?"

"People fight all the time, Vincent," the undead boy ridiculed, "is this the first time you see a fight in your life, let alone a bar first. You seriously need to get out more man."

The warlock knitted his eyebrows as Josh drank his whiskey, severing the taste. Just as he was about to have his, he found the glass had disappeared when had been there a second ago. Turning to find Marcel, mockingly severing the taste as well on his left.

"You are paying for that," he stated whilst folding his arms to his chest.

"I would have if I had money on me and beside," Marcel said as he took a seat, "if Klaus doesn't find Hayley any minute now, neither of us will be alive to see the next sunset, to even care about a stupid bill."

Vincent rolled his eyes. "The sooner they do, the sooner they will all leave the city."

"The sooner they kill us or the sooner they find Hayley?" Josh asked even as he had intended for it to sound like a joke, it was clearly a serious question due to their circumstances.

"Look," Marcel address, "Klaus called. He and Bonnie have found a lead outside town," deciding to continue after Vincent rolled his eyes at the name, "and Keelin went to the bayou. There must be something we can do."

"You actually think that you can convince the vampires to search for a hybrid," Josh asked, "their predictor?" Vincent leaned into his seat intrigued, unfolding his arms.

"When they learn what is at risk, yes," Marcel admitted.

Josh and Vincent both shared a knowing expression on their face, resulting with the baby vamp raising the issue. "Does this have anything to do with Rebekah?"

Marcel snorted, raising his hand for another drink. "Don't be ridiculous."

Even though he was amused, he was still slightly paying attention to what was going on in the bar and he did not fool Josh too.


Mystic Falls

Salvatore Boarding School

It had been about an hour since the revelation. They all knew it was a ploy.

Even as Alaric had done his been to have them kicked out, Liv and the headmaster opposed it.

The doppelgänger and the young Bennett witch were made to wait in the hallway outside the office.

"Come on," Ric said in the office, "Katherine is a liar. This girl is definitely one of her minions on a mission to blow up the school with everyone in it."

"I don't think so," Liv said, "we had a connection, a witch connection," she turned to the headmaster, "a Gemini connection, dad."

Joshua sighed. "Olivia, we are not disputing that. Beware that many have been waiting for our downfall, to take over as the leaders of the coven."


"No but," Joshua said as he seat down. "If there is a possibility that the woman is doing this out of the kindness of her heart, we will all be thrilled, and if not, we have enough resources to take her down."

Alaric nodded, satisfied that at least his voice was heard as vice headmaster. "She will have to undergo the normal procedure."

"And obviously," Liv jumped in, "it will have to be right now since the students are already having dinner. No disturbance," she continued as Ric was about to object. "This might also work in her favour since she might have nowhere to go or seeking an asylum."

Alaric rolled his eyes knowing that she had a point. "I will go tell them while you prepare."

They both watch as he closed the door behind him, Olivia turning to find a not so neutral expression on her father's face.

"What is it dad?"

He shook his head whilst glaring away for a moment. "Just thinking how no matter what is done in the dark, always comes into the light."

"Maybe," she said while moving towards the desk. "But in this instance, I can't help but truly see the light, that Penelope is not just a Gemini, but one of us."

Her smile was so contagious, their faces resembled the other's.


As he closed the door, attempting not to curse out loud, he found that the two guests were sitting in the hallway, quiet, holding hands. They were obviously teleporting somehow so the vampire students couldn't listen.

"Follow me, he instructed." Never waiting or sighting behind for their movements, he took a couple turns in the hallway, till they reached another office, but was slightly smaller.

"Be sure to close the door when both your tails are fully in," he said after they started staring around, unsure of what to expect. Penny closed it slow and gently, without her hand nor paying it any attention. Not even residing a spell, still gazing around.

That was very puzzling since many of their witch students cannot master such concentration at their age. He could tell that she just thought of it and it was done, just like that.

Now he was intrigued.

He started pulling out a few books whilst Katherine tossed herself on one of the maroon couches.

"So, Ms. Park," he said while aligning them in order, "where were you attending before now?"

"Uhm," she turned to Katherine, "New York City."

"She was home schooled for a while," Katherine jumped in.

He nodded. "Right," he said before turning his gaze back to the witch. "And who taught you how to practice magic?"

She turned to Katherine again who was just as nervous but was confident enough at their rehearsal moments ago, even before they've arrived.

"I taught myself," she said, "I'm an orphan."

"Now, that's hard to believe," he said after scoffing, moving to place himself at the end of the table, while Katherine was removing her leather jacket and tossed it to her side.

"For someone who is an acquaintance to Bonnie Bennett," she ridiculed, "you truly know how well to embarrass yourself." Resulting with Penny chuckling.

Alaric decided not to fall for it. "So, does Penny know about Bonnie?"

"Who doesn't know about her?" Penelope asked, feeling glad that she did not refer to her mother with her first name. "The teenage witch that died five times and came back stronger always, no assistance from the ancestors or fellow witches."

"Actually," Katherine jumped in before Alaric could, "he should know all that since he's alive today because of her."

Penelope turned to Alaric, shocked. He could tell that she wanted to know more, what he did not know was that she wanted to know more about her mother.

Her questions were halted by the sound of the door.


Outside New Orleans

It had been almost two hours since dusk fell upon them. By the time they were almost there, Klaus decided to park his car and both make it by foot to their destination, even though Bonnie didn't get the exact location. It could have been on the other side of the block or street.

Both of them speaking to each other when necessary, surprising Bonnie.

Each of them consumed by their own thoughts as they navigated by the first block.

"Can you sense anything?" Bonnie asked, pulling him out of his thoughts that were centered on whether his daughter will be burying her mother that weekend.

He had decided to use his heightened senses quickly not to alert her of his incompetence.

The witch turned to him, finding him frowning. "What?" She asked as she stops in her tracks, causing him to do the same.

Klaus started glaring around before moving in the middle of the street while she stay by the sidewalk, the witch confused as fuck.

It was a simple neighborhood, the one similar to Mystic Falls, very small according to the GPS.

She decided to join him, making her way towards him whilst also glancing around until she questioned him again, "What is it, Klaus?" She turned to him.

He sighed, rubbing his face with his palm in frustration. "That's the thing Bonnie, the only sounds I can detect are only coming inside of you," she stared at him with a blank face as he rolled his orbs, "your breathing and heartbeat."

Bonnie knitted her eyebrows in confusion. The houses had their lights on, cars parked in the driveway. "I don't understand," she said.

"Neither do I," he admitted. "the only person alive here is you."

She bit her bottom lip not noticing his stare. "Whatever it is, a witch is somehow involved."

"No shit! For someone who loves to parade themselves as a true matriarch of righteousness and intelligence," the witch turned to him, daring him to finish his observation. Well, more like an impending insult. "My apologies, you were saying."

"Wow." She placed her palm on her chest and the other on her hip before saying, "another apology, not even a quarter of a day has passed."

The condescending of her words brought a smile to both their faces, unwillingly as they shared a moment, gazing at each other.

So much so that they've only both noticed flashing lights at their rearview sight, black SUV's approaching from both angles.

Klaus appeared to be incompetent again, but this, he'll blame it at the witch.

Sharing a knowing look as their grin were wiped away with worry, watching them pull over.

Klaus was ready to gets some heads rolling but knew that Bonnie was against it. For the time being anyway. He had learnt that while they were taking down Silas together. A bloodshed must alway be the last course. She never said out loud, but knew her principles so well.

As numerous men and women got out of the cars, it was very much surprising to find that he detected a couple of heartbeats.

Deciding to keep that from Bonnie for the time being, flexing his fingers that were aching to peirce through some skin. The movement the witch made kept him from saying his peace.

She stepped forward at the man she had been eyeing since they got there. "Enzo?"

He nodded. "Bonnie Bennett, it has always been a pleasure."

Klaus just stood still since his thoughts had come to a conclusion, that the witch knew who the man was and that he was a vampire judging by his scent and lack of chest activity. He allowed her to take the lead on this one since she's better acquitted and might defuse the situation.

"What are you doing here?" She finally asked after just blinking at him for a moment, "where is everyone?"

Where is Hayley? He wanted to voice out but figured that Bonnie included her in the group like a mortal species, which obviously came from her honourable heart with admirable carriage. He suppressed rolling his eyes at the thought.


Salvatore Boarding School

Katherine was instructed to wait outside, but the traveler let them know that she had every right to be there since she was appointed Penelope's guardian by Lucy.

Unofficially anyways, though she did not give out any names.

The young Bennett witch was given a more vocal interview by both the headmaster and deputy headmaster. Liv made sure to be present since her father is the principle and Emma, the school psychologist was also in the room, including Dorian, the school's HOD.

By the time they headed to the field for a practical interview, Alaric was left behind with Dorian since they were human and it was only conducted by witches.

He used that time to call Damon and give him the latest gossip which he referred to as a possible threat.

"Don't worry buddy," Damon said from the phone, "I've just met a Michelle Smith who happens to be a vampire. Coincidence, I think not."

Alaric sighed in relief. "No one here is taking me seriously, just because of her connection with the Gemini coven." Damon nodded, though he obviously didn't see him. He knew very well that nothing good was going to come out of meeting the undead lady, he also saw it on Jeremy's face. "Wait, when was this meeting?"

"This afternoon at The Grill," he said, "Jeremy was the one who spotted her." The deputy headmaster rubbed his forehead as Damon continued, "he left right after we did to warn Elena."

"At least we're on top of things for once." He frowned and said, "wait, we did you go with this vampire?".

"Manners Dr. Saltzman," he ridiculed, "Michelle and I went over to her place and I got to know each other."

"Of course you did," Ric muttered before hearing him chuckle over the phone. "Katherine, Michelle and this new student are in town, what could go wrong."

"I'm on my way man, chill."

"That's the thing Damon this girl is about to give you all the chills in the world," he hissed. "I could tell by just her demeanor that her experience with magic is far beyond any learner in this school, far beyond than Bonnie when she was her age! Hell, Bonnie has no idea about magic then."

"What about the Mikaelson spawn," Damon asked, "which one should we be worried about?"

Alaric removed the phone from his ear for a moment, just before he was about to answer, each window in his room cracked, leaving him petrified. He rushed to see what was going on in instinct, glaring outside.

There was a cloudy weather, wind picking up its pace before it was gone the very second.

The former vampire quickly placed his phone back to the ear. "I have no idea."

"What the hell was that?" Damon asked calmly, but they both knew otherwise.

"Well," just as he was about to explain, the windows were back to normal, "she became Goddess of thunder and it was gone just as quickly," he said, "and the cracked windows are perfectly fine, like nothing ever happened."

They both went silent for a moment, Damon not even hearing Ric breathing, his heart attempting to escape his chest as his mind was away for a moment.

"I have daughters to protect, Damon. My wife is not here with me," Ric said, both hearing the fear in his tone.

"I'm on my way." The vampire hanged up the phone.


New Orleans

The Bayou

It had been almost a full day since Hayley vanished and in that time, they've been debating on who to call the shots on her behalf.

Keelin arrived while the power hungry werewolves wanted the position.

Lisina, was the werewolf they all voted on.

They were both standing by the lake as Keelin was informing her on the affairs since they involved their kind.

"I'm assuming that this Greta has Hayley?" Lisina asked.

Keelin nodded. "But we are not hundred percent sure. Bonnie and Klaus are on it?"

Lisina knitted her eyebrows. "Bonnie?"

Judging by her face, Keelin knew she might know who she was referring to, but she had decided to ease her mind since time wasn't on their side.

"Bonnie Bennett, she's married to Elijah."

"Elijah!" Her exclaiming causing Keelin to snicker.

She nodded. "We don't have time to process all this. We need to prepare for want is to come."

Lisina frowned even though she knew it was true.

"What do you need from us?"

"Klaus suggested that-." A drop of rain fell on Lisina's sleeveless beige blouse. "What the hell?"

The crescent wolf did not feel it since it was a drop but Keelin's dumbfounded gaze forced her to look upon her left shoulder, causing her to have the same reaction before they stared at each other.

Then, it started pouring.

"Oh look," Lisina ridiculed, "it's raining men."

Both girls died from laughter, even what was happening wasn't a laughing matter.

It was raining blood.

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