Justice or Destiny

By zainee72

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"Let go of me...!" she said struggling in his painful grip at her wrists, he pinned at her back. "Then stay... More

Character sketch


581 51 2
By zainee72

Hello my all sweethearts. I'm much better now. I hope you guys didn't forget my story and you all are doing well. Don't make me regret for coming back and try to make me happy so that I could recover properly and fast. Love you all.


I was lying on my bed, trying to have some sleep but since the day I lost Abhi I lost my sleep also. Whenever I close my eyes Abhi's happiness before marriage, his smile, that hope for a new happy life was paining my heart badly.

Then I heard familiar steps coming towards my room. There was a soft knock on the door that I knew distinctly as of my father. I didn't want to answer but he entered inside anyways.

"So what you have decided....?" baba asked in a low tone but I could sense the demand in his voice.

"Huh..? What are you talking about....!" I lied, knowing how tickled that sounded. But I knew very well what he was asking. He told me what Aaryan sir announced at front of all the people. But I would never marry Manik Malhotra. If I needed to go against baba and Aaryan sir I will go, but I would never marry murderer of Abhi. Never.

"Nandni I'm telling you last time, I would never let you stand against Aaryan sir. You have to accept what he is offering. You don't know our society. They won't let you live in peace. If Aaryan sir decided this, I'm sure it would be best for your future....!" baba stated wryly. I was looking at him with disbelief in my eyes. Was he really my father.

He chose Abhi for me I said yes without thinking twice because I knew he was very nice person but Manik. He is a murderer. He hates me and I hate him so much. If I get a chance, I wont think twice before killing him. How baba could say that Aaryan sir decided best for me.

"Get up and have break fast. We are leaving for malhotra mansion. Aaryan sir have a press conference with media and he called us there as well. About you and Manik we will decide later....!" baba's voice was clear with irritation but did he know What he was saying. Did he expect me to jump from bed and go to Malhotra mansion for watching how they all gonna ruin my life.

"Baba I said already I wont marry him...!" I tried but baba's loud voice just disregarded the topic and with that he broken my strength into pieces.

"Nandni I told you already that you don't even try to say no.....!" this time baba snapped at me angrily. Whenever I thought about my future husband, I always pictured like I would immediately know that it's him, I would fall in love with him. But marrying the person I hate most in this world, I was hoping to find this had all been just a nightmare. When I will wake up all would be fine.

"Cant you see he killed Abhi....!" I muttered again bewilderedly until I realised that indeed baba wasn't in any mood to listen to me. He turned his back towards me and was going to step out of my room when he stopped once again.

"Just few minutes and you should be downstairs. I want to fulfil my duties towards you as soon as I can....!" now his words stabbed my heart brutally. Was it the reason he is ready to get me marry to a killer. Just to get ride of my burden. He really have been this much fed up of me that he was ready to throw me away like garbage. My happiness doesn't matter to him.

He left my room without looking back towards me. I wiped a few errant tears off of my cheeks and throwing blanket away I stood up. If I want to save my life from getting ruined, I need to go.


Somehow I made my presence back to malhotra mansion in one piece when my heart and soul were shattering into pieces. I didn't remember driving at all, like I was moving around in some sort of trance.

As me and baba entered into hall, whole malhotra family was there except one person. And that person I didn't want to see at all. I wasn't ready to deal with all Malhotra family yet today but it didn't seem like I have any choice either. I was certainly not in the mood to talk to anyone and I wasn't sure I would be able to without breaking down. When I gathered my courage and looked up, every one already was looking towards me.

"Nandni, my dear come here....!" Dadi Jan was the first person who stood up and stretched her hands out for me. I started walking towards her but my legs were shivering. My head was spinning and I felt like my heart going to jump out of my throat. When I reached closer, Dadi Jan held my both hands and her old yet soft and warm hands gave little strength back to my life less hands.

"Are you ok....!" Dadi Jan asked worriedly. I nodded my head. I thought I was ready to face everything but I was wrong. Still I needed time. I needed time to think, how I can get ride of this whole problem. It wasn't easy.

"I think she needs little rest. Take her to guest room until we talk to Mr Murthy. Before media conference I want to discuss few things....!" Dadi Jan said, and next moment Aanya was besides me immediately. She grabbed my forearm and started walking. I didn't want to go anywhere. I wanted to stay. I wanted to know what they are planning. Time was running out of my hands. I had to do something. Aanya shook her head, like she could read my mind.

"Nandni, don't worry everything would be fine....!" without waiting for my reply she started walking towards huge stairs in the middle of hall. Walking behind Aanya, we both made our way upstairs and then she opened the door of one guest room. Entering first, Aanya held the door for me. She gave me a soft smile but even I wanted to be polite still I couldn't return any warming gesture.

"Come on, just take some rest. I promise everything would be fine.....!" she grabbed my wrist and pulled me gently inside the room. She pushed my shoulders down to sit on the bed.

"Do you want any thing....!" sitting in my feet she asked like I was a little kid, who have lost everything. Taking deep breath I nodded my head.

"Just simple water....!" I replied, this time I tried to give her a little smile. She stood up and left the room. Once again sinking feelings formed in my stomach when I realized, what gonna happen next. I was being forced to marry Manik Malhotra. And the last thing, what I didn't want to think at the moment is that what would be Manik Malhotra's reaction about this whole marriage thing.


I was standing at front of huge window, looking outside. In the backyard of mansion, all media was waiting desperately. They were waiting for the main news of the evening. I was lost in my own miseries when I heard familiar heavy steps coming towards the guest room, where I was.

The way door was opened with loudest thud and familiar cologne was enough to tell me that it might be Manik Malhotra only. He is the only one who have no manners to at least knock the door before entering.

"So, this is what you were planning all this time.....!" his voice was low but I could sense darkness and hatred in his tone. What did he mean by that. What was I planning. Turning around I looked at him. It's been days when last time I saw him. He was looking very changed.

Few days older stubble and messy hairs were giving him more intimidating look than before. But once I looked straight into his eyes, I felt like I fell into dangerous trap. I felt like they were captivating me and I could never escape. That's the reason I want to stay far away from him because he always makes me uneasy.

"You know, I would never let you live in peace, if you said yes for this marriage. I'm telling you last time, it would be better if you come out of your dreamland. Because if we both get engaged I will make your life more miserable than before.....!" he declared as he was staring back at me with pure hatred. His each word like daggers dipped into poisoning anger, was chopping my self respect.

"And why are you thinking that I'm dying to marry you. I didn't forget what you did. I would never forget that you killed my Abhi.....!" instead of being shocked at his accuses, I was angry. Before I could say more, I was interrupted when he started taking steps towards me. Stopping closer he stretched down his tall figure to meet my eyes. I felt my nerves rocking inside me. I could listen that rapidly beating heart in my ears.

I flinched unknowingly, when he raised is hand up. What was he trying to do..? I closed my eyes as his fingers touched my left cheek. As he moved a lose strands of hair behind my ear, I took fast step away from him. It was the first time he touched me, and it made me feel very uneasy. This feeling was unfamiliar and heart-fluttering. With little shocked eyes, I stared at him and observed devilish smirk at his mocking face.

"See, you are even scared of my simple touch, think what would happen if unfortunately, I became your fiance....!" he mumbled under his breath. His words were giving me pure hint of threat but smirk at his face was showing that how he was satisfied after looking at my bewildered features. Suddenly his expressions changed and put on his best face of ruthlessness.

"I'm sure you will say No at front of media and then we both will be free from this forced and suffocating relation.....!" he demanded furiously as his voice turned more harsher. His eyebrows meeting each other as his eyes were piercing mine. I wish he wouldn't have been looking at me that way when all he could say were painful accusing words.

"Why do you hate me....?" I asked unconsciously, his eyes still gazing at mine intently. Those chocolaty orbs were feeling like daggers, piercing throw every inch of my self respect. Suddenly, he inhaled deeply like suddenly it became harder to grasp for air. He kept looking at me and I regretted for asking this question once again. I knew his answer would do nothing except leaving one more scar over my dignity.

"Dont you get it, I don't like you. I don't want to see your face....!" even when I was expecting such reply, still his confession just made me astounded. I never met anyone so open and clear into wickedness. I never met any one who could hate someone so sincerely and purely. At least I'm lucky enough to have something this much pure in my life. The only thing, that will be constant and would always be there. Hatred of Manik Malhotra. And just like usual, leaving me burning with same anger and abhorrence, he walked out of room.


When Aanya came back and asked me to come downstairs, I started feeling that something really bad was waiting for me. I came downstairs and all were gone except baba. As soon he saw me, he stood up. He started walking towards the back door of hall. I know he was going to attend media conference but before that I wanted to meet Aaryan sir. Because I know if I will say No he won't force me to marry his son. I would love to die instead of marrying a person who hates me this much. He didn't even care that he took someone's life. I want justice for Abhi and for myself.

But as soon we entered, all media was already presented in huge grassy lawn of mansion. Looking at everyone's face it was clear that they were waiting for me and baba. No it wasn't happening this way. I thought this meeting would be between only family members but media. Why me baba and whole Malhotra family was here. I didn't expect this.

Baba went ahead and took seat at front of the desk where all malhotra males were already sitting. My feet were still stuck at the place. I saw Mr Aaryan little restless to observe my expressions. Then I felt a soft touch at my back and when I looked at my side it was Aanya.

"Come let's go...!" her brows were slightly wrinkled as if she could sense my panicked condition. With trembling feet and hands I moved towards the empty chair besides baba and Aanya took the seat at my other side.

God knew what have just gotten into my head but an impulsive idea started eating me badly. It was the only and best opportunity for me to get rid from such painful and horrible life. At front of media I would say no and no one could force me to marry Manik Malhotra. That's final. I won't marry him, never.

"I'm sure you know why I called media for this conference....!" Aaryan sir started when he saw every one was available there except Manik. I'm thankful he wasn't here. Otherwise I would have killed him the same way I was dying every minute after Abhi. Aaryan sir's next words broken the chain of my thoughts.

"I bailed my son out but I asked police to investigate the whole incident. I promised them that me, my son and my whole family will completely cooperate.....!" When Aaryan sir finished his statement, I immediately sensed that it rang a bell in heads of all the people presented here.

People from media were whispering into ears of each other while whole malhotra family's expressions gradually changed from confused to shocked. My mind was not present there during whole conference. Every other minute news reporters were asking countless questions. Everything was giving me severe headache. When I was lost in my own thoughts, Aaryan sir's last announcement just snatched my breaths away and familiar coldness started descending over me.

"At the end I want to announce very important news....!" as Aaryan sir said, my heart was hammering with anticipation of what was coming. I wanted to leave. If I sat here for any more seconds, my mind would stop working. He kept looking down for sometime and then looked up directly towards me.

"I'm announcing my son Manik Malhotra's marriage with Nandni murthy but before that I want to ask Mr Murthy and Nandni that what is their answer. I will respect of their decision. And if their answer is yes, tomorrow would be Manik and Nandni's engagement.....!" Aaryan sir mumbled lowly, but this announcement hit me like sack of bricks. I never expected this. I won't say yes. Never. Before I could stand and deny this unjustified decision, baba stood up.

"I asked her already before coming here and she is agree for this marriage and I also have no objection....!" baba stated and I moved my head up towards him. I felt sharp pain deep inside of me like he stabbed my soul thousands time. My eyes nearly bulged out of my face. Was he really my father. How he could do this. He was shipping me off to a person who killed someone very innocent. A person who never did wrong to anyone. I wanted to scream and tell the whole world that my father was lying. Ther person who should teach me to always speak truth, himself was lying.

He had told me many times he wanted to get ride of my burden but never in my wildest dreams I thought he would betray me like this. I don't want to marry Manik Malhotra and my opinion doesn't matter at all. How he could do this, especially since I was already doing everything he asked.

I kept looking at him with such betrayed eyes that may be Aaryan sir sensed it. He once again pushed the same question towards me. The way my own father sold my dignity, I wish I could tell every one that he was liar. I wish I could have made him embarrassed, the same way he played with my emotions. I wish I could. But I know I would never wish to see his head down with shame and embarrassment.

"Nandni is it true that you are agree to marry my son....!" Aaryan sir once again asked. His eyes sparkling with hope. I looked down and closed my eyes tightly. Tears fell from my eyes and I wiped them away helplessly and hideously.

"Nandni Are you agree to marry Manik Malhotra....!" Aaryan sir once again asked me. I could feel, all the stares stuck at me. Everyone was waiting for my answer. I wish I could have any choice. I wish this world would have less cruel then may be life couldnt be this much suffocating and painful. And then taking my deep breath, I nodded my head without looking up. After complete silence for a moment, I listened a round of loud claps and many congratulations.

My breath was becoming so difficult that I really wanted to run away from this place. Suddenly I started feeling like air have been stilled and grew heavy. As if everything here meant to suffocate me. I looked up and my eyes met directly with dark blazing eyes. I could see, how this announcement made him caught completely unprepared. He was looking ten times more angry and more shocked than me.

My heart had stopped completely as I looked into Manik Malhotra's eyes. Standing at the main entrance door Manik was looking exactly towards me. His eyes moved at each person in the lawn. Every one was looking so happy. Whole Malhotra family was congratulating each other. But their smiles and happiness was crushing me to death. What I have done. I moved my head back towards him and his sour and harsh expressions were screaming that I signed my death warrants with my own hands.

Manik's dark brown eyes were blazing with such loathing that I wished ground to open apart and engulf me. His blood red eyes were piercing my soul. Did He think it's me who was desperate here to marry him then he was entirely mistaken. I would never marry him. I would find any way to come out of this forced relation. Its my promise.

He didn't wait for anyone to acknowledge his presence when he turned around and left from there. I bit my lips really hard to keep them from quivering and blinked my eyes to get ride of the blur. This was the worst time of my entire life, when it was declared at front of whole Malhotra family and media that I, Nandni murthy would be engaged tomorrow with Manik Malhotra and that too willingly.

When every one was busy to receive good wishes for our future, I stood up and without knowing where I was going, I left from there. I kept walking towards the other direction of the yard, until every one was completely out of sight. I hate myself for doing this to Abhi.

I wanted justice for him but being the most coward person, what I did. My own father betrayed me at such point where I needed him the most. I couldnt tell if I would be ever exactly get over this betrayal and this pain. My only option was to run to get out of here. As far from all of this as possible. From my father, Malhotra family, Manik and media.

Exiting from the gate I found myself walking towards the place, I needed to be. I wanted to confess my sin, to be coward, cruel and a cheater. Thus, I just kept walking to the place where I wanted to see someone. I owe him so much.

I reached at front of cemetery I pushed the metal gate and its screeching sound felt louder in pin drop silence. As I was walking ahead, passing by rows of graves, my heart was hammering against my chest. Finally I gathered my courage and stopped at last row. Second last grave and the name printed over the head stone forced a sob to escape my lips. Abhimanyu.

Standing there for a moment, I kept gathering courage and words, I came here to say. My voice was lost but eyes overflowing with tears. I fell over my knees before his grave. I started gasping for air. Painful. It was and it would be always painful that I lost this person. For the first time, he made me feel loved. I don't know if I would ever be able to recover from the emptiness my heart had been feeling after Abhi's death. Perhaps never.

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me. You know I'm getting engaged. And that too with the person who killed you. Who brought me at such point where I have nothing and I have no one. No one....!" my voice was low and trembling. I don't want to cry anymore. My tears have been dried.

I removed my engagement ring from my finger and digging a small hole besides his grave I buried that ring along my soul, my emotions and dignity. After this day, I would never wish for any feeling of love to bloom into my heart. There would be just hatred. For my father and for Manik Malhotra.

"I need to go. But I promise, I would never forgive him, who killed you...!" However, As much I wanted to beg him for forgiveness, I wanted to tell him that how I was dying, my mind started to be cloudy. I stood up, feeling a lump in my throat and endless pain I stepped back. Before the end of next day, I would be engaged. Tomorrow I would be a Part of Malhotra family and fiance of Manik Malhotra.


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