Justice or Destiny

By zainee72

276K 7.6K 602

"Let go of me...!" she said struggling in his painful grip at her wrists, he pinned at her back. "Then stay... More

Character sketch


797 65 6
By zainee72

I remained frozen at where I stood as Manik smiled towards Elina, a really genuine smile. It took a while before it finally sank in me that, his girlfriend was back. Another woman who was in his life already, before my unwanted entry into Manik's life. He kissed her forehead and I cursed myself for thinking that he was never like this to me.

After saying hello to every one she diverted her eyes towards me. I saw her little shocked but she covered it behind her strong features. She has really gorgeous personality with beautiful big eyes and silky black hairs. They were perfect match.

"Oh. Nandni is also here....!" she said while sitting at sofa. Manik also joined her. I looked at him and he was really lost in deep thoughts. Aanya and Rohan came towards me, and I could see pity in their eyes. I pretend not to be effected by whatever was happening around me.

"Hi....!" I forced a smile at her as she sat next to Manik. How I became the third person in between two people who loves each other. Manik have a beautiful lady sitting besides him, yet his eyes are constantly avoiding to look into hers. A strange pang of pain started eating me and I hated to be in such situation.

"You know I'm trying to contact you since I went out of country but you were continuously ignoring my calls and messages....!" Aanya complained, while hugging Manik's bicep tightly. I didn't understand this why he didn't refuse openly for our engagement when he could do this easily. Why he is doing this to himself, to Elina. She is no where at any fault.

"Actually Manik was busy in his personal important events....!" Ishan mumbled, having his voice serious. Manik snapped his eyes towards him, like warned him to stay away from this matter. Gradually, Elina's smile disappeared as she gave questioning look to Manik. I think Elina deserves to know whatever happened behind her back.

"Personal events....?" Elina asked, looking really confused yet curiosity was dripping from her eyes. Now this conversation started making me restless. I didn't want to be here while this secret will be opened at front of Elina.

"Elina come let's go in my room. I want to tell you something....!" Manik abruptly stood up. I saw Sahil bhaie's face became hardened. When Elina will know about our engagement what she will do. My nerves started feeling raw and my heart racing while thinking about the consequences.

"No. Let me listen first that which personal events were happening that you didn't even feel necessary to send me a single message....!" Elina protested, her stare was equally harsh. Manik seemed entirely helpless. I wanted to run away from there this very moment.

"Elina I think it's better you first listen to me...!" Manik said angrily looking towards Elina. But she kept looking towards Ishan like, challenging him to finish whatever he started. Manik's fingers curled into fists as his entire body stiffened.

"Actually, your boyfriend I mean now ex boyfriend got engaged with a beautiful lady here....!" Ishan pointed towards me all the time looking straight into Elina's eyes. For a minute Elina just staring at Ishan, unable to fully comprehend what he just said. Her face suddenly became pale, like blood drained out of her body, as her eyes moved between Ishan and me and then towards manik. But when she saw that Manik didn't deny, her eyes sparked with rage. My heartbeat had completely stopped.

"I said stay away from my personal matters....!" Manik shouted turning towards Ishan as Aanya ran towards Manik. Rubbing her hand at his back she tried to make him calm. She knew it, situation have become really complicated. How Ishan could do this to Elina. It wasn't his place to tell her. It must be only Manik who should have explained everything by his own self instead of other people.

"What....? Do you think this is a sick way of your disgusting jokes....!" Elina snapped back while standing up from sofa. Ishan kept glaring at her. I knew he wasn't very fond of Elina but I never knew it he really hates her this much. Manik grabbed Elina's arm and started walking towards the stairs. Everyone's eyes followed both of them until they entered into Manik's room.

"Ishan you shouldn't say anything. Manik deserves to come out clean from this mess....!" Aanya stated angrily looking towards her brother. Listening her, my heart broken into pieces. She was right, it was mess. A disgusting mess created by my own father. But no one knew that I was equally trapped into this nameless relation as Manik.


"Elina....!" I heard him calling after her. I noticed that the girl who was supposed to be in his room for long time, was running down the stairs. Tears were flowing at her face.

"You are a liar. You are cheater....!" she screamed before stopping for a second and then once again rushed towards the exit. My heart beating at fast pace as I hold Aanya's arm for support. I didn't know whether I was terrified or stunned.

"Elina. Listen to me I didn't cheat....!" Manik said gruffly as he ran out after her. My brain was failed to process what just happened. Somewhere I was the responsible for everything. After few seconds I heard engine of car started and then with full speed it left the Malhotra house. She left without giving him any chance to explain.

I don't know how long we all had been sitting in the living room until Manik came back inside. He looked vulnerable. He went upstairs lazily as each step was taking a lot of strength to walk. No one said anything, but kept watching his retreating figure.

I felt weary as my body slumped on the couch behind me. I was tired. Tired of being rejected. I was tired of being thrown here and there like garbage. I was tired of being burden at every one. Happiness wasn't in my fate but how I became the reason of other's pain. How I became reason of other's tears. Its not me. Its not Nandni murthy.


That night no one went into dining room to have dinner. Atmosphere of this house was frightening silent. Aanya and Rohan went with Ishan to buy some books. Sameer was sleeping in his room while Sahil bhaie went to meet one business client.

I came out of my room, more determined that I'm going to make him agree for breaking our engagement. As much as he doesn't want anything to do with me, I also won't marry him then why I should waste his time. He should be with Elina who loves him and he loves her. I'm no where in this nameless relation.

I fisted my hands at both sides and staggered all the way to his room. I felt small way towards his room, got stretched to miles. Stopping at front of his door, I thought for few seconds and I was completely sure that I was going to regret it but I didn't want to feel this burden anymore. Taking one more deep sigh I just knocked his door But got no reply. I know he didn't want to see anyone but he have to listen to me. My heartbeat fastened as I twisted the door knob, wondering what kind of mood I was going to face.

My heart skipped few beats uncontrollably as my eyes caught him sitting at his bed. Placing both elbows at his knees, his hands fisting his hairs tightly. So with my head up high, I stepped inside and tried to close the door as quietly as I could. His muscles stiffened visibly like he already have sensed that it was me. Then abruptly he looked up. That caused me to take a sharp intake of breath. His eyes darken considerably, he looked so mad. His gaze was like, it was stripping life out of me brutally.

"Why are you here....!" he growled in anger but those vulnerable eyes were telling that untold story. I can't blame him for thinking that I was the reason why he was being called liar and a cheater. Before my mind could process and I could run out of his room I moved closer. My heart is beating so fast that may be both of us could listen it.

"To tell you that, you still have time to fix everything between you and Elina....!" I finished, as I tried for not wavering from his glare. My stomach twisted in knots as he didn't look away. His heated gaze remained on my face before it travelled all over my body like icy caress. That silence between us almost choking me to death.

"Miss murthy, You have terrible style of messing around...!" sarcasm in his words was nothing at front of that disgust and hatred I just saw in his eyes. Irritation settled on my stomach and spun the insides around.

"Don't you think it is you who have made my life a real mess. I told you Manik Malhotra many times that I would love to die instead of marrying you....!" I exclaimed and realised that how my words came out of my gritted teeth. I fisted my hands at both sides, nails were digging into my palms.

"You are saying this after getting engaged to me. Why you didn't tell every one when you were asked at front of my whole family and media. You know why because you are a heartless person.....!" he screamed while getting up from his bed and making my heart leaped to my throat. Was I heartless....? I closed my eyes and tried to prevent my tears to appear in my lifeless eyes.

"Mr Malhotra did you ever take time to think that may be you are the last person, any one would ever wish to live with because you are such a rooted and sick headed soul.....!" I said, trying to appear equally angry.

"Then why you made my life a living hell....!" he yelled, eyed me like I was something unbelievable.

"Because I had my personal reasons and I'm not obliged to explain you anything....!" I said, breaking my gaze away from his face. Then he started making his way towards me with sure yet slow strides that ate up the distance and got him closer. His eyes burning holes into side of my face. Clutching my right forearm He turned me around to face him.

"What you said. Personal reasons...? If you were so desperate to have any man in your life for personal reasons, you could have told me. I could have satisfied your physical needs even without this so called engagement....!" those words were like daggers thrown at me as he was looking straight into my eyes. Then loudest cracks echoed against the walls of my chest. Broken heart and shattered dignity, is that all I felt.

Without controlling myself I raised my hand up to slap him but he grabbed my wrist before it could hit his face. My infuriated act just triggered something deadly, so dangerous and dark.

"How dare you to say that....!" I retorted, trying hard to tug free from his tight grip but it didn't budge. Anger fired up in his eyes and I knew I was playing with that fire.

In one moment I collided against his chest as he angrily pulled me closer. Twisting my both hands behind my back he locked me into his tight cage of his thick arms. He gripped them so hard that tingling pain travelled quickly to my arms. His red eyes, widening, bright with fury.

"If next time, you tried to raise your hand at me, what I will do with you, it would be your worst nightmare....!" he whispered those words with such intensity that for the first time I was really scared of him.

"Do you understand....!" he yelled at me as he tightened his hold. He wanted to see the fear in my eyes and I won't show that.

"Let go of me...!" I shouted, struggling in his painful grip at my wrists which he was pinning behind my back.

"Then stay away from me...!" he groaned. His grip over my wrists was enough to make me aware that how ruthless and strong he was. He could break my bones with just little twist of his fingers.

"I don't want to even breath in the same air where you breathing Mr self obsessed malhotra...!" I spat back, now anger was fuelling my senses.

"You are a murderer...!" I clenched my fists at my back as keeping myself from punching him. His face twisted into mask of anger. I struggled to get free but I felt miserably failed. My breathing picking up pace.

"I'm not here to prove my innocence...!" smug look at his face sliced through my soul.

"I don't want to see your face...!" I said looking deep into his chocolaty eyes which were holding me prisoner. My abundant tears started gathering in the corner of my eyes but I remained as hard as this heartless monster.

"Feelings are mutual miss fiance, so never ever cross my way...!" his words were initiated by hate. Next moment he shoved me backwards, causing me to fall on his bed. Giving me last glare full of vexation, he turned his back towards me as he began to leave.

"I don't know it's my destiny or justice but one thing I know, I hate you manik malhotra, I hate you from bottom of my heart...!" my voice trembled as I let a lone tear to slip from my eyes while rubbing my wrists to ease pain of his finger marks. He stopped in the midway of the door, but then he left without looking back. Behaving like he didn't hear anything I just said.


Next day I didn't come out of my room neither for breakfast nor lunch. Thinking about my empty stomach Aanya sent food in my room. She was respecting my privacy and I was thankful for this. The physical and emotional turmoil within me was just too much to handle.

Then it was almost evening when Aanya asked me to go in my hostel and pack my stuff to shift here. I still was feeling that moving here wasn't good idea but where I have any other option.

When I went in hostel and came back after a couple of hour, all were in living room except Manik. My head was spinning now. If I locked myself again in that room, I wouldn't be able to think straight anymore. I kept thinking whether I should stay here or should go upstairs in my bedroom. I just didn't want to face Manik.

"He's not home since morning....!" I was looking around when standing behind me Ishan whispered lowly, making me startled. Saying this he went towards an empty seat and this was the time, all others also noticed my presence there.

"Hey Nandni. You are back. Come sit with us....!" So I felt safe to sit here for a while. I was really sick of being alone in my room. We all had dinner, watched comedy movie together and had a good laugh until it was late night. All the time Ishan kept dialling a number again and again at his mobile. The way all were looking at him, I knew they were trying to reach Manik but his mobile was switched off. Saying good night to them, I got up and went upstairs.


Then there was Monday, then Tuesday after that Wednesday and so on. Whole week passed and my life was becoming a real dirty mess. Now I was hot gossip of the college. At every one's tongue was the only news that Manik finally got engaged and that too with a poor, boring, ugly girl like me. Who have no statues, no class, no sense of fashion. Now where ever I was going there were disgusting nasty remarks, girls throwing at me.

I started feeling disgusted after listening that what type of rumours Elina was spreading. Every one having his or her own version of story that how I trapped Manik and how I'm a gold digger and so desperate to sleep with him. According to many of them I'm no where to be fit in Manik Malhotra's life and soon he will throw me out of his life.

I don't know Manik and Elina were ok with each other now or not because since the day she left Manik's room crying, I didn't see them together. I know they are inseparable. Elina was from a good high statues family, beautiful, fashionable, bold and most important both loves each other. I was really miss match but at the other hand I was stuck. I don't know how I can get out of this engagement.

It was already Friday and just one last period then I would be free to go back home. Then I chuckled, feeling pity at my own self. Even after living one week still calling Malhotra house my home, felt bitter over my tongue. As I walked along to get to cafe for having a cup of coffee, I couldn't help but noticed those killing stares and whispers as I passed by different groups of students.

I was in the middle of my way when I saw the same boy from Manik's class who asked me for dinner last week. As I moved closer I noticed him limping. Bright red and blue spots camping out over his face. He was bruised at several places. He groaned loudly as his eyes caught my glimpse. Looking at me his eyes got widened.

"Hey, what happened to you....!"I asked as he started walking towards opposite side. He stopped for a second and then turned around to face me. His face was red with anger. He was surely a stubborn, insult-proof, idiot boy. I mean silly type idiot but he wasn't harmful person who may get himself into any serious fight then what happened to him.

"I don't have any death wish so stay away from me and keep your that crazy lover away from me as well. Infect do us a favour, admit him into any mental hospital. ok.....!" that boy kept blabbering and I kept looking at him completely confused. Is he mistaking someone as my lover. I hardly stopped myself from laughing because map of his face was really messed up. Then limping at his foot he left from there, all the way cursing and mumbling something under his breath. I was stood there still trying to understand that just now what exactly happened.

My body and mind were lost into my own world. All thoughts were whirling around in my head as I entered into cafe. I kept going to buy me a cup of coffee. I was waiting for my order, when I listened hushed voices and then snickering and sneers. Turning around I found Elina with her friends who are as evil as she is herself. They all were looking towards me. I felt tightness in my chest as I tried to keep going for an empty table, far away from them. As I passed them, the things they were saying were really disgusting.

I popped my ear buds in and turned the volume of music high. Blocking all the irritating noises of Elina and her friends. The way they were giggling and whispering while looking towards me, I knew they were making fun of me. I was hating all this unwanted attention. At least I was safe from all the college bimbos until Elina told every one about my engagement with Manik. Now students were making nastiest comments at my character.

I didn't even took one sip because coffee was really boiling hot so just silently I was listening music when someone pulled hands free out of my ears. It caused my head jolt up in shock and found Elina standing at front of me. Before I could ask what's her problem she looked behind and shouted loudly.

"Hey girls see who's here.....!" she called her friends loudly while looking around at the crowd of students sitting in cafe. I said nothing except arched my brows at her to watch her show silently. I was trying hard to hide my annoyance.

"Miss delusional aka fiance of Manik Malhotra....!" she once again yelled those words loudly so that she could get attention of the audience for her sick act. Her friends giggled and whistled. What a moral support from fools to a fool.

"Are you drunk this early....!" I asked while glaring at her when I noticed smug look on her stupid face. She made eye contact with me before clearing her throat.

"Ummm I wanted to ask that from where you bought this dress because even after wearing for years its colour didn't go....!" she said loudly, my blood ran cold after listening her words. My heart lurched as I listened many giggles and claps around me. Her face which was covered into thick make up, adopted a perpetual annoying smirk as she was making fun of my old dress. Yes I use my dresses until its condition is good. I wasn't any rich spoiled brat who can threw just after wearing for once.

"Elina what's your problem.....?" I asked through my tightly clenched teeth. Seriously, it wasn't a high school where teenagers are making fun of each other. For God's sake, it's college and I'm surprise at some people's childish behaviour even after reaching at this mature level. She banged her palms over my table, her evil mocking look replaced by a psycho-lover look.

"Just trying to make you understand that look at yourself and your this disgusting old fashioned styles. Stop day dreaming about my Manik and stay away from him....! This time leaning over the table she whispered through her gritted teeth. I picked my bag up to leave. It's not my level to fall this low. Its better to be quiet when you are around fools. I was going to pass by her when she just moved her one leg at front of me. Unknown about her intentions I stumbled really bad over her foot.

My body smacked hard onto the floor. My bag fell alongside of me. I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt every muscle in my body burnt with such forceful hit. My palms and ribs were flaring up with pain. At front of a huge crowd, I felt my whole self as ruined in dust as my pride.

"Look at yourself, how poor and dirty thing you are and still you are dreaming of Manik Malhotra.....!" she pointed at my dress, which had been completely ruined with the muddy and wet floor. My nostrils flared as I felt anger rising to its surface. I was struggling to inhale normally but failed. Tightness in my lungs was stopping my breathing. What was my mistake that I felt such humiliation at front of the whole college.

Throwing my bag away, I stood up. Then looking in the farthest corner, I caught someone staring at me. I became rooted to the spot as my eyes met with manik's piercing stare. He was staring directly at me, his face emotionless. My anger doubled in its intensity when I realised he was there all the time when his girlfriend was bullying me at front of whole college.

My face heated up red from anger. I didn't wait for any second. I turned over my heals and the crack of my hand against Elina's cheek echoed in the entire cafe. Her painful gasp made me feel satisfied despite of being dirty from head to toe.

"No one can mess with me and then just walk away....!" I warned, raising my index finger at her. Cause of slap my hand stung like hell but she deserved it. She was looking at me like fish out of water. Shocked, yet her hand still palming her red cheek. Her eyes were red like lava was boiling out of them.

"I will kill you....!" she snatched my coffee mug from table, and opening its lid she was going to throw at me when I tried to shield my face with my arms. I waited for boiling liquid to burn my skin but nothing happened. Suddenly all the giggles and whispers got stopped. A complete silence. When slowly I moved my arms away and looked up Manik was there, holding Elina's wrist. Since the day I met Manik, everything unexpected happening in my life.


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