Justice or Destiny

De zainee72

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"Let go of me...!" she said struggling in his painful grip at her wrists, he pinned at her back. "Then stay... Mais

Character sketch


620 62 3
De zainee72

It's been 4 days since my engagement and I will admit that whatever happened between Manik and me, didn't leave my mind. With baba also on my back of head, all the situation was going to drive me crazy.

After my marriage, baba was supposed to leave abroad to join his new job. Everything was already planned. But now when I went no where baba refused to go but I know it's really difficult for Malhotras. They already hired one person to replace baba here. And now if he doesn't go, it would be difficult for the abroad company as well.

Last night I gathered my all courage and told him that he can go. He shouldn't think about me because after whatever he did to me I won't come back home. I wanted to live in hostel. When I called Aaryan sir, he was happy at my decision. According to him now I'm their responsibility instead of baba, but obviously I don't agree at this thing. I'm my own responsibility, not anyone's. But finally after two days baba was leaving for Italy. All arrangements have been done.

I have one class tomorrow and it would be at nine in the morning which makes it compulsory to reach hostel tonight. So after packing everything and without saying anything to baba I left the house.

Today morning I came to know that Dadi Jan's BP got high. She was admit in the hospital. Before leaving for the train station, I wanted to see her. She was getting better but still her BP was high and she would remain in hospital under observation. I'm sure Aanya and her brothers already left last night.

Taking my small hand-carry with me I took one taxi and after 20 minutes it stopped outside of highly expensive private hospital. After paying for taxi I get on the elevator to reach the 7th floor. 

After asking at reception when I went towards her private room, I saw one guard sitting outside of the door. Being family of a politician wasn't easy. If at one hand people love you for your work and loyalty at other hand you make many enemies. So professional guards will always be there with all Malhotra family members except one. And any one can tell who might be that exceptional case. Obviously The GREAT MANIK MALHOTRA.

"Good evening....!" As I reached at front of the door, guard stood up immediately and bowing down he greeted me. The worst thing I'm hating the most after engagement with Manik Malhotra, is this VIP protocol. I was a simple girl with simple and small dreams. It's too much to digest.

"I'm here to see Dadi Jan....!" I asked him, but he seemed little confused that why I was asking his permission. Still he nodded his head without saying any thing further. Before entering I looked inside from the vision panel of the door.

Oh, crap. One glimpse of inside hit me with a force of a tornado, leaving me completely freaking out. As soon as I got my brain to work again, all I could think about how can escape from here. Manik Malhotra was sitting inside at the chair besides Dadi Jan's bed he was looking stiff and stressed. Seeing him first thing which came into my mind was the slap and once again I felt sharp sensation in my palm.

Both were doing nothing. Dadi Jan was laying at her bed with closed eyes and having deep frowns over his face Manik was looking at her. For a second the thought came into my mind that I can still walk away. I still have time to change my mind. But then a burst of determination told me to do otherwise.

I sighed. Its not like I'm gonna talk to him. I will just go inside, ask about how was she now, say good bye and then leave, that's it. With that thought I raised my hand and knocked. Without waiting for their reply I entered inside.

As door made soft screeching sound, Dadi Jan and her grand son, both shifted their eyes towards me. I found myself stuck rooted on the spot. Then suddenly I wished I had listened my brain and shouldn't have come inside. May be an early visit could have saved me from this weirdest face off.

I heard him stifled a groan in anger and irritation. His chocolate brown eyes were hard with the intensity of fury. My heart already have stopped but as I saw Dadi Jan's death glare at him I found myself frozen dead. What sin I had done today, to deserve such terrifying company.

"Hello....!" I mumbled lowly while closing door behind me. As soon I took first step towards them, Manik stood up. His locked jaw line was showing that he was still sulking about the slap he received few days ago. The glare I got from him was burning holes into mine. I looked away immediately. I don't want to ended up provoking this beast.

"Hello sweetheart. Come here....!" she nodded her head, gesturing me to come closer. He cleared his throat before looking towards Dadi Jan. I could feel clearly, there was a silent war going on between both of them.

"Dadi Jan I should leave now....!" he asked politely but she gave him an open threatening glare. He kept looking at her with totally helpless expressions. Something was really fishy. I stopped in the middle of the room, still far away from them. Dadi Jan kept looking at him like hungry lioness.

"When you aren't talking to me then what I will do while staying here with uninvited and unwanted people...! As he finished his mithering story like a pregnant-lady with grumpy mood swings, I felt my jaw touching the floor. How dare he insult me when my visit wasn't having anything to do with him. Why he can't mind his own business.

"Behave yourself Manik Malhotra. Fulfil my conditions first then I will talk to you otherwise don't show me your face. You can leave....!" she said with equally stubborn tone. He stomped his feet like whining kid. Looking at Manik Malhotra the frightening monster's such childish side I wanted to giggle but man I don't have any death wish yet. If I laughed he will bury me alive before taking next breath.

He ran his fingers through his hairs, clearly frustrated at whatever her conditions were. He looked up at Dadi Jan and after seeing that stubbornness he took defeated sigh. Looking at his bitter expressions, I could tell whatever they had discussed already in my absence, would be a very sore topic for him.

"Ok fine...!" he said through gritted teeth. Taking long strides he came towards me in less than one second. Suddenly I jumped over my feet. It was unexpected and took me completely off guard. Holding my wrist into painful grip, he dragged me along him. Before I could understand what was happening he shoved me towards her bed. He turned his body fully to face me.

"Sorry....!" he said that word in such speed that I felt I heard wrong. His jaw was clenched so tight like he was mentally chewing me.

"What....!" that was all I could manage to say. Actually I was too shell shocked and it took a few seconds for me to respond. I gasped, as he moved closer with rocket fire speed but then something reminded him that other than both of us there was one person more. As Dadi Jan let out a fake cough, closing his eyes he took deep breath, as trying to remain in control. 

"Manik Malhotra your fiance asking you something. She didn't listen what you said so baby come again. And yeah whatever you wanna say, say it clearly and tell her the reason why. Come on be my good boy....!" Dadi Jan said in such intimidating tone that it sounded the mixture of order, tease and more like dominance. Now I understood the story. Not bad, not bad at all. I'm gonna love this visit.

"I said sorry for leaving at engagement night.....!" he whispered lowly. He was glaring at me, extremely angry but I couldn't care. I could clearly see the desperation to kill me Before saying those words. It was obvious, how he felt insulted while apologising. One point to be noted, I think for him saying SORRY was one of the rare cases.

Man that single word felt like cold water over my burning ego. The corner of my lips tugging upward into a smirk.

"I'm happy you said sorry....!" I couldn't help from sprinkling salt over his wounded ego. Looking at his pissed off expressions I was really enjoying.

"You....!"  Suddenly once again he rushed towards me, like he wanted to strangle me, but Dadi Jan once again interrupted him.

"Manik now sit down....!" she snapped angrily and removing his fire throwing gaze from me, he threw himself over the chair. Every inch of him was screaming, danger, anger and defeat but at the same time I could smell the smoke of his burning heart and fire of revenge.

Sooner or later I know I would pay for this sorry but man who cares. The victorious peace after listening sorry from him was worth of any thing. Removing her eyes from her sulking grandson she looked back at me. Suddenly her expressions changed from angry to polite.

"Nandni come here....!" she patted the spot at the same side of her bed where Manik was sitting. But turning around I came at other side and sat over her bed. She smiled knowing very well that I'm avoiding his grand son but she didn't say anything and I was thankful for that.

"And now Manik about your questions, I'm fine. Doctors changed my medicine. They increased the power of tablets. At the moment they didn't tell when I'm going to be discharged....!" she said to manik, her tone still telling him that who's boss here. Manik just nodded his head without looking at her. His jaw was locked and hands fisting into balls. He was boiling inside.

Dadi Jan asked about baba and after knowing he have flight day after tomorrow to Italy, I saw concern in her eyes. She asked where would I live, about my studies and many things I won't like to discuss at front of Manik but obviously it was Dadi Jan. I couldn't escape from her any question.

"Ok Dadi Jan, now I would leave. If I got any late, I would miss my train....!" I said while standing from her bed. She looked at my handy and then she diverted her eyes towards Manik. He was looking at other side, like trying to completely ignore my presence around him.

"No you won't go on train when your fiance also going at the same place. Am I right Honey....!" Dadi Jan asked so politely but I could sense clear warning behind her words. Manik and I, both jerked our heads towards her. I opened and closed my mouth like a fish out of the water. I should've known by now that since ages my luck have decided to go against me.

"No way I would take her with me....!" Manik snapped, before shooting me an icy glare which nearly made me even more frustrated towards this thick headed man. I sighed. If few minutes before he was looking angry, now he was looking terrible.

"No Dadi Jan I'm fine. I can go. Don't worry....!" I picked my handy to leave from here as soon as possible but tonight Dadi Jan had other plans.

"Nandni if I said you are going with him then it's final....!" Dadi Jan announced looking at both of us. I remained silent, even though my heart was fluttering like caged bird in fear and wanted to say no. Standing up Manik hit the chair behind him and turned over heels to leave the room.

"Manik come back....!" Dadi Jan ordered in struck and loud voice. He stopped at his place and the way he took deep breath I could see how he was trying hard for not snapping at her. He came back and raised his brows to ask why she called him back.

"Be a gentle man and pick that hand carry from her hands.....!" as she finished Manik threw his head back like he was ready to burn everything around him.

"Do you know, I might kill her and throw her pieces in any jungle....!" he said to Dadi jan but his eyes were glued to mine. I wish I would have allowed to beat him black and blue on the spot.

"Honey, you dare to touch her then I will tell you who I'm....!" she chuckled, while removing her glasses and placing it at side table. He came towards me and stopped extra closer. His proximity invading my personal space to breath freely.

"Believe me, nothing would give me more pleasure than to put a bullet in your head.....!" he whispered quietly. Without removing his eyes from mine, he snatched my handy and went towards the exit door.

"I heard that...!" dadi jan said, still eyes closed. Before he could leave Dadi Jan dropped the biggest and final bomb at him which managed to shock me but at the same time made me happiest lady on earth.

"For next month your bank accounts will be freeze. No withdraw money at all. It's your punishment for leaving and making your elders embarrassed at the night of your engagement....!" Manik holding the door knob in such tight grip that I felt it will get broken. Manik didn't look back but I could imagine the red lava bursting through his eyes.

"And yeah if tonight she faced any trouble while going with you then, I will make sure to keep stopping your money for next two months....!" I palmed my mouth, I really started loving this lady. Now I could see how all Malhotra siblings behave so straight. Obviously after having such Don type grandmother, you cant even think about doing any thing wrong.

I jumped over my feet when he left slamming the door on his way out. I'm sure whole building have trembled for a moment. Dadi Jan was making sure about my security but I know after this, he wont spare me.

By the way if any time she found that, he left that night because I slapped him what will she do to me. Should I tell her the truth..? No. Because I can't take risk to face her when her grandson is already on my tail. I'm so dead. I was fidgeting with my fingers when Dadi jan brought me back on earth.

"Dear you should leave now. Other wise you can miss this free ride....!" she said with warming smile at her face. Stones piled up in my throat so having no courage to say anything I just nodded my head and without wasting any more second I left the room as well.


Finally I reached the elevator, I was breathless while running all the way here. Manik was waiting for the door to open, looking extremely angry. I swiftly turned around to face him, as he was holding a scowl on his face.

"You shouldn't be delusional that I'm dying to go with you. It's just Dadi Jan, I couldn't refuse her....!" I said, before doors of elevator opened and Manik entered inside.

"As if I'm dying to take you with me....!" he snapped back. He didn't even wait for me to enter and pressed the button for ground floor.

"Ouch....!" I was in the middle of the door when at both sides it hit on my arms and opened back immediately.

"Are you nuts. Can't you see I'm also entering....!" I hissed, while rubbing my arms. Leaning against the wall he entirely ignored my presence. I slipped into the farthest corner, wanted to be away from him. I wished that someone else would have come in with us as well but it was just Manik and me.

"You can give my handy back. No one seeing us so stop pretending a gentle man when you are not at all.....!" I just finished, when throwing my handy on the floor, in the blink of eye I was pressed against the wall of elevator.

"I didn't forget that slap....!" he yelled as his both hands hit the metal wall at both sides of my head. I flinched over this sudden dreadful action. His chest was rising and falling with deep heavy breaths.

"The only reason I didn't slice you yet because you are very dear to my some idiot family members...!" Wrath was oozing from his dark unlighted orbs. I felt my lungs becoming weak with his closeness because they were having difficulty to inhale normally. But Nandni murthy didn't learn to back down.

"But why it seems like you have forgotten that slap otherwise you wouldn't have dared to come close to me....!" I challenged him,  his gaze was intense, like he was sinking into my soul. His brown eyes took on a wicked sparkle and I knew he was over the edge. My heart stopped when he lowered his face until he was mere an inch away from mine. I hurriedly pushed him away and pressed the button to stop the elevator.

"I...I forgot my folder into Dadi Jan's room....!" I said through gritted teeth. As the door opened, I was about to leave when he suddenly pulled me back to him. Manik's grip on my arm was strong, holding me against his chest. I looked up and his eyes were piercing through mine. He brought his face closer to mine. So close that his face shaded by light stubble, brushed against mine and whispered into my ear.

"I'm not your driver. Just two minutes and you should be in parking. Don't make me wait because I'm very impatient man.....!" he whispered, his voice was husky and dark. May be it was my imagination but his last sentence felt like it was having some other meanings. Sensation of those words, fluttered my heart like a fallen leave in autumn. Before I could say equally spicy thing, one lady entered inside. Manik left my arm and quickly I hurried out of the elevator.


My heart was still thumping harder. I was trying to understand that since he came into my life, what was happening. Everything was being out of control. Even now my organs respond according to his actions. Stopping at front of the room I took a deep breath.

As I rotated the door knob gently, once again I had a heart attack. What I was looking at the moment, was beyond my wildest dreams. Dadi jan was standing near the bed, wearing hospital gown over her light blue dress. She was giggling over the phone. Even blind person could say, she was hundred percent alright.

"You lost the bet son. I think you don't know your mother's acting skills yet. So Mr Aaryan Malhotra, be ready to prepare my favourite desserts for next one week.....!" as she laughed at phone call, I gasped loudly. I palmed my mouth to control my voice. So it was all drama. Oh My goodness.

"So what if I have diabetes. After dragging your son back to say sorry, I deserve my sweet treat.....!" she said once again giggling. One lady servant was packing Dadi Jan's bag when I entered inside. Dadi Jan turned around with shocked eyes but after seeing it's me she took long deep sigh. After saying good bye, she disconnected the call.

"Dadi Jan it was all acting. I mean how. You lied. I....I mean you aren't really sick. Are you...?" I was blabbering without break, I was so shocked. She smiled looking at my widely opened eyes. She laughed at my condition. After removing her hospital gown and she came closer.

"Who said I was lying. I'm a patient with permanent high-BP problem. So I just said I'm having High BP. Yeah its just I didn't tell that it was just one point higher than my usual readings. So it's not a complete lie.....!" she explained while cleaning her glasses. These Malhotras one day gonna kill me with their breath stopping skills. I mean every day, they prove that their intelligence starts from where your ends. Pure politicians.

"By the way I was fed up. Needed change of atmosphere and I promised you that he will pay for leaving. So I fulfilled my promise and there can't be any good place other than a hospital, where you get freshly cooked healthy food and medicine on time. Young beautiful nurses day and night present to serve you. Ahhh. His SORRY was worth of all the bribe I gave to my doctors and for this private room....!" Dadi Jan winked at me and once again my jaw fell over the floor with loud thud. I mean what I could say, I was speechless. Totally muted.

"I think you came back for your folder. Take it and leave. My grand son already sitting over burning stove so avoid to make him more angry. When you both will leave the hospital just text me. I will also leave. Missing my bed room and gajjar ka halwa....!" she giggled and this time I also couldn't control myself from laughing along her.

At this point, I know after listening his sorry, my problems won't be any less but I felt heaviness have lighten. For little time I felt good but overwhelming sense of anger was still creeping up my heart. In an attempt to keep that feeling in control, I need to be stay away from Manik Malhotra. But he said right, I could run from him but our fate always brings us together.

After recalling his all the evilness in my mind I took a deep breath. I  headed towards parking lot, with every intention to put him in his place. The closer I got, the more clearly I could see a very angry Manik glaring towards me. I think I took some time to return.

Standing closer to the car, instead of entering inside I just dialled Riya's number. If he is not liking to wait then I will definitely will make him more wait. I know he won't leave me because he won't disobey orders of his sick Dadi Jan. Evil laugh. He turned his neck around and gave me such look that if it could kill me then I couldn't take next breath.

I was busy on call when loudest and longest horn pierced my ears. I tried to not give him any attention but he kept pressing his hand over horn. Several people around us started glaring at his such dramatic display. Some were mumbling curses and bad words because, hospital isn't any place for such stupidity where patients need full peace and silence.

When I saw one guard coming towards our car with very grumpy face, I disconnected the call hurriedly. Before he could reach us, I sat inside and without delay Manik reversed the car towards exit gate. I looked back and guard was yelling behind us.

"Have you completely lost your mind....!" I growled, totally failed to compose my anger. He didn't look back at me but I could see his eyes shimmered with dark intent and I wondered if coming with him was good idea.

The rest of the ride felt like I was riding into a death rollercoaster. He was driving the car way past the speed limit, knuckles turning white and eyes wild with rage. The way he was driving, I felt he gonna crash the car.

"Slow down. You....!" I protested in regret for coming with him but he stopped me in the middle of my sentence. My heart was pounding faster than my mind could think.

"I think you are not this much idiot to open your mouth at this time. If you don't want me to throw you out then keep your mouth shut.....!" his jaw tightened as his eyes flashed a warning. His hands around the steering wheel felt like they are so desperate to be around my neck at the moment. 

Just after driving for 15 minutes, the scenery around me changed. Hustle bustle of the town was gone and around the dark road I could only see fields. Far away from the road, small cottages littered here and there. I shrieked when he took a sharp turn, throwing my body to the side.

"Why you took this road instead of highway....?" I asked being little nervous, not sure how to act bravely anymore. He kept driving like maniac. After few minutes of more reckless driving he suddenly stopped the car. If I wouldn't have worn seat belt, I could hit into the dashboard. He kept looking ahead, his hands still balled tightly around the steering wheel, so much rage and aggression. 

"Don't worry I won't let you die with a car crash....!" he said those few words so deeply that I jerked my head towards him with shocked filled eyes. For a moment, he looked like a normal person who was trying to be little protective. He sounded like he was lost into his own world.

"Because I would love to kill you with my own hands....!" as he spoke, it was confirmed that Manik Malhotra might be anything but a normal nice person. He opened the door of his side and after going out he slammed it shut. I jumped at such terrible noise.

He came around at other side, fire blazing in his eyes. He pulled my door open. I cringed mentally after seeing our surroundings. I had made up one thing in my mind that road was completely isolated, night was dark and I was alone with this crazy man.

"Get out of my car...!" he snapped and for few seconds I thought he was joking. But I could see how serious and angry he was. So much anger which had my heart pounding in fear. Now I was definitely in deep trouble.

"Its not time for your stupid jokes ok.....!" I hissed, my eyes wide with shock and irritation. I kept glaring at him, still frozen over my seat. Grabbing my arm, he pulled me out of the car. Pressing me against the car, he leaned forward and I tried to shrink back as much as I could. The way he was looking at me, goosebumps littered my body. I wished to become invisible just to get away from the intensity of his eyes. 

"And who said I'm joking....!" he muttered, as he looked down. His face was just few inches away and eyes shooting icy daggers at me. Realisation struck me with the force of lightening bolt. Was he gone mad. Suddenly terror wrapped me into its cocoon as his words registered into my mind.

"Are you crazy. At such place are you leaving me alone....!" I spat, feeling frustrated. Without saying a word he closed the door. He turned around to leave when I grabbed his arm.

"Ma...Manik  you can't leave me here....!" now I was scared more than angry. He stopped at his place and turning around he looked down, where I was holding him. Opening my fist he freed himself. Still holding my hand he looked up at my face.

Looking at my panicked face, his eyes narrowed into slits. For a moment I saw something into those lifeless eyes. I felt he would ask me to sit back inside the car but then my last hope shattered apart when he jerked my hand away, proving how I was wrong. Going back towards driver's seat, he sat inside and closed the door with loudest thud.

"Have you any idea what are you doing. Listen, keep our all the differences at side and think for once what are you doing....!" I shouted while banging at the window of passenger seat but he paid no heed to me. He started the car and drove away.

"Manik....!" I screamed my lungs out, hoping he would stop the car and take me with him. But his car just got disappeared into darkness leaving me alone, helpless and scared. Once he was out of my sight completely, it took every thing in me not to scream out loud. How could he do this to me. How.

When I looked around, one thing was sure that If someone kidnapped me or killed me here, no one will know, where I got vanished from earth.

After controlling my panicked senses, I started walking. I need to find any way to get out from this messed up situation. I was walking, my heart hammering against my chest with fear. I don't know why suddenly one thought hit me hard that how he had felt to be alone in dark stormy night when he was badly injured. For hours, he would have been crying for help. Taking a deep breath, I pushed all the miserable thoughts away and tried to remind myself that he was the one who left me here.

I just walked few steps ahead when I felt something was missing. Soon I realised that monster Manik took my handy carry in his car as well. I don't know what I did wrong that bad luck was playing with me for so long. I swear to God Manik Malhotra, I will make you pay for this. Yes I definitely will.

Trying my best not to consider all the horrible things could happen to me, I kept following the road. I couldnt run all the way to Mumbai so I need to find a cab. I think this road was far off civilization that's why there wasn't any cab or any public transport.

When I was already freaking out, I heard a car approaching me. Gathering my all courage, I dared to glance behind me. Looking at a white car coming towards me with full speed, my heart stopped completely. Oh No. This was the way, I'm gonna die tonight. If by any chance I escaped alive from here, I will make sure Manik Malhotra's bank accounts remain freeze for next two months.

What if it's any serial killer. I have to run. I didn't even want to think about what he'd do to me. Taking a deep breath, I turned over my heels and tried to run as fast as I could. Despite of blazing fire into my legs I kept running. My heart started hammering against my chest when I heard the car speeding up.

Now I was sure that whoever was in that car, wanted to capture me. The pain was unbearable in my legs but I continued to run. With every passing second, car was coming closer. It didn't take long time until it was right at front of me. To block my path, driver applied sudden breaks and screeching sound of tires was so frightening in this scary silence.

I didn't dare to run this time. I knew I can't race with a car. However instead of any kidnapper one old man in uniform came out. I frowned in confusion but as he came at front of head lights of car, I immediately recognised him. He was one of Malhotra's drivers.

"Madam what are you doing here....?" he asked as he stood at front of me. My heart was still beating wildly and breaths totally out of control. I tried to calm myself down but these past few minutes just pulled the life out of my body. It was really horrible experience. Gulping the lump in my throat I tried to speak.

"Yeah I'm going back to my hostel. Please can you drop me at train station. Tomorrow my college will start and I need to reach my hostel tonight at any cost....!" I almost pleaded, hiding the real reason, why I was here. He smiled politely and came ahead.

"You don't need to go at train. Now you are member of Malhotra family. Just give your orders and I will drop you where ever you want....!" he bowed down to show his respective gesture but I felt highly uncomfortable.

"No. No uncle it's fine. I can go by myself. Thank you.....!" I said, don't know what to say further.

"If Aaryan sir or Dadi Jan came to know I left you alone at train station, they will fire me surely. Please listen to me and sit inside the car......!" he came around and opened the door for me.

"Please....!" he once again requested when I didn't move. Nodding my head, I silently slipped into car and driver uncle didn't take much time to start the engine.

Thank God you really saved me tonight and Manik Malhotra just wait for me, I will teach you a good lesson. After few yards when car turned around the corner, I felt another car stopped at the other side of the road. I would have thought, it was my imagination that I saw a car if there wasn't a tall figure leaning against it. I closed my eyes and placed my head back against the leather seat. I didn't want to see outside anymore. This road is really scary and I think my mind was imagining ghostly things.

"Uncle please take me straight at Malhotra house. I need to pick my hand carry....!" I asked, hoping that driver uncle won't ask me that how my hand-carry reached Malhotra house in advance. It was 11:30 pm when I almost reached. The nearer I was going to Malhotra house, my head was spinning already with the boiling rage. Manik Malhotra should have thought twice before doing something like that.

After giving horn, immediately gatekeeper opened the huge gate. In the dreamy grassy yard, car directly went towards the empty parking place. Looking at Manik Malhotra's car which was already parked there, I felt my nails digging into my palms.

"Nandni madam....!" driver uncle called me again with such respect, I really felt awkward. Then I noticed that he was holding the door open for me to come out.

"Do You need any help...!" driver asked as I came out. I shook my head with a thankful smile. Tonight he really did huge favour at me.

"No thanks. I will handle. You can leave and yeah once again thank you....!" I replied while moving closer to manik's car. My hand carry was still placed at back seat of the car. I threw my hand bag over the grass and looked around for something. Soon my eyes stopped at the garage where I could see all the tools to fix cars. Wao, to my luck tonight garage was open.

I went straight and looking around I picked one metal rod from the shelf. Manik Malhotra, you will remember this night. Coming towards the passenger's seat I moved my fingers at the shining rich surface of the car. It must be quite expensive. Manik Malhotra, I like your taste in cars.

Taking a step backwards, I held rod tightly in my both hands. Remembering all the fear and helplessness I felt at that isolated road, I raised my both hands up and using my all strength I hit at the window glass. The sound of hitting rod against glass was like any bomb have blasted here.

"Nandni madam stop, what are you doing. Please stop......!" driver uncle and gate keeper came running towards me. Without giving any attention to their pleads and requests I kept hitting the rod against each window.

"How dare you left me there. How dare you manik malhotra....!" my hands were shivering but I didn't stop until all window glasses were entirely smashed. Glass pieces shattering like thousand pearls in and out side of the car. Then I heard heavy steps coming closer. Soon betraying my confusion all Malhotra siblings were outside. Manik Was the last one who walked out, looking like the ruthless devil, I knew him to be. Looking at the poor condition of his car, his eyes popped out.

"What the hell....!" Manik screamed his lungs out while the expressions of all others were worth to watch. Aanya gasped loudly when she came ahead. Sahil bhaie, Ishan, Sameer, Rohan looking at me like they have seen any ghost.

"I will kill you....!" Manik growled before lunging towards me but Sahil bhaie grabbed him and pulled back. I threw rod down in the feet of Manik Malhotra. He jumped at his place, merely saving his ankle from hitting with that heavy metal rod. It would have been better if I had broken his ankles as well. I swear his eyes were hungry to see me buried 100 feet under the ground. His anger mixed with helplessness was the only ointment for my burning pride.

"Sorry guys I disturbed you all. Actually your beloved brother needs to learn, how to behave with ladies, specially when that lady is his fiance....!" I said while crossing my arms across my chest. I couldn't stop from smirking when Rohan's giggles made Manik more furious.

"And yeah Sahil bhaie, for next two months your little kiddo won't get pocket money but when third month he will get, please request Dadi jan to give him some extra money. You know to fix my this art....!" I said, amusement at sahil's face was as clear as water. He was trying hard to not laugh at his brother's poor condition.

Manik was glaring at me like, murdering me thousands times in his roasted head. From one broken window I inserted my hand inside and unlocked the door. I pulled my handy carry out
without removing my equally fire spitting eyes from Manik.

"So Manik Malhotra, I hope next time you won't leave me all alone in the middle of a road....!" With a wicked gleam in my eyes, I hit my hand carry against the door to close it back and one more long scratch over the white shiny car made me feel more better. Remaining glass pieces also fell with melodious noise over the floor.

Removing his eyes from that scratch he looked up at me. His jaw was locked, and hands fisting into balls at both sides. I picked my handbag and left the malhotra house, leaving Manik Malhotra bewildered and burning into blazes while all others looking at me with widely opened eyes.


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