Crazy Surge -(ON HOLD)

By MiracleAy22

54 18 13

When Jay Thompson and his crazy, loving family gets split by a series of unfolding events and the teenage kid... More

~Chapter One~
~Chapter Two~
~Chapter Three~
~Chapter Four~
~Chapter Five~
~Chapter Seven~

~Chapter Six~

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By MiracleAy22

They kept on running even though it was reasonable enough for them to stop. They just couldn't stop. The forest all around them was on fire and if they stopped, the fire would eventually catch up to them.

But as they ran the fire seemed to move at an even faster pace and before they knew what was going on, they found themselves stuck at a spot with the menacing fire surrounding them.

They cried and screamed but it was in vain. The fire closed in quickly and they continued to scream, because that was all they could do. The fire was finally upon them and immediately it engulfed them. Their screams grew louder than ever and the flames began to burn up their skin. The pain was indescribable but after a few seconds of going through hell, the scene faded slowly....

Nick opened his eyes slowly ending the nightmare. He felt sweaty all over and he was uncertain if what he had just experienced was actually real or just a dream. He looked around and tried to take in his surrounding.

He found himself in a room. His mind couldn't register anything. A beeping sound was all he could hear.

He moved his eyes around the room. What had happened? Was he dead? He tried to sit up but someone rushed to him immediately and helped him up.

He found Anna's eyes looking at him. "You're finally awake" she said smiling but he could see the tears in her eyes. She sat beside him holding his hand.

"Where are we? Nick asked

"You're in the -"  the door opened quietly cutting Anna off and they both look in its direction. Kim stepped inside.

At once she dashed over to Nick and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back.

"I was so scared. I.. I thought you had died" she muttered amidst sobs. She pulled back and wiped her tears.

Anna quietly stood up "Let me get you something to eat. You must be so hungry" she said.

Nick nodded and she was out.

He looked back to Kim. She pulled a seat closer to the bed and sat by his side. She held his hand delicately as though it would break if she ever dropped it.

"What actually happened? I can't remember anything"

"Well, after you played hero and went unconscious, the police arrived. Everyone else went home but Luna, Tom, Anna and I, followed you here - to the hospital"

"What of those guys? Were they.....?" He was curious. He wanted to know if he had succeeded in stopping the masked men.

Kim understood "The Three of them were arrested by the cops. They were all unconscious when the cops arrived so it was easier to take them away"

The room became quiet. The sound of their breathing was all that was heard in the room.

"I was scared. So scared. I thought you had died when I saw you fall in your sister's arms" Kim started.

"We were all worried when we found out that you were shot. But you did well, you saved us all even though it seemed difficult. And we're thankful for that"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you all" he took her hand and pulled her closer to him. They stared into each others eyes, trapped in this moment and love that they had created for themselves. Sparks danced in their eyes and immediately Kim went for it. She came crashing down her lips on his own.

Nick surely had questions. But right now those questions had to wait. Even more so, he didn't know who would be able to give him the answer he required.

Even if no one could answer him right now, he knew the truth would always be revealed. All he had to do was wait.

They kept on savoring each others taste as the heat grew between them and Nick knew that this was the only sane part of his life that he could hold onto.


Cars sped past as the moon had fully risen in the night sky. The street lights enlightened the streets and walkways.

The air was chilly as it has been for the past few days. The weather temperature kept dropping each passing day.

Jay wrapped his arms around his body as a light breeze swooshed past. He was glad that he had brought his jacket or he would have freezed to death before he even got to his destination.

He crossed the street cautiously and took a turn. The park was in sight, so he hurried on towards it. If Nick and Anna weren't in there, he had no idea where else they could be.

He walked into the park and searched around. It was already late and so the park looked empty. It was eerily quiet and Jay felt a little bit uneasy.

The lights that were stationed to illuminate the entire park wasn't good enough. Some places were dark as a result of the poor lighting.

But Jay had no choice. He had to find his siblings.

He continued to wander until he was exhausted. He went to sit on a nearby bench. He took out his phone and it was the same thing. No call, No text.

He knew that his brother and sister were always reckless in their behaviors. But they're still his family and he really wanted to know if they're alright.

He looked at the time... It was past nine pm. He had been out for two hours now, searching for his rash and headstrong siblings.

He sighed.

When he had woken up, he felt relieved after his ordeal on his way back home. He was surprised that no one was back. He could understand that his parents were probably working but Nick and Anna? They were supposed to have been back.

He had called them but they wouldn't pick up. He even tried calling Kim and Tom but it didn't also go through.

He went to all the places he knew they could be but it was the same thing everywhere. He had even gone back to school in search of them but still didn't find any of them.

He really didn't like what was going on. He wasn't supposed to be looking for people who clearly were of age to look after themselves. He could just go home and continue his nap without having to worry for his siblings.

But he just couldn't. He had a gut feeling that kept pushing him to look for them, that they were probably in some kind of danger. And most importantly, they're are family.

Family protects each other

He stood up from the bench and looked around once more. He yelled their names but got no reply.

He decided that it was time to tell their parents. He didn't want to tell them at first, so they wouldn't worry or distract them from whatever they were doing. But he had to do something before things got out of hand.

He went out of the park and back into the street. He took out his phone and tried to dial mom's number but at once a call came in and he picked it up.


His gut feeling hadn't lied to him. He only hoped that Nick was okay. Anna had assured him that he was now fine but he had to make sure.

The call was a relief. It had come in at the right time, because he had already given up hope of finding them on his own.

He sat impatiently as the cab he was in pulled up at the hospital's gate. He paid the driver and went into the hospital. Anna had told him the room they were in.

He got to the reception desk and asked the nurse behind the desk for direction and few minutes later he got to the room.

He stood at the door and took a deep before stepping inside. He wasn't familiar with the environment of a hospital, so the smell that hit his as he entered the room was a bit nauseating.

He looked towards the bed and saw his brother lying down on the bed with someone sitting close to him with head bent down. He quietly moved closer and saw that it was Kim. She was sleeping and so was Nick.

He decided not to wake them up. So he turned around and started towards the door. Kim might have noticed his presence because he heard movements and looked back again.

He saw her looking at him with heavy eyes.

"Jay?" She called as she scratch her eyes

"Hi, Kim. I just came to check up on him" Jay explained

"Oh...Okay, he's actually sleeping" she replied

"Yeah, I can see that. I'll come back later"

"No" this time it was Nick that spoke. They both turned their attention to him "I'm awake now, you can stay a little while"

"Okay" Jay accepted and sat down on the seat beside the door.

Nick turned to Kim, "Hey babe, you look tired and I think your parents will be worried about you. Have you called them?"

"No  I haven't. I better call them immediately" she stood up and stretched.

"Yeah or better still go home and clean yourself up. You look like shit" Nick chuckled

She looked at her self and smiled "I guess you're right. But I'll come back later. Just need to take a shower and rest a little bit"

"Okay dear" Nick replied and she kissed him on the forehead and waved at Jay before going out of the room.

Jay stood up and went to sit on the chair, Kim previously occupied. He wanted to know what happened and why Nick got shot.

Before he asked, Nick beat him to it. "I know you're confused about all that's going on but I'll explain" He stated and Jay nodded.

After listening to the story, Jay was lost in thoughts. He was curious if whatever had happened to Nick was probably connected to what the messenger had told him.

"But did they say what they actually wanted" he asked Nick

"Well, I didn't have time to ask, because I couldn't risk someone getting hurt" Nick admitted "but I think Anna might know, I saw her talking with one of them before he tried dragging her to the pool"

Right away the door pushed open and Anna walked in holding a plastic bag. She moved towards the bed and sat beside Nick.

"Jay! You're here" Anna said when she had sat down

"Yeah, I came as fast as I could. How is he?" He asked

"The doctor said he's fine and would be discharged anytime tomorrow. The wound seemed to have completely healed itself after the bullet was removed" she explained and Jay nodded.

She took out a flask from the bag and opened it, an unpleasant smell of a very familiar soup wafted to where Nick laid and he felt a sudden urge to throw up.

"You've got to take this, it'll be good for your recovery" Anna said in a pleading tone after scooping up a spoonful of the soup but Nick wouldn't bulge. He turned over to the other side of the bed.

Anna sighed in frustration. "Come on Nick, you have to take it. Mom specifically told me to give this to you when you wake up, they said it would help you recover quickly"

"But I'm already feeling better, I don't need it" Nick whined, moving even farther from Anna

"Wait.... Have Mom and Dad been here?" Jay asked, suddenly curious

"Yeah, they came while Nick was asleep. They said they wouldn't be back tonight because of some night project they had" she answered calmly facing Jay. "Please can you help me tell Nick to take this?"

"Don't worry, I'll make sure he takes it" Jay spoke and smiled at Anna. She handed him the flask and looked back at Nick who had a blank expression on his face

"Do I really have to take that?" Nick asked looking at the both of them "Jay please don't make me drink that horrible thing!" He pleaded

"I'm sorry Nick, but it's for your good" Jay said in response and opened the flask again. He almost gagged at the smell as it filled the room once again.

He turned to Anna who was already on her feet. "You can go and get some rest now. I'll take it from here"

She walked to the door and muttered something that sounded like thanks but none of them could really tell.

Jay turned back and met Nick's pleading gaze "please don't force me to drink that thing" he begged.

"Calm down Nick. I won't force you to drink anything... Okay?" Jay assured him and closed the flask "I just want to talk to you about something" he put the flask back into the plastic bag and dropped it on the floor.

Nick nodded and sat up stretching himself. "What do you want us to talk about?"

Jay stood up from his seat and moved to the window. He drew the curtains and it revealed the beautiful skyline of the city. Colorful lights decorating buildings as the sky was dark with the glowing moon above and bright stars keeping it company.

He looked back. Nick stared at him with a confused look. He walked back to the bed and stood few inches from it "I don't know how you'll take this. You might think I'm crazy but it's all true. You just have to believe me" Jay breathed out

After some minutes of total silence, Nick grew impatient with Jay's sudden attitude "Just get on with it. You're keeping me in suspense here!"

"It's just..." He wanted to say but His eyes met Nick's hard stare. He decided not to stall anymore.

"Fine...." Breathing hard he spoke sternly "We are not ordinary people. "We are part of the paranormal."


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