Justice or Destiny

By zainee72

272K 7.6K 597

"Let go of me...!" she said struggling in his painful grip at her wrists, he pinned at her back. "Then stay... More

Character sketch


1.5K 72 8
By zainee72

Days are running like seconds. Almost two weeks were already over in the blink of eye. Like last weekend this time also Rohan didn't go back town.

Last Saturday he had to attend college for one extra class and this weekend he had an assignment to complete. So he stayed back to complete it with his one class fellow. After breakfast and cleaning Ellie auntie also left to see her family.

I thought at weekends she cooks for Manik but now I realised he sends her mostly at every weekend to see her family. It means he cooks for himself. After arranging my wardrobe and cleaning my room, I went to have shower. It was afternoon when I came downstairs.

Rohan was in the living room, watching a football match. Manik wasn't home, because one hour ago, from my bedroom window I saw him leaving in his car.

"Hello Roni....!" I said standing at front of Rohan, purposely blocking his view. He looked up and gave that charming smile which luckily all Malhotras naturally blessed with.

"Hey sis, I heard bro took you at form house and gave you adventurous bike ride as well....!" Rohan said, but why I sensed teasing in his words and twinkling eyes. So finally they know where we both had vanished that night and that too without telling any one.

"Yeah, but it would have been more fun if I had you there with me instead of your bro....!" I played along his taunting comment.

"I know I'm better than him but seriously you are lucky and first one to have ride at his bike. He doesn't let anyone touch that thingy, not even me....!" Rohan told me and I giggled seeing his sour face. I sat beside him over the sofa and he once again got busy to watch TV.

"Rohan did you eat something....?" I asked because it was already 3pm and he had just a cup of tea in the morning.

Manik bhaie still didn't come, I don't even know the ABC of cooking....!" he scoffed and I chuckled looking at his face.

"Let's cook something for you then....!" I stood up and smiled seeing his little surprised face.

"Do you know how to cook....?" he asked excitedly while following me in the kitchen. I nodded my head.

"So, Roni tell me would you like to eat spaghetti...?" I asked him while looking into fridge that which ingredients we have. But I chuckled when I saw his deep frowns.

"Yeah I love spaghetti....!" he scoffed looking at me. Since last two days I started calling him by Roni nickname and Rohan didn't like it because according to him it sounds little girlish. But I really love to see those glares under deep frowns whenever I call him by this name.

"Either I'm gonna call you little one or Roni. It's up to you what would you like to be called...!" I snickered while taking few vegetables and chicken out of the fridge. He laughed after listening my options.

"Little one...? Look at my height, it's almost 6ft and Little One, No way. Roni is fine...!" he said while pulling out pan from the cabinet. He was right, by the way. Standing among his all brothers he barely looks younger than them. I'm sure after two years he would be more muscular than all Malhotra boys.

With those thick long lashes and messy jet black hairs, he will grow-up version of the man, who would be dream of every girl. So calling him little one was a clear joke to his tall figure with broad shoulders. But who cares, I love to trouble him.

"So beautiful lady, where did you learn cooking...!" Rohan asked me while filling the pan with water and placed at the stove to let it heat up. I glared at him for using those cheeky nick names he calls me purposely.

"No where. I learnt everything by my own....!" I replied trying to not let my bitterness appear into my voice. When you don't have mother to cook for you and your father was more worried for earning money then you learn everything on your own.

"Do you need any help...!" he offered and I asked him to wash and then chop the vegetables until I let the chicken golden brown in oil. I smiled seeing how slowly and carefully he was cutting the vegetables. But when it came to cut onion, I couldn't stop myself from laughing the way his tears were literally flowing from his eyes.

"I won't forgive you for making me cry....!" he said while wiping his tears with his sleeve. I slapped my forehead while shaking my head. I took onion from his hands.

"Oh little poor Roni. Leave it, I will cut it. You go and wash your eyes with cold water....!" and he groaned more painfully after listening little one and Roni as well. 

After few minutes he came back when I was tossing vegetables into already cooked chicken. Spaghetti was already have been boiled so after straining I mixed into vegetables and chicken curry.

"How you feeling...!" I asked when Rohan came back and sat at dining chair. After adding a spoon full of soya sauce I put the lid over pan. I left it over the burner while turning it into minimum heat. 

"Better...!" he smiled but I really felt bad seeing his eyes little red. I shouldn't ask him to cut vegetables. There cant be any worst experience then cutting onion specially when you aren't used to. Our spaghetti was ready until I washed all the dishes I recently used. I filled two plates for us. Placing one at front of Rohan, I sat with mine at other chair.

"Thank you...!" I smiled while waiting for him to taste it. Taking first bite, he moaned while closing his eyes. I took a satisfied deep breath while filling my fork as well.

"Most welcome....!" I replied with a grin while I took first bite also. At front of whatever this family was doing for me, this freaking cooking food was nothing. Nothing at all.

"I thought Manik bro is best at cooking but now he have a good competitor here....!" Rohan muttered before sipping his water.

"But I cook better than your bro....!" I added totally oblivious of Rohan's smirking face.

"I think you didn't taste his food yet. When will you eat, you will take your words back and I'm sure at the end you will be addicted....!" Rohan winked playfully while telling his bro's skills. He really loves his bro and his cooking. He made food few times for me and yeah definitely he is expert into this thing but I won't let these brothers win in this debate.


It was already 6pm and still Manik wasn't back. After finishing our food, and cleaning the kitchen, we both went in TV lounge.

"So what we doing now....!" I asked while crossing my legs over sofa. Rohan's eyes sparkled with something running into his head.

"Let's play video game...!" he offered cocking an eye brow and I rolled my eyes seeing his excitement.

"We are not kids Roni....!" I joked but he scrunched up his nose listening my comment.

"And who said only kids play video games...!" he said coolly but I still didn't say yes. He shot me mischievous stare.

"Common darling, if you are scared of losing then I can understand....!" I glared at him for once again calling me that darling word but he laughed as he knew that I could understand his smart ways to pump me.

"I'm not scared of losing. Infect at the end its you who would be crying in your pillows....!" I raised my index finger to warn him.

"Then why being afraid of playing. Let's see who wins....!" he insisted and I thought to give him a chance.

"Ok....!" I said joining him at his sofa.

"If I won what will I get....!" he asked in a nonchalant tone while folding his sleeves up.

"Who will lose, gonna pay for ice cream treat....!" I placed the bet and he smirked confidently like he was already day dreaming for ice cream by my pocket money.

"Ok done. But you will take bro's permission for going out....!" he said with pleading eyes.

"What.? no way....!" I shook my head violently. I'm not gonna thrust my hand into honey bee hive.

"Why.? Are you scared of him....?" Now Roni was pressing my paining vein. Of course I'm scared of that angry beast but I won't accept it. So I raised my head little higher.

"Why would I be scared of him. Ok fine I will take the permission....!" I said confidently when my heart fell into the deepest corner of my stomach.

"Yeiiiiiiiii....!" I screamed when I won second round also and Rohan groaned loudly. My voice was rough from all the shouting I have been doing in the past one hour. It's good no one was at home to listen us.

"Ok one last round.....!" Rohan asked having really sour face. I laughed while ruffling his hairs. And he glared angrily. We started third and last round.

And finally last round of game also won by me. When I thought about the bet I won, with cheerful energy I stood up over the sofa, and jumped my fist into the air repeatedly.

"Yes yes, yes I won Roni baby, I won....!" I was like a kid who won huge box of candies. But what can I do, I was excited for the free ice cream.

"What's going on....!" a familiar voice asked from behind. Startled, I gasped loudly as my eyes got widened. My hand still in the air but widely open eyes got stuck over the TV screen. Dammit, had I audience too.?

When slowly I turned around still standing over sofa, I gulped the way Manik's dark eyes were focused on me. He narrowed his eyes like piercing my soul. I'm sure my face was defeating tomatoes for being red when I saw his two guards behind him as well. One was having a soft smile but other one was giving that smirk like he was seeing any strange animal in Zoe.

I was stunned, licked my lower lip while looking everywhere. I couldn't form a coherent word. Then slowly, placing my hand over Rohan's shoulder I stepped down the sofa. Running hand nervously through my hairs I looked up.

"Umm, I...uh...we...we were playing.....!" I replied in few words and listening chuckle from his guard I became more embarrassed because I sounded more like kids who just told them that they were playing five little monkeys jumping on the bed. I moved my head down as Manik's glaring eyes flickered to Rohan, who was trying hard to control himself from laughing. Little poor Roni was enjoying at my cost.

Slightly shaking his head, Manik turned and left towards his study room. As he passed, nervously I glanced at Manik and found him still staring at me. Our eyes met for few seconds before I once again turned my eyes down. Dammit, my victory couldn't be more embarrassing than this. 


Placing my elbows over my knees I was fisting my hairs into both hands. It's been half hour Rohan was on my nerves to fulfil my promise. Now I need to go and ask Manik for his permission.

"Ok fine. I'm going. If he killed me, my blood will be on your hands....!" I said to Rohan, who was grinning ear to ear. Before leaving for his study room I went into kitchen. Taking water bottle out of fridge I drank it whole. Heaved a sigh before I left to face the worst part of my so colourful evening.

Once I reached at front of his study room, now I could listen Manik's faint husky voice. Hairs stood on the back of my neck and I feel a shiver go up my spine. Wow. His mere voice makes me go crazy. Slowly I raised my hand up and knocked the door.

"Come in....!" Manik's tone didn't sound cool but now no way to go back. So I entered inside. Having him taken by surprise, when he removed his eyes from his laptop and shifted at me. I took just few steps inside. Nervously, I glanced at Manik, who was waiting for me to blurt out the reason for, I disturbed his meeting.

"I need your permission for going out...!" I asked him, leaving the part about winning the bet from Rohan. I don't want all these grumpy serious men to think that how childish I'm behaving today. Leaving everything he was doing, he leaned back into his chair. Barely feeling the heat took over my face as I was too focused on my abnormally beating heart.

"And the reason you planning to go out....?" he queried incredulously while cocking an eye brow. His whole posture was screaming that how heartbreakingly attractive he was looking. I was just staring at him silently, entirely lost into his natural beauty when once again a teasing chuckle brought me out of my stupid crazy thoughts. Manik glared at his guard with such anger that if looks could kill, he would have been buried six feet under the ground. But in return he raised his hands up into surrendering pose.

"Uh...me and Rohan want to go for ice cream....!" I specified in a barely audible voice and Manik shot me a look, like he thought I was most unbelievable person on this planet.

"And you know my answer, now go back in your room...!" he said. Without waiting long enough to watch my shocked face. He sat straight and shifted his eyes back at his laptop.

"But...!" my protest got cut off when Manik directed his damn serious gaze at me and the man sitting next to him chuckled. What's his problem. I glared at his security guard, who I recalled was Jake.

"Okay...!" I sighed and came out of his study room. As soon I stepped out they once again started their discussion. I really felt like a kid, who got scolded for stealing granny's cookies. Man I hate his security guards specially that Jake one. I wished to break his sparkling white teeth. Coming out without thinking I kicked his door, ouch Dammit my toe twisted really bad. Then suddenly all the voices inside the room came to complete halt. Palming my mouth I walked away sneakily.

Shit shit I really kicked his door while he was having meeting with his security guards inside. I hope they didn't listen me wincing and jumping outside the study room. Rohan giggled as soon I stepped inside TV lounge.

"I'm happy you survived from hungry lion's cave....!" he teased. Having deep frowns over my face I shot him dirty glare before sitting next to him over the sofa.

"Stop laughing Roni, already cause of you, I faced so much embarrassment and even my toe hurting really bad....!" I pinched Rohan while remembering how Manik's stupid guard sneered when he was scolding me. 

"Owwww, angry lady it really hurt and by the way what happened to your toe...!" Rohan hissed while rubbing his bicep. Seeing still amusement behind his hot gorgeous features I retorted.

"I kicked his door....!" I told Rohan. His eyes slightly widened And I glared at him.

"What.? you kicked his door....?" he asked me amusedly and laughed when I nodded my head in yes. Now a days I felt Manik purposely started annoying me. He do everything opposite what I ask to do. Then I notice him enjoying while seeing me sulking like a spoiled brat. But after annoying me to no limit he does exactly what I want.

"I wish someday, I could kick your bro's bum also....!" I groaned mindlessly, and when Rohan laughed throwing his head back, I cursed my uncensored mouth. Oh God why I forget to keep my thoughts away from my tongue because it gets slippery very easily.

"You both have just two minutes, come out. I'm waiting in my car...!" Manik instructed before following his guards towards exit. Oh I didn't even realise when they came downstairs. His actions are out of my understanding. Oh man when at the end you going to do whatever I'm asking then why refusing me at first. Sometimes he makes me irritate like older Manik. But every time seeing him smiling when I do fight with him I feel like he provokes me intentionally. He really loves to see me fighting with him.

"Are we going somewhere....?" Rohan asked in bewilderment and except Manik other men went out. He turned around to face us. 

"Yes two little kids craving for ice cream. So I'm taking them out....!" Manik replied, particularly looking at me. Rohan jumped in excitement but I pursed my lips together tightly as frowns over my face deepened. See I told you he loves to bring my Hitler out.


After one hour we were back. Both brothers were downstairs watching TV and I was in my room trying to concentrate over the notes Manik gave me. In last week I almost covered all the missing lectures of course with the help of Manik. But to my surprise, Manik Malhotra who usually remains so impatient and gets grumpy easily, teaches you very patiently. He don't get irritate even when you ask him the same thing again and again.

After studying for two more hours I felt my eyes being heavy. I think it's enough for now. After stretching my stiff muscles I went into bathroom. I changed into baby pink pyjamas having white dots.
Splashing cold water into my tired eyes I washed my face. Then I brushed my teeth and my hairs as well. I had just come out when I found Manik leaning against the study table where I placed my all notes. The moment our gazes clashed, he placed the folder back.

"What's going on...!" he asked casually like needed those words to start the conversation. But did he know his presence into my room only was enough to make me tense. My heartbeat increased when a shudder of twitchiness racked through my whole body violently.

"Nothing special...!" I replied and then I realised how I missed him because I didn't see him whole day. I didn't listen his voice. Actually I listened but I don't consider that scolding grumpy voice into any counting. And then sudden realisation that I was being addicted to his presence in my life made me hurt.

"Papa is out of country and he asked me to handle some urgent work at his office. So would you come with me....!" he asked, hope in his eyes was as clear as water. My heart suddenly picked fast pace as I tried to digest his offer. His eyes roaming at my face, desperately waiting for the answer.

"For how long...?" I asked lowly, and he smiled after seeing that I was trying to think about it. That warmth behind his gaze always makes my body tingled with a different kind of reason.

"One night. Don't worry I will take Dadi jan's permission....!" he replied urgently, may be got conscious that listening about night stay I will refuse. He was watching me with those eyes, like trying to read every expression flickering on my face.

"I don't know what to say....!"I mumbled. I wasn't feeling enough confident to go with him alone. I know uncle Aaryan's main office is in an other city and Manik needed one night stay to complete his work.

"Come with me please. I promise you will like to spend time with me....!" He said, while winking at me playfully. We live in same house but barely talk to each other. Being around him I quickly realised that he is a workaholic. He keeps himself always busy with something.

"Ok, when we leaving....!" I asked and his smile broadened in excitement.

"Tomorrow 5am. We need to reach there around 9....!" he told me so I nodded my head. It means I need to get up quite early for packing and to be ready.

"What you doing....!" he asked quietly. His heady scent intoxicated me as I walked past him to go towards my bed. Those untamed desires behind his eyes make me feel unsettled.

"Being ready to sleep....!" I said in a duh tone. But Manik Malhotra wasn't here to say simple good night, so he grabbed my wrist and tugged me back against his chest. His one arm was wrapped around my waist while other hand still clutching my wrist against his chest.

"Isn't it too early for a weekend night...!" he mumbled and as I watched that smile, something tugged at my heartstrings. Why air conditioner making it suddenly a lot colder in here. I shivered. Manik held me enough closer to feel his heart beating strongly against mine.

"Now I have nothing to do so it's better to sleep...!" I swallowed thickly. My heart was galloping in my chest. I could feel his eyes on every feature of my face, like studying them deeply.

"But I know so many things we can do....!" he whispered. My hand started getting cold as I saw possession clearly evident in his dark eyes. I was scared of those newly discovered emotions, he was making me feel at that moment.

"But I don't want to do anything....!" I replied, trying to come out of his embrace. I stopped struggling knowing very well that here I'm gonna just waste my energy. As I looked back towards him, his lips twitched into smirk. He always feel proud after having complete control.

"So after kicking my door you want to kick my ass as well....?" he imparted amusedly and my eyes popped out, ready to fall from their sockets. Shit shit. I closed my eyes embarrassingly. He heard what I was saying down in TV lounge. I looked up slowly and his dark eyes turned almost the shade of black.

"I uh...You scolded me at front of those losers....!" I stood my ground. Even though his look was intimidating but I didn't let it show. I bet no one had ever told him except me to kick his bum. Biting my lower lip I shifted my eyes down at his chest where my fingers unknowingly twisting his shirt.

"Nandni, Are you still afraid of me....!" his voice was quiet, like magical, so unreal. I wasn't afraid of him but I'm afraid of the power he have over my senses. I'm afraid of the obsession, which is being developed between us. We find everything about each other so appealing that it feels irresistible.

"You want me to leave....!" after bearing my silence he asked lowly. I know we shouldn't be alone here, because my brain doesn't work when he's around. But did I want him to leave.

"No....!" I beamed sincerely. And the sparks of pride twinkled through his eyes. His thumb gently rubbed my hand that was into his possessive hold. His long and graceful fingers, slightly digging into the flesh of my waist. His every touch was captivating.

"I was just little tired may be that's why....!" I told him unsurely, my voice slightly trembled. My other free hand fisted his shirt over his chest also. He leaned towards me closing the gap, his lips just half inch away from my ear.

"Ahan, don't worry I know how to get ride of this tiredness....!" he mumbled softly. I couldn't look him in the eyes because double meaning behind those words made me flushed deep red. So I lowered my lashes. His hand gently squeezed my waist and this simple action caused shiver to run down the length of my body. 

"How...!" asking him this question was like I was playing with fire. He placed his forehead against mine, drowning out my heart into waves of agitation. Our laboured breathing, his from excitement and mine from nervousness filled the pin drop silence.

"Like this....!" he mumbled against my lips, and I swear the movement of his lips caused them to brush against mine. My heart picked fast pace as he took deep breath before tilted his head and swooped down to press his lips to mine. I felt those familiar hot flames became more intense and I shivered deliriously. The world stood still.

Oh my God...! My eyes widened in surprise, don't know what exactly happened but my heart stuttered. He brushed his lips gently over mine. Then slowly I closed my eyes when sensation forced goosebumps all over my body. The kiss was nothing like hard and dominating. Instead it was slow and sweet.

Each soft brush of his lips against mine, sent a jolt of shiver down my spine. His arms tightened around my small back, crushing me into him. Letting our lips, chests and limbs pressed together. But I could feel urge in the movement of his lips, like he wanted to make the kiss little deep but my lips were tightly closed. I wasn't able to compose my brain, still don't know what to do and how to do.

He pulled his lips away, but I didn't dare to open my eyes. I'm sure I was disappointing him. His forehead still pressed against mine. His minty fresh breath fanning over my slightly trembling lips. Leaving my wrist his hand cupped my cheek. His thumb gently traced my wet lower lip, making it little parted. Then once again leaning forward he tasted them with a new touch of passion. I felt embarrassed when I realised he wanted to explore my mouth while I wasn't allowing him to do so by keeping my lips shut tightly. But now his thumb forced my mouth to remain opened as his tongue traced insides of my lips. I don't know for how long I stood in his arms as he kissed me.

My mind have been shut down on its own accord as I let myself lost into this new sensational kiss. Unknowingly I tried to pick some courage and my lips moved against him as well. I felt him smiling at my inexperienced small step and suddenly it made me embarrassed.

Hot flames spread all over my face because it was first time I made such physical contact with someone. My hands were shivering as he deepened the kiss. He captured my lips between his, and then nibbled them into soft grip of his teeth. His each move was entirely new for me but I never knew his simple kiss can cause so many emotions to bubble up inside of me.

My knees weakened so I held his shirt tightly into my both fists. Without realising, I tried to pull him more closer when there was already no space to even pass the air. Next moment he pulled his lips away, leaving me breathless and wondering that what happened. Did I do something wrong. I was looking at him in confusion while trying hard to compose my uneven breaths when his usual teasing smirk appeared at his face. Dammit, now I understood, he was happy after seeing eagerness into my little response.

He eased my fists around his shirt and holding both hands he kissed my knuckles. Then his one arm went around my shoulders and other behind my knees. Earning a loudest shocking gasp, he picked me up into his arms. He smiled seeing my face turning red and warm. The next thing I know, my back was pressed against something soft. Placing me gently over mattress he pulled the sheets over me up to the chest.

"Goodnight my little doll...!" he whispered while pushing a lose strand of hairs away from my face. I couldn't respond verbally as my hands clutching sheets over my chest like stopping my heart from jumping out of my throat. Standing straight he turned his back towards me as I bit my lower lip to stop that little throbbing pain his lips caused me.

When he was ready to take first step away, he stopped. My heart hammering, waiting for what he was thinking now. He groaned lowly as if he couldn't help himself. Turning around he closed the distance while once again he leaned down over me. His both hands were pressed against mattress at both sides of my head.

A surge of energy shoots through me when in slow move he once again pressed his lips against mine. His lips remained there for painfully long few seconds before he pulled back and left my room. I was taking deep breaths to calm myself but it wasn't happening. I closed my eyes shut tightly. May be this is why I always feel scared of being around him. He entices me, even without doing anything.

"Oh damn what happened just now...!" I kept thinking, laying into same position staring at ceiling like a frozen dead body. It was my first kiss. Was I happy that it was stolen by Manik Malhotra. I groaned while palming my burning face into my both hands.

My heart was throbbing and my belly tightened as heat simmered in entirely unknown regions of my body. How his simple kiss could make me this writhing mess. I turned over my side and pulled my knees up against my stomach. Curling my body into ball I buried myself under sheets, feeling like his lips and hands were still on me.


Next morning I prepared a small hand bag for one night stay. I was still not sure for saying yes. It was really huge step. My eyes rounded in disbelief when I saw my reflection in the mirror. My lips were still slightly swollen, and hairs were a tangled mess. It didn't feel this much awkward when he was kissing me last night but now just thinking about facing him, made me nervous.

At one hand I wanted to be with him but at the other hand I didn't feel enough confident to be around him. Do I trust him enough to go alone with him at strange place. Even after trying hard I didn't feel my heart alarming me for anything odd. So shaking my thoughts away, I picked my dress and went to have shower. I think I can trust him. I have to. I was almost ready just wearing my wrist watch when I heard soft noise of foot steps.

Sighing I looked up and my eyes met Manik's reflection in the mirror. He was looking absolutely good like usual. Dark jeans with black slim fit shirt. Hairs perfectly settled and at the name of wearing any accessory he was only wearing his expensive silver watch.

"Are you ready...?" he asked while stopping behind me at some distance. I turned around to face him. I nodded my head while tucking a lose strand of hair behind my ear. His eyes ran all over my body, taking me in. I tried to smile as his eyes met mine after entirely scanning me. I felt suddenly frowns appeared at his face like he could read untold secrets.

"Are you nervous...!" he stated it more like statement than question. I gulped still trying hard to get used to that how easily he senses my all the emotions. Either its positive or negative. I looked down without confirming his prediction. I won't accept that yes He makes me nervous. He came closer, his each step was sure, graceful but little bit aggressive like usual.

"Why...?" he asked while standing right at front of me. I'm sure his intense gaze didn't want to miss any expression appearing at my face. No matter how hard I try to fight it, he always makes me feel like I was under the control of his powerful and dominating self.

0It's not daily when a boy ask me to come and don't know taking me where to stay alone with him. He might be any serial killer....!" I tried to made joke out of this awkward situation and it worked when he laughed and pulled me into a comforting hug. His fingers moved into my hairs and like every time I felt it relaxed my nerves. I wrapped my arms hesitantly around him.

"Don't worry this serial killer will take good care of you....!" he replied while placing a kiss over my head. My breathing was erratic which caused my chest to heave up and down fast. I cold feel his heart thumping wildly against mine and I was surprised after realising that my closeness had a similar kind of affect on him also.

Moving back he looked at my face like he was digging into my soul. He went away to pick small hand bag placed at bed and came back towards me.

"Let's go...!" holding my hand he walked towards the door. It was too early. Rohan was still sleeping when we came out. Placing our bags at back seat he slipped into drivers seat while I settled into passenger's.


Manik made it to Aaryan uncle's office in record time. He'd probably broken all the speed limits to get there on time. I was in the office while Manik was busy into meeting about something important. I was just walking around. Sitting and then standing up, looking out of the window and then looking at the picture frames of uncle with other politicians. Suddenly someone knocked the door and I went to open it.

"Can I talk to Mr Malhotra....!" lady in her late thirties was stood at the door. Her face was looking pale and the way she was talking it felt like she wasn't Ok.

"Um he is busy into meeting....!" the moment I told her, panic flooded through her features. She turned over her heals to leave when clutching the wall she winced into something like sharp pain. Her hand automatically clutched her stomach and now I realised she was pregnant. And looking at her, it was looking like her date was almost due. 

"Are you ok. Come inside...!" I moved closer and held her arm. Her face was sweating and definitely she wasn't ok. I brought her inside and made her sit over the couch. I rushed towards the desk and brought a glass of water for her.

"Thank you madam...!" she said lowly before gulping whole glass in one go.

"If you don't mind please can you tell me why you want to see Mr Malhotra. I mean you are not looking ok....!" I asked while taking glass back from her hands.

"My due date was after two weeks but I'm suddenly not feeling ok. I want to leave but before that I wanted to inform Mr Malhotra....!" she told me and now I felt really bad for her. At such time she should rest at home but looking at her apron she looks like one of the kitchen staff.

"You don't need to wait for him because meeting might take hours. You can leave I will inform him....!" I ensured her but still she didn't look satisfy. Her loyalty towards her responsibilities wasn't allowing her to leave without permission. I sat beside her and placed my hand gently at her shoulder.

"Don't worry, at the moment you shouldn't waste time. You should go....!" I once again tried to convince her and this time she nodded. She stood up slowly and walked towards the door. As she held door knob she groaned loudly while clutching her stomach. Pain was so sharp that she fell over her knees. I ran towards her.

"Hey, what happened. You are not ok. You...You need to reach hospital asap....!" I was panicked. It was first time someone was in such condition and I don't even know what to do. She was continuously groaning while leaning her head against the wall. I ran towards my hand bag and pulled my mobile out. I dialled Manik's number. It was ringing and just kept ringing.  He didn't pick my call. I tried many times but he didn't pick.

"Don't worry I'm gonna call ambulance. You will be fine....!" I came back towards her and kneeling down beside her I was trying to console her while searching for the emergency number for ambulance. Minutes were passing like hours and number was continuously engaged.

"Please madam do something. My baby....!" she pleaded through her gritted teeth, trying hard to keep holding herself. She was more worried for her baby than that unbearable pain she was suffering. Is this what people say motherhood, that I never felt in my life. I stood up and left the room. I need to find someone who can help her. I was running into the corridor when I found one guard coming towards me. He was the same one who met Manik at mane gate so looking at me he recognised me immediately. I rushed towards him.

"I need to see Manik malhotra....!" I asked him while still composing my fast breaths.

"Madam no one allowed to disturb him. It's urgent and private meeting. But you can tell me what can I do for you....!" he asked me and I told him everything. I brought him inside the office where that lady was still at the same place where I left her.

That guard also tried the emergency number but it was out of reach. After 15 minutes when finally our call was connected they apologised already that they might be late because all the ambulances at the moment are busy. We called other hospital but we got the same response.

"Can't we use one of the cars outside....!" I asked him and he shook his head.

"These are just allowed to use by Aaryan sir. These are given by government so even sir don't use these cars for personal reasons.....!" he told me, but nothing was important than saving two lives. So I'm gonna do whatever I could do.

"Look no one will know about it. It's not like at the way someone gonna stop you in the middle of the road. And what's difference between ambulances and these protocol cars. Both require priority while screaming their sirens to pierce public's ears. Infect in our countries politician's vehicles get way more faster than ambulances.....!" I told him bitter truth but listening about my plan, he shook his head hurriedly.

"No madam I'm not allowed to do it. Manik sir won't allow it. It's against law. My job might be in danger....!" he said helplessly but once again loud groan of the lady stolen our attention.

"Look at her, if kept waiting for ambulance, not only her life in danger but her baby's also. I promise Manik wont say anything. I will handle him. Your job will be safe. Please take her hospital....!" I pleaded and this time he nodded lightly. Giving support to the lady I brought her out and made her sit inside one of the car.

"Leave from this territory silently but reaching at main road just start the siren and keep running this car until you reach the hospital ok....!" I instructed the guard he nodded his head. His features were showing that he was still not convinced but he wasn't denying cause of my close link to Manik Malhotra.

As the car left the territory I took deep breath. I hope everything I did now, couldn't reach Manik. Wiping the sweat with the back of my hand I came inside. I kept praying silently while walking back into office. As soon I entered Manik was already inside. Abruptly my mobile phone rang over the couch. I realised it was Manik who dialled my number to know where was I.

"Where were you....!" he asked while disconnecting the call.

"Just outside....!" I replied after gulping deeply. He smiled looking at me and seeing his soft smile I felt little weight had lifted from my heart. He won't be angry if he came to know what I did without his permission. Right.

"Let's go to have breakfast first and then you can settle into the room while I need to meet someone else as well....!" he whispered while wrapping both arms around my waist he pulled me against his chest. He pushed the strand of hairs away from my face while his knuckles caressed my cheek gently. I inhaled deeply as I tried to feel his touch against my skin, while forgetting whatever I was trying to hide from him. So simply opening my eyes I nodded my head.

"Come lets go then....!" he said. Holding my hand he walked towards the door and in the same building we reached at fourth floor. As elevator stopped we came out. Whole corridor was having pin drop silence. At right hand side Manik stopped at front of the second door. As he unlocked, he held it open for me to enter first. Entering inside I saw our hand bags were already placed over the couch.

Closing the door he was leaning against it while I was looking around to scan the place, where we were going to spend the night. When I looked back and found him staring at me. I lowered my head to hide my blush. I clenched my fists, wishing it would help me in some way, but unfortunately it didn't, specially when Manik's eyes were clearly showing the desire. He don't feel hesitate any more to show demand behind his intense gazes. 

"Manik....!" I called him softly, and I think it helped him to come out of his dazed state. Clearing my throat I spoke.

"I'm going to get fresh....!" I mumbled and walked towards the only bedroom in this apartment. I rushed towards the bathroom and after closing the door I pressed my forehead against it. I shut my eyes and took deep breaths. What the hell is my problem. Why do I feel like it's my fault he loses his control whenever we are alone.

When my heartbeat became normal I washed my face with cold water. I groaned when I saw my reflection into the mirror. My red cheeks were showing my inner turmoil. As I came out Manik was busy on call.  After getting fresh Manik ordered for the breakfast.

"I'm going to stay in that room....?" I questioned staring at him and I found him clenching his fists before nodded grudgingly. Suddenly my mind worked and with wide eyes I looked back towards him.

"Wait. Then where are you going to sleep....!" I asked because there was just one double sized bed. Looking at my shocked reaction he smirked.

"Here in this room....!" He replied casually, entirely ignoring my stunned looks. Because as far I could see clearly that except that bed there was not even a single couch in this room.

"B..but you didn't tell me....!" I stuttered, tried to make him understand that how inappropriate it would be. 

"You didn't ask, so I thought you have no problem while sleeping with me...!" he murmured silkily and my jaw was ready to fall on the floor. What.! Sleeping with him. 

"Nooo, I'm not gonna share this bed with you....!" I tried to make him understand but damn he was looking really determined about making me flushed deep red like beetroot.

"Are you scared of sleeping with me because you think you won't be able to keep your hands to yourself....!" I gasped loudly when he taunted and his smirk got widened.

I was fully ready to win this debate but before I could say more, we heard knock at the door. Someone brought breakfast for us. Rest of the time he completely ignored my questioning looks but I will let it go for now. We will talk about it later. I'm not gonna sleep with him. And sleeping with him means, to lay down on the bed at corners far away from each other. Yeah.

We were eating silently when Manik's mobile rang. He frowned before cleaning his hands and then picked the call. After listening from the other side his eyes widened slightly then his faced turned into pure rage. He was really mad at something or may be someone.

"I need to go....!" he said abruptly standing up.

"What happened....?" I asked looking at his pissed off expressions.

"Today policed was here to find about few suspicious activities so no one was allowed to use vehicles so that they can find out what was going on. But someone again used it....!" he finished through gritted teeth and stood up abruptly. Spoon fell from my hand over the floor. My heart almost stopped functioning after listening what he said. Was it happening exactly what I was praying for not to. Before I could compose my dead frozen state Manik left the room and I fell over the couch. My appetite was gone and I was feeling like to throw up whatever I ate few moments ago.

Exactly 15 minutes later door was knocked and my heart jumped up to my throat as I went to open it. One guard was at the door.

"Manik sir called you in meeting room....!" as he announced I felt earth have been slipped away underneath my feet. I'm dead. Manik gonna kill me.


Manik's POV

It was exactly 9 when me and Nandni reached here. I didn't have time to take her into the apartment, we were going to stay in. So I took her straight into papa's office. After making her sit there I went to do the work, for what I was here.

Entering into meeting room I found three police officers were already waiting for me. They had already planned everything but they wanted to share with me as well because dad was out of country and at the moment I was handling everything here.

"Hello officer....!" I said without wasting time I took chair across the table. As soon I sat they started our discussion about this security plan.

"So Mr malhotra may be Aaryan sir had told you that the vehicles given by government are being used by other non essential purposes. So it happened many times already. But as according to Aaryan sir he wasn't using it, so we had all planed to capture such suspicious activities in this area. Few days before security team had witnessed a car with no number plate so it's really necessary to capture the person behind all these activities. As your father isn't here so there isn't any need to use these protocol cars. But about your father being out of country should remain a secret. We have settled our team at different hidden places of this whole colony. Now if today someone will use those vehicles they will be making us fool by showing that Its been used by Aaryan malhotra but in reality they won't be able to know that they are coming into our web by walking themselves. So you should be aware about all this plan....!" police officer explained and I nodded my head in approval. After discussing all other points they left to execute their plan while I went back into papa's office.

Nandni wasn't in the room. After looking for her every where I dialled her number. As soon her mobile rang she also entered inside the office. She was looking little unsettled, and I thought may be it's because she was tired. So I took her at top floor into apartment so that we could have some breakfast.

But after planning everything when we both were having breakfast, I received the call that someone used the vehicle again. When papa isn't here, how dare someone used these cars. Someone was trying to do illegal activities by using cars given by government to papa. Now my head was boiling with anger. But I wasn't imagining into my wildest dreams that after knowing whole story I will come to know the worst side of this tragic event. Guard arrested while using this car told that it was Nandni who asked him to take that vehicle. Now police officers were digging holes while glaring at me.

Looking down I stood up and followed police officers towards the meeting room. Now I could understand why in the apartment she looked frozen dead in her place when I received the call. Not only she looked pale, but her eyes were as wide as a flying saucer. Now I understood what was bothering her head. This time not only she threw herself into huge trouble but also dug the grave for me.


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